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Author: ambipur

Punca laki orang or bujang skandal ngan bini orang..cinta takkn ke jinjg pelamin

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Post time 13-6-2020 06:10 PM | Show all posts
amyza replied at 13-6-2020 08:13 AM
Bagus u. Laki lain pantang ada peluang dan ruang. Terus keluar ayat laki boleh kawen 4.

kalau ada peluang pun sedapnye sekejap je,serabutnya entah sampai bila,
kurang2 nk enjoy pun main pubg pun dah ok

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Post time 14-6-2020 11:37 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
copy_paste replied at 13-6-2020 06:10 PM
kalau ada peluang pun sedapnye sekejap je,serabutnya entah sampai bila,
kurang2 nk enjoy pun main ...

Bagus, suami sape lah ni fikir pakai otak bukan nafsu. Limited edition ni.

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Post time 14-6-2020 12:17 PM | Show all posts
amyza replied at 14-6-2020 11:37 AM
Bagus, suami sape lah ni  fikir pakai otak bukan nafsu. Limited edition ni.

aku ikut logik la,buat ape nk punahkan diri dgn benda yg x berbaloi,nafsu mmg la ada,kalau aku kaya ada kuasa kompem angkat 1 amoi punye hahahaha,tapi hakikatnye org biase2 je byk komitmen nk pk dari pk sedap kote,

setiap perkara yg kita nak buat biar ada untung kat kita bukan merugikan,
tu belum kira bab dosa pahala lagi tu hahahahaha....


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Post time 16-6-2020 02:45 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
imo.. semua tentang hati dan kekuatan iman sendiri. pernah dulu ofismate aku. dia dah kawen ank sorang and dlm process bercerai dgn suaminya. masa ni mmg performance dia drop. bos kitaorg perasan keadaan ni. panggil masuk bilik bos. dan tny what happen. bos kami tu mmg sgt baik. soft spoken and caring orgnya.

mula2 kwn tu susah nk cerita tp bos pandai approach and akhirnya dia selesa meluah segala masalah pd bos. akhirnya terbit rasa antara depa dua. sampai satu saat bos tu nk bawa dia travel Europe tp kwn ni cpt sedar...

since dia masih bini org. dia jauuhkan diri dari bos. dan akhirnya dia x jd bercerai atas permintaan suaminya. bahagia dah dia ank nk masuk 4 dah sekarang. since that aku percaya kalo kita elak and tolak yg haram. Allah akan gantikan dgn kemanisan yg halal.



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Post time 16-6-2020 07:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
aku pernah kena. Aku bini orang tapi ade laki bujang yg nak skandal. Siap direct cakap lak tu. Aku tanya kau x takut ke ? Dia cakap pandai2 lah cover. dia tanggung ape yg aku nak dia bagi. hari2 chat aku. Pastu aku tanya nk scandal untuk apa? Byk lagi perempuan lain. Dia cakap hot. Kejadah. Pastu aku block dah. Btw dia mmg kawan aku. Kawan lama lah tapi. Penah ah aku txt dia pasal nak cari keje tahun lepas. Sampai kesudah chat. Dia ingat aku ni batak sgt ke dgn laki ? Mmg lah laki aku keje outstation selalu tapi aku ni steady je.. tak pulak kesunyian.. aku siap kate ke dia mesti satu setan dah mati sebab aku tak layan nak scandel ni en. Terus diam member

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Post time 16-6-2020 11:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dulu ada satu forumer ni yg buka thread, lelaki. Cerita psal skandal die ngan wife org, dan die pun dah berkahwin. Tujuan buka thread sharing experience kata nya kalo ade forumer yg membangsat atau menjalang mcm die.. sorry bahasa kasar tu i tujukan utk forumer tu.. I just cannot tolerate this kind of mentality. Sudah jelas dan nyata lelaki suka berskandal dgn perempuan yg dah kahwin sbb tak de isu desak ajak kahwin.. kalau ter pregnant pun boleh lepas tgn..

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Post time 19-6-2020 09:34 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Pernah..... Pernah sampai tdo.. Once..the sex was not even fun pun. Dlm teruk sex tu pn we even plan for second make up.. Dlm ht ak ni sbnrnya half half.. Ak ska dpt attention validation mcm tu at the same time rs so bad.. Mg rs teruk.. Teruk sgt.. How could I stoop so low..... Ak query dr ak kenapa gamak bt marriage org lain mcm tu..
Agaknya Allah nk lindung ak.. Nk ttp aib ak.. Hb ak terbc msg but not even frm this man.. Hb sgt furious... So tu starting point I m start leaving this man.. Kalau ikt kn hb ak much much better kot.. Berkali kali ganda kaya... Treat me like a queen... Cuma ak rs ada hole sbb once dia pnh curang.. Jd ada mark kat dlm ht ak no matter how good he treats me back..

Nk hentam ak pn boleh mg i need it

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Post time 19-6-2020 10:54 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
yme replied at 19-6-2020 09:34 AM
Pernah..... Pernah sampai tdo.. Once..the sex was not even fun pun. Dlm teruk sex tu pn we even plan ...

Tak rasa perlu dihentam sbb u sendiri dah waras berfikir.. tp i pun wonder why a woman boleh mencurangi husband? Sbb tawar hati ke? Sbb nak balas dendam ke? Kalo tawar hati, nape tak fully closure the marriage? Why hang on to it?

I am not provoking u tau.. mmg i jujur tanya...

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Post time 19-6-2020 11:03 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 19-6-2020 10:54 AM
Tak rasa perlu dihentam sbb u sendiri dah waras berfikir.. tp i pun wonder why a woman boleh mencu ...

Kalau i more to rasa marah n dendam yang xhabis2.. I rasa I cantik kot nape dia nk curang lg.. Ms dia curang tu I was pregnant with our 1st child.. Pjj time tu.. Mg nk closure btl2 nk divorce time tu tp byk2 kali dia begs jangan.. Sampi la keluar 3 ank.. Cliche kan

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Post time 24-6-2020 12:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
amyza replied at 13-6-2020 08:39 AM
Ni cerita bff,
Bini org yg bercinta dengan laki org(muda). Laki tu try ayat dia, dok msg2 sy dah la ...

Hurmm biasa mmg mcam tu kan..yg no 2 akan kata itu takdir,jodoh bla bla bla...tpi bila mata laki tu menjalang tgok perempuan lain after that.konsep jodoh tu da x boleh guna plak. In denial kekdahnya, laki tu x puas even da ada dua.

Bagi saya jodoh bila kau da cuba tolak sehabis mungkin tetap dtg balik. Itu jodoh.tpi kalu dri sndri menggeletis dgn laki org.even da tau that man own a family..itu bodoh..bukan diam2 adja gigit bantal kalau laki tu mengintai yg next...jgn nk merempan. Sila applykan konsep jodoh tu smpai no 4..

Btw, i x ckp ttg kwan you..just commented on most cases yg i pernah witnessed n tau...

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Post time 24-6-2020 02:35 PM | Show all posts
makin menolak yg haram, makin kuat dia datang seksa teruk...huhuhu

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Post time 24-6-2020 07:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
per706 replied at 24-6-2020 12:38 PM
Hurmm biasa mmg mcam tu kan..yg no 2 akan kata itu takdir,jodoh bla bla bla...tpi bila mata laki t ...

Takpe, sama macam apa yang i cakap dulu. Kalau tak gatal, tak jadi nya mcm ni. Laki tu pun sujud syukur bila ada pompuan lain nak dia, sanggup jadi no 2 walau dah tahu dia suami org tapi tetap tunggu jugak.

Yang kelakar, baru ni citer pasal kahwin. Tak nak nikah KL sbb check gaji. Nak nikah kat selangor. Apa pun, semua baru perancangan dia. Allah yang tentukan. Ada jodoh bersatu lah dia sebagai no2 dalam diam.

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Post time 27-6-2020 11:40 PM | Show all posts
Edited by capiloton at 27-6-2020 11:43 PM

ohws, baca tajuk thread nih
teringat kisah lama

Here we are the two of us together
Taking this crazy chance to be all alone
We both know that we should not be together
'Cause if they found out
It could mess up, both our happy homes

I hate to think about us all meeting up together
As soon as I looked at you it would show on my face
Then they'll know that we've been loving each other
They can never no, oh no, we can't leave a trace

Secret Lovers that's what we are, we shouldn't be together
But we can't let it go, oh no, cause we love each other so

Sittin at home I do nothing all day
But think about you and hope that your ok
Hoping you'll call before anyone gets home
I'll wait anxiously, alone by the phone

How could something so wrong be so right
I wish we didn't have to keep our love out of sight
Living two lives just ain't easy at all
But we gotta hang on and after fall

Secret lovers that's what we are
Trying so hard to hide the way we feel
Cause we both belong to someone else
But we can't let it go, cause what we feel is oh so real
So real

You and me, are we fair
Is this cruel, or do we care
Can they tell what's in our minds
Maybe they've had secret love all of the time

In the middle of makin love we notice the time
We both get nervous cause it's way after nine
Even though we hate it, we know it's time that we go
We gotta be careful, so that no one will know

Secret lovers, that's what we are
Trying so hard to hide the way we feel
'Cause we both belong to someone else
But we can't let it go
'Cause what we feel is oh so real
So real


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