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Author: azimodin

Edisi Teh Panas Tumpah: Big Bang's Seungri & Geng Sampah, Dadah, Pelacuran &

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Post time 13-3-2019 09:56 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Anyhow, i rasa seungri still boleh survive dlm business even after all this. Cuma dlm entertainment industry je lah org taknak terima dia. Dia mmg dari dulu workhard dlm business and pandai lobi org. Even kalau disabitkan kesalahan, yg i baca 3 tahun je kene penjara. Kuar penjara nanti dia lay low, buat bisnes tanpa jual nama i rasa takde masalah nk kumpul duit balik.

Walaupun ai mmg sgt berharap BB ni tak berpecah. Sayang gile.

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Post time 13-3-2019 10:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ni translation kakaotalk...

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Post time 13-3-2019 10:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ni reporter yang reveal chatroom tu... Memang berani...

On March 12, Kang Kyung Yoon, the reporter who released the initial reports on Kakaotalk chatrooms including Seungri and Jung Joon Young, participated in an interview to explain more in detail about the ongoing controversy.

Kang Kyung Yoon started the interview by explaining the steps she has taken so far. The reporter said, “I brought up the allegations of Seungri lobbying to investors by offering sexual favors as bribes last month. Since then, I reported on how the original text messages [that contained the evidence] were procured by the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission and a chatroom including Seungri and other male celebrities that involved the sharing of hidden camera videos and photos.”

She continued, “I decided to report on the issue of [Seungri] providing sexual escort services when I first found out about an extravagant party in 2015 that is now known as the ‘Seung-tsby (Seungri + Gatsby) Party.’ This party, where [Seungri] invited and entertained various foreign investors, happened right before Seungri founded an establishment called Yuri Holdings in 2016.”

“I realized that the party was used as a tool for advancing [Seungri’s] business,” continued Kang Kyung Yoon. “In addition, there were some parts about the party that I was able to raise questions about [Seungri] ordering sexual escort services in the Kakaotalk chatroom.”

Kang Kyung Yoon also addressed another group chatroom, in which they found several instances of the participants sharing secretly taken videos of sexual activity with women. The reporter explained, “I started receiving tips about [the chatroom] around two years ago. There was also a testimony from a female celebrity who said she randomly witnessed the chatroom.”

“However,” she continued, “It was only recently that I got to witness the chatroom myself through a source. After looking through the chatroom, I was able to confirm all the research from before.”

Kang Kyung Yoon said that as a woman, she felt the need to report and research into the matter. The reporter stated, “The fact that these people invited young female university students in their 20s and rookie celebrities to drink with them, only to use them to have one-night stands and to secretly film them, is shocking to me.”

The reporter also revealed that she got to meet the victims of the hidden camera videos and photos. Kang Kyung Yoon said, “They were surprisingly very young women in their 20s. Most of all, I was shocked to see that the majority were not even aware that they were filmed, and that the videos were being shared in a group chatroom including people they have never even met before. They told me that they were greatly shocked, afraid, unsure of what to do, and asked me to help them.”

According to Kang Kyung Yoon, the victims are contemplating whether to take legal action or to stay silent and protect their identities. The reporter added, “While they are extremely enraged and wanting to take strong legal action, they also worried that they would have to live with a scarlet letter labelling them as victims of hidden camera videos.

“I found it the most shocking that these men weren’t filming spontaneously or with the other party’s consent, but they were doing it as part of a game,” continued Kang Kyung Yoon. “For example, if they saw a rookie female celebrity on television or from each other’s agencies, they would say things like, ‘She is very pretty, you should bring her out to drink with us.'”

Kang Kyung Yoon also mentioned that she is currently receiving many complaints from Seungri’s fans. She said, “I understand that [fans] are sending me emails with complaints because they cherish and love Seungri. However, I also acknowledge that this is an issue that is present in this society that we live in. The victims are still here, and so is their pain from this incident. I hope that [fans] also consider that part of the situation too.”

Kang Kyung Yoon concluded by revealing her plans for further reports. The reporter began, “Many people have the wrong idea that these reports are evading the main issue of the club Burning Sun. The core issue of the controversy with Burning Sun includes serious matters such as drugs, hidden camera, connections to the police, and others. Of course, I believe that we need to continue our research into this.”

The reporter added, “On top of that, I believe that the incident of male celebrities secretly filming women is a huge problem that has resulted from the fact that many women are treated as sexual tools and some people’s distorted perception of sex that came from the sexualization of women, as well as corrupted use of power in the entertainment industry.”

Kang Kyung Yoon concluded, “Nowadays, many Hallyu celebrities are gaining more power, fame, and popularity. As a result, there are also those who abuse the things they are given as celebrities. I think that we came to forgive and neglect on surveillance and criticism just because they are Hallyu stars.”

Watch the interview with reporter Kang Kyung Yoon below:

Following the revelation of their chatrooms, Seungri was booked on charges of providing sexual escort services to business investors, and Jung Joon Young on spreading hidden camera footage. They are also banned from leaving the country, as they will be investigated by the police as suspects on March 14.

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Post time 13-3-2019 10:42 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
C1k_J4h replied at 13-3-2019 08:57 AM
ikut bukti strangle mark tu
memg confirm kena bunuh uols
sian pd family detektif

Memang kesian kat family Detective tu... Hope dapat tangkap murderer... I nak tau jugak siapa murderer Detective ni... Tapi jangan ada scapegoat dah la...

Macam citer prison playbook Jung Haein jadi scapegoat...

Itulah... Dah macam Trap pulak... Detective Bae tu dibunuh tapi katanya commit suicide... Sama la macam kes Detective ni... Kemungkinan dibunuh...


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Post time 14-3-2019 06:40 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Choc-chip replied at 13-3-2019 10:33 PM
Ni reporter yang reveal chatroom tu... Memang berani...

Reporter ni nak bela nasib wanita teraniaya..which is bagus..sbg pompan i benci benda2 gini..downgradekan pompan. I wonder apa perasaan kawan2 depa hok kpop lain..skrg semua nak break the chain dr depa semua ni..seolah2 x pernah kawan x pernah wujud dlm kpop..susah dh nak naik balik

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Post time 14-3-2019 07:43 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Choc-chip at 14-3-2019 07:46 AM
lonso replied at 14-3-2019 06:40 AM
Reporter ni nak bela nasib wanita teraniaya..which is bagus..sbg pompan i benci benda2 gini..downg ...

Yup... Memang itu tujuan dia revealed chatrooms tu... Memang keji... Paling teruk JJY tu sebab record... Kalau baca chatrooms tu ada salah seorang cakap rape... Eh tau pulak dia ye Tapi still buat jugak...

Haah kawan pun mesti jauhkan diri... Kalau ada gf mesti risau je gf dia sebab takut ada video jugak...

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Post time 14-3-2019 08:53 AM | Show all posts
letih baca comment section kat artikel allkpop pasal kes ni mesti ada yg dok kata "ni episode brp drama Seungri Prison 101" la apa la.
eh ni kes serius ok tapi masih ada yg buat joke mcmni.

I dah baca interview wartawan yg bongkar kegiatan seungri.
kan dah kata party great Gatsby tu antara yg trigger red flag pasal bisnes rahsia seungri ni.
aiyohhh. dia tak boleh play innocent dah.
harap seungri bg kerjasama la kat polis and dedahkan semua yg terlibat.
kesian pikir nasib young women yg terpedaya dgn idols mereka ni.

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Post time 14-3-2019 09:02 AM | Show all posts
wookiehoney replied at 13-3-2019 06:06 PM
fuhh thanks jemput meols sini

selaku org yg ada soft spot sikit kt jjy ( jrg nk soft spot kat b ...

seungri ada kes langgar lari ke nokk?
aiols xtau pun

ramai memuji jjy ni talented, suara sedap, lagu sedap
tp aiols xpernah nak dgr lagu beliau
hahah..sebb muka nerd ja..mata kuyu mcm hisap dadah

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Post time 14-3-2019 09:06 AM | Show all posts
pitera replied at 13-3-2019 09:51 PM
Aiols pun rerun yg radio star tadi. Nampak aman damai jah time tu. Huhu.

kena baca between the lines chuols
reaksi muka seungri masa hyung2 ckp pasal dia
memg sesuatu
teringt epsd taeyang kat i live alone
dia ng daesung boleh predict setiap ape yg seungri buat
memg daebak la

seungri ni suka nak tunjuk dia lebih pd hyung2
yg lain semua nampak low profile ja


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Post time 14-3-2019 09:08 AM | Show all posts
Choc-chip replied at 13-3-2019 10:42 PM
Memang kesian kat family Detective tu... Hope dapat tangkap murderer... I nak tau jugak siapa murd ...

kannnn..setiap hari follow kes ni memg rase mcm tgok drama
aiols harap reporter perempuan yg bongkar kes ni dpt perlindungan
supaya xde pape yg buruk berlaku pd dia

smlm katanya seoul police p search kat digital company yg extract data dr hp JJY
utk kes 2016
ntah ape la yg diorg jumpa lg

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Post time 14-3-2019 09:12 AM | Show all posts
pitera replied at 13-3-2019 09:56 PM
Anyhow, i rasa seungri still boleh survive dlm business even after all this. Cuma dlm entertainment  ...

dgrnye restaurant ramen dia pun da slow downda xramai dtg mcm selalu
yg oversea branch xtau mcm mana

aiols harap xdela sampai bankrup kena tutup restoran
kesian kat pekerja2 yg xbersalah
workers dia ramai jugak tu


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Post time 14-3-2019 09:13 AM | Show all posts
xmynnx replied at 14-3-2019 08:53 AM
letih baca comment section kat artikel allkpop pasal kes ni mesti ada yg dok kata "ni episode brp dr ...

tu belum tgok kat twitter
mcm2 gif diorg buat
da jd bahan lawak
party gatsby tu buat bila?

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Post time 14-3-2019 09:15 AM | Show all posts
muka innocent ni semua xleh pakai.. baik lagi orang bertatu

depa kata kalau nak baca artikel english baca soompi, allkpop cam pening sikit.

i hope jype punya bebudak tak tersangkut paut..

sbb dengar citer 2pm macam abang kawasan jaga adik2 dia..


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Post time 14-3-2019 09:21 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Choc-chip replied at 14-3-2019 07:43 AM
Yup... Memang itu tujuan dia revealed chatrooms tu... Memang keji... Paling teruk JJY tu sebab r ...

Sib baik ada reporter yg masih telus..x takut..berani kerana benar..kalo tak x ..x nmpk lagi belang depa downgrde kan pompan..lupeke..yg mostly fan depa ni pompan...benci gila baca conversation tu..dpn kamera pijak semut pun x mati...

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Post time 14-3-2019 09:22 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
C1k_J4h replied at 14-3-2019 09:12 AM
dgrnye restaurant ramen dia pun da slow downda xramai dtg mcm selalu
yg oversea branch xtau mcm m ...

Takkan laku..bad sedih ngan family jjylah..mak pak dia kan ada msk dlm 2d1n..msti org kg pandang semacam..n depa kene cerca...anak buat taik family dpt nama

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 Author| Post time 14-3-2019 09:25 AM | Show all posts
aireen24 replied at 14-3-2019 09:15 AM
muka innocent ni semua xleh pakai.. baik lagi orang bertatu

depa kata kalau nak baca artike ...

Soompi dengan Allkpop (i call them all kshit after Ailee's rated photo scandal) tempat oppalogist bergentayang. Meouls lebih suka pannatic, asianjunkie. untuk berita yang pantas dan tempat bergasak boleh ke netizenbuzz & Pannchoa

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Post time 14-3-2019 09:44 AM | Show all posts
lonso replied at 14-3-2019 09:22 AM
Takkan laku..bad sedih ngan family jjylah..mak pak dia kan ada msk dlm 2d1n..msti o ...

mesti parents dia dipulaukan

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Post time 14-3-2019 09:53 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
C1k_J4h replied at 14-3-2019 09:44 AM
mesti parents dia dipulaukan

Teringat2 muka makpak dia.such a good persons....baik je....msti famili depa sedih bgsnya reporter dkt sana x cari makpak depa..kalo kt msia mau dicari makpak tu

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Post time 14-3-2019 10:42 AM | Show all posts
lonso replied at 14-3-2019 09:53 AM
Teringat2 muka makpak dia.such a good persons....baik je....msti famili depa sedih bg ...

confirm abes semua adik beradik sedara mara kena babit

i'm shocked!Yong Junhyung umum keluar Highlight
dia xde terlibat pun..cume ada chat 1-1 dgn JJY
drastik betul keputusan dia ni

suka tgok dia masa variety show it's dangerous beyond the blanket
bila dia, kang daniel, lee yi kyung, loco ada
main2 sesama..kelakar ja tgok

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Post time 14-3-2019 10:58 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
C1k_J4h replied at 14-3-2019 10:42 AM
confirm abes semua adik beradik sedara mara kena babit

i'm shocked!Yong Junhyung umum keluar Hi ...

Mcm ramai je yg akan bersabit ni..mcm keruduman industri kpop plak ...maybe ramai tau tapi buat dia..wpun x involve..

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