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Author: dauswq

[KBS] LOVE RAIN (Jang Geun Suk, Im Yoon Ah SNSD)

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Post time 21-5-2012 10:25 AM | Show all posts
Reply 678# lake

ala lake, kalau susah2 sngt, tgk online jer...hari rabu dah kuar yg eng sub..kalo tak tahan godaan sngt dah (mcm akak..), cari summary utk episode tue & tgk yg takde sub dulu...huhuu....boleh jugak la faham jalan cita walaupun kan....

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Post time 21-5-2012 10:46 AM | Show all posts
uolssss...citer ni kat kbsworld ni ada repeat tak lepas ni...iols slalu miss kat kbsw  sbb sibuk tgk ...
lake Post at 20-5-2012 21:10

schedule cite ni kt kbs, chanel 391
monday & tuesday 3pm- repeat
monday & tuesday 9pm- new episod
wednesday- 5am
saturday- 8.40pm -11pm ( repeat 2 episode)

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Post time 21-5-2012 10:47 AM | Show all posts
Reply  lake

ala lake, kalau susah2 sngt, tgk online jer...hari rabu dah kuar yg eng sub..kalo ta ...
wanty Post at 21-5-2012 10:25

aa, kalau x boleh tgk on9..uols download je... nk layan sampai lebam pon boleh

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Post time 21-5-2012 01:31 PM | Show all posts
Reply 683# sakura2503
a' plg afdal...akak buat camtu la, smpai dh penuh memori tab nie...siap tambah beli memori kad lg dik..huhuhuhu...minat JGS punya pasal...

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Post time 21-5-2012 03:57 PM | Show all posts
waahhh tenkiu uols sbb layan iols punya soklan...terharu gitew

sebenarnya iols tetiap isnin n selasa malam memang tgk live streaming yg siap ada iols memang tak tgk kat kbsworld sebab episod yg tu lambat kan...tapi malam ni sebab ada dinner iols takleh streaming ler agak kuciwa sbb nak tunggu episod yg ada subtitles ni memang lambat ler sket...tu yg iols frust tu...

pasal download tu memang wajib...semua episod iols dah download heheh...cuma nak tau kot2 kbsworld ni ulang tayang semula start dari episod 1 balik...lepas dah habis tayang kat korea ni kalu boleh iols nak enjoy yg kat tv pulaksss...

anyway...tenkiu uolssss

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Post time 21-5-2012 04:02 PM | Show all posts
soklan kuiz untuk hari ini:

gambo kat atas tu mana satu pompuan...yg sebelah kiri ke sebelah kanan?

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Post time 21-5-2012 04:41 PM | Show all posts
nk jwp dedua pompuan leh x
alaa JGS lebih jelita lak dr yoona

cop2 nk tanye ...bleh bg x link utk tgk live streaming yg siap ada subtitles
tenkiu in advanced

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Post time 21-5-2012 04:58 PM | Show all posts
akak pun baru nak tanya link live stream tue....kalau sudi share2 ler...

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Post time 21-5-2012 07:08 PM | Show all posts
repet punya ep...
sweet sgt ep hari ni, banyak adegan antara jun dgn hana...
aku suka masa jun bersandar kt belakang hana

mak hana, disebabkan in ha selamatkan dia dari dilanggar lori terus terbuka hati dia terima in ha walaupun pada mulanya dia tolak...
dalam masa yang sama hana dah terima jun...
mesti konflik akan berlaku...

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Post time 21-5-2012 09:23 PM | Show all posts
Reply 686# lake

    hahahha, lawak lawak lawak

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Post time 21-5-2012 10:12 PM | Show all posts
alamak ...joon dah tau YH nk buta
Ha Na berdepan dgn HJ
part anak2 lak rase serba salah..
but good new Chang Mo nephew dah mula ngorat Mi Ho
hopefully Mi Ho akan sokong JOon n Ha Na plak nnt
HJ tu bila la nk sedor diri ..sume die nk control
sian anak n x husband ..makan hati dgn die

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Post time 21-5-2012 10:26 PM | Show all posts
Reply 691# deknon

mak joon tu mmg pentingkan diri ..... pikir dia je yg betul ...pikir dia je yg terseksa .... tak paham bahasa cinta tu takleh paksa2 ...
yg lagi teruk tu sanggup gunakan anak dia utk dapatkan laki dia balik ....
pastu ada ati nak salahkan joon penyebab dia kawin ngan inha .... dia yg terhegeh2 :@

aku mintak2 la mak joon ni mati .... tapi kalau mati nanti keempat2 org tu rasa bersalah lak nanti ....
kalau dua2 mak mati ok tak hehehehe

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Post time 21-5-2012 10:29 PM | Show all posts
sape la yg boleh ajor skit si HJ tu
sian lak nk bg die mati..atleast kena ajor die balik
ape erti cinta..chang mo tu cepat naw give up dgn HJ
kalo x dah jumpe cinta sejati HJ

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Post time 22-5-2012 12:06 AM | Show all posts

joon nih sker bebenor pelok hana merata2.. kiss biler lgk nak tayang plak..joon oii??

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Post time 22-5-2012 01:43 AM | Show all posts
mak hana ni dah tua pun lawa n cantik sgt2..arini sweet nak mampos hana n joon.senyum haku sesorang walaupun xde sub..mak si joon tu tolong la jangan asek nak carik pasal..serius stress tgk muka dia...

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Post time 22-5-2012 10:49 AM | Show all posts
Love Rain ep 17 Quick Summary

“Do you really have nothing to say to me?”asked Joon. “I want to go together,” said Ha Na. Joon approached Ha Na and hugged him. He took her hand and they both left. His mother apparently didn’t recognize it was Joon and Ha Na on the bridge. The couple really escaped.

Meanwhile In Ha and Yoon Hee had their friendly reunion. “Are you really okay?” asked In Ha. Suddenly Hye Jeong came, saying she worried that In Ha gave her no news. “Let’s talk,” she said. Yoon Hee tried to convince her that she and In Ha would continue to be friends. Yoon Hee said Hye Jeong had nothing to do with her relationship with In Ha, and she doesn’t wish to see her again. “But I hope one day, we can see each other as friends,” said Yoon Hee.

Hye Jeong didn’t stop there, she told In Ha she had something to talk to him.She asked In Ha about Joon. “You may never be my man, but Joon is my son,”said Hye Jeong. “Is it true that you give up your marriage because you want to start over with Joon?”

Joon and Ha na arrived at a house and they just planned to spend their time together without thinking anything else. Joon just hugged Ha Na from the back and then they really spent their quality time joyfully. They went to the market together and one of the seller ladies thought they’re newlywed. “Now, here, we’re just going to think about us,” said Joon...

Later that night Joon cooked for both of them and they both wear the clothes they bought in the market. Then the conversation about the historical diamond snow, but Ha Na said she had forgotten it. “You even threw away my ring,” said ha Na. Apparently, Joon still kept Ha Na’s ring as his necklace pendant...

Yoon Hee just realized that Ha Na wasn’t around. Her co-worker told her that she left with a boyfriend, who was not TAe Seong. Yoon Hee made a call to Ha Na. And just like any other kids, Ha Na made a lie using school as her excuse. “Ha Na, are you okay?” asked Yoon Hee, worried. “Yes, I’m okay,” said Ha Na. Tae Seong came and Yoon Hee had the right person to ask about Ha Na’s boy friend. Tae Seong told her that he knew about Ha Na’s boyfriend...(tak suka Sunbae nie...)

Ha Na and Joon were talking outside the swinging bench. “What should we do now?” asked Ha Na. “Let’s reveal ourselves,”said Joon. Then suddenly rain came pouring. Ha Na asked him to go inside, but Joon just stood there in the rain.

Yoon Hee went into Ha Na’s room and she checked on Ha Na’s pocket camera. She finally saw Joon and Ha Na’s picture and figured out everything. She finally understood In Ha’s heartbreak for himself and for their children.

Ha Na woke up alone and then went outside to find Joon. He’s standing on the bridge having a deep contemplation about their destiny and their future. Ha Na put on her ring on Joon’s finger. “No matter what, you’re always be the first for me,” said Ha Na. And then they hugged...

Yoon Hee waited for the children to come home. She watched how Joon was saying good bye to Ha Na, but she turned right away feeling uncomfy.

Hye Jeong came to Joon’s place because she’s looking for her son. She came to talk about his father’s cancelation of his marriage. “Is it true he did it because of you?” she asked. “What’s the reason? Why?”

Yoon Hee said she really wanted to see Ha Na’s boy friend, but she didn’t tell her that she already knew about her and Joon. Ha Na came to see Tae Seong in the morning because she knew he told his mother about her boy friend. Tae Seong said he worried about her. Ha Na told him that now she couldn’t think of another man but Joon. “I’m sorry, Senior.” On her way out, Ha Na met Hye Jeong. From her conversation with Tae Seong, Joon’s mother finally realized that Ha Na was a gardenist.

Yoon Hee came down to In Ha’s place. She helped In Ha cleaning his studio, insisted, saying that she always wanted to do it. In Ha kept a book that brought back Yoon Hee’s memories. When In Ha came back, she returned her engagement ring. She finally told In Ha that she knew about the children. She said that for the past 30 years she had lived loving In Ha in her heart, but she really wanted their children to be happy together.It hurt, but it was what parents had to do for their children. In Ha agreed to her.

Joon and Ha Na just did their relationship as casual as other young couples. They set appointment about how their should spend time together and what they should eat.And the next day, Joon came down her house and brought chocolate as she requested.Ha Na asked joon if he had fix his relationship with his father. Joon said no, he’s not.

The next day, Ha Na came down to meet In Ha. She gave her a bucket of flower. Ha Na thanked him for understanding her situation with Joon. Meanwhile joon came down to the greenhouse to meet Yoon Hee. In the same time, she saw Yoon Hee dropped her things and noticed there’s something wrong with her eyesight when she just walked pass her.

Ha Na was waiting for Joon on the rooftop garden. When she heard footsteps, she thought it was Joon. It turned out to be Hye Jeong. “Why are you here??” she demanded Ha Na.


* Kredit to



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Post time 22-5-2012 01:23 PM | Show all posts
Reply 695# Bm7add9

setuju.....mmg sweet sngt esp part memasak & bg coklat tue....

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Post time 22-5-2012 08:40 PM | Show all posts
kt kbsw dah masuk part sedih...
jun nampak hana dan mak dia pi melawat ayah dia..
dan jun dapat rasakan bapak dia dan mak hana ada kaitan...
kawan jun yg doktor tu dah tahu...
sedih jer tadi jun ajak hana pi date, sekali masa nak hantar balik jun minta putus

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Post time 22-5-2012 08:55 PM | Show all posts
uolsssss...soriiiii...iols tak tau uols nak link live streaming tuh sbb baru jer online ni...

ok ni dia punya link tapi uols kena register dulu...

yg ni lak moderator dia buat real time subs

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Post time 22-5-2012 08:59 PM | Show all posts
eh ke yang ni?!justin_tv/cxom

iols pun dah lupa sebab biasanya iols guna ionair tuh

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