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Author: BotakChinPeng

Kedah Altered Its Imperial Name From Zabag to Java in mid 13th Century

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Post time 8-11-2015 04:48 PM | Show all posts
Hakikat empayar sriwijaya/zabag/jawa naungan kedah semua adalah bersandarkan catatan pihak neutral yang sezaman dengannya sperti China, Arab, india & itali... serta juga batu bersurat di jawa, sumatera dan semenanjung. Bukannya dari catatan syok sendiri macam dongeng karya orang jawa majapahit lembik dungu pengecut semua. Hahahahaa

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Post time 10-11-2015 01:44 PM | Show all posts
|-0-| replied at 8-11-2015 04:48 PM
Bodoh. Cuma riau saja yang engko sebut ini bangsa melayu. Yang lain semua primitif & bukan melayu. ...

,,e goblok secara suku, melayu  bukan hanya riau saja, ada jambi, palembang, lampung, deli serdang, sepanjang pesisir timur sumatera, dan pesisir kalimantan(borneo). tapi dimalaysia kalian panggil semua suku yg ada di kepulauan adalah melayu. apappun pengertiannya, pokoknya suku-suku kepulauan,,kau yang bodoh tradisi membangun kapal hebat sampai sekarang masih diwarisi oleh orang indonesia,,,kau coba cek kapal pinisi dari makasar,,dan satu satunya pelabuhan tempat singgah jung atau pinisi yang ada di dunia masih ada di jakarta

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Post time 10-11-2015 01:52 PM | Show all posts
|-0-| replied at 8-11-2015 04:48 PM
Hakikat empayar sriwijaya/zabag/jawa naungan kedah semua adalah bersandarkan catatan pihak neutral y ...

hahha membalikan fakta,,,,kedah tidak ada satu catatan sejarah yang ada disana,,,jangan2 kedah pada 1000 tahun yang lalu belum mengenal tulisan,,,,orang2 masih bergelantungan,,,,hehhe,,,,,sudahllah,,,secara bukti jelas kedah bukan tempat yang menarik untuk perdagagan melain hanya tempat singgah biasa, seperti kepulauan nicobar atau andaman, kepuluan orang-orang telanjang, Sumatera memiliki komplek percandian muaro jambi, komplek candi terluas di asia tenggara, juga ada komplek muara takus, borobudur di jawa adalah monumen agama budha terbesar di dunia, prambanan adalah salah satu candi hindu terbesar dan terluas di dunua, malaysia punya apa,,,,????? tidak punya pengalaman untuk membina tamadun hebat macam, khamer dengan angkor wat, myanmar dengan bagannya, thailand dengan ayutthaya,,,vietnam ada My Son, diantara negara-negara asia tenggara pada masa lalu malaysia tidak memiliki tamadun tinggi terbukti tidak adanya peninggal hebat, sama seperti philipina

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Post time 10-11-2015 02:42 PM | Show all posts
|-0-| replied at 8-11-2015 04:48 PM
Hakikat empayar sriwijaya/zabag/jawa naungan kedah semua adalah bersandarkan catatan pihak neutral y ...

ei goblok kau kena baca elok elok lah diatas tu,,sumber aku juga dari pengkaji luar dan dalam negeri termasuk buku pengkajiini salah satu aku copy paste diatas tu sumber dari malaysia
Kasim Ahmad, M.A Hikayat Hang Tuah. Menurut Naskhah Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka Kementrian Pelajaran Kuala Lumpur, 1964


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Post time 10-11-2015 03:04 PM | Show all posts
aswand replied at 10-11-2015 01:44 PM
,,e goblok secara suku, melayu  bukan hanya riau saja, ada jambi, palembang, lampung, deli serdang ...

Bodoh. Kawasan melayu di sumatera hanya di Riau & sumatera utara saja. Kaum lain semua  bukan melayu. Primitif tak tau bina kapal langsung di alaf pertama. Dijajah kedah beratus ratus tahun. Hahahahaa

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Post time 10-11-2015 10:22 PM | Show all posts
|-0-| replied at 10-11-2015 03:04 PM
Bodoh. Kawasan melayu di sumatera hanya di Riau & sumatera utara saja. Kaum lain semua  bukan mela ...

kau kena baca banyak,,,minda kau tekungkung,,macam katak dalam tempurung,,,,heheh,,,kesian tak beradap

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Post time 11-11-2015 01:24 PM | Show all posts
aswand replied at 10-11-2015 10:22 PM
kau kena baca banyak,,,minda kau tekungkung,,macam katak dalam tempurung,,,,heheh,,,kesian tak ber ...

Lu tak puas kena hina lagi ka ?

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Post time 11-11-2015 02:48 PM | Show all posts
|-0-| replied at 11-11-2015 01:24 PM
Lu tak puas kena hina lagi ka ?

kau yang udah ku tendang kata2 kau,,,dak puas,,,,

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Post time 19-11-2015 01:10 PM | Show all posts
aswand replied at 11-11-2015 02:48 PM
kau yang udah ku tendang kata2 kau,,,dak puas,,,,

jangan membodohkan orang dan menggoblokkan org.....pengkaji melaysia dah byk lakukan kajian berkaitan bangsa melayu, ras melayu......segala bukti ilmiah dtg dari sumber luar dr dinasti2 china, dinasti sri lanka, funan dan chola, bukannya bukti2 syok sendiri idea teori pengkaji indon yg duduk bawah tempurung.....sekalipun ramai melayu di malaysia berasal dari sumatera dan jawa, tapi tetap mengaku melayu.....kalau org indon tak nak mengaku sbg ras keturunan melayu, itu masalah kamu yg keliru dgn identiti bangsa sendiri.....zaman srivijaya, majapahit dan melaka belum pun lagi wujud 'bangsa indon'.....tetapi melayu sudah ada sekalipun buktinya ada di sumatera dan kami di malaysia mengaku sbg melayu.....jgn lupa, sejarah sentiasa berubah dgn penemuan2 semasa......kami bukan sekadar mengkaji tentang srivijaya dan melaka shj tetapi byk lagi kerajaan2 dan legasi2 kuno di malaysia yg belum dikupas sepenuhnya yg jauh melangkaui era srivijaya spt chih tu dan gangga negara, untuk lebih mengenali legasi nenek moyang kami.......tiada yg akan ambil peduli posting kamu yg bongkak dan sombong kononnya indon jauh lebih hebat dr malaysia, sekalipun byk fakta disertakan......kehebatan zaman silam tidak bermakna tetap hebat zaman sekarang

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Post time 17-12-2015 06:47 PM | Show all posts
Yustan replied at 19-11-2015 01:10 PM
jangan membodohkan orang dan menggoblokkan org.....pengkaji melaysia dah byk lakukan kajian berkai ...

Srivijaya as written by a Japanese Professor.


According to the Chinese historical text, for instance the Xin Tang-Shu and the records written by Yi-Jing, Śrīvijaya was located at the ‘Northern Hemisphere’, so to speak in the Malay Peninsula. In the Peninsula, only three states are candidates of Śrīvijaya, namely Kedah, Nakhon Si Thammarat and Chiya. Among them, Chaiya is only one conceivable place as the old capital of Śrīvijaya.

my advise:
Srivijaya did not drew the border between us Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. The western colonial powers did. So we have to be nice to each other and not draw the secular border between us.


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Post time 18-12-2015 10:24 AM | Show all posts
radhi replied at 17-12-2015 06:47 PM
Srivijaya as written by a Japanese Professor. ...

Care to explain why Chaiya is the only conceivable srivijaya capital ?

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Post time 18-12-2015 04:23 PM | Show all posts
_______ replied at 18-12-2015 10:24 AM
Care to explain why Chaiya is the only conceivable srivijaya capital ?

You miss the term "old" there.....

Prof. Takashi did not say that Chaiya was the only capital of Srivijaya.

He said that Srivijaya which had more 600 yrs of lifetime, changes capitals from era to era depending on economics and political polarities. He said that Chaiya was the oldest, than Kedah during the "peak" and finally "Jambi" and Palembang (malayou) as hide-out during the Chola attacks when Kedah was demolished by the Cholan Tamil (please that the Indian Gupta and the Chola Tamils are two different things here: Indians were from the Indus River civilization and they did not touch the Tamils from the south tip)

He pointed out that the trading route of Takua Pa on the west coast of the peningsula to Chaiya on the east coast was one of the most favorite land route of the Funan. When the Funan (Funan --> Phnom or Yunnan or Sailendra --> or Malaya all mean "mountain kingdom") were chased by their cousins, the Chenla away from the Mekong Delta (Oc-Eo area), their most favorable place to flee was to Chaiya (a familiar place of Funan influence). But Chaiya was vulnerable thru land attacks and the strong elephants army of the Chenla. Obviously in a short time, the Chenla managed to chase the Saleindra/Funan southward to Nakhon/Ligor, Kedah etc. But islands in Java and Sumatera offered save centuaries for the Saleindra because of their naval strength vs. land elephants army of Chenla.

When Srivijaya Sailendra gained strength from the ever existing Javanese population, they attacked back and defeated the Chenla representative governing peningsular Javaka (Ligor and the Chaiya) region. Recaptured the land and the boy that they adopted, raised in Javaka (this is tricky since many thought the Sailendra was only in Java & not Kedah nor Ligor, but that's still debatable) to be the newly planted 1st ruler of the land "Kingdom of Khmer" (note Khmer Kingdom in the Mekong delta unlike the Funan was an agrigarian land power, the Srivijayan and the Chams were the naval powers). The next phase was that the Sailendra ruled Srivijaya thru Kedah rather than Chaiya in facing southwest which alliance from the islands until the Chola attacks some centuries later.

Palembang a much hidden hinterland inland of the Sumatera Island is not along the straight path of Indian-China trade route offerred as another hide-out of the Srvijayan away from the Cholan. The Cholan then just used the Hindu in-laws of the Srivijayan in east of java island to suppress the weakened Buddhist Srivijaya. These Hindu proxy of Cholan from East Java Island later became the seeds of "Majapahit".



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Post time 18-12-2015 05:57 PM | Show all posts
radhi replied at 18-12-2015 04:23 PM
You miss the term "old" there.....

Prof. Takashi did not say that Chaiya was the only capital o ...

Chicken shit chola never dared to attack southeast except in their own fantasies. Kedah zabag empire on the other hand raided and conquered the whole chola empire. Then they installed a malay buddhist puppet king named Kulothunga who ruled for nearly 50 years.

Likewise the pussy funan and chenla cambodians never controlled any malay country. It  was kedah empire that raided and conquered cambodia after the cambodian king announced he wanted to see the maharaja's head on a platter.

The fact that an inscription in java was made  by the sailendras only prove they too at one time were under kedah sailendra rule.  As already been proven by a neutral party (chola inscription), the only country ever attributed to the sailendra dynasty was kedah

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Post time 18-12-2015 06:35 PM | Show all posts
_______ replied at 18-12-2015 05:57 PM
Chicken shit chola never dared to attack southeast except in their own fantasies. Kedah zabag empi ...

I wish what you said is true.

What I have read is that Javaka (north Peningsula Kingdom; many assume Ligor) attacked and conquered Sri Langka and ruled over them for some years, but never have I heard Kedah specifically. Can you please show me a reference.

Chola claimed to have defeated Kedah and killed the king was boasted by Tamil in one of their temples in Tamil Naidu. Third party the Siam also play along that line sine some of Sailendra Kedah ran north (most ran south to Jambi + Palembang) to Khmer Lopburi (Lavo-pur)to later become Siam.

A Siamese painting depicting the Chola raid on Kedah.

I don't know, and I hope you are correct, since that will give me some local pride.

BUT Historically, who ever control "South Asia" will eventually control SEA.


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Post time 18-12-2015 06:48 PM | Show all posts
radhi replied at 18-12-2015 06:35 PM
I wish what you said is true.

What I have read is that Javaka (north Peningsula Kingdom; many a ...

All the references concerning kedah sailendra zabag /sriwijaya empire are in the first page of this thread. There is also a chapter regarding the conquest of chola by kedahsriwijaya/zabag empire around 1070

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Post time 22-12-2015 11:12 AM | Show all posts
radhi replied at 17-12-2015 06:47 PM
Srivijaya as written by a Japanese Professor. ...

sebab mengapa kita mempelajari sejarah adalah untuk mengenal jati diri dan menjadikan peristiwa terdahulu satu pengajaran.....tapi sesetengah orang yang memiliki sedikit sebanyak pengetahuan mula bermegah dgn ilmu yg ada dan merendah-rendahkan bangsa lain.....ini sesuatu yg sangat naif dan menyedihkan.

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Post time 25-12-2015 04:29 PM | Show all posts
Yustan replied at 22-12-2015 11:12 AM
sebab mengapa kita mempelajari sejarah adalah untuk mengenal jati diri dan menjadikan peristiwa te ...

Here is a story on the relationship between history, jati-diri and colonization agents.

Syarikat Hindia Timur and the VOC: the Dutcheast India Company both control by the European Azkanazi Jews paid/sponsoredthe Oriantalis group to colonized the history of South Asia and SEA to paveways for colonization.

The British, the French, and the Dutch (forget the Portuguese; they onlycolonized rocky small ports) diplomacy entered the Royal courts of Kingdoms tocreate havoc, rumors (politik adu-domba as the Indonesian refer) split them upand weaken them.

The 2nd thing they did is they make less relevant place important, the moreimportant place less relevant. The make alliances with less relevant people tocounter the control of earlier dominant people.

For example: In south asia, India had always been under the influence of thenorthern tribes. The Punjabs (now split into Pakistan Muslim Punjabi and theSikh Punjabi), The Pathans (They used to control India under the Delhi Sultanate)and later the Mongols (called Mughal in India). Never did these dominant peoplebothered with the irrelevant Tamils of the south until the British came. TheBritish company uses the real Indian resources for the colonial purposesunjabi Regiment to fight the Ottaman Empire, the Ghurka for East Asiaadvancement and left the Tamils (they were not considered Indian in ancientIndia) as slave obidient  "kulis" all over places."Obidient" to a colonizer is the least thing we freedom fighterswanted, but after centuries of good obidence, they were rewarded as the statusof "Indian" and they had that "jati-diri" in taking creditof the "rich history of India" which were not theirs in the firstplace!


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Post time 18-5-2016 10:26 PM | Show all posts
Edited by omar_habeeb at 18-5-2016 10:45 PM

Analisis yg sangat menarik dari bro Botak Chin Peng walaupun dah 3 tahun berlalu. Very refreshing.
Anyway, distorsi sejarah di SEA ini memang dimulakan oleh orang2 di sebelah Indonesia yg memaksa diri melihat sejarah dari nafsu nasionalisme semata-mata dan bukan dari fakta sejarah yg neutral. Worse, bila tahun2 lepas merdeka, Malaysia mengimport guru2 dari Indon untuk menggantikan syllabus yg terlalu ke-inggerisan back to ke-Melayuan. Di sini lah titiknya distorsi sejarah di Malaysia menjadi ke-indon-indonan sampai sekarang dan menyebabkan sejarah malaysia yg sebenar 'ditenggelamkan' oleh nasionalis2 Indon yg menyamar jadi guru2 ini. Tapi bila di zaman internet begini, semua kepalsuan2 sejarah tersebut dapat dibongkar dengan mudah.

Sebagai contoh, nama Kedah, Kala, kadaha, Langkasuka, adalah nama yg PALING KONSISTEN dirujuk oleh semua pelayar, pedagang, explorer sejak dari zaman dulu sampai sekarang - sebelum mana2 kerajaan wujud di Indonesia! Konsisten dari segi nama dan lokasi. Tidak pernah ada keraguan - dalam rekod China, India, Inggeris, Belanda, Parsi, dan lain2 - tetapi kenapa Sejarah Melaka dan Majapahit yg diperbesar-besarkan oleh syllabus Sejarah di sekolah-sekolah?. Kerana seperti yg saya sebutkan tadi, kementerian kita sudah disusupi oleh BANGSA PENIPU dari seberang yg bernasionalisme membabi-buta tanpa perlu pakai rasional dan logik. Bangsa yg gemar membuat kerosakan dan pembohongan di muka bumi demi berhala Garuda nya.


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Post time 18-5-2016 11:00 PM | Show all posts
Yang paling melucukan saya ialah klaim2 sepihak nasionalis2 dari Pulau Jawa yg mengatakan Borobudur ialah peninggalan Nabi Sulaiman (a.s). Sebegitu 'rendahnya' sekali kualiti pendidikan di Indonesia yg tidak dapat membezakan zaman Nabi Sulaiman (sebelum Masehi) dan zaman Borobudur (selepas 200 tahun Islam muncul, selepas masehi).

I came to the conclusion bahawa hobi gemar mengklaim sepihak orang2 Pulau Jawa hari ini sebenarnya diwarisi dari hobi gemar mengklaim sepihak dari Negarakartagama Majapahit, yakni hobi turun temurun buat bangsa yg merasa kurang dihargai

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Post time 18-5-2016 11:16 PM | Show all posts
sayapghaib replied at 13-1-2014 08:56 AM
Kalau menurut sejarah Pattani pula Pulau Jawa dibuka oleh orang orang dari Jawakoti sebuah kerajaan  ...

Kemungkinan itu sangat tinggi - orang2 Kedah yg membuka Jawa Tengah (kerana Kedah ketika itu adalah pusat Hindu di SEA). Dinasti itu dinamakan Dinasti Sanjaya - sebuah dinasti Hindu agrarian (pertanian, padi), juga sama seperti Kedah, sampai sekarang, minus hinduism. Jadi saya berani memgambil kesimpulan bahawa orang2 Kedah/Malaysia adalah leluhurnya orang2 Jawa di Indonesia.
Orang2 Indonesia wajib menerima fakta ini walaupun pahit untuk ditelan - kalau tidak, sampai kiamat nasionalis2 Indonesia tidak dapat menemukan titik pertindihan kuasa antara Dinasti Sanjaya dan Dinasti Sailendra di Jawa Tengah, di lokasi yg sama, pada masa yg sama.

Buku sejarah rasmi Indonesia wajib ditulis semula supaya tidak terus2an hidup dengan menipu diri sendiri.



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