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Author: manganini

JOO WON ❤ ¸¸.•*¨*• ♫

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Post time 25-1-2016 06:52 PM | Show all posts

Ceci Magazine Interview – Smiling Conqueror Joo Won

When performing in dramas, movies and musicals, Joo Won always seeks continuous improvement. In real life, he is even kinder, more diligent and dedicated, winning every single person over with his unique charm. Probing into Korean actor Joo Won’s rational and emotional sides.
Ceci: Do you know which word has the highest occurrence rate in your interviews?
Joo Won: I do not know.
Ceci: ‘Kind’, ‘Decent’, ‘Hardworking’, Humane’, do you agree?
Joo Won: I don’t think I’m kind like an angel, so I feel embarrassed when these adjectives are used to describe me. There are times when I am angry and lose my temper. At some particular point when I sense that certain things could have been done better then I’m always determined to voice it out whether people like it or not. But when it really comes to the crunch, I will feel very pressured when I speak up.
Ceci: Do you feel worse after speaking to someone harshly?
Joo Won: I feel very uncomfortable but I cannot keep quiet either. Even if it’s stressful, I have to live like this. Because it is impossible for everything in life to go according to my wishes.
Ceci: You often say that you hope everyone likes you.
Joo Won: If everyone likes me, I gain strength, feel good and perform better at work. If I hear unpleasant words, I will still complete my work silently, but it isn’t what I hope for. As the lead in a drama, I can offer suggestions. Hence I always propose to the PD to be more encouraging towards new actors. If I don’t feel good when I am reprimanded, what more a new actor. I would gladly complete any task if I can be happy going about it.
Ceci: Were you reprimanded when you were a newbie?
Joo Won: While filming “Baker King – Kim Tae Gu,” I was reprimanded a lot but even then, I would not show any dissatisfaction. After seeing that I did not give up, the PD even commended me. I pretended to be unaffected (by his scolding) and appeared very tough. As I persevered day by day, he slowly accepted me.
Ceci: You seem to really know how to make people like you. A person like this is very observant and understanding. Do you pay extra attention to others?
Joo Won: Of course, I do not like to be judged negatively. If people dislike me because they do not understand me, I feel very aggrieved. I am not painting myself as a kind person. Instead, I like to show my good side to everyone I work with. Although it’s impossible for an actor to be well liked by everyone, I used to have this thought, “Who are the people who dislike me indiscriminately ? I really want to meet and chat with them”. (laughs)
Ceci: If you express yourself openly, are you confident to win everyone over?
Joo Won: I will not force myself to do things just to please someone. I believe I am not a bad person. Those who spend a period of time with me will like me. I do not get familiar easily with someone I just met. Neither do I behave without reservations on first meeting. Other than “Hello! See you next time!”, saying anything more than these is hypocritical. If I’m really happy to meet the next time, I will greet the other person warmly.
Ceci: Thirty years old and enlistment are both unavoidable. Currently, your career is in the golden period Do you feel keenly that change is about to come?
Joo Won: I am sensing it a little now. I will think “I’m still young, how did I suddenly grow up, what should I do?” Gradually, I also start to understand my parents’ feelings. I understand why my parents say I’m still a high school student to them. In actual fact, my daily life will not change much even after I become thirty years old. However, it’s baffling that I keep seeing myself as a grown up now.

Ceci: You said that you hope to preserve your childlike innocence. What have you been holding onto all this while?
Joo Won: In actual fact, my heart has not changed. I’m still uncalculative when it comes to love and I will seek love with sincerity. In front of the hyungs whom I knew in musicals when I was twenty years old , I still behave like a kid. When I met a forty years old hyung whom I have not seen for ages, he praised me for being unchanged. To my longtime friends, they do not see much change in me.
Ceci: Was there anything you could not hold on to?
Joo Won: With more experience, I understand more. I know what type of advice to give under various circumstances and my way of handling situations is changing. However, I do not want to change my ideology of love. Hopefully, the surrounding environment will not change me.

Ceci: I heard that you are now a shareholder of your agency?
Joo Won: Where did everyone hear the rumors from, why am I the only who isn’t aware? I have to check the past interviews. (Laughs) The truth is I do not understand shares at all. To me, they are just nothing but numbers.
Ceci:  For years, your agency and you have maintained a good relationship built with trust. You have also contributed to your agency’s growth, so this is another recognition of your work performance.
Joo Won: I only made a small contribution to the agency’s growth but I trust my agency fully. Whatever the job is, we can discuss and communicate comfortably. I am thankful for having such an environment. I hope this will not change.
Ceci: You are probably not someone who can open your heart easily, right?
Joo Wo: Yes, it takes time. But we will get closer after a short interaction.
Ceci: What kind of people can become close with you?
Joo Won: Someone who is kind, someone whom I can communicate well. Even if our thoughts differ, we can still listen to each other’s point of views. Someone who knows how to care for others.

Ceci: Some people say that this year is “Joo Won’s Year”. After hit drama “Yongpalyi,” the current airing movie “Fatal Intuition” has delivered excellent box office results too. Are you proud of it?
Joo Won: It’s good if you can do well in your field of work. But in today’s world where rumors spread rapidly, if you become complacent after achieving a little success, everyone will start to point fingers at you. The rumors and slanders that follow are really frightening.
Ceci: Life is usually very tough when you have something to protect, because you fear losing it.
Joo Won: Let me give an analogy. It’s like a father’s state of mind now! For the sake of his family and career, a father will be busy with drinking and entertaining at the company’s gathering. Similarly, in order to safeguard my future, I am determined to endure hardships.
Ceci: What makes you happy? Apart from to vigorous walking and drinking coffee (laughs).
Joo Won: Now, I can only think of home. I stay with my parents and “home” is a space that gives me strength. If my parents are happy, I will be more motivated at work. Since young, the environment at home is especially important to me. Of course, there is no bad relationship between parents nor was there misfortune in the family.
What makes me happy now? I have been thinking a lot recently. I am happiest when I am with my family and people who are close like friends. I can bear with fatigue from overworking. While filming “Yongpalyi”, I could still maintain a smile despite seven days of consecutive filming without sleep. I could smile while chatting with the PD. Even meeting the crew and actors on site mades me very happy. Thanks to everyone, I was able to persevere through the drama.
Ceci: What do you desire the most now? You’ve said before that you hope to stay in a big house with your family. One with a garden and BBQ pit.
Joo Won: I have yet to have such a house. (Laughs) I am very busy with work, but I will not be able to work in this manner as I get older. Even if I only have one project per year, I hope I act well with my utmost effort.

At 7 am on a slightly cold winter morning, Joo Won reached the studio punctually as scheduled for the cover photo shoot. With lots of works in recent years, his charms on the filming site is even more overwhelming.
Putting his best performance in the cover photo shoot, we were mesmerized by Joo Won’s captivating smiles once again.
In response to the lipstick mark on his neck, Joo Won said with a smile, “I feel awkward.”
Holding a trophy for a commemorative photo shoot, his cute expressions filled the entire studio with warmth.


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Post time 25-1-2016 09:03 PM | Show all posts

wow...drama yong pal berjaya meraih jumlah tontonan view yg tinggi sejak mula ditayangkan di china...Yongpal Youku browse rate exceeded 20million since its debut from 12 Jan!

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 Author| Post time 26-1-2016 01:14 PM | Show all posts
Edited by manganini at 26-1-2016 01:27 PM
masdiana-ana replied at 25-1-2016 05:35 PM
baru baca kt naver... joo won tolah tawaran berlakon di MBC Monster aku dah agak dia tolak pasal ...

Drama yg jang geun suk dgn yeo jin geo dan lim ji yeon tu ke? Kenapa eh dia tolak.. mcm power2 je acting semua main lead tu..citer pasal apa tu? lim ji yeon tu pun kawan joo won gak satu agency..

Aku pun kurang berkenan drama yg panjang2 sangat ni.. lepas military nanti ok kot nak wat drama panjang..

Aku trust joowon utk pilih drama yg dia nak.. he has done great job so far

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 Author| Post time 26-1-2016 01:16 PM | Show all posts
masdiana-ana replied at 25-1-2016 05:35 PM
baru baca kt naver... joo won tolah tawaran berlakon di MBC Monster aku dah agak dia tolak pasal ...

Ntah kenapa tak boleh bukak link tu.. pakai hp no payah sikit..

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 Author| Post time 26-1-2016 01:30 PM | Show all posts
masdiana-ana replied at 25-1-2016 06:52 PM
Ceci Magazine Interview – Smiling Conqueror Joo Won

Shareholder.. kekekekekeke
Kalau betul apa salahnya..

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Post time 26-1-2016 03:24 PM | Show all posts
manganini replied at 26-1-2016 01:14 PM
Drama yg jang geun suk dgn yeo jin geo dan lim ji yeon tu ke? Kenapa eh dia tolak.. mcm power2 je  ...

I wonder what was the intention in releasing that kind of information. These info could only be known only by SIM or broadcasting companies. My guess is that the intention of that article was to mention that Joo Won was being careful in his next choice of projects since he is enlisting soon. But it somehow backlashed on Joo Won when haters (and fans??) were mentioning that he lacks manners by declining offers and were being extremely choosy in choosing projects. No wonder Joo Won was upset last night, thus the IG post..
Dont these people KNOW that actors/actresses received a lot of scripts throughout the year? No actor/actress can accept ALL the drama/movie/CF offers they receive, for God's sake.. Their JOB is to CHOOSE which project(s) they want. Their choices are what defines them now, and what made them have this reputation. There are talented actors who are wasted and forgettable due to their wrong choice of projects, and I am happy to say that Joo Won is not one of them. He chooses the scripts that can help him build his confidence, try different genres, etc. This is a critical time for him. He needs to choose a really good project that made people remember him when he's off to army.
These two projects are long term. If he accepts really long dramas, he must understand that he will sacrifice a lot of his time for family, friends and other project offers and events too. There are a lot of things to be taken into consideration. Gosh, dont these people understand these things? Isnt it common sense? Hwang Jung Eum rejected the role too. Did she receive backlash then? People must be like "She must have rejected it coz she is getting married".. but what if she rejected the role in Tyrant/Monster because she too, didnt like the script?

aku setuju.. komen fans joo won kt forum shommpi nie...aku agak itu juga sebab joo won post pic mcm nie kt IG..

salah satu sebab anti2 dia... mcm x puas hati news pasal joo won downkan dua drama tersebar kt naver...pasal itu boleh bawa pandangan yg negatif pasal drama tersebut.. aku setuju jer dia tolak dua drama tersebut.. monster MBC 50 episode... drama plk pasal revenge ..untuk maintain rating /skrip yg bagus untuk satu drama bergenre revenge. agak susah.. dan penonton akan cepat bosan...contohnya drama korean glamorous temptation lakonan joong sang wook..
drama segeuk sbs daebak tue plk 30 episode... melihat kepada rekord writer drama nie..dua drama terakhir writer nie bad review daripada penonton.. dan aku setuju dia tolak drama ini..
yg drama female gangters plk.. yg aku taw story pasal seorg gangster wanita yg menjadi doctor.. dan story lebih kepada watak heroin... dan aku agak dia x nak dah berlakon watak2 medical dah..


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Post time 26-1-2016 03:32 PM | Show all posts
aku agak joo won nk pilih drama yg betul2 bagi impak dalam karier dia... lagipun ini adalah drama terakhir sebelum dia join military 2 tahun.,.dah tentu dia nk drama yg org akan ingat karekter dia..yup setakat ini pilihan dia memang bijak dari king baking hingga yong pal

cuma ada 2 sahaja yg flaw mcm TC dan level 7 civil servant.. kebetulan dua drama yg flaw tue drama remake.. mcm TC dari drama remake japan 7 civil servart plk dari filem...dan aku rasa joo won dah belajar dari pengalaman yg dia tak kan ambil drama remake dah


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Post time 26-1-2016 03:54 PM | Show all posts

#SeoMinJi 'the ideal man is humanistic person, just like actor #JooWon #주원; wants to do We Got Married program together'

actress seo min ji wish dapat join WGM dgn joo won...dia kata ciri2 lelaki idaman dia ada pada joo won..   aku x rasa joo won nk join..ljoo won pun ada komen interview dia yg lama2 dia x minat nk join WGM... lainlah kim tae hee ke uee ke..yg offer...lagipun WGM nie fake jer... lainlah WGM nie buat program yg betul2 paparkan pasangan reality yg sebenar..


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Post time 26-1-2016 04:27 PM | Show all posts

nie picture lama dia... zaman dia sekolah2 bukan zaman u... maybe nie kot first love dia...setahu aku dia ada 2 relationship setakat nie..satu zaman sekolah tinggi ..satu lg zaman u.. bambammnya joo won zaman sekolah..

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Post time 26-1-2016 04:31 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 26-1-2016 04:35 PM | Show all posts

fan meeting kt japan.. 6 mach 2016.. 20 feb 2016 plk kt thailand..

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Post time 26-1-2016 04:37 PM | Show all posts
joo won selalu juga ada fan meeting kt japan.. baru jer akhir tahun lepas dia adakan fan meeting kt japan..awal thn nie pun ada lg... byk juga ye fans dia kt japan..

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Post time 27-1-2016 10:56 AM | Show all posts
manganini replied at 26-1-2016 01:30 PM
Shareholder.. kekekekekeke
Kalau betul apa salahnya..

walaupun aku x berapa suka cara sim nie urus joo won terutama pemilihan filem2 untuk dia.... tapi sim nie bg juga kebebasan untuk joo won pilih drama yg dia nak..klau betul joo won ada share dgn sim..x salah pun..

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Post time 27-1-2016 01:28 PM | Show all posts
Edited by masdiana-ana at 27-1-2016 01:31 PM

akhirnya koala puji juga joo won... well... positif altikel dari miss koala..

Posted on January 26, 2016 by ockoala
I’m gradually warming up to Joo Won more and more, his performance in last year’s big K-drama hit Yongpal was entertaining and charming, the first time I’ve ever enjoyed Joo Won‘s acting and character in any project of his I’ve watched. The success of Yongpal earned him theSBS Drama Daesang last month, which was valid if one went by his effort in bringing in ratings with a solid performance, but not so much the best acting performance by any lead in an SBS drama in 2015, not when there was Jo Jae Hyun and Kim Rae Won for Punch.

I appreciated his copious manly tears and genuine humble gratitude accepting the award, sometimes a great attitude goes a long way to smoothing all the feathers. The news is reporting today that ’87er Joo Won is looking to enlist late this year towards the end of 2016 and is looking seriously at his final drama before going to the army. He’s reportedly turned down MBC long drama Monster (Tyrant), with the role going to Kang Ji Hwan, as well as SBS’s Daebak which is now courting Jang Geun Seok. That’s cute, the two Hong Gil Dong male leads. It’s good to get confirmation that Monster (Tyrant) was courting Joo Won since that was the rumor I heard late last year. Now I really wonder what farewell drama he’ll finally select.

Potential 2016 K-dramas that are still looking for leading man: KBS has Midnight Drawn by Clouds and God of Noodles, MBC has Rain in the Underground, Mermaid’s Prince,Michelin Star, and Danjong, and SBS has Love Clinic, Killer, and Female Gangster Hye Jung. And these are only the list of known dramas, there is always bound to be projects appearing for later in the year as well as black horses popping out unexpectedly to take an upcoming time slot. I wonder if Joo Won will tackle a sageuk before he leaves, Gaksital as a period drama was not set in the present but I’m more excited if he does a classic sageuk, something he has never done yet.

buat kali pertama aku setuju... yup joo won maybe bukan terbaik..untuk sesetengah genre drama... tetapi dia memang awesone untuk heavy drama,dark drama.... segeuk drama aku harap dia x pilih buat masa sekarang.... not now. mabye after milatary... tetapi sikap dia yg sentiasa ingin belajar sesuatu yg baru aku respeks..aku pun tertunggu2 juga drama terakhir apa yg dia akan pilih sebelum dia berehat 2 tahun.. read full actikel


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Post time 31-1-2016 12:34 PM | Show all posts
Edited by masdiana-ana at 31-1-2016 12:35 PM

pic joo won untuk filem china..Passion Heaven aka Tear In paradise dah tukar tajuk kepada Sweet Sixteen.filem ini dijangka akan ditayangkan pada 29 april 2016.

karekter joo won pegang watak antagonis...dengar cerita watak dia dlm filem ini memang jahat sangatlah...


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Post time 31-1-2016 12:41 PM | Show all posts
lor kiutnya dia... kim yoon seok nie bernaung dengan SIM juga..sama agensi dengan joo won ,,tak silap dia antara actor2 veteran yang ada byk filem 2 profile tinggi.. filem baru dia bersama kang dong wok..The Priests antara filem bo x office pada tahun lepas..


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Post time 1-2-2016 04:13 PM | Show all posts
bila tgk pic dan baca aktikel lee seung gi pi milatry hari ini..risau plk kot2 joo won pun pergi tanpa kdrama terbaru...harap2 dia berlakon drama terbaru last sebelum join military....2 thn nk survive tanpa drama2 lakonan dia.....

lagi pic love express..drama nie mcm drama melodrama jer...


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 Author| Post time 2-2-2016 02:08 AM | Show all posts
masdiana-ana replied at 26-1-2016 03:32 PM
aku agak joo won nk pilih drama yg betul2 bagi impak dalam karier dia... lagipun ini adalah drama te ...

bila dah makin popular.. maknanya anti-fans semakin ramai.. fighting!

dia mesti ada reason sendiri kenapa tolak tawaran2 tu..
aku perasan sebelum ni dia bagi clue apa yg dia nak dlm projek seterusnya.. contohnya sebelum ni dia pernah cakap dia nak cuba watak lelaki yg manly & tak lama pastu dia berlakon fatal intuition.. pastu dulu dia pernah cakap teringin nak jadi model kosmetik dan tak lama kemudian dia jadi model lab series.. cer read between the line interview2 dia.. mungkin ada jawapan di situ

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 Author| Post time 2-2-2016 02:22 AM | Show all posts
masdiana-ana replied at 1-2-2016 04:13 PM
bila tgk pic dan baca aktikel lee seung gi pi milatry hari ini..risau plk kot2 joo won pun pergi tan ...

oh tidak.. jangan la.. tahun2 mendatang sesungguhnya mencabar sebab ramai aktor2 especially 87er pegi military.. terpaksala aku survive dgn spare part - spare part muda saje (seperti dlm gambar avatar)
haishh curious nya nak tau drama terbaru joo won.. harap dia bagi sesuatu yg lain dari yg lain..


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 Author| Post time 2-2-2016 02:41 AM | Show all posts
masdiana-ana replied at 31-1-2016 12:41 PM
lor kiutnya dia... kim yoon seok nie bernaung dengan SIM juga..sama agensi dengan joo won ,,tak sila ...


ni nampak baju mcm masa Sim anniversary tahun lepas, ye ke?

betul la tu, kim yun seok ni memang antara pelakon filem berprofile tinggi.. harap joo won belajar banyak dari senior dia ni..
dan klau baca interview senior2 yg pernah berlakon ngan joo won memang diorang sayang and puji2 je joo won
nak citer sikit hari tu aku ada la follow sorang staff wgm.. lepas tu tak semena2 dia like semua pic joo won dlm ig aku padahal gambar artis korea lain dlm ig ku dia tak like pun.. tu jek la aku nak bagitau.. aku tak tau motif dia yg pasti apapun aku happy.. hihihiii

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