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Author: kuya

Nahas kapalterbang terbaru : RIP Presiden Poland

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Post time 10-4-2010 09:07 PM | Show all posts

Mungkin... ada possibility sabotage .. Kalau tak silap ruling party kat Poland ni Nationalist party ... hmm
Obersliutenant Post at 10-4-2010 16:59

No lah, ada planes sebelum dia sampai cuba nak land, 2 kali attempts tak nampak gak runway terus belah gi tempat lain, tapi Tupulev punya crew ni degil nak landing jugak. Eyes witness nampak planes ni fly too low, wing hit the trees masa banking and thats it..

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Post time 10-4-2010 09:45 PM | Show all posts
like i said , speculating only nothing concrete

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Post time 10-4-2010 09:50 PM | Show all posts
dah dkt nak landing....mmg ajal...

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Post time 10-4-2010 09:51 PM | Show all posts
11# revolusi_30

alamak, blur lak... planes mana tuh?

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Post time 10-4-2010 10:44 PM | Show all posts
i juz nak tanya....ada x among the ATCs kat malaysia ni, derang are urged to learn other languages rather than english? ada x?
iza_yuss Post at 10-4-2010 16:47

Tak ada iza, english is the standard language to be used for communication with ATC.
In fact pilots and ATC kena buat english test and for airline pilots, minimum standard required is level 4 out of 6.
Tapi kalau pegi China airports among themselve dia org bantai jer guna bahasa dia, kat Paris pun sama, dia org claim French is no1 langauge. Kat Malaysia kira bagus la radio discipline well maintained.

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Post time 10-4-2010 10:51 PM | Show all posts
dah ajal, tetapi patah hilang tumbuh berganti...siapa presiden baru poland plak?

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Post time 10-4-2010 10:56 PM | Show all posts
dah ajal, tetapi patah hilang tumbuh berganti...siapa presiden baru poland plak?
ifanonline Post at 10-4-2010 18:51

Military plane and pilot tu, kalau Malaysian mesti kau kata pondan...

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Post time 10-4-2010 11:08 PM | Show all posts
Military plane and pilot tu, kalau Malaysian mesti kau kata pondan...
kelana36 Post at 10-4-2010 22:56

tu ler pasal...kalau askar kita tau mencurik jer...pondan sungguh

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Post time 10-4-2010 11:21 PM | Show all posts
dah dkt nak landing....mmg ajal...
lkick2113 Post at 10-4-2010 09:50 PM

time landing adalah antara waktu paling kritikal dlm penerbangan

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Post time 10-4-2010 11:26 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 10-4-2010 11:35 PM | Show all posts
30# TanSriJess

kai tak da tutup kan?

selain dari croswind ni i suka tgk clip yg takeoff/landing kat princess juliana airport tuh... wahhhh... mcm thrill jer

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Post time 10-4-2010 11:39 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by TanSriJess at 10-4-2010 23:40
30# TanSriJess

kai tak da tutup kan?

selain dari croswind ni i suka tgk clip yg takeoff/landing kat princess juliana airport tuh... wahhhh... mcm thrill jer
Mulan Post at 10-4-2010 11:35 PM

yg 1st tu memang kat kaitak (Kai Tak is a fu****g death trap...)

tp aku pernah kena skali time nak landing...tayar dh nk cecah runaway dah...tapi tetiba pilot bawak naik balik

smpai ke hari ni aku tatau kenapa...

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Post time 11-4-2010 12:04 AM | Show all posts
Poland negara komunis? Bukan diorg NATO ke?

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Post time 11-4-2010 12:29 AM | Show all posts
tpt die landing kat russia,,rusia negara komunis,betul ker?

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Post time 11-4-2010 12:54 AM | Show all posts
Poland negara komunis? Bukan diorg NATO ke?
rastablank Post at 11-4-2010 00:04

dulu dia dalam pakatan Warsaw...sekarang dia dah NATO

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Post time 11-4-2010 12:59 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 11-4-2010 02:29 AM | Show all posts
MOSCOW 10 April - Sebuah pesawat yang dinaiki Presiden Poland Lech Kaczynski dari Warsaw, terhempas berhampiran sebuah lapangan terbang di barat bandar Smolensk, di sini, mengakibatkan 87 maut.

“Pesawat Tupolev Tu-154 itu melanggar pokok, terhempas dan terbakar.

“Presiden ditemani isterinya, ketua turus tentera dan Timbalan Menteri Luar, Andrzej Kremer,” lapor agensi berita Itar-Tass yang memetik Kementerian Kecemasan Rusia.

Kaczynski mengunjungi Smolensk sempena ulang tahun ke-70 pembunuhan beramai-ramai Katyn, apabila tentera Soviet membunuh beribu-ribu rakyat Poland.

conspiracy theory???????

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Post time 11-4-2010 07:47 AM | Show all posts
The Tupolev Tu-154 was at least 20 years old. There have been 66 crashes involving Tu-154s, including six in the last five years, according to the Aviation Safety Network. Officials in Poland have discussed replacing the planes that carry Polish leaders, but said they have yet to due to lack of funds. But the presidential Tu-154 had recently undergone a series of refurbishments and was believed to be well maintained.

- aku kagum betul dgn poland ni, pentingkn dulu belanja bende lain tuk negara dari kapaltebang seniri. kalula mesia cmni, kn bagus, suh  menteri tu naik nuri ke hulu ke hilir.. ada brani?..

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Post time 11-4-2010 08:19 AM | Show all posts
An accurate list of the victims:


Pan Lech KACZYSKI President  Republic of Poland

Pani Maria KACZYSKA President wife


1. Pan Ryszard KACZOROWSKI - former president of Poland in Exile
2. Pan Krzysztof PUTRA - Deputy Speaker of the Sejm
3. Pan Jerzy SZMAJDZISKI - Deputy Speaker of the Sejm
4. Pani Krystyna BOCHENEK - Deputy Speaker of the Senate
5. Pan Jerzy BAHR - Polish Ambassador to the Russian Federation
6. Pan Wadysaw STASIAK - Head of the Presidential Chancellery
7. Pan Aleksander SZCZYGO - Head of National Security
9. Pan Pawe WYPYCH - Secretary of State in the President's Chancellery
10. Pan Mariusz HANDZLIK - Undersecretary of State in the Chancellery of the President
11. Pan Andrzej KREMER - Undersecretary of State for Foreign Affairs
12. Pan Stanisaw KOMOROWSKI - Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Defense
13. Pan Tomasz MERTA - Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Culture
14. Gen. Franciszek GGOR - - Chief of General Staff of Polish Army
15. Pan Andrzej PRZEWONIK - Secretary ROPWiM
16. Pan Maciej PAYSKI - President of the Association "Polish Community"
17. Pan Mariusz KAZANA - Director of the MFA Diplomatic Protocol


1. Pan Leszek DEPTUA - Deputy to the Sejm
2. Pan Grzegorz DOLNIAK - Deputy to the Sejm
3. Pani Grayna GSICKA - Deputy to the Sejm
4. Pan Przemysaw GOSIEWSKI - Deputy to the Sejm
5. Pan Sebastian KARPINIUK - Deputy to the Sejm
6. Pani Izabela JARUGA  NOWACKA - Deputy to the Sejm
7. Pan Zbigniew WASSERMANN - Deputy to the Sejm
8. Pani Aleksandra NATALLI  WIAT - Deputy to the Sejm
10. Pan Arkadiusz RYBICKI - Deputy to the Sejm
11. Pani Jolanta SZYMANEK  DERESZ - Deputy to the Sejm
12. Pan Wiesaw WODA - Deputy to the Sejm
13. Pan Edward WOJTAS - Deputy to the Sejm
14. Pani Janina FETLISKA - Senator RP
15. Pan Stanisaw ZAJC - Senator RP


1. Pan Janusz KOCHANOWSKI - Ombudsman
2. Pan Sawomir SKRZYPEK - President of the Polish National Bank
3. Pan Janusz KURTYKA - President of the Institute of National Remembrance
4. Pan Janusz KRUPSKI - Head of the Office for War Veterans and Repressed Persons

REPRESENTATIVES Churches and Religious Affairs

1. Ks. Bp. gen. dyw. Tadeusz POSKI - Ordinary of the Polish Army
2. Abp gen. bryg. Miron CHODAKOWSKI - Orthodox Ordinary Polish Army
3. Ks. pk Adam PILCH - Protestant Chaplaincy Field
4. Ks. ppk Jan OSISKI - Ordinariate of the Polish Army


1. Pan Edward DUCHNOWSKI - Secretary General of Association of Siberian Deportees
2. Ks. praat Bronisaw GOSTOMSKI
3. Ks. Józef JONIEC Prezes Stowarzyszenia Parafiada
4. Ks. Zdzisaw KRÓL Kapelan Warszawskiej Rodziny Katyskiej 1987-2007
5. Ks. Andrzej KWANIK Kapelan Federacji Rodzin Katyskich
6. Pan Tadeusz LUTOBORSKI
7. Pani Boena OJEK Prezes Polskiej Fundacji Katyskiej
8. Pan Stefan MELAK Prezes Komitetu Katyskiego
9. Pan Stanisaw MIKKE Wiceprzewodniczcy ROPWiM
10. Pani Bronisawa ORAWIEC - LOFFLER
11. Pani Katarzyna PISKORSKA
12. Pan Andrzej SARIUSZ  SKPSKI Prezes Federacji Rodzin Katyskich
13. Pan Wojciech SEWERYN
14. Pan Leszek SOLSKI
15. Pani Teresa WALEWSKA  PRZYJAKOWSKA Fundacja Golgota Wschodu
16. Pani Gabriela ZYCH
17. Pani Ewa BKOWSKA wnuczka Gen. bryg. Mieczysawa Smorawiskiego
18. Pani Maria BOROWSKA
19. Pan Bartosz BOROWSKI
20. Pan Dariusz MALINOWSKI


1. Gen. broni Bronisaw KWIATKOWSKI - OperationalCommander of the Polish Armed Forces
2. Gen. broni pil. Andrzej BASIK - Polish Air Force Commander
3. Gen. dyw. Tadeusz BUK - Commander of Land Forces of Poland
4. Gen. dyw. Wodzimierz POTASISKI - Polish Special Forces Commander
5. Vice-admiral - Andrzej KARWETA - Commander Navy
6. Gen. bryg. Kazimierz GILARSKI - Commander Training Centre


Think about it.

Head of polish military staff
Head of polish airforce
Head of polish land forces
Polish President
Head of Polish National Bank
Deputy speaker of Polish Sejm
Deputy Speaker of Polish Senate
Spokesman of Citzen's Rights
14 (out of 460) deputies for polish parliament
2 (out of 100) polish senators
Head of Institute of National Memory
Head of Polish Navy
operational head of Polish Army
And many others

Poland has basically lost all of its high level military leadership.

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Post time 11-4-2010 08:21 AM | Show all posts
whoa... sure havoc kat Poland skrg nih..

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