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Author: rhoyo

[Lain-Lain] Spider-man 2 - SPIDEY & Queer as Folk (page 7)

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Post time 8-7-2004 05:28 PM | Show all posts
TGK VCD dgn DVD official laa...tak lama lagi je kuar. Sian la jugak org lain yg bayar tiket tapi terpaksa tgk/dengar benda lain pulak. Same annoying macam henfon jugak..malah lebih dari itu.

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Post time 8-7-2004 05:32 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by SPACE COP GABAN at 8-7-2004 05:28 PM:
TGK VCD dgn DVD official laa...tak lama lagi je kuar. Sian la jugak org lain yg bayar tiket tapi terpaksa tgk/dengar benda lain pulak. Same annoying macam henfon jugak..malah lebih dari itu.

aku beli pirate jer...tak sabar siot nak tunggu ori lambat tu...yelah hari tu org tak sekolah  masa aku tgk Spiderman boleh berborak hp tamil version bengang tul...aku rasa tak semua movie ade budak-budak ...aku pun tak tgk kalau cite biasa aku beli pirate jer...tak pun tunggu kat ABO...

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Post time 8-7-2004 05:42 PM | Show all posts
masa scene fighting kat train, Spidey bukak topeng pesal topeng dia terbakar kat mata kan.....

BTW...aku suka dia reveal id kat ramai org pesal ia semacam satu surprise....agak terkejut pesal "melawan arus"....lazimnya citer2 superhero memang x buat begitu.....tengok siri Smallville pun hanya org2 terdekat dengan Clark Kent saja yg tahu......aku rasa mungkin sebab lain yg membuatkan diorang berani dedahkan id spidey dikhalayak ramai adalah kerana Spidey nie sorg m'nsia biasa....dia x terkenal macam Bruce Wayne dalam Batman....cuba bayangkan....kalau Bruce Wayne yg reveal identity tengah org ramai macam tuh...? mesti lain jadinya kan.....sedangkan Peter Parker adalah seorang manusia biasa dari kalangan ratusan ribu individu golongan pertengahan di NY......kebarangkalian utk dia bersua muka semula dengan penumpang ketapi tuh tak tentu....boleh jadi tinggi, boleh jadi rendah.....

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 Author| Post time 8-7-2004 06:04 PM | Show all posts
Saya rasa kebarangkalian tu tinggi... macam jugak kalau Osama Bin Laden di jumpai di New York.. sudah pasti dia akan di heboh hebohkan walaupun mereka sendiri cakap yang mereka akan rahsiakan sama macam cerita spiderman yang aku tengok semalam.....

begitu jugak dengan character SUPERMAN iaitu Clark Kent ...

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Post time 8-7-2004 06:32 PM | Show all posts
Osama laden tuh org terkenal...dia x macam Peter Parker.....

Peter Paker org biasa....

Spidey org terkenal....

just my 2 lain nak pikir cmana terpulang.....

P/S : .....aku sukerrrr sangat citer Spidey 2 nie....plan nak tengok sekali lagi.....tapi berita kutipan mencapai 4 juta dlm seminggu tuh tak buat aku rasa exited pun....lainlah kalau PGL nanti....kalau dapat 4 juta dalam seminggu haruslah aku gembira sesangat.......

[ Last edited by GAIA on 8-7-2004 at 06:36 PM ]

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Post time 8-7-2004 06:53 PM | Show all posts
Aku rasa lagi gempak kalau Sam Raimi masukkan Electro sebagai musuh Spiderman dalam filem ke-3 nanti. Electro ni salah sorang villain kesukaan aku sebab kuasa dia memang power!:ah:

Aku nak Jim Carrey jadi Electro sebab dia memang sesuai untuk watak ni...... ;)

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 Author| Post time 9-7-2004 12:08 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by GAIA at 8-7-2004 06:32 PM:
Osama laden tuh org terkenal...dia x macam Peter Parker.....

Peter Paker org biasa....

Spidey org terkenal....

just my 2 lain nak pikir cmana terpulang.....

P/S : ..... ...

AKu suka scene Hospital tu... Macam scene Horror pulak...

Yang aku rasa tergantung dalam cerita ni ialah watak Jonah Jameson...

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Post time 9-7-2004 12:18 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by rhoyo at 9-7-2004 12:08 AM:

AKu suka scene Hospital tu... Macam scene Horror pulak...

Yang aku rasa tergantung dalam cerita ni ialah watak Jonah Jameson...

ha'ah... sekejap rasa macam tgh tengok cerita lain plak... :lol

part paliing aku suka; masa gaduh atas tren tu. tapi aku prasan grafik dia ada cacat siket... hehe...

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Post time 9-7-2004 09:07 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by rhoyo at 2004-7-8 12:19 AM:

Hmm... :hmm:

Aku tetap tidak bersetuju BAB PENDEDAHAN Peter Parker tu ... Kerana Bukan Di Sebabkan Komik tetapi jalan cerita itu sendiri macam Peter Parker tu sengaja buka Topeng sedangkan ...

ekekeke ms part org semua dh nmpak rupe die tu, terasa mcm tgk citer Spiderman versi keluaran Disney lak...dh tk jd citer brutal...overall suke la gak tgk citer ni...relax...tapi unexpected jer

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Post time 9-7-2004 02:23 PM | Show all posts
dvd cetak rompak spiderman sudah keluar di pasaran.. gambar gelap sikit le , tak le seterang original copy , ni rakam wayang nye.. tapi boleh tengok , color pun nampak..

aku dah angkat satu .. tak larat nak gi tengok wayang.. yg ni boleh ulang2 tengok dgn anak aku..

riddcik dgn terminal pun ada jugak.. aku beli gak..

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Post time 9-7-2004 02:49 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Rhyno at 8-7-2004 06:53 PM:
Aku rasa lagi gempak kalau Sam Raimi masukkan Electro sebagai musuh Spiderman dalam filem ke-3 nanti. Electro ni salah sorang villain kesukaan aku sebab kuasa dia memang power!:ah:

[img]http://w ...

Jim Carrey ok, tapi aku tak suka sangat dia watak The Riddler dalam Batman hari tuh, overacting giler.

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Post time 9-7-2004 03:04 PM | Show all posts
Aku prefer Cameleon dgn Mysterio lagi sbb watak diorg takdela straight forward sgt. Mamat Mysterio ni pun name betul dia ade disebut dek Jameson masa kat Daily Bugle tu. Dia nak dedahkan bahawa Spider-Man tu cuma fraud storyline tu cam dah ade la sket.

Cameleon lak ada kebolehan dia mengubah wajah dia dan ada kaitan dgn Kraven the Hunter. Electro ni lbh straight forward sangat, macam watak Shocker. Lps tu giler kuasa la . Kalau jadi villain sampingan lebih sesuai la. Tapi jadi villain utama yg bijak tu..hmm agak susah la sbb watak diorg ni psycho sket. (takut jadi macam Riddler dgn Two Face)

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Post time 9-7-2004 04:06 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by dollah_bedwi at 9-7-2004 02:23 PM:
dvd cetak rompak spiderman sudah keluar di pasaran.. gambar gelap sikit le , tak le seterang original copy , ni rakam wayang nye.. tapi boleh tengok , color pun nampak..

aku dah angkat satu .. t ...

ptg nin nak pi carik....

kalau dah ada version yg ok skit -- boleh la pi carik....
takut jd cam HP3 baru nin...dah la gelap gile.... senget pulak tu nf:

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Post time 9-7-2004 04:13 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by rhoyo at 7-7-2004 06:17 PM:
Kenapalah Sam Raimi ni ? ....

Menukar Nukar Cerita .... :agr:


Kenapalah DIA NI TUKAR TUKAR CERITA ...... Mengecewakan BETUL !! ...

sam raimi nin jg yg bu8at siri Young Hercules -- yg pernah disiar kat tv3 dulu

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Post time 9-7-2004 11:28 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by rhoyo at 2004-7-9 12:08 AM:

AKu suka scene Hospital tu... Macam scene Horror pulak...

Yang aku rasa tergantung dalam cerita ni ialah watak Jonah Jameson...

yg hospital scene tu mmg sengaja dijadikan cam horror movie especially masa tentacles doc ock "melihat" surgeon2 tu. mmg style sam raimi,dia dah lama nk buat scene camtu, dia kan pembuat citer cult horror movie evil dead series....:solute::solute:

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Post time 10-7-2004 02:49 AM | Show all posts
scene hospital tuh sebenarnya adalah spoof from one of his movie. Aku lupa movie apa, but in that movie, ada scene macam ni dimana ada orang unconcious with tentacles attacking everybody try to get nearer to see whether hes dead or not.

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Post time 10-7-2004 11:28 AM | Show all posts

MY REVIEW (4* out of 5*)

[size=2.5]I think Spider-Man 2 is much better than the previous one.  Why?  Because it contains MORE in everything;

actions, computer graphic & animation, humors, emotional plays, humanity value & morale, and last but not least, love and affections!

All in all, Spidey 2 has a complete 'unpredictable' story line.  It was awesome!

Caution: Spoiler (but what the heck, it's been more than a week since the grand opening!)

It doesn't make the movie any less better, for me, when Spidey's identity was revealed.  As a matter of fact, I think Sam was brilliant!  By doing this he made us think - big time - of what would happen next on Spider-Man 3?  He made us anticipate more of Spider-Man sequels!

On one of the train scenes, for once, Spidey was being treated like human..  Even a super hero needs ordinary people's helping hands from falling down the river.  "God, he's only a kid."  Gushes one of the man on that train.  People never expect in their life that they would be able to see who Spider-Man really was!  And that gives a great impact to us, viewers.  And although they've made a promise that they will not tell anyone of what they saw, the consequences is always there..  

Bad luck!  Lots of it!  Is what Peter Parker had in his life.  Despite of being a super hero, he just couldn't avoid 'bad luck'.  He was fired from jobs, penniless, did bad in school, neglected his homework, and he just couldn't have Mary Jane's love - no matter how much he wanted it.  He couldn't even help himself from being alone, lonely, humiliated, mistreated, etc.  He was beginning to dislike his super hero status, and with that, his power decreases automatically!   

Although he was gifted with his power, and "with great power comes great responsibilities" (as quoted by his uncle Ben), he tried to deny that.  He thought he had a choice, and he chose to become an ordinary human being, for the sake of people he loves, especially his aunt May.  He doesn't want them to get hurt one day.  He made his decision and he threw his super hero costume away.  He tried to live his life like a normal human being.  He ignored police sirens and calls for help.  He knew that he couldn't save everybody, but still he managed to save a little girl from fire - with his human courage and power!  Isn't that awesome!  

Heroic examples are not only base on saving people's lives and pinning down crooks.  Heroic moves were shown in many ways in this movie.  It was heroic when Peter put all his courage to tell his aunt May the truth, of how his uncle Ben died.  It was heroic when aunt May give her forgiveness and told Peter that she loves her, just the same..  She made my eyes teary there.. waaa..

Bad examples though are many in Spidey 2.  Dr Oct wasn't the only bad example, although yes, he was controlled by the machines he invented, rather than he controls them.  How on earth did the machines become monstrous, I do not know, I still have question mark in my head.  Anyone can figure this out?  Dr Oct is actually a good person.  He only came back to his senses when Peter told him the advises he got from his aunt May!  I was tickled there because he replayed everything his aunt May said to him, exactly like what he was told!  

Another bad examples were shown on how the media made bad accusations on Spider-Man.  The loud mouthed editor Jonah Jameson was such a bad bad person.  He was everything but good.  He was mean and stingy, he was a complete miser!  And the lady at the office reception, man.. she was such a b**ch!  Peter was only 2 minutes late!  "You're late.  I'm not going to pay for that."  Selambaaaa je dia cakap cam tu.. dgn chewing gum masih dalam mulut pulak tu!  Tapi cantik juga lady tu kan? Hehe..

Humor.. haa.. satu humor yang I benar-benar ingat, was when Peter being asked for rental by his landlord.  Peter said "Sorry."  And the landlord said, "Oh, can I spend that?!"  And he goes, "If 'sorries' were crackers, my daughter would have gotten fat by now!"  And he pointed out at his super skinny daughter, who obviously seemed to have a crush on Peter.

I like the ending of this movie.  Mary Jane became a 'runaway bride' and went back to Peter instead of marrying her astronaut boyfriend.  And I like it when she said, "Isn't it time someone come and save your life, Spider-Man?"  Oh yeah she got the right point there!   Spider-Man does need help.  He needs someone to love him, just the way he is!!! :pompom:

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evoHahn This user has been deleted
Post time 10-7-2004 11:48 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by paulinevoon at 10-7-2004 11:28 AM:
How on earth did the machines become monstrous, I do not know, I still have question mark in my head.  Anyone can figure this out?

In the broken pier scene, he thought that the first machine failed because it was to small to contain the reaction thingy, thus he built the second machine bigger

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Post time 10-7-2004 12:24 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by evoHahn at 10-7-2004 11:48 AM:
In the broken pier scene, he thought that the first machine failed because it was to small to contain the reaction thingy, thus he built the second machine bigger

Reaction thingy?  

Logically, how did the machine become monstrous, villain?  It seems that it has it's own thoughts/brain to become bad, killing people, juts like it did at the operation room?  It can even control Dr Oct.. Or maybe Dr Oct was similar with Dr Osborn.. They have 2 different characters in them?  Bad and good, u know, something that made them have 2 different personalities..

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Post time 10-7-2004 12:30 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by gorgonz at 2004/7/9 04:13 PM:

sam raimi nin jg yg bu8at siri Young Hercules -- yg pernah disiar kat tv3 dulu

oh cerita jugak

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