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Author: 13Friday

Economy woes - get them right?

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 Author| Post time 1-5-2009 06:49 AM | Show all posts


JK's Digest No. 37 of April 2009 (57 of 2009) Economy woes - get them right? - part 21

The road tolls in Malaysia is indicative of the tolls on the nation economically.

It had become naked and shambolic of the corruption little mentioned by the sixth Prime Minister of RAHMAN. The tolls are finding their ways back to the UMNO linked companies.

The impact of road tolls is devastation for Malaysia under the scourge of GREED-TWIN in Game of Rampant Evil Elitism Deceit (GREED) in RAHMAN and Governments

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 Author| Post time 1-5-2009 06:49 AM | Show all posts

catch 22 in part 22

JK's Digest No. 1 of May 2009 (69 of 2009)  Economy woes - get them right? - part 22

Happy May Day to steer clear of Mayhem in Malaysia.

It is very obvious the 6th Prime Minister's Government cannot get the economy woes right for many reasons.  Whatever BN wants to do now it is Catch22 on the sure SMART (Sure Make All Rotten Through) way.
In Perak, the BN under Najib in a SMART way to grab power had confirmed how awry it has been for more than two months with two Menteri Besar and two State Governments - one operating under a rain tree.  It is edging towards sort of May 13, 2009.
There are a few key scenarios in the country edging towards May 13, 2009.  The banned Hindraf has given the illegal Government 100 days from 3rd April, 2009 for fulfillment of demands since 25 November 2007 in a massive demonstration.
The illegal BN Government has been trying hard ever since 8th March 2008 to regain power in the states it had lost power while still worried about the simple majority in the Parliament.  Whatever measures taken by BN, it is the nation losing more and more as we have seen in five by elections since 2008 of unnecessary and unjustified expenditure of public funds.
Since the 6th Prime Minister on 3rd April, the sign of  dramatic improvement is still lacking despite certain verbal pledges  like "1Malaysia, People first and performance now".  The first trip to the Formula 1 race at Sepang Circuit was a thunders and lightning wash out for the first time on 5th April, 2009, the by elections in Peninsula on 7th April were lost by BN unlike previous by election prior to 2008, the trip to Thailand soon after for the Asean summit was also a wash out by demonstrations in Phuket and some violent deaths followed.  Then Najib return home expecting a thunderous welcome but only 40,000 turned up in Kuantan, Pahang and 15,000 in Pekan - his constituency supposedly a stronghold except in 1999 it was a 241 majority, then 2004 , 22,000 majority and 2008 26,464 majority.  I believe such vibrant swing was due to rigging  by loaded ballot boxes in 2004 and 2008 done by the Election Commission's and its exChairman Tan Sri Abdul Rashid according to Court documents of Election Commission.  About his dismal and dismay welcome by 15,000, what happened to those voters of 36,262 in GE 2008? Have these missing voters already disorientated by his ascendency to PM after all those grevious allegations on corruption and murder link?   So were those 36,262 largely pre-arranged ballot papers?  You can read about them in my 27 Police reports here -  and the 2 Court cases here - ... terest-appeal.html?
Further omens of the 6th Prime Minister are disappointing as his next official visits were to Indonesia and Brunei - both very steep in Islamic way of life.  Whatever religions we may be, death may be a sign of things - past present and future for the human race.  Who would believe that when in Jakarta, the first encounter with death was the laying of wreaths (symbol of death) at the Indonesia's Heroes Cemetery in Kalibata.there with the President of Indonesia.  Then his next foreign oversea trip was to Brunei in Borneo (New Birth) for two days on 29 and 30 April, 2009 without the new Foreign Minister.  Again a sudden death of a prominent personality in the wife of Chief Minister of Sarawak had sort of disturbed the official trip.  The Prime Minister of Malaysia and the leaders of Brunei had to prepare for the trips to Kucing for the sudden funeral service there.  While in Brunei, Najib was challenged back home to sue all the 19 International newspaper of those nasty articles over several major issues including the ghost of "A" so as to clear his name. Otherwise, there would be a 'funeral' procession for ghost "A" from Rembau to Feranti in May 2009.  So the symbol of deaths in Jakarta and Borneo may be reminder of the personal crisis unresolved culminating in the by election of Feranti, Penang on 31 May 2009..
The Ex Chairman of the Election Commission Abdul Rashid has yet to clear his name over allegations of corruption including get land in Pahang as Police and MACC Reports already lodged. Is the land in Pahang a 'reward' for the votes rigging in Pahang and elsewhere especially in Pekan.
So whatever new pledges by Najib is likely just another piece of deception or impossible to be implemented.  Actually the water is more murky now as all the old policies are still in place as the existing social contract and new economic policy are still in place despite 1Malaysia.
The percentage of civil servants is still bias to a single group who would likely implement them as of old practice.  Who are likely to change all these as corruption at all levels still prevail?
Like the 30% bumiputra rule removed possibly done at the insistence of USA in the FTA deal, how would the whole exercise be restructured?  Would all the companies with this structure for a few decades be disbanded or restructured accordingly? Would all those 100% bumiputra companies be resturctured too to cater for this change?  Unless, this is done in fair and transparent manner, it is still forever rhetoric and old business ethics as usual.  It is also very difficult for new companies even without the 30% bumiputra rule to compete with those established companies in the context of jobs and business opportunities - colourless  approach.  Many old companies doing well with links to the Government and BN/UMNO are also in  monopolistic sectors.  As a start, it is only meaningful to have a special fund to assist new companies to overcome the 'stampede' of the old practices of a few decades. If you examine the Bursa Malaysia KL, which are the public listed companies doing brisk businesses?   In the Sabah's context, we are really worst off.  Most of the Sabah's listed companies are now reduced to cents only.
Now swine flu is a real global threat when deaths come calling here.   Like Bird Flu or Avian Flu which resulted in the culling of more than 160 billions of birds worth at least a trillion dollars, the global economy is in nose dive again.  The losses of bird (H5N1 since 2003) and swine flu (now) for Malaysia when Dr. Mahathir resigned in 2003 suddennly.
Najib cannot use this excuse for his 100 days, as it is the end of the rotten system.

With the YDP Agong returning to Malaysia after visiting Chile and Uruguay  in the continent where the outbreak of the Swine flu in Mexico occurs, it is timely that the illegal Governments in Malaysia of  'flu-like' scenarios be removed with the Perak (worse scenario) case already spread to Terengganu, Kedah, Penang and Selangor plunging the nation into unprecedented chaos rather than managing  the crisis in the nation.
So the best solution is Interim Government of Good Governance - IGGG. for the common good at a time of global turmoil.

When the executive, the legislative and the judiciary  have failed to put things into proper order then it is left to the YDP Agong to do his duty.  This opportunity is still available as Sultan of Perak spelt out the role of the Monarchy..
Article 39 of FC  the YDP Agong as the Government has the power to appoint any deserving Prime Minister and the IGGG to replace the illegal Government with that rotten system.
So if the YDP Agong also fail, then according to the Rukun Negara we are left to believe in the God to help the nation out in this time like that.
I will keep on writing until I helm the IGGG.
Joshua Kong .... Renaissance    (now blocked)
Http:// ... terest-appeal.html?
Https:// ... 7606068139042958034 - General Election 2004.
Http://    MENACE

Http://   Lodgement to ICC.

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 Author| Post time 6-5-2009 02:01 AM | Show all posts

23 - the DEAD 5

JK's Digest No. 4 of May 2009 (71 of 2009)  Economy woes - get them right? - part 23
The dead 5 is the tagline on 4 May 2009..
The mystery of the missing confession  Http://
Posted by admin Monday, 04 May 2009 01:47.
The posting of Malaysia Today on the day of the 6th Prime Minister visiting Sabah  for the first time since appointed PM on 3rd April, 2009 and the details of that article is an omen not to be ignored.  The other omens of his visits since 3rd April to Sepang for Formula 1 on 5th April,  the results of the 2 by elections in Peninsula Malaysia on 7th April,  and then the visit to Phuket for ASEAN summit,  official visit to Jakarta to lay a wreath, and the official visit to Brunei only to go later to the passing of the first lady in Kucing Borneo 30th April.
How would these omens impact his 100 days is obvious as the visit to Sabah on 4th May is significant as on the night of 4th May going to 5th May, the temperature dropped very much when the whole month of April had been very warm even at night.  In Sabah term, it is like 'freezing'..
Najib's visit to Sabah would be expected to identify the needs of Sabah and the 'freezing' scenario can signify the things to be that can be linked to the dead 5 which is wellknown according to the story in "The mystery of the missing confession" as that confession was frozen somewhere.
I was online at about 1.30 a.m., looking for signs for Sabah that early morning and soon I was one of the first ones to despatch that item to my  yahoo groups.  
I think you know who are the dead 5.  Meanwhile the intensity of the peculiar issues in Sabah would be exposed in the days ahead.
Sabah - once the richest state - is now sitting at  the bottom in the economic ranking for more than a decade already and efforts to narrow the gap of disparities (already identified ) with the motherland are simply lips service mainly due to Selfish Hideous Illegal Trap [SHIT] as immovable with missing political will..
So the best solution is Interim Government of Good Governance - IGGG. for the common good at a time of global turmoil.

When the executive, the legislative and the judiciary  have failed to put things into proper order then it is left to the YDP Agong to do his duty.  This opportunity is still available as Sultan of Perak spelt out the role of the Monarchy..
Article 39 of FC  the YDP Agong as the Government has the power to appoint any deserving Prime Minister and the IGGG to replace the illegal Government with that rotten system.
So if the YDP Agong also fail, then according to the Rukun Negara we are left to believe in the God to help the nation out in this time like that.
I will keep on writing until I helm the IGGG.
Joshua Kong .... Renaissance   
Http:// ... terest-appeal.html?
Https:// ... 7606068139042958034 - General Election 2004.
Http://    MENACE

Http://   Lodgement to ICC.

[ Last edited by  13Friday at 6-5-2009 02:07 ]

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 Author| Post time 12-5-2009 09:31 PM | Show all posts


JK's Digest No. 8 of May 2009 (75 of 2009) Economy woes - get them right? - part 24

After tropical storm - Chan Hom in Sabah and Labuan during the 6th Prime Minister's first visit to the land below the wind.  
Today 12th May, 2009, a storm has been in the making for the second consecutive day  and tomorrow is 13th May, 2009.  What kind of storms is expected?  Meanwhile the evening sky was deep red.
There is definitely nothing of that sort 40 years ago, but an unusual storm could occur around this time.
Would this be the political storm of the second phase or tsunami of  8th March, 2008?
The tsunami of 8th March 2008 or GE 2008 had uprooted the 5th Prime Minister to a premature retirement after a very strong showing in General Election 2004. .
Now another 'tsunami' of a greater intensivity and wider impact may occur as all major political parties have their own stories.  All these stories should not arise when the nation faces an economic crisis of the worst kind.
The crisis is all rooted in UMNO with its irritating and irritated tentacles every where and BN should be uprooted anytime now.
When Hindraf yet to be registered as a society could be banned, UMNO with all its mischieves and illegalities should also be banned in its 63rd year of existence.
We may have two questionable Economic Stimulus Packages (ESP) worth RM67.3 billions over two years which is largely slanted to assist the companies linked to UMNO which are actually unsuatainable.  ESPs are worthless when the Ron 97 of Petrol is to be raised by 20 cents in September 2009, which would push all the prices of goods upwards neutralising all the little impact of the yet to be felt ESPs.  This only serve to confirm that the nation's coffer is experiencing a shortfalls mainly due to the crude oil prices in the market now much lower than the 2009 budget's level.   Instead of the decreasing to RM1 per litre since October 2008 rather than RM1.80 as it was in 2004 when the crude price was hovering about US$50 per barrel, it is to be increased to RM2 per litre soon, further hardship would be precipitated.
The Malaysian ship is definitely to be grounded for many factors even when another 13th May passes by as it was since 1969 the direction of void were already entrenched with the curse of RAHMAN.  We may have learned some of the hard lessons of 1969 but what happened thereafter until now is really too much no matter how many bullets we have to bite.   
What kind of storm is brewing must be many times stronger than that in Perak.   The storm must be strong enough to blow away the rhetoric of 1Malaysia to bring about a new system.   The storm must be violent enough to remove the rotten system of 52 years of elitism of doom.
Do we know how the Perak's political impasse is financed in the context of legal costs and the root causes of the factors that led to the switch of some representatives.  So it is important that we have a Royal Commission of Inquiry on the Perak's turmoil.  
So the best solution is Interim Government of Good Governance - IGGG. for the common good at a time of global turmoil.

When the executive, the legislative and the judiciary  have failed to put things into proper order then it is left to the YDP Agong to do his duty.  This opportunity is still available as Sultan of Perak spelt out the role of the Monarchy..
Article 39 of FC  the YDP Agong as the Government has the power to appoint any deserving Prime Minister and the IGGG to replace the illegal Government with that rotten system.
So if the YDP Agong also fail, then according to the Rukun Negara we are left to believe in the God to help the nation out in this time like that.
I will keep on writing until I helm the IGGG.
Joshua Kong .... Renaissance   
Http:// ... terest-appeal.html?
Https:// ... 7606068139042958034 - General Election 2004.
Http://    MENACE

Http://   Lodgement to ICC.

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 Author| Post time 15-5-2009 06:38 AM | Show all posts


JK's Digest No. 9 of May 2009 (76 of 2009) Economy woes - get them right? - part 25.

Can you understand by this latest term "Unity Government" ?

Is it that the Alliance and later BN Government considered Unity Government in Malaysia?
What has gone wrong after 8th March 2008 - GE 2008 after a similar General Election in May 1969?
After May 13, 1969, the Alliance Government was expanded with the inclusion of Gerakan,
Now after slightly more than a year since GE 2008, there is now a similar talk of Unity Government possibly with the illegal BN Government expanded to include more political parties.
Looking back what happened after May 13, 1969 what was intended to resolve the crisis then - the Malay Dilemma - had worsened the nation in all aspects as the bias and rotten system was lopsided in favour of religion and race as inseparable. Instead of helping the bumiputra group, it had actually benefited a small group of elite under the scourge of leaders succession in RAHMAN - Game of Rampant Evil Elitism Deceit (GREED) while the nation under went Governments' Rampant Excesses, Exploitation & Destruction (GREED) resulting in Selfish Hideous Illegal Trap (SHIT) and yet some want to call that SMART as Sure Make All Rotten Through.
Today after rigging general elections especially proven in GE 2004 and GE 2008, the illegal BN had accomplished RAHMAN after GREED-twin symbolic by the Petronas Twin Tower - just ripe for roasting and it continue to stir the SHIT - forever shit - and it is smart for them and others as the illegal BN likely calls for expanded Unity Government as a way out of the Perak's constitutional crisis with a ruckus, fracas, commotion, diatribe, chaos and power grab with 2 State Governments, 2 menteri besar [chief ministers- now you see and now you don't]; 2 Speakers, tearing 2 Ringgit notes, 2 weapons - pepper gun and likely a bullet gun, 2 speaker chairs - one broken and another replacement, 2 assembly halls - one inside a building and another under a rain tree, 2 sets of Police force - one for the people and another for the BN illegal Governments, and so are we heading for the second set of unity Government in futility?
While the Perak's impasse has moved on to the Appeal Court, the crisis is unlikely resolved there hence there are repeated calls for dissolution of the Assembly and the opening of talks between BN and PR. The blessing in the silverlining or Perak is that whatever the 6th Prime Minister wants to do for his personal agenda is disturbed by the restless developments in Perak. Whatever the outcome of the talks of Unity Government, BN is Be eNd with Najib in RAHMAN. It will never be Unity Government in multi racial and multi religious nation when it is bias as determined in the Federal Constitution and the dominant practice of the illegal elite.
So don't be fooled by the 6th Prime Minister coming in power on 3rd April, 2009 when Najib had this slogan "1Malaysia, People First and Performance Now" on 1st April, 2009 when he knew that it will never be done. The socalled Unity Government will remain as divisive as it has been since 1957 exacerbated after the incident of May 13, 1969.
The nation will continue to decline burning away the resources as it has been 52/46 years under the illegally conceived Governments with the economy downgraded with every recessions since 1983, 1997, and 2008.
The talks of unity government is likely another bigger SHIT as it was in hasty power grab in Perak and the nation can ill afford such SHIT with the prevailing play of the existing political parties largely illegal. The rotten system must end.
So the best solution to move on for the nation is Interim Government of Good Governance - IGGG. for the common good at a time of global turmoil.
When the executive, the legislative and the judiciary have failed to put things into proper order then it is left to the YDP Agong to do his duty. This opportunity is still available as Sultan of Perak spelt out the role of the Monarchy..
Article 39 of FC the YDP Agong as the Government has the power to appoint any deserving Prime Minister and the IGGG to replace the illegal Government with that rotten system.
So if the YDP Agong also fail, then according to the Rukun Negara we are left to believe in the God to help the nation out in this time like that.
I will keep on writing until I helm the IGGG.
Joshua Kong .... Renaissance
Http:// ... terest-appeal.html?
Https:// ... 7606068139042958034 - General Election 2004.
Http:// MENACE
Http:// Lodgement to ICC

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 Author| Post time 23-5-2009 05:52 AM | Show all posts


JK's Digest No. 10 of May 2009 (77 of 2009) Economy woes - get them right? - part 26.

Too many ghosts - past, present in a small nation Malaysia.

So some of you don抰 like this statement and want to deny it.

You can deny it but we do not know enough about ghosts especially those evil ghosts roaming the places for whatever purposes.

Why are ghosts so dangerous? They can be released as in spiritual forms and also possess many human beings with all sorts of ugliness and unusual evil manifestations in our midst.

Do we need proofs to substantiate this claim of ghosts that are harming us in society?

Do we need to go to the courts to stake this claim?

What we need to do is to be delivered from such practices and beliefs as human beings are very much involved with such spiritual frontier. Ask those bomohs or socalled masters in sorcery in whatever beliefs they may practice, they will tell you that such evil practices are effective including causing deaths to the victims - some instantly and some delayed. Of course there will be some who survive to tell good testimonies after some simple methods of exorcism.

While individual exorcism is helpful for the affected victims, it is more importantly that the nation be delivered from such dabbling of the sorcery.

We also know that sorcery with evil intention was there since the beginning of times and it will be there until the end of times.

But in small nation as Malaysia, we have enough ghostly episodes of stories that are frightening that need to be dealt with over the recent decades.

We need to deal with such ghostly episodes of stories at different levels of society and instead such incidences are largely ignored thinking that these ghosts would go away just like that.

Just to give a few examples of these ghastly incidences as in the wee hours almost daily, there will be very fast, dangerous and noisy ghostly vehicles 慼owling

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 Author| Post time 25-5-2009 12:59 AM | Show all posts


JK's Digest No. 11 of May 2009 (78 of 2009) Economy woes - get them right? - part 27.
Who are these outside people ruining the state of Sabah and Malaysia?
The statistics of arrival and departures in Sabah for the period 2004 -2008 (Statistics Dept)
For Indonesians - the arrivals were 1,601,198 and departures 868,557 making 732,641 remaining in Sabah.
For Filipinos, the arrival were 275,963 and departure 201,532 making 74,431 remaining in Sabah.
For Japanese, the arrival were 158,219 and departure 123,393 making 34,826 remaining in Sabah
For Malaysians, the arrival of 7,173,156 and departure of 7,061,875, making 111,281 remaining in Sabah.
For Bruneians, the arrival of 176,148 and departure of 297,201, making 121,053 more to depart Sabah.
For other nations such as Singapore, Australia and NZ; China and Taiwan, the arrivals and departures were closely matched.
The source of information maintained by the Immigration Department indicated some strange phenomenon which can further destroy the state of Sabah and Malaysia.
There were overstayers of Indonesians in Sabah by 732,641. If some of them had disappeared by unofficial channels than the security is even worst.
For the Filipinos, the arrival and departure figures are rather small indicating many have entered Sabah through unofficial channels hence not recorded in the statistics. The overstayers of 74,431 is also high representing about 30% of the arrival in 275,963.
For the Malaysians sector, 111,821 has remained in the State for 2004- 2008 while for the period 1995 - 2003, more than 800,000 Malaysians had departed from Sabah.
For the Bruneians, where would these people exceed by 121,053 depart from Sabah for the period 2004-2008? For the period 1995-2003, 191,810 extra Bruneians left Sabah. I believe the illegal people in Sabah had abused the Bruneian passports to go overseas where visas are not needed for Bruneian passports.
All these figures are part and parcel of Selfish Hideous Illegal Trap [SHIT] for Sabah and Malaysia in ruining the economy, the politics, the society and the resources plus involvement with human trafficking of an unprecedented scale.
Sabah as a deprived and degraded state lying at the bottom of the nation in all indicators is carrying the endless burden of others, and how can we get our economic woes right?
The crux of the problem rooted in illegals and illegalities are mainly the state had been administered by illegal people who call themselves leaders flocking with the illegals in Sabah and the nation. Show us the DNA of the present leaders and all elected representatives - past and present to prove that they are actually born in Sabah. In the early years of independence, it is known that key leaders were foreigners ruling and ruining the state's resources in daylight robberies and some people call that SMART - Sure Make All Rotten Through.
Today, the issues of overstayers and violation of immigration are still not addressed although I had written EPIC of Sabah in three editions from 2002-2004. I have also lodged Police Reports since 2004. The Federal and State leaders likely to be illegals themselves are sucking the state dry.
The corrupted electoral roll even with proposed biometric would not resolve the rotten system no matter how many general elections done. The corrupted Election Commission is confirmed by my two High Court cases just struck off by the failed Judiciary.
Http:// ... 9135895316752982134 is failed judiciary
and the rotten system of profligacy of RM30 trillions in some 27 Police Reports as ignored:-
Http:// as lost Police in its direction.
So the best solution to move on for the nation is Interim Government of Good Governance - IGGG. for the common good at a time of global turmoil.
When the executive, the legislative and the judiciary have failed to put things into proper order then it is left to the YDP Agong to do his duty. This opportunity is still available as Sultan of Perak spelt out the role of the Monarchy..
Article 39 of FC the YDP Agong as the Government has the power to appoint any deserving Prime Minister and the IGGG to replace the illegal Government with that rotten system.
So if the YDP Agong also fail, then according to the Rukun Negara we are left to believe in the God to help the nation out in this time like that.
I will keep on writing until I helm the IGGG.
Joshua Kong .... Renaissance
Http:// ... terest-appeal.html?
Https:// ... 7606068139042958034 - General Election 2004.
Http:// MENACE
Http:// Lodgement to ICC

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