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Author: adie82

Glee S5 Tamat. S6 tahun 2015

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Post time 11-10-2013 11:39 AM | Show all posts
aku xdownload laie ni..blk keja kang bru dload..

ep[isode tribute ni dorg dlm scene berlakon ke atau wat cam ala2 dokumentari???

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Post time 11-10-2013 11:51 AM | Show all posts
graxier06 posted on 11-10-2013 11:39 AM
aku xdownload laie ni..blk keja kang bru dload..

ep[isode tribute ni dorg dlm scene berlakon ke a ...

mmg berlakon..bukan dokumentari

sediakan tisu banyak banyak....

oh yer yg jadik GF si Santana tu Demi Lovato, best friend Selena Gomez

betty suka Finn quote at the end of the typical Finn, and so heartbreakingly sweet.....

Cory really seems like a nice guy, semalam sempat tgk dia dlm Masterchef..he was always smiling to everyone...

RIP Cory...

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Post time 11-10-2013 12:01 PM | Show all posts
bettyboo posted on 11-10-2013 11:51 AM
mmg berlakon..bukan dokumentari

sediakan tisu banyak banyak....

wah mau nya menangis gak ni kalo tgk..
ingat dorg wat ala2 dokumentari psl nk remebering cory as a person not finn as a character...

tgk gak masterchef yg dorg tunjuk task utk seve glee crew..agk2 tu biler erkk??Adakah permulaan season 5 psl nmpk cam dorg abis shooting jer..kalo season 5 tu kira penampilan terakhirt cory dlm glee la kan..psl dlm glee sendiri xde lgsg character finn xcept episode tribute,...

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Post time 11-10-2013 01:16 PM | Show all posts
graxier06 posted on 11-10-2013 12:01 PM
wah mau nya menangis gak ni kalo tgk..
ingat dorg wat ala2 dokumentari psl nk remebering cory as  ...

masa memula announce tribute epsiode ni, diorang kata nak buat mcm Public Service Announcement (PSA) gitu (kalau tak silap betty la)

tapi diorang buat episode mcm ni..mmg nangis habis ni..

masa yg Masterchef tu, rasanya mungkin jugak masa awal awal shooting masa season 5 kot? tak sure tapi mmg sedih lah tgk muka Cory..nampak ikhlas sungguh masa dia senyum, lepas tu encourage contestant...baik budak ni tapi bermasalah, kesian dia....

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Post time 12-10-2013 02:59 AM | Show all posts
baru lepas tgk. memang menangis non stop. OMG... sgt sedih...

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Post time 12-10-2013 06:50 PM | Show all posts
wow....the!! part of me was saying..."this is it...the series finale"

Nothing much to say about the episode, it is a tribute, so it is sad....i love the scene of finn's mom carol together with Kurt and his dad.....great scene

The songs selection....Mercedes singing I'll Stand By You.....THANK GOODNESS!!!! finally have something really was the song sang by Finn in 10th episode of Season 1..Ballad....really bring good memories...again WOW!!

Santana If I die young (originally by The Band Perry) perfectly for this episode...and from Rachel Make You feel my at least I have 3 Glee covers to be downloaded this time after a very2 long time

Too bad that Quinn is not in this episode


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Post time 12-10-2013 11:19 PM | Show all posts
sedih giler episode ni...sgt2...xpenah aku tgk series smpi nangis camner...mmg finn sgt2 dkt ngan kt semua n character dia pn sgt2 dekat ngan character yg lain..xsangka finn back up santana smpi camtu...

plg sedih biler mak dia ckp psl every morning dia dh xleh nk rs sebagai parent psl dia dh xder anak laie...mmg part ni plg sedih antara smua scene...

mmg sgt2 perasan yg puck xleh idup sorang2...dulu pn apa sj dia wat dia akan mntak pendapat pas finn dh xder mmg dia berdikari abis dh..

part rachel citer kan plan dia pn nmpak sweet sgt...nmpak btul syg dia kt finn baik dr glee atau reality...mmg nampak dia depress pas kehilangan cory / finn..

aku dgr ada 2 episode tribute xpuas la kalo satu episode psl bg aku character finn tu kena lebih dr 1 e[pisode tribute..

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Post time 13-10-2013 10:48 AM | Show all posts
bettyboo posted on 11-10-2013 10:48 AM
first ten minutes into this episode and i could not stop crying

1st 10 minutes u say?

Aku sepanjang-panjang show tu tak berhenti meleleh hingus

Paling sesak nafas bila mak Finn cakap 'how you could breath'


That scene is just so.....i don't know how to explain.

Just the same as the scene masa season 1 yang Burt marah Finn sebab faggoty lamp tu.

So moving.

As an avid fan of this show, i find Cory/Finn's loss is surreal.

Macam tak boleh terima je.

I could feel their pain  

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 Author| Post time 13-10-2013 04:38 PM | Show all posts
memang sedih giler la tribute ni!...
tak sangka mr shue tunjuk tough depan student dia tapi dalam hati dia memang dia sedih giler... tak sangka dia yg curik baju tu! scene last sekali tu aku takleh tahan......  finn la yg satukan dia n emma balik masa emma lari masa nak kaen dulu kan?

memang dari awal sampai last sebak giler....

tapi sayang quinn n britney takde...

part puck nanges. dia rasa cam takde org yg nak guide dia dah pas ni...
pastu kalau ada part sam cerita balik flashback masa dia berenti study sebab bapak dia bankrap dulu, pastu finn yg tolong pujuk balik pun mesti sedih

watak finn memang terlalu kuat dalam glee ni!

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Post time 13-10-2013 08:49 PM | Show all posts
lama aku tertinggal citer ni

season 3 dan 4 aku x download


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Post time 14-10-2013 08:21 AM | Show all posts
nameloo posted on 13-10-2013 10:48 AM
1st 10 minutes u say?

Aku sepanjang-panjang show tu tak berhenti meleleh hingus

mmg dah agak mesti nangis nyer, awal awal tu mmg betty try tahan jugak la..bila diorang tunjuk gambar finn lepas the first song tu mmg dah takleh tahan dah airmata ni...


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Post time 19-10-2013 11:48 AM | Show all posts
i semalam baru sempat tgk..tgk kat office, tears running nonstop, nasib baik xdak sapa kat office yg sedar i tgh nangis.. mmg heartbreaking sgt2.. i cried the whole episode.. first time i tgk drama yg actor dia meninggal in real life & dibuat kat dlm tv, semua pelakon menangis real..

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Post time 19-10-2013 11:51 AM | Show all posts
'Glee' Creators, Stars on Cory Monteith Tribute Episode: 'There Is No Happy Ending '
8:00 AM PDT 10/10/2013 by Lesley Goldberg

EPs Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk, as well as Jane Lynch, Naya Rivera, Melissa Benoist and Blake Jenner, talk with THR about filming the emotional episode: "It's a very moving celebration of his life ."

Cory Monteith Glee 3D Premiere Arrivals - H 2013

Following a summer that saw Glee lose one of its brightest stars with the passing of Cory Monteith, the Fox musical turns its lens on its star quarterback on Thursday when the series says goodbye to one of its own.

Titled "The Quarterback," co-creators Ryan Murphy, Brad Falchuk and Ian Brennan penned the hour to pay its respects to Finn Hudson, the lovable jock-turned-heart-and-soul of New Directions. The episode will directly deal with addiction, but will stop short of having the beloved character pass after an accidental drug overdose. Monteith was found dead  on July 13 at the age of 31. An autopsy  revealed that the actor died of a mixed drug cocktail involving "intravenous heroin use combined with the ingestion of alcohol."

"We wrote it because we loved Cory, so the episode is about how those people loved Cory and find it really hard to go on with the show, so to speak," Murphy told reporters at the American Horror Story: Coven premiere. "But that's the whole point of the show. I could only sit through the episode twice; it was hard and I think people who are fans of the show -- and him particularly -- it would be great if they watched it with other fans because it has that family feel to it."

"It was really sad. Every day was really hard, but we hung together and it was really good to grieve together," star Jane Lynch (Sue Sylvester) told The Hollywood Reporter of shooting the Monteith tribute. "What a bright light. We miss him terribly and it's a horrible thing. We got through it and we got through it together as a family."

While it's unclear if the musical will use old footage of Monteith to close the book on Finn -- Lynch said there much wasn't in the script -- the episode will "mourn the passing of our quarterback -- and Cory Monteith, who was our quarterback as well."

Lynch -- who paid tribute to her late co-star at the Emmys -- said the episode will focus on how Finn's passing affects "each kid and every adult" and will illustrate how everyone comes together as a "McKinley family" in the same regard the group of one-time strangers united to the cast of Glee.

Asked if there will be closure for Finn's character, Lynch offered a definitive answer: "No. And that's one of the things that Sue says: 'There's no happy ending.'"

Co-creator Falchuk told THR that directing the Monteith tribute episode "was definitely the hardest thing I've ever done." "My job as a director was to keep everyone in that grief because I didn't want anything fake in the episode, and I didn't want anyone to pretend they were sad," he added. "I wanted them to be sad about what they were sad about and to stay in that for the two weeks it took to shoot that -- and to keep pulling everyone back and to take care of them when they went there -- was a lot. I had a hard time. I'm more proud of it than anything I've ever done. It's for Cory."

Co-star Naya Rivera, whose Santana Lopez character was outed by Monteith's Finn and has had a rocky relationship with the former star quarterback, will have a central role in the episode. She says Santana "definitely has a tough time" with Finn's passing and isn't "doing too well" with it.

"[Cory's passing] is heartbreaking and it's even harder to have to mourn the loss of your friend on camera when it's not acting, per se," Rivera tells THR. "It's a real thing and it's trippy in that way. It's tough. but at the same time it's good that we're doing it because the fans loved him just as much as we do. It will be good to get a sense of closure and be included in it. I feel like that's what Cory would have wanted."

Meanwhile, new Glee series regulars Melissa Benoist (Marley) and Blake Jenner (Ryder) tell THR that fans should expect the hour to be a "very moving celebration of his life" and described the episode as a moving one.

"Cory was such an amazing dude that even if you knew him for five seconds or five years, you had that place in your heart for him," Jenner says. "Everybody feels a sense of love and family for each other. We're all a unit going through it together."

Glee's Monteith tribute episode airs on Thursday, Oct. 10 at 9 p.m. on Fox.


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Post time 19-10-2013 11:54 AM | Show all posts
Glee's' Ryan Murphy Talks Cory Monteith Tribute, Plus Watch the Emotional Trailer (Video )

"I've never seen a crew that you can't continue shooting because they've left the room sobbing. It was very hard. I struggled even working on it," the showrunner says.

Glee co-creator Ryan Murphy opened up about crafting next week's emotional tribute episode to the late Cory Monteith.

Following a screening and Q&A with reporters promoting FX's American Horror Story: Coven, Murphy shared that the episode -- titled "The Quarterback" in a nod to former football star Finn Hudson -- was "incredibly difficult to work on" and "very difficult to shoot."

"The episode is called 'The Quarterback,' and Cory really was that to that group of people -- and to me particularly," said Murphy, who locked the episode Thursday. "That group of kids particularly went through the limelight and became world famous at a very difficult age, and many of them really struggled with it."

"Cory obviously very much struggled with it, but never on the surface, and I think that's why everybody loved him," he added. "He was the most kind, the most generous -- never a bad word for anybody."

Monteith was found dead on July 13 at the age of 31. An autopsy revealedthat the actor had died of mixed drug toxicity from a combination of intravenous heroin use and alcohol.

Monteith's Finn Hudson was edited out of the first two episodes of Glee's fifth season. The tribute episode will air Oct. 10, following which the Fox musical will take a hiatus for baseball that series creators will use to map out the show's future without one of its central stars.

"What you will see in the episode is what really happened," Murphy said of the hour. "Brad [Falchuk] and Ian [Brennan] and I wrote that episode and Brad directed it, and those performances that you'll see, almost everything in that episode is from the first take of every performance because the actors and the crew had a really hard time shooting it."

"I've never seen a crew that you can't continue shooting because they've left the room sobbing. It was very hard. I struggled even working on it because what you're seeing is what they felt not just about Finn but Cory. It's amazing performances across the board and everybody went into it with a lot of love," he continued. "What I loved about it is when you write something like that, there's no right way to do it."

Murphy also noted that he received an outpouring of calls from former cast members asking to appear in the episode who weren't under contract, includingIqbal Theba (Principal Figgins).

"It was very rough, and it was very rough with [Monteith's girlfriend] Lea[Michele]," Murphy added. "I'm very proud of it. I think the performances are quite stunning. It was tricky. You had to have a hard eye when you were putting it together. People still are not over it and it's still very difficult."
Watch the first promo for "The Quarterback," below, and hit the comments with your thoughts.

Glee airs Thursdays at 9 p.m. on Fox.


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Post time 19-10-2013 12:00 PM | Show all posts

Part paling buat i sedih:

Last edited by KarinaKapur on 19-10-2013 12:03 PM


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 Author| Post time 19-10-2013 11:38 PM | Show all posts
apasal ko tepek gambar????

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Post time 20-10-2013 01:10 PM | Show all posts
season six baru final season

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Post time 21-10-2013 08:53 AM | Show all posts
sekarang ni diorang hiatus for a month kan?

oh and season 6 will be the final season..haih..

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Post time 22-10-2013 09:05 AM | Show all posts
mekot posted on 20-10-2013 01:10 PM
season six baru final season

laaaa ingatkn mmg nk final season dh season ni..a.doi season ni pn mmg dh xlarat nk tgk psl terlampau lemau laie la nk smbg laie 1 season..

aku dpt rasakan season ni national dorg akn kalah n akn menang utk national final season...
predictable kot finale tu nnti..

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Post time 24-10-2013 09:39 AM | Show all posts
graxier06 posted on 10-10-2013 02:15 PM
sedih nya tgk promo utk tribute to finn xspecially tgk rachel nangis..kt opis pn rs sebak jer..


gf santana tu demi lovato kan..

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