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Author: ViZieR

Children Islamic Centre (CIC)

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Post time 28-12-2011 04:08 PM | Show all posts
saya memang puji cic presint 9 dulu, tp ada kawan hntr ke cic setapak, katanya ampeh...ikut tempat la...

kat presint 9 punya cikgunya mmg bagus, communication book tu memang communicate betul ngan kita, kalau anak demam, siap note kat situ, pukul berapa bagi ubat dan cikgu mana bagi. so dah balik rumah boleh tgk bila last cikgu bagi ubat, kita boleh estimate next nak kasi ubat pkl berapa pulak.

Pastu diaorang communicate in english ngan anak-anak. bila dah petang, saya amek program sampai ptg, bila ptg, lps bangun tido, anak-anak ni diajar solat asar, pastu baca qiraati, (ke bukan tak ingat lupa dah konsep apa dia ajar bebudak mengaji) abeh ngaji, sambil tunggu parent sampai, budak-budak akan disuruh baca story book samaada sendiri, atau teacher akan bacakan, diaorang kumpul ramai-ramai depan teacher..

Masa kat smart reader, hntr sampai ptg juga, (transit tmpt lain, tp same owner) beza la haiiiii budak-budak terkinja-kinja lari sana sini... beza sungguh... cic memang budak-budak tertib je...

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Post time 29-12-2011 09:10 AM | Show all posts
Reply 40# mrstamada

management team dorg da btambah besar..siap ade officer dtg check..penah jupe kt centre..die ckp dtg situ nk check kebersihan..cra teacher mengajar..progres student dll..InsyaAllah ok {:4_189:}

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Post time 29-12-2011 12:17 PM | Show all posts
maybe ikut cawangan kot cic ni yg ok...cic yg ank sy masuk ni kerap dah tukar cikgu...bila anak demam, ubat tak diberi pun (bila tanye pada anak)...pastu bila tanye cikgu pun blh tanye lak entah...aduhh...communication book pun tak diguna sepenuhnye.hanye tulis bila ada homework..

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Post time 29-12-2011 03:00 PM | Show all posts
byk jgk dgr yg xelok psl CIC ni...anak sedara pon pernah pegi CIC kota dsara...time progress report tu , ckp anak bleh wat itu hampeh sbnrnya anak xbleh wat apa2 pon...pastu bdk2 pon xsuka g skolah...bila tukar ke krista br diortg happy g skolah..mesti ada something yg xbest menyebabkan bdk2 xnk pegi kan...xtau la klau CIC branch lain...kt tmpt sya ni br buka...2012 ni first intake..tu yg tkt nk try tu...nk kena tgk dulu, and ty org2 yg dh hantar mcm mana mgmt diorg..

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Post time 30-12-2011 10:54 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by icha80 at 30-12-2011 10:58
byk jgk dgr yg xelok psl CIC ni...anak sedara pon pernah pegi CIC kota dsara...time progress report  ...
pgtamada Post at 29-12-2011 15:00

rsa tu dlu2 skrg ni becoming better..byk aktiviti best sy tgk kt fb..ce tgk fb dorg.. semua aktiviti kt centre dorg upload anak2 sure happy nyer..xkn da 6bln xtahu bdk2 ni kan ikut level die ade yg aktif ade yg lmbt kte xleh depends on teacher je..sbg parent kena gak amik tahu pelajaran ank..jgn bla da akhir thn bru nk tnya teacher psl progress ank..da lmbt..kena slalu remind teacher dn tnya perkembangan anak dr masa ke semasa..peace yo..

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Post time 3-1-2012 11:09 AM | Show all posts
maybe ikut cawangan kot cic ni yg ok...cic yg ank sy masuk ni kerap dah tukar cikgu...bila anak dema ...
najwanajmi Post at 29-12-2011 12:17

u anta anak u kat CIC mane yer?

Ada sesiapa x anta anak kat Presint 11A.. ?

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Post time 3-1-2012 12:17 PM | Show all posts
2011 - 5 tahun - hantar anak kat CEC
2012 -  6 tahun masuk kan ke CIC....branch yg baru buka this year.
hope fully semuanya ok...
masa kat CEC semuanya ok..cuma kurang penekanan bab2 agama...
so harap this year bab2 agama n kisah2 rasul dan perjuangan, dan adab2 islam lebih
menjiwai diri anak.  Sebab 2013 dah darjah satu - nak masuk KAFA..nanti dia ketinggalan kelas KAFA pulak....tu yg i risau kan...

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Post time 4-1-2012 01:48 PM | Show all posts
Saya baru je hantar anak umur 3 tahun kat CIC Presint 18, baru buka tahun ni. Risau juga sbb ada a few negative comments. Tapi takpela, kita tgk dulu mcm mana. Lagipun sebelum ni hantar Taska Si*a**n kat Fasa 7, Presint 9 sangatla tak puas hati. Bila minta bagi cadar n sampul bantal every 2 weeks pun susah, asek salah bagi org punye je. Pastu bile anak demam tanya last mkn ubt pukul brp pun blur2 nak jawab. Aritu siap terlupa bg ubat padahal dah tulis nota, sampai ptg tu saya amik ank panas sampai 39.5 dah.
Yang paling saya bersyukur keluarkan anak dr situ adalah dr segi kebersihan. Saya minta bantal anak saya, sekali dia bagi bantal tu dalam keadaan yg kotor. Kesian anak saya. MCm mana tah dia tidur. Cikgu mmg boleh dikatakan 1-2 bln skali tukar...

CIC yg anak saya masuk ni bwh program Playschool Zamrud. Rm550/m termasuk meal 3 kali sehari pukul 8.30am - 5.30pm. Memang agak mahal, tapi ye la byk program yg CIC offer. Harap2 jgn on paper je npk best. Lagipun sejalan je dengan rumah saya, selang 2 baris rumah je. Hari ni first day, x sabar nak tunggu ptg nak jumpa anak...

Ada sesapa yg hantar anak kat CIC P18?

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Post time 5-1-2012 05:06 PM | Show all posts
Reply 35# icha80

Boleh tahu kt CIC maner???

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Post time 5-1-2012 05:08 PM | Show all posts
Sape ade pengalaman kt CIC kota damansara??

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Post time 10-1-2012 10:44 AM | Show all posts
Aneka Maya! Anak saya pun hantar ke CIC P18 juga, dia ckp dia suka kat situ.. stakat ini takde apa2 masalah.. hari tu saya ada tanya teacher dia pasal COMMUNICATION BOOK, sepatutnya buku tu dalam beg anak setiap hari macam taska2 lain, so that apa2 masalah kita boleh tulis dlm buku tu, ye la tiap2 hari terkejar2 nak hantar anak pastu nak ke pejabat kejar punch kad, petang pulak tunggu turn nak ambil anak pastu nak borak2 lagi dengan teacher pasal perkembangan anak, tu pun tak sempat nak tanya soalan lain parents lain pulak dtg nak ambik anak, so communication book tu penting.. lepas tanya pasal communication book tu, teacher dia ckp macam ni "communication book tu kita simpan kat sini, tak boleh bawak balik" .. aiikk, peliknyaaaaa..

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Post time 11-1-2012 04:09 PM | Show all posts
saya hantar anak ke CIC P18 program zamrud, anak umur 5 tahun.. kenapa CIC takde buku komunikasi ye? teacher ckp buku komunikasi simpan di tadika sahaja, tak boleh bawa balik rumah..

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Post time 12-1-2012 03:51 PM | Show all posts
Reply 52# cholic

Salam.Untuk Pengetahuan puan, CIC memang ada menyediakan communication book. InsyaAllah, next week anak puan akan dapat buku ini. Apa2 maklumat, homework atau mesej dari centre akan ditulis disitu dan jika puan ingin bertanya mengenai perkembangan anak puan, boleh juga ditulis dlm buku itu.Selain itu, CIC juga ada mengeluarkan Progress report utk 3 kali dlm setahun. Teacher dan Academic Officer akan selalu memantau perkembangan kanak-kanak di CIC.TQ..

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Post time 12-1-2012 04:28 PM | Show all posts
TQ CIC for your reply.. anak saya suka pergi CIC P18, balik je skul saya tanya... nak pegi skul lagi tak? laju je dia jawab NAAAAAAAK!! hehehhee!

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Post time 12-1-2012 06:11 PM | Show all posts
Reply 54# cholic

Alhamdulillah, jika anak puan suka ke CIC. InsyaAllah, she can learn many thing at CIC. Utk makluman puan, hanya communication book dan homework shja yg dibawa pulang. Buku2 yg lain disimpan di centre kerana kita khuatir pelajar lupa membawa buku2 berkenaan ke centre.Maaf diatas miscommunication yg berlaku sblm in.TQ

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Post time 13-1-2012 10:54 AM | Show all posts
saya nk tanye...kenapa dulu ank saya dapat hanye satu progress report ye

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Post time 14-1-2012 01:14 PM | Show all posts
It is not easy to choose a good school, especially for early childhood stage. As we know this stage is the most important stage in human development. In early childhood stage, there are many things that is vital rather than reading,writing and counting skills. Except mother's tonque, languages are not as crucial as emotional, behavariol,spiritual, cultural and islamic environment. Very sad to see some muslim parents send their little kid to non muslim institution to "master" theirs' children English proficiency. Actually the unislamic culture and "aura" of non believer teachers will have a great effect to the young spiritual well being.
Let our young muslim being nurtured by the hand of muslim.
   However, nowdays there are so many islamic enrichments centre sprouts all over Klang Valley. Some just around the corner for less than 2 years but have so many outlets open without proper preparations. They just too busy to do "aggresive marketing" without even have a proper office and enough officers to support their operations. So a wisdom parent will check their management office, whether they are ready to support their so many outlets. This is not another Air Asia business, this is genaration building industry. We don't want Tony Fernandes in this industry.  Another factor to be considered is the background of the owner, do they the right person to run the educational institution of just a mere businessman who just driven by profit orientation  to ride the exponential growth of islamic education. They can come overnight and missing the next day. This type of businessman also can tarnish the image of islamic education in the eye of muslim parent
The third factor is over claim mentality for example " we are 100% english". This "instant educators" always put a very bombastic name to their enrichment centre sometimes a combination of many great names and method together to attract a parents and  mislead parents to their place. They even use "personalities" to attract the prospects. It is maybe right in term of marketing but not suitable with the education. Our children is not a commodity, there are our asset here and hereafter.
So to all parents please do some research before sending your kids to any early childhood centres. You can starts with the internet by visiting their websites and facebooks, but the most important do a visit or investigate their management office ( if a chain centres). I prefer a chain centres because of their R&D is much more better than single operate centre.
Remember our child is the most precious here and hereafter.

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Post time 14-1-2012 05:20 PM | Show all posts
Di Bukit Jelutong Shah Alam pun ada branch CIC rasanya thn ni start operasi, belum sempat nk survey2 lg, plan nak hantar baby sekolah next year at least half day pun dh ok sbb nk bg dia bergaul dgn rakan2 sebaya

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Post time 16-1-2012 03:27 PM | Show all posts
Reply 58# anggunrias

Sy hantar anak ke CIC bukit jelutong yang baru beroperasi tahun ni....
so far tanya anak...katanya suka sekolah CIC,  uniform baru dpt minggu lepas...
tempat baru mungkin byk perkara yang belum betul2 sedia utk di aplikasikan...pada pelajar.
Mungkin sama seperti branch lain....communication book belum dapat,
so tak leh nak komen byk lagi....tgh perhatikan perkembangan anak n situasi kat
CIC sana.

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Post time 16-1-2012 06:38 PM | Show all posts
Dear Mums.
Choosing a right centre to send our small kids is very important. Choosing the wrong one will jeopardise their future undertakings. Parent should understand the main principles of education than the less important priorities. Many of us prefer the English medium, while research shows that small kids under the age of six must master their mother's tongue before being exposed to second or third languages. They will confuse when so many languages mix up at so early stage. We don't want to end up like Philipphine. So language is not the main principles of education.
In the nineties many parents send their kids to IT Kindergartens. Some of this kindergarten have more computers than students. This parent believe their kids will have a bright future when their early lives being exposed to computers. Again computers and IT is not a principles of education. Its only a trend.
Now in Indonesia parents are rushing to send their lovely kids to Entrepreaneur Kindies. Again entrepreaneurship has nothing to do with the early childhood education. Luckily we do not yet have the Politicians Kindergarten. May be some of the parents who like their kids growing up as politicians will send their kids there.
So we have to know the pillar of educations then only we know how to choose a good early childhood education centre. Just my humble opinion.

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