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Author: ldg

All about Lee Dong Gun

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 Author| Post time 18-11-2006 09:30 AM | Show all posts
ini lagi screencaps ldg dalam Ruler of Your Own World (ROYOW)
-----credits to sis quels from


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 Author| Post time 18-11-2006 09:35 AM | Show all posts
ini pulak dari salah satu screencap kat atas tu, beso punyer !!!!! hihihih


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Post time 18-11-2006 10:07 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ldg at 18-11-2006 09:35 AM
ini pulak dari salah satu screencap kat atas tu, beso punyer !!!!! hihihih

sorang lagi oppa yg aku ingin ada kat sebelah dia bila time aku bangun tidur ... heheh  :lol

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 Author| Post time 18-11-2006 03:54 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by im_comey at 18-11-2006 10:07 AM

sorang lagi oppa yg aku ingin ada kat sebelah dia bila time aku bangun tidur ... heheh  :lol


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 Author| Post time 18-11-2006 04:06 PM | Show all posts
okay, sikit lagi gambo ldg dlm ROYOW...

kalu tgk ldg camni, teringat cite sweet 18, mase scene first nite they all.... hihihih


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 Author| Post time 18-11-2006 04:15 PM | Show all posts
rase2nye gambo ni dari cite ni
----- credits to sis quels of

2002: MBC The thought of wearing rubber shoes on the wrong way

amboi ramainye goda ldg.... putih2nyerrr org korea nih !!!!! jeles nengok


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 Author| Post time 18-11-2006 04:21 PM | Show all posts
drama seterusnya pulak yang ldg berlakun sama ngan Bi/Rain.. ni drama pertama Rain..
----- thanks to violetlady from

official hp:

from the KBS english site:

Chae Eun-hwan has been in love with a guy for fifteen years. But they neither gave a warm hug nor said, "I love you" to each other. They were always heading for different directions. People? prejudices and hypocrisy hurt and deceived them. When other couples share love for each other, they wasted their time picking on each other, ignoring, dating others to make their partner heartbroken, and hurting each other by saying harsh words, which they did not intend to. But they never feel sad, angry or despair because they believe in love.


Chae Eun-hwan (portrayed by Gong Hyo Jin)

Her father, who used to be a teacher, divorced her mother when she was young. She had a new mother, Shim-ran, at age nine. She loved Shim-ran like her real mother as she has the feeling of betrayal from her birth mother. She did not know anything about San-doo? life path; that he was expelled from high school, send to juvenile detention center, got lost from his adopted parents and so on. She ran away with Shim-ran, after Shim-ran took all money from her friends, when Sang-doo was brought to the police station on the same day.

She managed to enter the university in Bachelor of Arts in mathematics and graduated from there to become a math teacher. Her father died five years ago. She is living with Shim-ran, like her birth mother, and Ji-hwan, her brother. Her hobbies are playing go-stop games with Shim-ran, going to karaoke, drinking soju with left-over smoked pork legs. She is in love with Min-suk and never has any doubts that she will become his wife in the future. She thinks her relationship with Sang-doo is over in the past. She only ignores and gives cold shoulder to Sang-doo who keeps expressing his feelings for her.

Cha Sang-doo (portrayed by Bi)

He was raised by his uncle after losing his parent by a car accident. He was adopted to a rich house when his uncle left him, aged ten. Eun-hwan seemed to be his destiny when he met her on the day his uncle left. He was deeply in love with her but he never said he loved her.

He was expelled from his high school after he made a man into coma when he tried to help Eun-hwan. He was sent to juvenile detention center, expelled from the high school, lost from his adopted parents, and broke up with Eun-hwan.

He has Bo-ri, his daughter after he had one nightstand with Pal-lan who always followed him. He became a gigolo to prepare money for his sick daughter? operation. He has made a lot of money after dating many married rich women with his attractive dance and good manner. He accidentally meets Eun-hwan again and he realizes he still has feelings for her, which controls his life. He became a security guard at a school, following Eun-hwan and he finally succeeds in becoming a student and taking her class.

and this part is taken from drama..

Kang Min Suk (portrayed by Lee Dong Gun)
his parents are educators..
minsuk is a perfect gentleman with a overseas education and a pure heart
minsuk loves eunhwan.. he can let her go if she meets someone who can make her happier than he can..
but he cannot easily give her up to someone like sangdoo.

Han Seh Ra (portrayed by hong Soo Hyun)
sehra is born into a single mother home.
at age 8, her birthmother leaves her infront of her birth dad's door.
however her dad had already moved...
sehra spends the next years in an orphanage...
at age 16 she finds herself in the police station...
sangdoo saves her from the police...

Yoon hee Suh (portrayed by Bin)
eunhwan's classmate.
hee suh also has a dysfunctional family
hee suh's goal is to make eunhwan's life miserable.
hee suh falls in love with ji hwan not knowing he is her brother...

Chae Ji Hwan (portrayed by Yuh Seung Hyuk)
eunhwan's brother.
ji hwan is not good in school.
but ji hwan is the class fighting jjang (boss)...

Cha Bo Ri (portrayed by Choi Min Joo)
sangdoo and sehra's daughter.
bori is born premature and goes to the hospital a lot.
bori doesn't know her mom is alive.
sangdoo told bori her mother was a deceased hongkong actress.
bori's favroite person in the world is her dad sangdoo.
bori loves her doctor min suk.
bori finds out eunhwan is doc minsuk's lover.

3 diff versions:
1. mms:// ... preview/pre01_m.asf
2. mms:// ... eview/pre01-1_m.asf
3. mms:// ... eview/pre01-2_m.asf


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 Author| Post time 18-11-2006 04:28 PM | Show all posts
ini ade satu lagi


Sangdoo, Let's Go to School
*Reviewed by lovekdrama


Cha Sang-Doo : Rain (Bi)
Chae Eun-Hwan: Gong Hyo Jin
Kang Min-Suk: Lee Dong Gun
Han Se-Ra: Hong Soo Hyun

This review contains spoilers!


This is the story of Sang-Doo, a young single father who has resorted to the life of a gigolo to pay for his daughter's hospital bills. One day, he sees his first love, Eun-Hwan. Circumstances had parted them ten years ago and although he forgot her over time, he never stopped loving her. Even though Eun-Hwan is engaged, Sang-Doo is determined to win back her love. However, Eun-Hwan has her doubts even though she still loves Sang-Doo. She is engaged to Min-Suk and finds it hard to believe that Sang-Doo is sincere about her since he didn't profess his love for her ten years before. So, do the two ill-fated lovers reunite?

The back story for Sang-Doo and Eun-Hwan is told in beautifully done flashbacks, where the present overlaps the past. There is one scene where Eun-Hwan is lost in thought in the hallway of the school, then she senses
someone pass behind her. She turns and sees her younger self skipping down the hallway. She follows and emerges outside where she sees herself happily knitting a sweater. She continues to watch herself have doubts about giving the sweater to a young Sang-Doo as he is surrounded by other girls and their presents. Then she is back in present time, looking in an empty classroom.


I was very impressed with Rain's performance as Sang-Doo, more so because this is his debut. With Sang-Doo, Rain has proven himself to be a triple threat - singer, dancer and now actor. I have read comments that his work on "Full House" was less impressive than on "Sang-Doo, Let's Go to School". Well, that's because he was able to show off more of his talent playing Sang-Doo, a character more complex and layered than Young-Jae in "Full-House".

Sang-Doo as a father:
Sang-Doo is a wonderful, loving and patient father, and every scene with his daughter, Bori, is a joy to watch. This is of course due largely to the ease between Rain and the little actress who plays Bori. It is also these scenes between father and daughter that are most touching in this drama. My favourite scene, although short, is of Sang-Doo attempting to braid Bori's hair ala Whoopi Goldberg at Bori's request. And the saddest is perhaps when Sang-Doo has to cut off Bori's beautiful thick curly hair. I could feel Sang-Doo's pain, so well reflected by Rain's acting.

Sang-Doo as a gigolo:
He is suave and smooth as he seduces his targets, then cons them into giving him their cash. He is forced into this life and he accepts it although he struggles with the shame he feels. However, when Eun-Hwan accepts his love, he decides to give it up. He quickly learns though that working several jobs, albeit honest, does not cover Bori's medical expenses. And he reluctantly returns to his life as a gigolo.

Sang-Doo as lovesick Sang-Doo:
Sang-Doo goes to great lengths to pursue Eun-Hwan. He gets a job as a security guard at the school where she teaches, putting up with abuse from the students. And when he gets fired, he returns as a student in her class. It takes several episodes and much effort on Sang-Doo's part before Eun-Hwan admits to herself and Sang-Doo that she loves him. So, happily ever after you think? Not so. After all, what self-respecting drama would end on a happy note like that without first having the leads part at least once before reuniting (or twice in the case of "Winter Sonata" but I digress).

Obstacles are thrown in. When Eun-Hwan finds out that Sang-Doo is a gigolo, she forgives him. This I applaude the writers for - it takes courage and love for Eun-Hwan to accept Sang-Doo for what he is and what he has done. Eun-Hwan also makes an attempt to win Bori's affections. And as the three of them sit, content, under the tree, they face another obstacle. It turns out that Bori's biological mother, Se-Ra is actually Eun-Hwan's step-sister. This immediately spells the end of Sang-Doo and Eun-Hwan's relationship, although I don't understand why. It isn't incestuous in any way especially since there are no blood ties between Eun-Hwan and Se-Ra. It might make for an awkward family reunion, but what is the objection here?

When it is later revealed that Sang-Doo is not Bori's biological father, Sang-Doo has to choose between Bori or Eun-Hwan. To Eun-Hwan's dismay, he chooses Bori. She is so angry she runs back to her ex-fiance, Min-Suk. I am confused yet again. Why must Sang-Doo choose? Why can't he continue to be Bori's father and still be with Eun-Hwan especially since he has no blood ties to Bori? I admired Sang-Doo when he said to Min-Suk, "how can I abandon my child for a woman". Eun-Hwan should be ashamed of herself for being angry at him when he chooses Bori, which really is no surprise. Sang-Doo was abandoned twice which was what prompted him to bring Bori home from the orphanage where Se-ra had left her. And he wasn't about to abandon Bori whom he raised singlehandedly for seven years.

In my opinion, there was no valid reason for Sang-Doo and Eun-Hwan to part. And for Sang-Doo to give up so easily on Eun-Hwan after obsessively pursuing her in the beginning, just didn't make much sense to me. Predictably this drama ends on a sad note. After making it virtually impossible for Eun-Hwan and Sang-Doo to be together, the writers killed them off so that they could be together in death.

I had read about the ending before I watched this. I had thought the ending was sillly and a big turn-off. Nevertheless, to catch Rain's performance, I decided I had to watch this. And although I personally hate a sad ending, death was perhaps the only ending for Sang-Doo and Eun-Hwan. Surprisingly, I found it rather bittersweet at the very last scene. Bori, in a voiceover, apologises to Sang-Doo for slowly forgetting him since his death. As Bori talks, we see Sang-Doo and a pregnant Eun-Hwan arguing over the discipline of her students, then Eun-Hwan goes into labour. The next and last scene is of Sang-Doo and Eun-Hwan out for a walk with their newborn baby. Then Bori says she will dream of Sang-Doo more. The very last scene brought tears to my eyes, seeing Sang-Doo and Eun-Hwan happy at last even if just in a dream. When Sang-Doo and Eun-Hwan dies in each other's arms, I felt so unsatisfied, but when the last scene came on, I felt a sense of closure.
So I suppose the ending wasn't so terrible. It was bittersweet and, in a way, appropriate.

Although Rain did a great job as Sang-Doo, I can't say the same about Gong Hyo Jin and Lee Dong Gun. I felt that Gong Hyo Jin was miscast. She looks older than Rain's Sang-Doo and does not have enough charm or talent to play the part of Eun-Hwan. She overacts, especially when she cries. However, she was rather funny when, after deciding to be with Sang-Doo, she took pointers from the movie "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days" and behaved inappropriately and totally out of character, so that Min-Suk would leave her. Overall though, I just didn't connect with her and could not understand why Sang-Doo could possibly love her Eun-Hwan.

Lee Dong Gun as Lee Min-Suk was just boring. Min-Suk seems like the ideal man, kind and patient with Eun-Hwan, but played by a more charming actor, Min-Suk wouldn't have been so pathetic and boring. Although I must say Lee Dong Gun's scenes with Rain were amusing and fun to watch. The two actors obviously work well together. However, his other scenes alone or with Eun-Hwan were just flat and dare I say it again, boring. I am glad to see that Lee Dong Gun has improved since as he turned in a reasonably effective performance in "Lovers in Paris".


In conclusion, the best thing about this drama is Rain's acting. His performance alone makes this drama worth watching. I don't think this is so much a love story as it is a story about Sang-Doo. As a love story, it fails because it is just too soppy and dramatic (although not as dramatic as "Winter Sonata" but again I digress). However, as part of Sang-Doo's story, it works because it is just another heartbreak in Sang-Doo's unfortunate and tragic life.

Another aspect of the story I really enjoyed is the relationship between Sang-Doo and Min-Suk. They were rivals for Eun-Hwan's affections and did initially dislike each other. But despite this, they would still reluctantly help each other out. For example, Min Suk helping Sang-Doo with a math problem, and showing Sang-Doo how to knit when Sang-Doo wanted to knit a hat for Bori. And Sang-Doo cheering Min-Suk up after Eun-Hwan accepted Sang-Doo. As they got to know each other, their rivalry gave way to friendship and
understanding. Sang-Doo even said that if Bori was older, he wouldn't mind having Min-Suk as his son-in-law.

"Sang-Doo, Let's Go to School" isn't perfect but it does have a lot going for it. It has a strong, real and complex character in Sang-Doo. It has a sweet. although at times soppy, love story. It explores the struggles and joys of a single father. It touches on abandonment and how Sang-Doo rises above this. And it has lots of scenes between Sang-Doo and Min-Suk that are often times hilarious and sometimes touching. This drama is worth a watch.

[ Last edited by  ldg at 18-11-2006 04:53 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 18-11-2006 04:31 PM | Show all posts
byk scene ldg ngan rain kelako2 dlm cite ni... cite ni time sediy2 tapi bile tgk rain esp nge ldg sebab die tangkap jeles nge mamat ni dlm cite tuh hihihi, jadi komedi la pulok... tgk ajer gambo kat bawoh ni..


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 Author| Post time 18-11-2006 04:49 PM | Show all posts
lagi gambo Sangdoo
-----credits to soompi, sangdoo thread-----


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 Author| Post time 18-11-2006 05:04 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 18-11-2006 05:08 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 18-11-2006 05:09 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 18-11-2006 05:13 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 18-11-2006 05:14 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 18-11-2006 05:19 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 18-11-2006 05:28 PM | Show all posts
okay, last gambo ldg dalam sangdoo... mase ni, ldg dah ke arah macam mase die dalam Sweet 18.. pasni, ade cite pendek MBC jugak, yang ldg berlakun sbg prosecutor, lagi la nampak macam character die dlm Sweet 18..


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 Author| Post time 18-11-2006 05:47 PM | Show all posts
tak jumpa la pulak psl cite pendek MBC "No Chun Hyang VS Ahn Mong Ryong ".. jadi kite nak start Sweet 18 dulu... my peberet couple... :love::love:

KBS Drama (2004) 16 Episodes
Korean Title: Nang Rang 18 Seh
Official Homepage (Korean):

Key Cast:
Yoon Jung Sook: Han Ji Hye (Summer Scent)
Kwon Hyuk Joon: Lee Dong Gun (Let's go to School, Sang Do)

Other Characters:
Kwon Sun Ah (Hyuk Joon's elder sister)
Jung Chan (Hyuk Joon's colleague and best friend)
Moon Ga Young (Hyuk Joon's ex-girlfriend)
Hyuk Joon's grandfather
Jung Sook's mother

This is my very first review done on so I though I'd start with a drama I felt was really outstanding. The concept of a pre-arranged marriage between an older man and a very young girl is not a new one and has been explored before in the Hong Kong movie My Wife is 18 (Charlene Choi and Ekin Cheng). Incidentally, the release of this drama was quickly followed by that of the Korean movie My Little Bride (Kim Rae Won and Moon Geun Young) again using the same theme. Shows exploring this theme are usually romantic comedies unabashedly filled with saccharine-sweet romantic plot-lines and backed up by wacky over-the-top humour and Sweet 18 makes no attempt to deviate from a proven formula. So what makes Sweet 18 stand out from its peers and from other dramas for that matter, especially for someone like myself, whom I consider a more serious audience? For one, the plot is face-paced and smooth-flowing as well as being genuinely humorous. In addition to this, behind all the antics and romance, there are actually life lessons that can be appreciated from the drama.

-----credits to spcnet-----


[ Last edited by  ldg at 18-11-2006 06:02 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 18-11-2006 05:48 PM | Show all posts
Synopsis (contains spoilers!):

The drama begins with Hyuk Joon's grandfather, the patriarch of the respectable and very traditional Kwon household, agreeing to a pre-arranged marriage between his at-the-time 10 year old grandson and the new-born granddaughter of his best friend, Jung Sook's grandfather. However, the family of Jung Sook's grandfather soon runs into debt and in the middle of the night, they quietly leave the Kwon household so as not to bring shame upon them.

Fast forward 17 years and Jung Sook is all grown up now and studying her final year in high school in preparation for her university-entrance exams. Her grandfather and father have by now passed on and she was brought up in a poor environment by her mum who owns a small laundry shop. However, Jung Sook is chirpy and strong-willed despite her background and definitely very cheeky. She unfortunately does not have much of an interest in her studies and often goes shopping and to discos with her gang of four close friends, known in school collectively as the five mirror princesses.

It is during one of these disco outings that Jung Sook ends up meeting her future husband, Hyuk Joon, although it is not in the best of circumstances. Hyuk Joon, a prosecutor has led his team to the disco to arrest a targeted gang leader but failing to do so, end up arresting underage entrants to the disco instead. Jung Sook, not yet 18, is one of those arrested and the awkward circumstance of their meeting is used to generate a few laughs. At almost the same time, Hyuk Joon's grandfather who has been looking for his long-lost friend over the years, finally locates Jung Sook's family's whereabouts and send Hyuk Joon's uncle to formalise the details of the pre-arranged marriage with Jung Sook's mum.

Upon learning of the marriage, Hyuk Joon and Jung Sook of course are very much opposed to it with Hyuk Joon thinking of Jung Sook as an immature brat while Jung Sook sees Hyuk Joon as an old boring nerd. However, the usual plot developments are thrown in to bring the two together like Jung Sook catching Hyuk Joon in the bath when going to his house to ask him something and more importantly, she learns that Hyuk Joon is her first love (the unknown guy in traditional Korean dress whom she bumped into on the street and fell in love with immediately). Thus Jung Sook begins to actively pursue the marriage to Hyuk Joon's horror, even travelling from Seoul to Andong (a rural area where the Kwon household is located) to earn points with Hyuk Joon's grandfather. Hyuk Joon's grandfather takes an immediate liking to her despite her being from a poor background and not trained in the proper use of Korean traditional etiquette and household duties. Adamant that the marriage goes through, Hyuk Joon finally agrees to the marriage so as not to aggravate his grandfather's ailing health and with the mutual agreement with Jung Sook that their marriage is only to be in name with each other not interfering in the other's personal life.

All this takes place within the first few episodes and there is much more interesting twists and turns as Ga Young, Hyuk Joon's aggressive university ex-girlfriend, is introduced and goes about trying to win back Hyuk Joon with the help of Sun Ah, Hyuk Joon's sister who utterly dislikes Jung Sook and is against the marriage. Other obstacles like Hyuk Joon's and Jung Sook's constant bickering, the problems of living under one roof and the requirement of Jung Sook to meet the expectations of the Kwon family as the wife of the heir also come into play to create some humorous moments and also further the plot. It would be too long to summarise the entire plot here but to put it briefly, in the end true love blossoms between Hyuk Joon and Jung Sook and their show marriage becomes a real one in all meanings of the word.

Plus points:
As mentioned before, what makes this drama such a pleasure to watch is how well the plot is paced. There are no boring moments and the interesting plot just keeps making you want to watch more. The humour is not overly wacky but funny enough to keep a smile on your face for most of the show. Feel good moments are also generously used and while some might consider that an exploitation of the viewer's intellect, I personally watch a show for to enjoy it and a feel good plot does the same job for me as a more complex intellectual one. What is really refreshing about the drama though is that it does not fall into the melodramatic trappings that most other Korean dramas do. While there are definitely scenes that are meant to draw some tears, they are incorporated thoughtfully and not overdone. The minor characters are also used very effectively and are integral to plot development. You never get the feeling that they are just there to add some cheap laughs or as a distracting subplot to follow.

Furthermore, behind all the wackiness and romantic themes that the show has, there are actually some very meaningful and though-provoking themes incorporated into the story. For example, the theme of one's responsibility to his family is touched upon throughout the show in Hyuk Joon's obligations to fulfil his duties as heir to the Kwon household with the eventual fate of him having to give up his career to take over as the Kwon patriarch looming over him. There are also the themes of trust and compromise in marriage as seen though Jung Sook's gradual maturation where she learns to trust Hyuk Joon's love for her and where both parties are forced to sacrifice many aspects of their lives to be together like Hyuk Joon his selfishly-guarded privacy and Jung Sook her chance to further her education. However, the biggest underlying theme behind the story would be the definition of what is true love in a marriage as both parties struggle throughout the drama make their marriage work. At the end there is also a very beautiful portrayal of family love that I'll leave potential viewers to find out.

The biggest plus point of the show would have to be the cast who fit their roles to perfection. Han Ji Hye is a new and very unique actress who seems to have this energy around her that makes her just right for Jung Sook's role. Incidentally she is almost the same age as her character (she was 19 at the time of filming) and puts all her youthful characteristics to good use in her portrayal of Jung Sook who is naive, bubbly, cute and yet stubborn at the same time. Lee Dong Gun on the other hand is the perfect foil playing Hyuk Joon who is essentially a serious and conservative man. Though only 24, he plays the 28 year old Hyuk Joon well, conveying across his seriousness without being too stiff. He also expresses his emotions well and you can see his character really starting to develop genuine feelings for Jung Sook. It helps that Han Ji Hye and Lee Dong Gun have a very good on-screen chemistry that allows them to successfully play their roles as a mismatched pair that eventually fall in love. Mention should also be given to the actress who plays Ga Young who really looks the part of a conniving and bitter ex-lover and the actor who plays Jung Chan who you can feel has this close buddy friendship with Hyuk Joon.

I may be biased, but I really cannot think of any major drawbacks for this drama. At 16 episodes, it is not too short or too overly-draggy. I may not be an avid follower of dramas, but I've watched my fair share of J-dramas and K-dramas (though I have yet to watch any of the 4 season dramas) and would rate this up there among the best as a classic. The only drawback I can imagine is that the initial impression the show might give is that it is overly sweet and lacks a serious backdrop. However, if you can get over these initial apprehensions, you'll find a drama that successfully takes a simple plot with very mundane but yet identifiable themes and makes a good story. The result is a very unique and refreshing piece of work that I believe most people will enjoy.

I gave this drama a rating of 5 basically because it is a show that simply leaves you with a sense of satisfaction after watching it. There are no head-scratching moments trying to fill in gaps in the plot and you won't have to rack your brains wondering why he did this or she did that. Sweet 18 is a drama that potentially appeals to a wide audience and I believe a teen would find as much enjoyment watching it as an adult, though maybe in different ways. It also makes for good family viewing since there are no excessively violent or sexual themes. If you haven't caught the show yet, I cannot recommend more for you to go and do so as soon as possible.

Gunner's Rating: 5 on a Scale of 5
credits to gunner of spcnet tv

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 Author| Post time 18-11-2006 08:47 PM | Show all posts
banyak gambor ldg-hjh ni... suke tgk die orang !!!

------semua gambo2 ni credits to sis quels from


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