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Author: Rahah

[SBS/Netflix 2021] OUR BELOVED SUMMER - Choi Woo Sik, Kim Da Mi

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Post time 12-1-2022 11:33 AM | Show all posts
Best lah citer ni. Santai je. Sesuai tengok malam2 hari bekerja. Comel nau si Ung tu. Lagi satu suka tengok baju baju Yoon Soo. Knitware nya cantik cantik.

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Post time 12-1-2022 12:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 12-1-2022 09:18 AM
Preview epi 13 tu Yeon Su tu nak mintak break up balik ke?
Adeh…letih ler camni…

Probably. Lepas epi sweet kan. Tp sbb 12 episod baru derang get back together,  if ulang balik isu komunikasi lagi 2 org ni...kita yg menonton ni lemahhh letihhhh. Kalu ada lg scene misunderstanding cliche ada org ketiga bla bla bla wahh mmg i turunkan rating obs ni hahaha, not that i pi isi poll kat mana2. Just my own personal rating la .

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Post time 12-1-2022 01:00 PM | Show all posts
sitisbp replied at 12-1-2022 12:34 PM
Probably. Lepas epi sweet kan. Tp sbb 12 episod baru derang get back together,  if ulang balik isu ...

ye betul...i dok pikir apa masalah minah ni ye? kerja bagus tapi macam xde pendirian...dia ingat Ung tu apa?

iols memang x suka tgk benda yg repetitive ni...kurang kesabaran gitu...

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Post time 12-1-2022 01:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Afie13 at 12-1-2022 01:27 PM
sitisbp replied at 12-1-2022 12:34 PM
Probably. Lepas epi sweet kan. Tp sbb 12 episod baru derang get back together,  if ulang balik isu ...

Diaorg punya hubungan 5 tahun dulu tu jenis yg x matang selalu breakup n lepas tu smbung semula. Jadi skrg kita nak tengok kematangan diaorg. Choi ung nampak mcm dah matang n lebih terbuka jadi harapnya yeon su pun sama lah. Kita sbgai penonton nak tengok perkembangan hubungan diaorg n cara diaorg selesaikan konflik yg datang

Harap episod akan datang ada cerita pasal asal usul ung n rahsia mak ayah angkat dia. Akan ada konflik pasal surat yg yeon su jumpa dekat rumah ung n skrg kita x tahu lagi surat pasal apa

Cerita ni pun nak habis dah tinggal 4 episod je lagi so harap ending yg memuaskan hati lah

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Post time 12-1-2022 01:57 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 12-1-2022 01:00 PM
ye betul...i dok pikir apa masalah minah ni ye? kerja bagus tapi macam xde pendirian...dia ingat U ...

Cerita ni mcm nak kita kenal watak2 yg pelbagai n mcm mana org yg berbeza perangai boleh bersama n bercinta

Choi ung ni jenis yg relex, x suka fikir mslah, kdg2 mcm x serius n x matang tapi sebenarnya byk pendam perasaan sendiri. Lepas kena tinggal dgn yeon su kita nampak dia takut nak terlalu terbuka/kenal org lain sbb tu ada kisah anak anjing yg nama jjongjong yg sama kisah hidup n perangai mcm dia jugak tapi last2 anjing tu dah berani keluar berjalan sendiri n masa choi ung ckp anjing tu pengkhianat comel je

Yeon su ni sebenarnya baik je tapi dia jadi ego n pentingkan diri sbb dia org susah. Bila kwn2 ajak makan sama2 dia xde duit n x mampu nak belanja kwn2 so terpaksa lah berpura pura sombong smpai xde org nak kawan dgn dia. Org mcm ni nmpk x terbuka n pentingkan diri. Dia boleh suka dekat choi ung pun sbb masa dokumentari tu diaorg selalu bersama walaupun berbeza perangai n selalu gaduh. Choi ung ni mcm mengisi kekosongan dlm hidup dia

Ji ung pulak kita nampak dia ni jenis yg tersakiti drp kecik x dipedulikan oleh mak kandung sendiri so menumpang kasih syg drp mak ayah choi ung. Sbb tu dia mengalah je bila tahu choi ung bercinta dgn yeon su. Jenis mcm choi ung jugak suka pendam sendiri apa yg dia rasa n slow sbb tu skrg x sedar kwn dia tu sukakan dia smpaikan senior dia pun stress sbb ji ung ni slow sgt x sedar2 ada org suka dia

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 Author| Post time 12-1-2022 10:07 PM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 12-1-2022 10:09 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 12-1-2022 10:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by sitisbp at 12-1-2022 10:23 PM
Afie13 replied at 12-1-2022 01:19 PM
Diaorg punya hubungan 5 tahun dulu tu jenis yg x matang selalu breakup n lepas tu smbung semula. J ...

Ada eh surat? I nampak pamphlet je. Kena tengok balik. Preview ni pilih2 cut NJ sergah Ung and Yeon seo dinner dgn Ji Ung yg buat viewer rasa cemas je.
Baru perasan suara yg ckp senang break up balik tu NJ.

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Post time 13-1-2022 12:02 AM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 13-1-2022 12:26 AM

Ep 11 & 12,

Episode ni filler episode, tak banyak gerak plot yg major just that Choi Ung get back with Yeon Seo - yay , but  i think trailer next week tu , macam lain pulak , so now  ups and down lah ye...I lebih best tengok Ji Ung and NJ and these two punya sub plot development. Kire Ji Un ni kesian kan nasibnyer  agak sedih dalam bab bab relationship ni...asyik pendam rasa and perasaan  Tapi dia tak reciprocate pun kawan setugas dia tu yg memang showed interest????
apa maksud Ji Un  ye bila dia kata - i am sick of being a bad guy etc ...dia berharap episodes crush dia pun berakhir...

yg menarik and kelakar ialah , Choi Ung ni pi rumah Ji Ung and nak bagi tau yeon Seo and him are dating back..walhal Ji Ung tak nak tahu pun...hahahaha tapi terus je direct Choi Ung ni habaq je , poyo je... hahhaaa but he knoews i think ..baik pulak Choi Ung temankan Ji Un sakit , tido sorang2...despite kena halau secara verbal hahahaha...i think dia hargai Ji Un...

okay...tak pe tak pe..tunggu plot seterusnya....slow paed sikit ye kali ni ...
tak pe Ghost doctor fast- paced....

i think dah ep 12 lagi  lagi...
kalau dok asyik break ups and baik baliak alaa....haish takkan kot  mesti ade sikit triggering events?
i less keen on Choi Ung terpaksa merayu Yein Sue untuk sayang dia...why the hack>??? - iskkk...then break up balik..


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Post time 18-1-2022 09:18 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Am i the only one still watching OBS??

Anyway epi 13 mostly they were on the cloud nine...lovey dovey. Their acting natural sangat...chemistry overflowing. It proved that that these actor/ actress if perfectly match the results is amazing . Same goes to junho n seeyoung dalam RS. Tak perlu yg terpaling cantik ke handsome ke terpaling terror berlakon sblm2 ni..terpaling hype.

Overall epi 13 not as bad regarding their relationship...kita di momokkan dgn preview sekerat2 yg negatif, but turn out not so bad.  Ung tanya dah kenapa derang break up dulu. Of course la kat scene tu the episode ended.
Ung giving chance for yeon so to be honest this time. Its a good opportunity for her but i am not surprised if yeon so still keep it to herself. Preview epi 14 giving us that much of hints and it seems another break up is inevitable. I hope its just another false / trap for us the viewer, but so far the plot seems that way.
Yeon so thinking she's the reason why Ung holding back. Even their previous big break up the situation is similar, she overheard the prof offered ung to further study but ung declined, saying other people deserved it.

Yeon so seems surprised that ung did not finished his diploma too. I think this side of ung, yeon so tak blh hadam. Walopon ung dah ckp he is not interested in studying. Both have different upbringing, so their way of thinking is different too. Yeon so keep on pushing her idea of what people do with their life as what she's been doing it.
So the brochure might literally what ung has said, just him looking through it because his favourite architec is a lecturer there . If he really wany to enroll takkan selit jah brochures/ form tu kat buku kan. But if he actually considering enrolling before they get back together, maybe now he doesnt want to sbb dia taknak LDR hahaha. Sama mcm dulu.

But if pdnim/ scriptwriter really repeat the breakup and both not opening up 100% to each other..i am so done!!


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Post time 18-1-2022 11:50 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sitisbp replied at 18-1-2022 09:18 AM
Am i the only one still watching OBS??  

Anyway epi 13 mostly they were on the cloud nine...lo ...

No, i’m still watching too…but since citer ni tayang on weekdays lambat sikitlah baru layan…

Citer ni is too beautiful to be dropped…i memang biasa layan slice of life drama…so the pacing is not an issue to me…

Tapi nmpk jugaklah Yeon Soo punya effort to do it better this time…cuma tulah masalah dia…dia expect semua org mcm dia…kenalah belajar terima Ung tu seadanya…

Dah epi 13 kot…xyahlah nak break2 up lagi dah…kalau break up lagi lepas ni better break up for good…

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Post time 18-1-2022 06:50 PM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 18-1-2022 06:55 PM

ep 13

wow ,  Choi Ung and Yeon Seo  rekindle their love flames back? okay.

Cuma I hope NJ tu kekal baik and sweet , takut gaks kekalu dia frustrated sangat , sebab ep 12 dia memang frustrated. Did she plan to get Choi Ung  too?

Cuma dalam episode kali ni, i dunno,  I feel so so so sorry for Kim Jing Un - really , i do feel his i dunno struggle? to supress all his yearnings , hopes and feeling for  yeon Seo -  memang kesian .
especially scene di mana Yeon Seo berada dalam editing room tu - dia memang  hmmmm sabar je...when he said , Yeon Seo i need some time... malah dalam bilik meeting pun , his team members said he looked a bit off, his gaze etc.
Pandai betul mak cik yg dalam team tu nasihat kan dia and team dia supaya jaga Ji Un tu...baik lah . Dia sensitive kan..acutely aware of the conflict  hidden by Ji Un ...

itu berat  tu....

he knows he will be back tracking his steps to square 1 again ...again.

sedih for him lah.

Babak sub plot yg best  Sol Yi ( the cafe leezakaya Owner tu ) and  Eun Ho kelakar...
DAN i suke last seklai

lasssst sekali :

What did  Choi Ung ask Yesn Seo?


jeng jeng jeng

i mean  tulah macam mane pun , Choi Ung  nak juga jawapan yg pernah dilontar berkali kali ...dan tanpa jwapan ...

kali ni - apakah Yen Seo akan enjadi tak matang and willl hide di sebalik ego  dia again?



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Post time 19-1-2022 06:56 PM | Show all posts
pandai pulak si Eun Ho ni stop Sol-i punya ex dari datang cari dia...xde guna kekerasan pun unlike in other typical dramas...guna psikologi je...
terus mamat tu balik...
muka tak malu...terhegeh2 cari ex nak mintak tolong bayarkan hutang...

again the preview was misleading...lega dah part Choi Ung & Yeon Su tu...
cuma kena resolve part Ji Ung, his mommy issue & the unrequited love...
bab unrequited love tu dia kena cuba open up utk org lain...
sama mcm PD nim dlm citer homecha tu...
but it's easier said than done...sebab soal perasaan memang x boleh dipaksa2...


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Post time 20-1-2022 09:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 19-1-2022 06:56 PM
pandai pulak si Eun Ho ni stop Sol-i punya ex dari datang cari dia...xde guna kekerasan pun unlike i ...

Kannn..13 n 14 preview misleading betui..but i am happy for Ung n Yeon so. Boleh pulak tepon jatuh n Ung tak dgr apa yeon so ckp 5 yrs ago. Eh sabor je about bad timing. Pompuan ni dah lah susah nak ckp...dah ckp dia misses plak.

Nasib la now walopon YS still tak cerita, Ung kata dia sanggup tunggu.

Soli plak lg sorang, dgr sekerat ajeee lahai. Dah misunderstood mmg eun ho mcm ada hati eh kat mcm tak sedar or indenial.

Ji Ung plak hmmm...bilakah hari bahagia kau nak muncul...dah 14 epi sedih ja. NJ tak tau nak kesian ke tak. But nasihat JiUng ke dia tu blhlah cuba praktikkan. U make your own happiness walpon kena pretend dulu.

Ung parents is amazing ya. Love their scene n ung bg duit beli pancing tu.

Halmoni mcm sakit je. Nect preview either kat hospital or nursing home.

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Post time 20-1-2022 09:43 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
citer ni mesti open ending..
tkde nya kawin bagai. on off jek gitu..

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Post time 20-1-2022 11:35 AM | Show all posts
Edited by JiEunTak at 20-1-2022 03:36 AM

aku rasa ending nya depa bersama...
sama ada kawen ke x...
depa akan sentiasa bergaduh and then make up sampai ke tua...
masuk epi 14 ni baru aku sedar betapa simple nya plot drama nih...
ringan je...

berjaya 'hidup' dan buat aku sedih, gembira, geram dengan lakonan hebat bebudak2 nih
bebudak sbb comei jee dua2 woo shik ngan da mi nih...

rasanya ending depa kawen kot... xpun dok sama2..
halmoni pun mcm dah x lama jaa tgk preview..
and Ji Ung...kalau bleh masuk TV aku sekeh dah kepala dia...
cuba laa sedar sket ada jaa awek yg syok kat hang!
tapi kan...tah kenapa...aku rasa mcm ada plot twist plak...
bapa ung yg real...
ep 14 ada bayang2 dah dia dok skodeng Ung kan....

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Post time 20-1-2022 12:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
JiEunTak replied at 20-1-2022 11:35 AM
aku rasa ending nya depa bersama...
sama ada kawen ke x...
depa akan sentiasa bergaduh and then make ...

Eh ada byg bapak ung yg real? Terlepas plak..part mana eh?

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Post time 20-1-2022 01:22 PM | Show all posts
sitisbp replied at 20-1-2022 04:37 AM
Eh ada byg bapak ung yg real? Terlepas plak..part mana eh?

tgk balik part ung bagi pocket money kat appa dia..
masa dia kalih tu mcm nampak kelibat dok skodeng dia...


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Post time 20-1-2022 01:36 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
JiEunTak replied at 20-1-2022 01:22 PM
tgk balik part ung bagi pocket money kat appa dia..
masa dia kalih tu mcm nampak kelibat dok skode ...

Eh ye la. Blurry je tp kompem skodeng sbb ung pun pasan pastu dia nyorok/lari. Ah sudahhh ..kang jd sejenis apak tanggang la pulek.

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Post time 20-1-2022 01:54 PM | Show all posts
memang yeon su ni kalau ada problem je, minta break off ke apa? tak boleh nak share ke dengan choi ung tu? apa guna ada boipren kalau tak reti nak share. lepas tu depres sensorang..

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