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All about Zoo Negara (Zoo Serangga kini dibuka!)

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Post time 21-12-2007 08:38 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 21-12-2007 08:41 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 21-12-2007 08:50 PM | Show all posts
Zoo's Quebec cat likes French chat
Keepers discover eight-year-old Boris is more responsive to the language of his youth
Alexandra Zabjek, The Edmonton Journal
Published: Friday, June 08
EDMONTON - Word has spread quickly that Boris, the Valley Zoo's Siberian tiger, likes the sound of people speaking French.

On the same day the zoo invited people who speak French to visit Boris, who was born and raised in Quebec, visitors could be heard tossing a few French words at the tiger as they stopped outside his enclosure.

Closer in, zookeeper Ginette Heppelle, also cooed to the big cat in French.

"Salut, mon chat!" she said. "Comment ca va?"

The tiger's size -- he weighs 135 kilograms and is 2.5 metres long -- and his four huge canine teeth make him a spectacular sight. But it's his apparent disposition to the French language that has caught the public's attention.

Boris arrived at the Valley Zoo last May after spending the first seven years of his life at the Granby Zoo in Quebec.

He was unresponsive upon his arrival, said the Valley Zoo's operations supervisor, Dean Triechel. But things changed when Heppelle, a French speaker, chatted with the cat in her native tongue.

"He was being aloof most of the time, but as soon as he heard the French language, he came over to the bars," said Triechel. "(When he hears French,) he just shows that interest in general."

At times on Monday, the tiger appeared responsive to Heppelle's words. At other times, he simply stretched, yawned and appeared to be basking in the attention of visitors.

"He's one of the goofiest large cats I've ever seen," said Triechel.

Heppelle noted that it was probably the cat's new surroundings that made Boris uncomfortable during his first days in Edmonton.

Still, Heppelle thinks it could be soothing for him to hear French from visitors.

"If anything, it will just remind him of home and it will probably make him feel pretty good," she said.

Joseph Stookey, a professor in the department of large animal clinical sciences at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine in Saskatchewan, said the move probably had the biggest impact on Boris's comfort level. He doubts the tiger would appreciate hearing French words from the public.

"You can imagine all of the conversations that people have around that enclosure, and I don't think the tiger would put that together in any kind of meaningful way," Stookey said.

"The animal knows it's in a strange place and it's going to feel that way for a long time ... (language) is going to be a small part of this great, big, unfamiliar picture for the animal."

Triechel admits that he's just as keen to have people learn more about the Siberian tiger as he is about having them speak French to Boris. Siberian tigers are an endangered species; it's estimated there are fewer than 500 left in the world.

Boris is part of the Species Survival Plan program. One of its goals is to organize managed breeding programs for some animals facing extinction.

Boris is now being trained to understand some English words as part of a behavioural training program that will allow zoo staff to inoculate him with greater ease.

He joins a 19-year-old female Siberian tiger at the zoo.

Siberian tigers usually live between 15 and 20 years in captivity.

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Post time 21-12-2007 08:53 PM | Show all posts
The Granby Zoo (French: Le Zoo de Granby) is a zoo in Granby, Quebec and is one of Quebec's major tourist attractions.

It was founded in 1953 by the mayor of Granby at the time, Pierre-Horace Boivin. There are currently more than 1000 different animals grouped into 200 species [1] and has 516,000 visitors per year. The Granby Zoo is the largest zoo in all of Eastern Canada. Adjacent to the zoo is the Amazoo water park.

Ratu~ Dah berapa kali pergi sini, lawa jugak.

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Post time 21-12-2007 08:56 PM | Show all posts


The entrance to the Granby Zoo

Petting Zoo









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Post time 21-12-2007 09:05 PM | Show all posts

Entrance zoo di Quebec

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 Author| Post time 24-12-2007 09:55 AM | Show all posts
hari sabtu lepas p zoo

mcm biasa jugak

cuma kali nih, makanan ada dijual (pisang)

3 ketul = RM1

tuk gajah..

makanan tuk binatang lain..takde jual kali nih..

masih ada sesi amik gambo ngan binatang2 mcm ular, kuda pendek tu etc



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 Author| Post time 24-12-2007 10:05 AM | Show all posts
Girl clawed by leopard


KUALA LUMPUR: A five-year-old girl was clawed by a leopard at Zoo Negara on Saturday, the first such incident at the zoo.

Haw Qian Tong, who is now in hospital, was clawed from the back and suffered injuries to her neck and mouth.

However, zoo officials are puzzled how the incident could have happened as there is a barrier that prevents visitors from getting too close to the leopard's enclosure.

The girl抯 mother, who only wanted to be known as Mrs Haw, 36, said the incident happened around 4pm when the leopard caught hold of the collar of her dress.

揗y husband saw the incident and rushed to the enclosure before the leopard let her go.

揟here are scratches on her neck and back but we later realised that there was a cut in the palette of her mouth too,



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 Author| Post time 24-12-2007 10:08 AM | Show all posts
aku p zoo sabtu lepas kan
dan aku pun ada lalu gak kat tpt binatang nih..

mmg binatang nih aktif
mundar mandir dan cakar pagar tu

tak tahu angin tak baik
atau pun peot lapar ke apa

binatang2 kat zoo tu
kurus kering semua
mcm tak cukup makan je

mmg ada halangan kat luar pagar tu
kasik jarak skit, jgn dekat sangat ngan pagar tu

ni kekadang pelawat pun sengal gak
semua benda nak humban dlm pagar tu



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 Author| Post time 24-12-2007 12:46 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 26-12-2007 11:22 AM | Show all posts
Zoo must improve safety measures
25-12-2007 03:34:30 PM  

KUALA LUMPUR: Visitors to Zoo Negara had mixed reactions to the issue of safety in the zoo, after a leopard attacked a five-year old girl.

While most thought parents should be responsible for their children抯 safety, some said the zoo should buck up in its safety measures.

The star: Manja is becoming centre of attraction Zoo Negara. The zoo been put spotlight Manja clawed young visitor Saturday. Safety measures be seen Manja抯 enclosure yesterday.

Jham Shari Muda, 33, who came from Pahang with his wife and children, said parents should watch their kids.

揑f all visitors followed the rules, such an incident would not have occurred,



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Post time 26-12-2007 08:39 PM | Show all posts
aku tak raser kes budak tu akan menyebabkan zoo tak laku..
semalam aku lalu depan zoo,keta berderet2,siap paking tepi jalan lagi...
aku raser nak g lagi la zoo...

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Post time 27-12-2007 10:13 AM | Show all posts
kesimpulan pas aku gi Zoo Negara sempena hari lahir anak aku yang sulung...

1 - TANDAS kotor ngalah tandas awam zaman 1990's...ngan tersumbat..ngan berbau...mmg terbantut segala hajat...
2 - nak sandar kat railing pon naik takut nengok karat nyer...ya rabbi...kalau kikis bleh buat hot choc kot (nujum pak belalang buat kopi - kikis blakang kuali... )
3 - tempat nengok kura2 ke haper nama nyer..(dah malap sign board dia)...aku naik takut nak let go anak aku sengayut kat railing to see them from above...edges aluminium dia dah tercabut dan aku rase selagi takde accident tangan anak orang putus ke haper....jangan harap la diorang nak tukau.
4 - aku suke petting zoo yang ada kuda padi 2 eko ngan burung least bleh la anak2 aku xplore rase pegang binatang
5 - show binatang dia not so bad...ok la what memandangkan kite kat malaysia...kalau nak compare ngan show binatang kat Disney World, Busch Garden(taman tema merangkap zoo merangkap rase cam travel satu dunia dalam satu ari merangkap tpt beli souvenir ...I LOVE THIS PLACE!!) mmg lah jauh nun kite ketinggalan.
6 - Tasik nyer air keruh dan dah tak best macam zaman aku kecik2 dulu....

Ntah la kan....Busch Garden tu kira dalam banda la jugak...tapi boleh aje diorang buat tempat tu jadi ala2 timbuktu (ada macam2 species croc & alligator), egypt..(ada species cicak & camel & keldai..kuda...) rainforest...haaaaa....lagi la macam2 binatang...jadi aku rase kalau kerajaan Malaysia betul2 nak naikkan nama ZOO NEGARA ('NEGARA' tuuuu...)...something aggresive must be done untuk ubah penampilan agar orang lebih tertarik nak gi...Soal budget tak cukup nak bagi rimau makan kenyang2 tu...aku rase ada rimau lain yang makan banyak kotttt...whuupppsssss Kalau bayar mahal tempat rupa tu jugak, buat ape kan? Baik bayar mahal sket, tapi kita akan rase nak pergi lagi...dan kalau yang ada anak2...the children rase seronok sangat sampai ingatkan kita to go again bila cuti2 sekolah....



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Post time 27-12-2007 11:36 AM | Show all posts
aku lagi suka g zoo taiping....
binatang lagi byk....
tmt lagi best....
tiket pun murah rm5 jer.....

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 Author| Post time 27-12-2007 01:22 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 28-12-2007 01:23 AM | Show all posts
insyaallah kalau tak ujan esok cadang nye nak pegi zoo.... teringin nak 'si pak tompok' yang 'nakal' tu...

tapi fire fly agak sebab si tompok 2 jadi nakal ialah sebab tak de mainan dalan cage die.... kalau si tompok 2 kat jungle die boleh main kejar kejar....

kat dalam 2 die nak kejar sape dah lah cage kecik je.... sape dekat cage si tompok dielah mainan nye...

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Post time 28-12-2007 06:14 AM | Show all posts


Originally posted by Ratu^^Jogging at 18-12-2007 01:06
maaf, saya bukan nak mengecil ngecilkan peranan zoo negara
di Ulu Kelang sana -

saya admit saya tak pergi zoo negara for years till  january baru ni
last time before that was when i was 10 ...

Hapa yang ko nak cakap ni sebenarnya...? Ko mabok minum todi ke masa wat posting ni...?

Jizzz... Klong! Klong!

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Post time 28-12-2007 09:01 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1 Ratu^^Jogging's post ke................baru plan nk gi zoo negara.............last time pegi 5 thn lepas.... masa tu ok jgk binatang2 kat sana.............. ada org utan, unta, ingat tp dpt tgk gajah, singa, harimau.................

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Post time 28-12-2007 11:01 PM | Show all posts
uhu ngape x post ni kat board AL
anyhow,good infos!

[ Last edited by  ati1402 at 28-12-2007 11:19 PM ]

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Post time 31-12-2007 02:14 AM | Show all posts


Originally posted by ati1402 at 28-12-2007 23:01
uhu ngape x post ni kat board AL
anyhow,good infos!

Good idea...

Jizzz... Klong! Klong!

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