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Author: GhostWalking

[Tempatan] Hudud Boleh Hakis Hak-Hak Wanita – Sister In Islam

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Post time 27-3-2015 01:03 PM | Show all posts
ada betulnya artikel berkenaan....

i juga berharap di sebalik kecoh2 nk wat hudud bagai, tolonglah mana2 pihak berkaitan mudahkan ibu2 tunggal yg ditinggal suami yg gatal mengejar ppuan lain...
sbb sedih sgt i baca cerita dlm paper tiap minggu... terlepas cmtu je si bapa x hirau anak2 makan ke idup ke tidak...

sedih... asyik menindas wanita pada kebanyakan masa...

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Post time 27-3-2015 01:33 PM | Show all posts
kalau la katakana anak pompuan hadi awing kena rogol tepi sungai di kala senja...
balik umah kain bedarah darah mengadu kat hadi awing yg dia dirogol tapi tak kenal sape dan tak de org Nampak..
agak2 apa yg hadi awing nak buat?

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Post time 27-3-2015 01:38 PM | Show all posts
sedih fikirkan nasib mangsa2 rogol terutama kanak2....

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Post time 27-3-2015 01:56 PM | Show all posts
zamzam replied at 27-3-2015 09:54 AM
aku nak gelak kat puak yang pakar2 cam doktor engineer accountant yang perasan pandai dan profession ...

knp tak boleh? pakar pakar islam avoid hudud kalau dilaksanakan?

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Post time 27-3-2015 01:59 PM | Show all posts
Changa replied at 27-3-2015 12:11 PM
wait until kamu kena rompak/rogol dan puki atau non moslems jah yg jadi saksi kamu kena rompak/rog ...

ataupun pergi buat laporan dirogol tapi dihukum sebaliknya

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Post time 27-3-2015 02:14 PM | Show all posts
ifanonline replied at 26-3-2015 09:39 AM
bab hudud semua tak leh terima..bab law mat salleh tak basuh berak...semua kata undang2 bagus...cila ...

undang2 mat salleh ada seperation of power, ada pihak yang buat undang, ada yg melaksana, ada pihak penghakiman. 3 kuasa ni mengawasi satu sama lain. tapi kat Malaysia, semua 3 kuasa ni dari BN. Jika kita mau selesaikan masalah social, jenayah, Kita harus mengasingkan pengaruh BN dalam 3 kuasa ni. Buat undang undang hudud hanya akan buat scenario lagi terok

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Post time 27-3-2015 02:23 PM | Show all posts
Jerambut replied at 27-3-2015 08:22 AM
ntah apa pasal, berita dari oversea lagi betul sebut bab ni...
diorang panggil 'sharia law'.
Kat s ...
Terimakasih kat @elmen
soalan yang ingin kita tanya juga
dah pun d jawab dengan jelas @Anak_Nogori  @Maideen.  dan @axl_bach
Terimakasih semua

walaupun tak boleh menyumbangkan apa2 pendapat
sebab kita pun merangkak lagi dalam hal agama ni

dan komen seperti Jerambut yang kita cari2
Kat sini patutnya panggil undang2 Shariah, baru betul.


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Post time 27-3-2015 02:54 PM | Show all posts
white_musk replied at 27-3-2015 01:33 PM
kalau la katakana anak pompuan hadi awing kena rogol tepi sungai di kala senja...
balik umah kain b ...

tentu hadi tanya : apsal ko pi tepi sungai kala senja sorang2?....

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Post time 27-3-2015 03:05 PM | Show all posts
dragula replied at 27-3-2015 02:14 PM
undang2 mat salleh ada seperation of power, ada pihak yang buat undang, ada yg melaksana, ada piha ...

Sekurang-kurangnya, ada gak Anwar menang kes
saman! Kalau PR berkuasa, entah-entah nak bernapas
pun tak boleh, asik disaman jota-jota...............


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Post time 27-3-2015 03:33 PM | Show all posts
Changa replied at 27-3-2015 12:11 PM
wait until kamu kena rompak/rogol dan puki atau non moslems jah yg jadi saksi kamu kena rompak/rog ...

Amboii sis you're such a pottymouth, behave yourself.

Not a problem sis jika seseorang dirogol/rompak dan cuma non-muslim jadi saksi atau tiada saksi, DNA kan ada sis.. dan banyak lagi aspek lain boleh jadi bukti, cctv and etc.  Hudud cuma untuk orang muslim, pada yg non muslim mereka ada option membela diri sama ada mahu dijalankn dlm hukuman hudud atau undang2 moden. Jika si pesalah ialah seorang muslim, hudud lah jawabnya. Hudud atau undang2 moden tidak banyak berbeza, tp hudud di laksanakn dlm syarat2 islam.

P/s Jika sis muslim, sis  belajar lah mendalami undang2 hudud. Sebab hudud ialah hukum/undang2 ALLAH swt. Kang berdosa pulak kalu tolak hukum ALLAH swt. But if you're non-muslim, a little bit of respect to our fellow muslim does not hurt.

Sorry sis, doesn't meant to be rude. Peace

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Post time 27-3-2015 03:41 PM | Show all posts
Toppaz posted on 27-3-2015 03:33 PM
Amboii sis you're such a pottymouth, behave yourself.

Not a problem sis jika seseorang dirogol/ ...

guna cctv?

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Post time 27-3-2015 03:47 PM | Show all posts

Ye lah sis.. kan zaman moden, mesti ada cctv, kalu lah ada kejadian rompak.


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Post time 27-3-2015 03:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Toppaz replied at 27-3-2015 03:33 PM
Amboii sis you're such a pottymouth, behave yourself.

Not a problem sis jika seseorang dirogol/ ...

U tau x bukti saintifik akan direject oleh mahkamah hudud , everyone aware about this, u br tau ke..

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Post time 27-3-2015 03:50 PM | Show all posts


Edited by atira at 27-3-2015 03:52 PM
Toppaz replied at 27-3-2015 03:33 PM
Amboii sis you're such a pottymouth, behave yourself.

Not a problem sis jika seseorang dirogol/ ...

isu nye sis... kalau ko dirogol dikelantan...
ko gi ngadu ko dirogol di kelantan
ko dirogol pula dalam semak.. tiada saksi yg menyaksikan ko dirogol
ko boleh dikenakan tuduhan qazaf sis... disabit kesalahan ko boleh dikenakan hukuman rotan 80 kali..

weols rasa.. uols yg kene mendalami hukum hudud yg akan dilaksanakan di malaysia ini



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Post time 27-3-2015 03:54 PM | Show all posts
Edited by tension080808 at 27-3-2015 04:02 PM

kakak ratna ni dulu SEKOLAH MENENGAH SEAPORT KELANA JAYA, tahun 1984 ...
budak seaport mesti ingat kannnnn
Harap apa yg dia perjuangkan adalah benar benar mengikut jalan Allah serta sunnahnya, ditakuti dijadikan bahan demi tujuan tertentu ... minta Allah bersihkan jiwa dan hati kita ke jalan yang diredhai senantiasa ..

Di harap Pihak Sister In Islam akan dapat Menahan Diri dan Perasaan daripada mengeluarkan Kenyataan-Kenyataan yang Boleh di Salah Anggap atau yang Boleh Mencelarukan Hukum Hakam yang telah di Wujudkan di dalam AL QURAN. Dan Tidak Perlu untuk Mempertikaikan Hukum-Hukum Syariah di dalam Perundangan Moden Kemanusiaan
Dalami dan Pelajari Apa itu ISLAM dan HUKUM HAKAM yang WUJUD did alam nya dengan TELITI sebelum mengatakan sesuatu yang menggambarkan KECETEKAN ILMU ISLAM yang mereka ketahui. Sedangkan SIS itu PEJUANG kepada KEADILAN untuk KAUM WANITA
tetapi KEADILAN yang DI KURNIAKAN oleh ALLAH Swt untuk KAUM HAWA telah Cukup Adil dari DUNIA hingga ke Hari AKHIRAT.

cuba click kat sini ... ... am-mempertikai.html

My personal journey to Sisters in Islam by Ratna Osman

APRIL 5 — I come from a modern middle-class family and, like most Malays, my religious identity is inextricably intertwined with the cultural traditions and rituals that were embedded in my daily life.
My siblings and I attended compulsory Quran-reading classes until we were 12. Growing up, I watched my father and my only brother receive special treatment at home in comparison to the girls.
For example, my mother would have to serve my father his glass of water while he sat reading the newspaper or watching TV, even if she herself was feeling tired after having cooked three meals a day and tending to six small children.
The significance of being a Muslim did not impact me until I attended an Islamic course in school at the age of 15. After the course, I longed to feel closer to God and therefore vowed to observe the five prayer times daily and unerringly.
I wanted to be the “anak solehah”, for I was taught that if I was not, then God would punish my parents for my sins. My teachers also made me believe that I had to put on the headscarf, and if I did not my parents would be at the receiving end of God’s wrath.

In addition, it was imparted to me that as a good Muslim girl, I should not assert myself — that speaking softly was a requirement so as not to draw too much attention to oneself. According to my educators, my voice, body and hair possessed the power to lead men astray... and should this lead to their “downfall” then it would be my fault entirely.

Naturally, I exhibited a high level of piety after imbibing all those guilt-imposing lectures. I so wanted to be identified as  a good, pious Muslim girl that I obeyed my educators when they insisted that I give up all the activities that I used to love: in particular the sporting ones and becoming a member of the Scouts group.
I was even told to minimise contact with close friends who were non-Muslims! To fill the social gap, I immersed myself in books on religion, attended courses which deepened my religious knowledge and sought solace through prayer. I idolised Muslim scholars and authors such as Maududi, Maryam Jameelah, Hassan al-Banna, Hassan Turabi, and Sayed Qutb... and even sought answers by turning to the lessons being advocated by various Muslim-based youth groups which were popular at the time of my youth.
I stumbled upon true knowledge only later when I studied law at the International Islamic University in Islamabad, Pakistan. I learned about the rich diversity that exists within Islamic jurisprudence, and was pleasantly surprised to discover that differences of opinions between the ulama were celebrated, that these differing viewpoints were neither frowned upon nor were the proponents persecuted.
Still, I was bursting with so many questions especially when it came to the issue of “inheritance”: why should a son get double the share of a daughter even if it was the daughter who had supported and looked after the parents during the couple’s lifetime? Many such questions were abruptly shot down by the lecturer on the premise that one is simply not permitted to question the Quran.

Instead, I was told that there is hikmah (wisdom) within all God’s revelations, and therefore the inheritance law would remain unchanged no matter how different the concept of reality today is from the time of the Prophet. Although I felt a searing sense of injustice, I did not object further. Eventually, the list of questions sans satisfactory responses — on issues of polygamy, the freedom to practise one’s religion of choice, the financial maintenance of divorced wives — grew longer.
For me, Islam has always been a religion that is just and fair. Why then were the outcomes for women not so? Why were women shouldering the burden of delayed divorce processes? Why was it so difficult for women to obtain maintenance for themselves and their children from errant husbands? Why, when so many women were now breadwinners within their own families were they receiving less inheritance than their male siblings?
Surely this was not the fate Allah had intended for Muslim women. To be told that women should endure these injustices only to reap the rewards of heaven later was simply too convenient — insufficient to cauterise the pain that some women and children perennially face.

Even more disconcerting is that Muslim men and Muslim society in general are complicit in perpetrating this injustice! After I left the corporate world, I yearned to seek satisfactory answers to these inconsistencies.
This led to my applying for a job at Sisters in Islam (SIS). What ensued was an unexpected but welcome surprise. It was within this organisation that I learnt of Islam as a religion which can actively address almost all social issues in modern society. I had never thought this possible from my former stance which was based on the strict, classical interpretations of the Quran.
Through my work at SIS, I am now able to advocate for necessary amendments to the currently existing Islamic Family Laws of my country; I speak out for gender equality, and reject all forms of injustice.

At SIS I learned that it is important to take into consideration socio-historical context when reading the Quran; that both the explicit and implicit messages of the text should be taken into consideration if one wanted to understand and assimilate the holy verses and apply them to daily life.
Moreover, not many people realise the difference between syariah and fiqh — the former being God’s divine message; the latter being the interpretation of that message by human beings who are not infallible. This newfound knowledge gave me the freedom to question all the injustices within issues that had surfaced in my mind ever since I was studying in Islamabad.
Finally, it became clear to me that it was never wrong to inquire, to ask why Muslim women were in the predicament that they were in at present. I read the Quran now from a completely new perspective. To me, this Living Book, which was compiled over 1,400 years ago, is not just a holy manuscript that you wrap in a beautiful cloth and put on a high, special shelf in your home to be respected and revered — I refer to mine often, and it still never ceases to amaze me.
Thus I shall continue with my exhilarating journey at SIS, filled with a renewed sense of pride at being a Muslim woman and confident with the knowledge that I have found a place that best fits my spirit and identity.

* The views expressed here are the personal opinion of the columnis


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Post time 27-3-2015 03:56 PM | Show all posts
Sis2 smua.. aku malas nak bertekak. Kalu di ROGOL kan DNA ada. Kalau yg memerlukan saksi tu, itu bg kesalahan berzina, kalau tiada saksi 4 orang jd yg menuduh di rogol boleh di sebat 80 kali.  @atira @kentutmanis  

Here something to read :- Hudud

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Post time 27-3-2015 03:58 PM | Show all posts
atira replied at 27-3-2015 03:50 PM
isu nye sis... kalau ko dirogol dikelantan...
ko gi ngadu ko dirogol di kelantan
ko dirogol pula ...

Khennn.....ckp mcm gud2 je.

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Post time 27-3-2015 04:01 PM | Show all posts
Heran btul sis2 yg muslim yg ada kat sni ni. Hudud bukan undang2 ciptaan manusia, tp ALLAH swt. Kalu sis yg non-muslim nk bertekak jugak pasal hudud simpan respek utk agama org boleh? Sbb hudud tak kan diguna kn kpada yg NON-muslim.

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Post time 27-3-2015 04:01 PM | Show all posts
Berhudud2 konon, undang2 bahagi reta pun tak adil ni nak buat hudud mudud pulak.

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Post time 27-3-2015 04:01 PM | Show all posts
Toppaz replied at 27-3-2015 03:56 PM
Sis2 smua.. aku malas nak bertekak. Kalu di ROGOL kan DNA ada. Kalau yg memerlukan saksi tu, itu bg  ...

better sis baca dulu draf hudud pas...
dulu mmg udah kecoh pasal ni...
katanye sudah dipinda dan diperbaiki kepincangan itu

tapi ni baru satu isu sis...
bnyk lagi isu2 lain yg perlu diperincikan lagi.. kalau tak... ada pihak yg akan menjadi mangsa ketidakadilan

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