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Author: nzhass79

YG Entertainment - iKON : JUST GO

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Post time 10-11-2014 10:22 AM | Show all posts
so aper progress dorg.. xder ikon tibi??

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 Author| Post time 10-11-2014 05:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
idadae posted on 8-11-2014 07:05 PM
Ok ape kalu peristiwa amik gmbr b'3 ngn 100plus berulang..hrp kali ni bgmbr b'4 plak pastu dpt la  ...

Eh salah sudah.... chanwoo ngan hongseok... jin bg chanwoo kan...

Diaorg masih ngan yg utk tempoh setahun. Diberi access kat yg building.. eh building ke? Bkn trainee x leh masuk situ ke? Ramai yg nak yg lpskan bdk ber2 tu. Bg akak ok la diorg diberi peluang ke2.. masih terlalu awal nk lpskan diorg..

stkt ni xde lg peristiwa pelik dtg bertandang...  harap2 ada la lg lps gmbr ber3 ngan 100+ tu...

Apepepon #StayStrongHanbin

Last edited by nzhass79 on 12-11-2014 05:13 PM

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 Author| Post time 10-11-2014 05:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
teky posted on 10-11-2014 10:22 AM
so aper progress dorg.. xder ikon tibi??

Blom announce lg..  skrg seme (kecuali 3kim) tgh brcuti...

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Post time 11-11-2014 11:19 AM | Show all posts

sape da dgr lagu ni?? part Bobby sikit sgt tp lirik die on point kut..
"bet you never seen an arrow like wink and i'm living in your heart already"

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Post time 11-11-2014 12:02 PM | Show all posts
mcm xde org post lg..meh la kite baca same2..xsalah utk amik tau kn
kalau btul, cian kt mangsa..
apa2 pun, hrp sgt #staystronghanbin

Pann: BI's father embezzled 2.4 billion won from his company

1. [+346, -20] It's not Kim Hanbin that I feel sorry for but all of the victims involved.

2. [+275, -9] Knowing how hard BI worked for his dream, it's upsetting to hear this... but ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ from the perspective of the victims, I'd cry too if I had to watch the son of someone who ruined my life doing fine on TV like that;;

3. [+224, -10] (Paste of a blog post of BI's neighbor who wrote about how his father paid for all of the expenses for their vacation to Macau including a yacht trip)

4. [+169, -11] As expected, look at the YG fans shielding this already. I do feel bad that he's getting hate just for the association but YG fans have no right to demand that these articles be taken down when Han Hyo Joo is getting just as much hate for her association with her dongseng.

5. [+157, -91] If you have any brains at all, you wouldn't feel bad for BI. You feel bad for him because he trained for 5 years? It's not like he focused entirely and only on music. Who do you think paid for all of the expensive snapbacks, clothes, and shoes that he wore? That all came from the money his father embezzled out of innocent people, you idiots. Over 300 are victims in this scandal, it'll be a miracle if nobody commits suicide at the end of all this. Over 18.1 billion won has been lost in this scandal... money that was used by BI's family to take their neighbors out on vacation with. Be honest with yourselves. You're not feeling sorry for him, you're scared that you won't be able to see BI anymore on TV.

6. [+151, -15] I can't believe people are sympathetic with BI. You really think you can shield that? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Don't hate on him just because it's his parent's fault and not his? With that logic, you should go and defend the descendants of war criminals too.

7. [+129, -14] As if BI isn't involved with this... who do you think paid for all of the luxury stuff he buys? Think of the victims, not your fangirling.

8. [+122, -3] I can't believe fans are shielding Hanbin saying he didn't do anything... Sure, he didn't do anything directly involved with the case but why do you think Han Hyo Joo gets hate? Why do you think descendants of war criminals get hate?

9. [+111, -64] I don't give a crap about iKON or Kim Hanbin but that Kim Sung Joo guy is utter trash. He merged a company that was doing just fine on its own and sucked out all of its funds... You think he only embezzled 2.4 billion? There's probably money that hasn't even been accounted for and probably distributed amongst others involved with him. He's rich, though, so he'll probably get a few years in jail at most while his son becomes a top star... what a bargain deal for him.

10. [+109, -0] If I was a victim, I'd never want to see that man's son out on TV singing and dancing while my own family's living on the streets... BI, you have too many enemies now. Find strength.

11. [+109, -3] No point in defending BI. Embezzling is a huge crime and there are so many bictims involved. If you're a real fan, just shut up and stay quiet instead of going around saying BI has no involvement with it.


Source: Naver

1. [+98, -2] If BI's father has any consideration for his son at all, he better pay the price of his crime... BI's got his debut soon too, what does he expect him to do now

2. [+45, -1] Wow, if you search BI's father, all results are banned and every comment left about it has disappeared...

3. [+8, -0] Wow, poor BI all because of his father... I feel so bad for him and the victims..

ok paham knape org marah sgt..sape xmarah kalau tgk anak org yg tipu duit kite, kuar tv nmpk bjaya etc..unless, org yg tipu duit kite tu disabitkan bsalah dan bayar blk duit kite tu, so rs marah n geram pada family penipu maybe akan bkurang sikit la..yelah, budak tu mesti kne keje utk tampung family die pas ayah die bikin onar..da bdk tu pandai music je dan da tentu2 akan kuar tv je, so hadap jelah tgk muka die kt tv tu kn...hrp knet xhukum hanbin sampai suh die kuar Ikon ke ape...biarla bdk tu cari duit byk2 utk byr blk sume duit2 tu..rsnye jd artis yg sgt bjaya boleh kut cari duit yg byk dlm ms yg singkat kn?? so hanbin, sila bkeje keras dr skrg, jgn kuat bjoli, be frugal and be humble always...netizen akan sentiasa cari point utk hentam die mulai dr mental kne kuat and yeah, staystronghanbin Last edited by idadae on 11-11-2014 12:12 PM


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 Author| Post time 11-11-2014 12:46 PM | Show all posts
idadae posted on 11-11-2014 11:19 AM
sape da dgr lagu ni?? part Bobby sikit sgt tp lirik die on point kut..
"bet you never seen an a ...

okeh ... kompem lom dgr lg...

ooooooo... tak tau nk kata ape dh... tak tau ape masa depan hanbin...  harap2 segalanya setel laaaaa.... tp siyes akak mmg tak tau pon dia anak org kaya sblm ni... tak pernah nk selidik pon latar belakang keluarga dia kecuali kalau diceritakan di mana2... nama nak 'siasat' mmg tak laaaa... mcm yunhyeong nyer family pon dia ada tunjuk masa WIN... tu pon dh agak lupe

akak lg suka kalo bapak dia disabitkan kesalahan dan byr balik..  tp takkan semudah tu kan?? mesti ada kene penjara beberapa thn kan?? okeh tak paham sgt.. tp lebih  kurang camtu laaaa... semoga jalan penyelesaian dapat memuaskan hati kedua-dua pihak... tp kalo nak suruh dia kuar iKON mmg takleh terima... bkn sbb akak suka ikon ... tp sbb itu je jalan yg ada utk hanbin ada utk bayar balik kesalahan bapak dia...
akak percaya dengan bakat yg dia ada, dia boleh utk membantu bapak dia... bukan membayar secara keseluruhannya...



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Post time 11-11-2014 02:34 PM | Show all posts
nzhass79 posted on 11-11-2014 12:46 PM
okeh ... kompem lom dgr lg...

ooooooo... tak tau nk kata ape dh... tak tau ape masa depan hanb ...

aah xtau pun Hanbin tu anak org kaya or ape..btw cmne citer ni tbongkar eh?? cmne org tau yg tu bapak hanbin?? ida xpnh ingt yg diorg pnh tnjk muka ayah die ke x sbelum ni...sbb yg slalu dtg pun mak die ngn Hanbyul final WIN dulu bapak ade ke??hmmmm...

p/s: rookie zaman skrg, mcm2 citer da kuar sebelum diorg debut lagi..kalau dulu, da beberapa lama jd idol br timbul scandal mcm2...cabaran sungguh nk jd idol skrg...smlm gk br tbaca psl Jisoo, member Lovelyz new gg Woolim tu..yg tu pun scary gk

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Post time 11-11-2014 02:36 PM | Show all posts
@nzhass79 akak, confirm ade MV...Bobby tgh shooting..cutenye die

p/s: gmbr first tu, skali imbas nmpk cm Himchan kn?? heee

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 Author| Post time 11-11-2014 03:29 PM | Show all posts
idadae posted on 11-11-2014 02:34 PM
aah xtau pun Hanbin tu anak org kaya or ape..btw cmne citer ni tbongkar eh?? cmne org tau yg tu ba ...

tu la pasal… agaknye tggu abis M&M baru diaorg nakbongkar mende nih… nape tak dr awal… oooo mgkn lps dh tau hanbin nk debut, abissemua depa selongkar… hadoiiiihhhh… dahsyat woooo deme neh…
dlm WIN akak rasa pon tak pernah tunjuk bapak hanbin…  seingat akak takde la Nampak…  kat M&M mak dia ngan hanbyul jek…
mmg depa ni suka korek… dh memang jd habit plak… cam winnerdulu ada gak cerita… jinhyeong pon ada jgk cerita… mgkn skrg byk kot kuarmende2 camni…

yg sal new gg woolim tu akak tak tau plak.. sat nk check…


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 Author| Post time 11-11-2014 03:48 PM | Show all posts
idadae posted on 11-11-2014 02:36 PM
@nzhass79 akak, confirm ade MV...Bobby tgh shooting..cutenye die

kannnnn.... ms memula tgk bobby akak pon rasa gitu... tp ada masa2 je laaaa...
mgkn dari sipi2 ada gaya himchan ... tp himchan yg kurus laaaa.... hihihi

ok tanak beria sangat angau ngan bobby nih.. bahaya...
biler release mv nih?? bosan arrrr..  nak sesuatu berita yang mengembirakan sal diaorang...
tah nape terbayang wajah stress hanbin

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Post time 11-11-2014 04:01 PM | Show all posts
nzhass79 posted on 11-11-2014 03:48 PM
kannnnn.... ms memula tgk bobby akak pon rasa gitu... tp ada masa2 je laaaa...
mgkn dari sipi2 ad ...

xtau biler release MV ni sbb pada tika dan saat ini, diorg still shooting tau..tu gmbr hrni ok..hopefully dlm mggu ni gk MV tu siap...
katanye love triangle between Hayi-Bobby-Soohyun...same2 la kite tggu sape yg dpt Bobby akhirnye..hahaha

sbb xnk stress2 psl Hanbin la ida duk post2 gmbr Bobby far YG xde release statement lgsg kn?? tp org ckp YG tgh sibuk turunkn sume article pasal ni..haish setiap kali YG release poster Who Is Next ni, mesti ade scandal tjadi pd tarikh tu...scandal Hanbin ngn Jisoo on 11.11...yg sebelum ni psl Jessica SNSD...mmg kebetulan btul setiap kali YG artist wat comeback kn??

p/s: da baca psl Jisoo?? die bdk 94' kn??? omoo muda2 da ade scandal pelik..hrp2 xbetul la scandal tu

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 Author| Post time 11-11-2014 04:23 PM | Show all posts
idadae posted on 11-11-2014 04:01 PM
xtau biler release MV ni sbb pada tika dan saat ini, diorg still shooting tau..tu gmbr hrni ok..ho ...

biasa la YG…dia akan buat apa saja… kalo kes2 camni dia akandiam je dn dlm ms yg sama dia akan turunkan semua artikel … sbb ms akak searchtd mmg takde pon sal hanbin’s father. Tp kalo dipandang dr sudut lain, mujurhanbin ada YG… akak ckp macam ni tak bermaksud akak menyokong tindakan bapakdia jauh sekali nak sebelahkan hanbin tau…

akak tak perasan plak kebetulan2 sal depa nih… tau tp takterpk plak nk kaitkan dgn sesiapa… hihihihi…

notabulukaki: akak baru baca sekali imbas je td… tpeeeeeeiiiiii… kalo la btol… sendiri cari masalah.. tp tu laaaa, bile nk debutbaru nk bongkar… adoyaiiii…skerrriiii


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Post time 11-11-2014 04:59 PM | Show all posts
nzhass79 posted on 11-11-2014 04:23 PM
biasa la YG…dia akan buat apa saja… kalo kes2 camni dia akandiam je dn dlm ms yg sama dia akan t ...

paham2 sbb ida pun same cm akak..sbb kite da minat kn, so mesti kite support Hanbin tapi xbmakna kita menidakkn kesalahan ayah die..moga2 kes ni akan buatkn Hanbin lebih tabah dan lebih gigih utk bjaya..

P/s : scary sgt psl Jisoo kn?? xdpt diterima akal kn??

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 Author| Post time 12-11-2014 04:41 PM | Show all posts
Yang Hong Seok menangis kerana iKON

Amat menyedihkan buat peserta program Mix & Match iaitu Yang Hong Seok apabila berputih mata tidak dipilih menjadi anggota iKON.

Pada siaran pengumuman anggota terakhirnya, dia diumumkan tersingkir.

Pada mulanya dia menyangka tidak akan menangis dengan keputusan itu, tapi nampaknya tewas juga. Tentu sekali dia menaruh harapan tinggi apalagi kumpulan berkenaan hanya memilih yang terbaik.

"Inilah saat paling menyedihkan sepanjang hidup saya. Pada pentas akhir itu, saya ingatkan saya tidak akan menangis.

"Terpisah dengan yang lain itulah paling menyedihkan saya," katanya.

Pada pemilihan terakhir itu, harapan Hong Seok dan Jung Jin Hyung berkubur apabila Kim Dong Hyuk akhirnya terpilih sebagai anggota iKON.

Kumpulan yang dianggotai tujuh jejaka itu bernaung di bawah agensi YG Entertainment dan bakal beraksi buat pertama kali sebagai artis pembukaan konsert Big Bang di Nagoya, Jepun, 15 & 16 November ini.

- See more at:

woowwwwww...... motip nk kuar ke metro??

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 Author| Post time 13-11-2014 08:21 AM | Show all posts
[ENGSUB] MIX & MATCH Unreleased Clip - Yunhyeong and Junhoe's Personality TesT


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 Author| Post time 13-11-2014 08:25 AM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 18-11-2014 05:31 PM | Show all posts
American Choreographer Brian Puspos Claims iKON Used His Choreography

On November 17th, American dancer and choreographer, Brian Puspos, left an unhappy message on his Twitter, claiming iKON used his choreography and linking to a video of the said dance.
Although he has since deleted his tweet, screenshots of his tweet, as well as replies he sent regarding the issue, have continued to circulate online. Brian’s tweet read,

“My choreo being used once again by the iKON boys. Hey YG, hire the choreographer next time. Stop cutting corners
In addition, he linked to a clip, which was a video of iKON dancing to “Niliria,” “All of me,” and “Siri Says,” on the 8th episode of MIX & MATCH.

Even though another person replied to his original tweet, commenting that YG Entertainment and iKON credited him, Brian seemed to disagree that giving him credit was enough.
Moments after deleting his original tweet, Brian then tweeted, and deleted the following message:

Netizens have dug further into Brian’s past tweets, also noting that Brian proudly tweeted about iKON using his choreography in an earlier episode of MIX & MATCH on October 2nd.
Netizens have also been speculating that Brian was unhappy because he wanted to be hired by YG Entertainment to teach his own choreography, rather than just be credited for it.
Brian has worked with SM Entertainment in the past, helping choreograph Super Junior Zhoumi‘s dance for “Rewind” and SHINee‘s Japanese track “Downtown Baby” among others.

via koreaboo

BELUM DEBUT... tp mcm2 problem la bdk2 tu...
ni pon 1... sblm ni ok je... sekali skrg byk lak bunyi...
tak ckp dgn kredit...agaknye dia nk YG byr dia kot... xkn nak kena naik mahkamah plakkk ... adusssssssss

but...stilll... tak salah dia jgk... tp kan ikon use his choreo ms competition... dn bukan choreo yg digunakan utk mana2 lagu diaorg...
tp tu laaaaa.... mcm2 sal bdk iKON nih... Last edited by nzhass79 on 18-11-2014 05:42 PM


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 Author| Post time 19-11-2014 08:35 AM | Show all posts
[Hd] HI SUHYUN- '나는 달라(I'M DIFFERENT)' (ft Bobby)

Last edited by nzhass79 on 19-11-2014 09:00 AM

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 Author| Post time 19-11-2014 09:09 AM | Show all posts
park jap

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Post time 19-11-2014 05:27 PM | Show all posts
nzhass79 posted on 19-11-2014 08:35 AM
[Hd] HI SUHYUN- '나는 달라(I'M DIFFERENT)' (ft Bobby)

suke sgt gif tu..masa bobby rap tu, beria ida jwb YAAAAA..xpyh wink, die senyum je pun ida da melting..hahaha

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