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Author: fazamania

[Lain-Lain] [merged thread] Alexander

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MogiMogiMonster This user has been deleted
Post time 2-12-2004 09:13 PM | Show all posts
I haven't watch the movie yet...
But can someone please spoil me of 'WHAT ELEMENTS THAT THEY SAY ALEXANDER IS GAY?'

I'm just need to know, ok.

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Post time 3-12-2004 12:06 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by MogiMogiMonster at 2-12-2004 09:13 PM:
I haven't watch the movie yet...
But can someone please spoil me of 'WHAT ELEMENTS THAT THEY SAY ALEXANDER IS GAY?'

I'm just need to know, ok.

ooo part2 gay eh:hmm:

kalo tak nak tau jgn baca eh

ahaa.. masa Alexander dah gi conquer that Barbar country.. masa kat harem ntah aper tu.. ader sorang mamat lembut servant.. Alexander & servant tu dah :cak: each other dah..

start tu, servant tu jadik servant Alexander la.. part dia ehem ehem ngan servant tu kena potong ah.. ni masa dia dah kawin ngan karakter Rosario Dawson tu..

ader lagik, masa dia dah conquer India.. ader la hiburan tari menari, suma dancers lelaki & ader unsur2 gay gitu.. servant dia pon, one of the dancers.. when the dance end, Alexander gave the servant a kiss..

probably his relationship with Jared Leto's character (who plays his best friend) also risen some homo sentiments:hmm:... but this is more of a brotherly love.. more of friendship.. just my opinion though ;)

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MogiMogiMonster This user has been deleted
Post time 3-12-2004 12:17 AM | Show all posts
This movie is at weird as i've heard...
But i'm gonna watch it anyway....:ah:

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Post time 3-12-2004 05:02 AM | Show all posts
aku x paham naper ader yg ckp movie ni better than troy!!!!!!!!!!

plz!!!!!!!! troy best 10 kali ganda dr alexander nih..aku suker cerita epik perang..tapi citer alexander ni..yg best part perang jer..part lelain mcm merosakkan filem jer... jalan cerita mcm lemah jer bg aku... pastu x lebihkan taktik dan strategi..lebihkan bab alexander sentiasa di tentang jer time meeting...

aku tengok x fokus sgt biler time dorg bercakap..aku fokus time perang jer...

lagi best king arthur ngan troy.. kalo troy tengok 8 kali aku tetap x bosan...startegi dlm troy mmg best... cara brad pitt lawan pun best...nampak brad pitt(achiles) tu mempunyai kemahiran berpedang..
si alexander nih? x nampak..aku nampak dia lemah ejek sikit nak marah.. org cakap skit nak marah!!!!!! camnerlah boleh congquer 2/3 dunia?

aper2 hal aku suker kostum n part perang jer... strategi perang... jalan cerita... bg aku x best... 3 jam x berbaloi bg aku.. troy 2 jam 30 minit berbaloi!!!!!

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Post time 3-12-2004 07:48 AM | Show all posts
1. too many long-winded speeches

2. having so many Irish accents was rediculous!

3. the battle scenes were not well done ... . pening kepala / spinning from how quickly the scenes kept jumping around.

4. Sepatutnya dia the great tapi dlm wayang ni sikit sangat tunjuk dia punya planning skills .. the last battle tu pulak mcm belakang rumah jer .. (History cakap last battle ni 3 hari 3 mlm and its bloody battle) tapi dlm cerita ni perang ni macam beberapa jam sahaja.

Banyak lagi tapi malas nak tulis

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Post time 3-12-2004 08:15 AM | Show all posts
alexander dia bukan iskandar zulkarnain kan, tapi apasal dalam discovery channel becoming alexander di translate sebagai iskandar....zulkarnain kan... konfius!

dan betul ke alexander nie mati kena racun....?

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Post time 4-12-2004 06:43 PM | Show all posts
ermm no komen lagi
dah baca komen u all ...
Fly dah beli vcd pirate ... n nanti Fly tgk n komen ...

tp tak tau ler nanti nak compare ngan filem maner ...
Fly tak brapa minat sgt cite perang2 terutama zaman dahulu kala
filem Troy .. tak tgk ... sebb tak minat n lagi satu ada Brad Pitt ...
filem ni nak tgk sgt sebb ada Angelina Jolie ...
he he he ........

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Post time 5-12-2004 04:28 PM | Show all posts
percayalah..TROY seribu kali best dr alexander yg merosakkan minda remaja kita... atleast troy x tunjuk gay!!!

troy tunjuk supaya kita kuat beribadat(apollo), kasih sayang sesama keluarga (bapak hector ngn adik hector,paris)..kasih sayang sesama rakan dan sepupu(achilles ngan petroclus n yg jadi suruhan dier tuh saper tah aku lupa..tapi mata cantik).. cinta pada isteri dan ibu(hector sayang bini ngan anak dia...)..cinta pada kekasih dengan penuh kesetiaan(cinta achilles ngan sepupu hecto braiselle).......

alexander? x jumper...syg ayah jer... sayang mak.. kejap syg kejap benci.... isteri? no 2 dr hamba laki yg buat tarian maut tuh!!!!! rosak minda aku tengok citer alexander tuh!

[ Last edited by JUSTcircle on 5-12-2004 at 04:35 PM ]

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Post time 5-12-2004 06:47 PM | Show all posts

something to read

'Alexander' not so great

Alexander - **

Alexander: Colin Farrell
Olympias: Angelina Jolie
King Philip: Val Kilmer
Hephaistion: Jared Leto
Roxane: Rosario Dawson
Old Ptolemy: Anthony Hopkins
Aristotle: Christopher Plummer

Directed by Oliver Stone.
Written by Oliver Stone, Christopher Kyle and Laeta Kalogridis.
Running time: 175 minutes.
Rated R (for violence and some sexuality/nudity).

Warner Bros.

As a public service, we present a study guide to help viewers sit through Oliver Stone's bloated, unconvincing nearly three-hour epic drama Alexander, the story of the 4th century B.C.E. king of Macedonia who took over most of the known world and continued exploring and conquering the Far East.

Section I
Oliver Stone, a usually over-the-top and intermittently brilliant director (Platoon, Born on the Fourth of July, Nixon, Natural Born Killers) is known for his left-wing views and conspiracy theories. Which of the following aphorisms from Alexander most likely explains what drew Stone to this material? Remember, these are just a few of the dozens of aphorisms declaimed by the cast in this verbose script.

Old Ptolemy (Anthony Hopkins): "In his [Alexander's] presence, we were better than ourselves."

Queen Olympias, Alexander's mother (Angelina Jolie): "Weemen [her pronunciation of `women'] are the only ones who truly know Dionysis."

King Philip, Alexander's father (Val Kilmer): "All greatness comes from loss."

Alexander (Colin Farrell): "Each land I reach, I strip away another illusion."

Old Ptolemy: "Babylon was a far easier mistress to enter than she was to leave."

Alexander: "I will unite these barbarians in one empire, make of them one people."

Hint: The last two lines are probably key here. Apparently Stone saw the Alexander saga both as a cautionary tale of a European despot destroying indigenous cultures in his mad quest for power and the story of a visionary multi-cultural warrior, trying to bring the Third World's diversity to his empire. Neither vision is a particularly interesting way of looking at Alexander's life, as it turns out.

Section II
Angelina Jolie's performance has so many ludicrous aspects, it deserves a study guide of its own. But a few of the most incomprehensible elements are worthy of a closer look:

1. Jolie, as the deranged queen Olympias and mother of Alexander, is, at 29, only one year older than Colin Farrell, who plays her son. Although this may work in the childhood scenes, it makes her entire role somewhat less than convincing.

2. In nearly every scene, Olympias writhes with live snakes, even when she is caressing her toddler son.

3. Jolie has a constantly shifting accent, which sounds at times like Sophia Loren, Nastassja Kinski, and, most often, Natasha from the Bullwinkle & Rocky cartoons. The majority of the other actors have British accents, particularly Irish brogues. Given Olympias's outcast status in the film, is Alexander perhaps meant to be a look at the British isle's conflicts with continental Europe? Discuss.

4. Jolie makes sure to kiss Farrell on the lips, emphasizing the bizarre and possibly incestuous nature of their relationship. Is this erotically charged mother-son relationship meant to explain Alexander's bisexuality? Does Alexander conquer the world so he won't have to visit his mom?

Section III
Brad Pitt recently starred as Achilles in the epic drama Troy. Compare and contrast Troy with Alexander.

1. The one area in which Alexander triumphs over Troy is in its battle scenes, of which there are only two, unfortunately, since they are the strongest aspect of the film. Although some scenes with clearly computer-generated armies are used in Alexander, the most important moments are live action scenes. In Troy, the armies and especially the ships sailing into battle often looked like ants, and not particularly animated ones. But the final battle in Alexander, in which Alexander himself finally sees the folly of going further into India after trained elephants and their riders trounce what is left of the Greek army, is pretty amazing.

to be continued ........


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Wizzling This user has been deleted
Post time 5-12-2004 06:56 PM | Show all posts
I think people aren't into this movie as much as they expected a much more sci-fi look into it.

Originally posted by gRaVEyaRD at 2-12-2004 10:48 AM:
Semalam aku tengok cerita Alexander. Ok saja cerita tu.
Cuma tak faham macamana diaorang boleh gambarkan Alexander tu bi sexual...  boleh suka kat jantan pulak...Geram pun ada. Bukankah Alexander ...


Salah.. Iskandar & Alexander isn't the same person. nf:

Entah kenapa Iskandar & Alexander ni disatukan jadi seorg yg sama when It's not. Alexander is a Pagan NOT A MUSLIM! This had been proven once and been shown on Discovery Channel, not to forget written. They file up evidences that he wasn't a muslim! :agr:

Alexander lived far prior years before Iskandar even born! :no:

Wiz geram lah part org balik2 cakap Iskandar & Alexander org sama when it's not. TV subs pun sama! Balik cakap Alexander tu Iskandar!



[ Last edited by Wizzling on 5-12-2004 at 06:58 PM ]

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Post time 6-12-2004 01:41 AM | Show all posts
ermm rasanyer Fly tak dpt paste sambungan utk artikel tersebut
Fly tak tau ape yg silapnyer .. Fly dah register semata-mata nak dptkan sambungan artikel tersebut ...
cuma tak dpt confirmation ....

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Post time 6-12-2004 10:17 AM | Show all posts
aku raser oliver stone mengarah citer tentang perang vietnam lagi best.... macam filem PLATOON

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Post time 6-12-2004 08:56 PM | Show all posts
Hm..Oliver Stone ni banyak sgt teori konspirasi......kita tunggu plak Alexander versi  Baz Luhman....

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loukas This user has been deleted
Post time 7-12-2004 05:43 PM | Show all posts
alexander sucks big time!

aku paling menyesal tengok cite ni dua kali. skali kat rumah, sekali ngan my friends. aku dah kasi warning cite ni mampus nya tak bes.. tapi degil jugak. ada sorang tu pulak meleleh air liur tengok jared leto. tak hensem pun!!!

tak nampak alexander sorang the great! nampak dia sorang yang lembik dan emotional semacam punya emotional.... tak great lah tuuuu!!!!

btw, to all you muslim out there, there's no concrete proof that alexander is iskandar zulkarnain... some say iskandar is cyrus the great, tapi i've heard that alexander is a pagan, not believer in one god. so cannot be muslim...

about the gay thing, i don't know... but he looks like a weak man to be THE GREAT (in this movie lah)

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loukas This user has been deleted
Post time 7-12-2004 05:45 PM | Show all posts
yes, i aslo agree with one poster yang movie ni banyak cakap in irish accent...

pelik isn't it? boleh cakap in irish accent, tapi bila princess of persia tu terkial kial cakap english, foreign jadik nya. get what i mean? get what i mean? haahaahaahaa!!!!

stupid movie! i'll never wathc oliver stone again in my life!!!

btw, gladiator is the best pre-historic or roman or before christ movie ever.

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Post time 5-1-2005 01:56 AM | Show all posts
Dah tgk Troy dah tengok gak Alexander... And Alexander kira okay banding ngan Troy yg uweeeekkkkkkkkk!!!!!!  At least dlm Alexander kita nampak passion dia nak jelajah dunia, tp troy sbb perempuan and personal reason, sanggup perang2.. pastu si archilles tu, org sibuk perang kat luar, dia sedap2 ngan perempuan dalam kemah. Pastu, bila orang silap sangka, marah pulak... Then, si braise tu bodoh betul... ye ye jek tak suka musuh, tp sangkut plak ngan musuh.. sampai sanggup lupakan negara sendiri.. iskhhh, kesimpulannya orang kafir nie mmg bodoh!

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Post time 6-1-2005 07:29 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Strawberry at 5-1-2005 01:56 AM:
Dah tgk Troy dah tengok gak Alexander... And Alexander kira okay banding ngan Troy yg uweeeekkkkkkkkk!!!!!!  At least dlm Alexander kita nampak passion dia nak jelajah dunia, tp troy sbb perempuan  ...

aku rasa alexander lagi suck!!!!!!!!!
buat aku rasa nak hentak2 kepala collin farrel...
ntah2 aper2nyer citerlah...
aku ni dah la peminat filem epik2 camnih.. tapi, alexander nilah filem epik yg paling aku x suker..

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