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Author: airahthislove

<< SUPER JUNIOR HOUSE 21 >> No Other Comeback Song

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Post time 29-6-2010 10:52 PM | Show all posts
yg dgn WG tu ke
ok jap aku pm kan

ehh cop ko nk yg dlu punye ke or yg recently nye CTP
ca ...
zeleia Post at 29-6-2010 21:22

    oh yg lama.. yg dengan WG tu da nak yg lama time semua2 ada

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Post time 29-6-2010 10:52 PM | Show all posts
Reply  atie_chippy

same ke?? hehe... takpe lah.. tak kesah.. skrg study lagik ek?? *soalan macam ...
FiFFyJunJun Post at 29-6-2010 10:31 PM

   a'ah study lagik... mu pg ke konsert suju ari tu...  me tk pg pun, nk exam.. mase mlm konsert suju tu mmg lgsg tak blaja, xconcentrate lgsg...  pastu ade gak brite pasal suju kuar kat surat kabar... kawan me siap curi2 kuar kuliah nk pg bli surat kabar tu... siap ade yg mengorder lagi, takut abis...

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Post time 29-6-2010 10:53 PM | Show all posts
Reply 2326# FiFFyJunJun

walaupun dia memain jer... me pun tk suka...xspecially masa kyu tgh nyanyi dgn budak pompuan main piano tu...dia peluk tangan kyu...hands off!!

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Post time 29-6-2010 11:01 PM | Show all posts
Reply  rukiaichigo

kia... dulu2 tu i dengar je lagu dorang, tu pun yg aku dapat dari kawan2 & ad ...
FiFFyJunJun Post at 29-6-2010 10:41 PM

erk, kalo nak bukak psl mcmaner aku mula2 kenal suju, samapi minggu depan pun x hbs kot... tp sng citer aku mula2 kenal dorg tahun 2007. kalo nak lebih tepat, bulan 11 2007 lps aku g gathering bod SO (soap opera) kat cari... mula2 tu, aku kenal siwon & hankyung dr mv timeless. masa tu terminat la dgn siwon even dlm mv tu dia jahat. minat pun biasa2 jer sbb bg aku dia ensem. tp aku masih lg xtau pun dorg tu member dlm suju. pastu time g gathering tu, mula kenal dgn hana_h, mulan, hadiff, yana, etc yg masa tu mmg tgh dok heboh psl album don't don mulan yg kena tahan dgn kastam... dr situ aku br tau wujud nyer bod AC ni sbb dulu dok lepak kat SO jer. biler blk jer rumah lps gathering tu, terus aku masuk kat AC. mula2 tu SR tegar gak la dlm rumah suju, tp lama2 kenot tahan. terus post ala malu2 tucen. sampai skg aku masih ingat kat page maner aku mula2 post kat rumah suju. kot ko rajin, g la tgk rumah suju yg no. 1, ko selak page 250. 1st post tuk page tu adalah 1st entry aku kat rumah suju... dr situ la dok sibuk mengingat satu2 nama dorg. masa tu aku pelik gak apasal la satu group tu ramai sgt. amik masa sehari lebih gak la nak hapal 13-13 nama dorg. then mula la kesah aku dgn suju, dok tv mv2 dorg, semua show2 dorg. satu kali aku g kotaraya (tmpt jual cd dvd korea/jepun) tu, aku ternmpk 2nd jib dorg. tanpa pikir pjg terus aku beli. lps beberaper bulan plak, jumpa lg yg album repackage & yg ver B dgn dvd tu. mmg 2-2 la aku sapu. aku terjatuh chenta bertangga2 dgn kyu biler tgk mnet mini drama la. lps tu dok dgr sore dia yg lemak merdu tu, samapi skg la aku setia pada yg satu... and the rest is history....

nota kaki: mintak maap kpd sesiap yg dah hapal dgn kesah chenta ku dgn suju & kyuhyun ye. dah ada org yg bertanya, so kena la jwb!! :

@ kaka zu
mian hae, kaka zu... excited kekdah nyer jumpa ramai kenalan baru dlm ni...
ok, noted... sy akan cuba sedaya upaya agar x spamming bagai dlm ni!!

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Post time 29-6-2010 11:04 PM | Show all posts
Adakah yg ini telah dikongsi???
Gambar eunhyuk yang tangannya cedera... huhuhu...

credits:  ...
FiFFyJunJun Post at 29-6-2010 10:45 PM

eh, tu gmbr biler yg eunhyuk injured tu?? yg time dulu2 tyme dia jatuh kat mnet countdown tu ker?? ke mmg tyme skg ni??

wow, rmbt heechul makin blonde... hyuk pun skg ni berambut blonde kan... agak2 saper la lg bertukor color rmbt ye!! x sabo nyer nak tngu jumaat ni!!

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Post time 29-6-2010 11:07 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by FiFFyJunJun at 29-6-2010 23:21

Reply 2322# atie_chippy

dah tngk profile ko dah.. tp ko muda setahun la.. hehe.. aku org 90... hehehe... I tak pegi pun SS2... tp SS3 macam nak pg.. hehehehe... dengan photobook kyu, cd itu cd ini... i got so many passion.... duit dah burned banyak dah.. SS3, harap time tu cuti semester la.. so that i can go there... hehehe...

And lagik pasal keta EUNHAE
tp fan yg amek gambar ni tak blur kan lak palt number kete dorang tu... huhuhu

Hae oppa

credits: as u can see on picture

Hyuk oppa

Credits: pinkjelly88

Sapa rindu kangin???? I jumpa Everysing Picture dia... So please do enjoy Kangin.. ^,^
thumbnail size, sebab dia besar amat.. erk.. bukan abg kangin.. tp gmbr tu.. hehehe

Credits: Alice @ SJ-WORLD.NET
Take out with full and proper credits. Do not modify the pictures.

Leeteuk Sidebar Update 2010.06.29
uri leader sangat bangga dengan lagu yg dia composed... gambar ni mesti dia suka kan???

..&#51652;&#49900;(All My Heart)..
..&#51652;&#49900;(All My Heart)..
..&#45236;&#44032; &#47564;&#46304;&#45432;&#47000;&#45796;!!&#12619;&#12619;..
..I composed that song!! &#12619;&#12619;..

Source: &#48149;&#51221;&#49688; &#48120;&#45768;&#54856;&#54588;

shared by:
translated by: &#227;&#402;&#376; mholic &#226;&#732;…

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 Author| Post time 29-6-2010 11:08 PM | Show all posts
Adakah yg ini telah dikongsi???
Gambar eunhyuk yang tangannya cedera... huhuhu...

credits:  ...
FiFFyJunJun Post at 29-6-2010 10:45 PM

gambo hyuk cedera tu dah ade tepek kat page belakang2...

{100629} Ryeowook & Sungmin in SSTP                       

credit HATO2family@yt

* audio only tapi derang wat cam drama sebabak laks

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Post time 29-6-2010 11:15 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by FiFFyJunJun at 29-6-2010 23:34

Reply 2325# rukiaichigo

yg lama.. tp dah kene tepek kan??? airah cakap... whoohhh!! Panjang tol... tp tak panjang la sngt,, kena pendekkan.. kang ada nanges2 baca post ko... mcam tu lak ek ko knal dorang.. aku suma dari lagu.. tp tak penah lak aku try nak recognize nama dorang tu satu2... yg first tau tu time released nya attack on the pin up boys.. hehe.. time tu la aku suka wookie, sebab comel.. hehe.. tp bukan tahap die hard fan la... n the rest dah di bgtau kat post sebelumnya.. hehehe.. *sigh*

kawaiirox betul betul betul... kyu nyanyi nak gak kacau.... nak gak sibuk2.. hehehe.. akhirnya kyu pilih pmpn tu jugak.. tp kyu kureng respond sikit kalau ngn pmpn2 ni... kat dalam CTP pun, yg excited berabis abang2 dia... dia lak, blur, plain... hehehehe.. siap panggil heelit nuuna plak tu... hehehehe.. adakah dia masih ingat 3 years of Love dia tu?

Bonamana Promotional Poster in Taiwan Music Store

aku idamkan kat malaysia ni ada la yg macam ni... grand la taiwan... betul2 support SUJU.. philippines lagik la.. siap ada teaser & event dorang lak tu.. huhuhu... takpe2 KPOP baru nak berkembang kat malaysia ni... tp tu pun, selalunya 8tv je siar pasal KPOP...

Taken and Re-Up:
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Take out with full and proper credits please ^^

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 Author| Post time 30-6-2010 12:37 AM | Show all posts
[100629][twtvid]Heechul Defconn& Jisuk are impress(crazy) with food

credit polarelle@yt

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 Author| Post time 30-6-2010 12:43 AM | Show all posts
[130610] KBS Gag Concert – SJ CAPS

Credit: 庚澈源海
Reup/Shared: minoko2440 @
Take out with full credits and do not modify the pictures

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Post time 30-6-2010 12:45 AM | Show all posts
[130610] KBS Gag Concert – SJ CAPS

Credit: 庚澈源海
Reup/Shared: minoko2440 @ sapp ...
airahthislove Post at 30-6-2010 00:43

hepi jer dorg ni kn... suker ak tgk dorg ni hepi cmni... ak pn turut senyum hepi

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Post time 30-6-2010 08:33 AM | Show all posts
erk, awat plak ko ckp ayat aku buat ko tergelak?? tang maner tu? tp betul la aku ckp yg betul. e ...
rukiaichigo Post at 29-6-2010 04:37 PM

    ak pn tergelak gk sebenarnya

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Post time 30-6-2010 08:42 AM | Show all posts
Announcement !!!

Repackage album is OTW ...kalau xde aral esok or lusa will arrive....

Saturday ni 3 July I will be at apg point around 1 pm camtu sape2 yg order  n wanna pick up let me know beforehand.

Lagi satu pada yg 1st time order gn me please bring along receipt bank in ke trfs..EXCEPT pada sape2 yg trf guna CIMB coz ada nama kat situ......


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Post time 30-6-2010 08:51 AM | Show all posts
Announcement !!!

Repackage album is OTW ...kalau xde aral esok or lusa will arrive....

Sa ...
hadiff05 Post at 30-6-2010 08:42

omo ~~ yayyyy !!   

*x sempat lh ek nk order album yg satu lagi tuu   kak jelita still kt korea ker ??

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Post time 30-6-2010 08:58 AM | Show all posts
kak jel dah balik aa on monday... dah start keje pun hehehe

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Post time 30-6-2010 08:59 AM | Show all posts
Reply 2330# airahthislove

Kalau aku jd yeoja blakang oppa2 tu..harus la tidak aku tngok gag performance tu.
Mesti aku dh kusyuk tngok rambut oppa tu esp teukie..  Kalo boleh snap gmbar blakang dorg lagi bagus..

Pastu aku jual..hahahha..tepek kt pun x per..kahkahkah

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Post time 30-6-2010 09:05 AM | Show all posts
Reply 2334# muun

    please check ur pm.......

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Post time 30-6-2010 10:33 AM | Show all posts


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Post time 30-6-2010 10:40 AM | Show all posts
100603 Super Group Super Junior says they’re here to stay!

Marriage and military service loom, but won’t break up the band
Super Junior, the Korean super group founded in 2005, had some major changes to its lineup last year, but its fifth anniversary year looks like it will be another successful one for the group, which is one of the largest boy bands in the world.
Last month, when Super Junior released its fourth full-length album, it sold 100,000 copies in the first week after its release on April 13. Industry experts expect the album, titled “Bonamana,” will surpass the group’s previous sales record, achieved with its third album “Sorry Sorry.” That album sold 250,000 copies and topped the album sales chart when it was released in March last year.
At a time when other groups such as Girls’ Generation are eschewing the regular full-length CD format in favor of mini albums, digital albums and other kinds of special albums, that’s quite a feat.
Despite their success, the up-and-coming idol group has struggled this year. Three of the band’s members – Han Geng, Kang-in and Kibum – left the group during the recording period. In the coming year, the band is facing new challenges, with marriage and military service looming on the horizon.
In a recent interview with 10 of the band’s 13 members, however, the boys seemed committed to staying together for years to come, no matter what life may throw their way.

Here are some excerpts from the interview.

Q. What has made you such a strong group over the past five years?
A. Heechul: We really talk a lot. If there are problems, we talk until they are resolved. Lack of communication always creates problems.
It must have been difficult for you to make the new album without the three other members of the band.
Sungmin: We felt pressure taking their places, but it has also given us an opportunity to think about how important each member of the band is.
What do the three other members think about the new song “Bonamana”?
Leeteuk: Kang-in said the group’s dance moves are awesome and Kibum said he was sorry that I have to fill the space he left.
The choreography for the song is pretty impressive.
Eunhyuk: The dance moves were created by American choreographer Nick Bass, who was inspired by figure skating and short track skating.
Many people have said the title song for the current album is very similar to the group’s previous hit song “Sorry Sorry.”
Leeteuk: Maybe that’s because the new song is so characteristic of what we do and that’s what makes people think that Sorry Sorry and the new song are alike.
I think that criticism like that is better than nothing because it shows that Bonamana has made an impression on the public.
Heechul: For me, the criticism is flattering because it is a sign that we’ve found our signature sound. In fact, Leeteuk and I didn’t like the idea of [Bonamana] as the title song because we didn’t think the electronic sound represented us.
But after recording it and practicing the dance moves, I’ve changed my mind. I think the song suits us.
Shindong proposed to his girlfriend [in a numerical code] in the liner notes and his actions have since become the talk of the town. What’s happening with that?
Shindong: I was thinking about decoding it for the public after the album was released but my fans have already decoded it.
I haven’t heard from my girlfriend since I popped the question, but if she says yes, I want to get married as soon as possible.
Do you think you will still perform as Super Junior even if some of you get married?
Heechul: It’s our goal to keep singing and dancing as Super Junior when we are 30 and 40, even after marriage and our military service.
Do you have any secrets for keeping fit?
Yesung: Siwon always inspires us. Now we’re in a kind of competition [to build muscles.]

cr: joongangdaily|| shared by stalker93

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Post time 30-6-2010 10:41 AM | Show all posts
Reply 2333# hadiff05

  kt ampang point ker?? ase2 cm bole singgah sekejap je nk amik...heheheh...excited lak...

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