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Author: Zaheera

JYJ S'case Tour 10 Live In M'sia ~ FAN ACCOUNT

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Post time 22-10-2010 08:59 AM | Show all posts
sebak me baca citer hide madus .. yolah, RM800.. fuh tu nilai my expenses utk 1 bln... abis mcm tu aje.... ntah lah, mgnt mesia ni kan tataw nk kata, lembut ati oso tak pandai tackle.. dah sah2 mgnt korea ni ske aa wat hangit...  mencikkk tul ...

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Post time 22-10-2010 09:39 AM | Show all posts
Tse.. it's ok.. citer je apa ko nak citer berkenaan pengalaman ko nak pi jumper JYJ..
itulah gun ...
JUSTcircle Post at 22-10-2010 00:31

tu la psl...lenkali ajak ku ye beb...
mmg wugiiiiiiiiiiiii giler ble ku bc uols nye FA...

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Post time 22-10-2010 09:44 AM | Show all posts
Reply  JUSTcircle

mcm2 cerita aku baca pasal nie....dari kes VIP, derang requested baju lepas tu ...
amyhisashi Post at 22-10-2010 08:06 AM

    pasal request baju tu apa kesplak amy? meh sini ko citer kat aku cepat..

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Post time 22-10-2010 09:46 AM | Show all posts
Reply  JUSTcircle

derang pun manusia gak...agaknya penat die turun naik kapal terbang x ilang la ...
amyhisashi Post at 22-10-2010 08:09 AM

    biler manusia bertemu manusia.. masing2 pikir.. aku pun x tau nak ckp per. yg pasti air mata aku dah mengalir dah masa dengar chajatta mlm semalam. windu. ngan dorg.. baper lama aku tungu dorg sampai sini.. yg mai 3 pun aku dah kira bahagia dah... atleast Yochun aku mai.. sbb aku mmg paling suker sore dia walopun tahap menari dia x sehebat JunSu dan Yunho.. but sore dia paling aku rasa aku terpikat dlm semua DBSK member..

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Post time 22-10-2010 09:56 AM | Show all posts
ahahaha..aku x terpikir lak contoh2 yg ko kasik nie...tapi bile pikir2 balik..betul la..ari2 ber ...
amyhisashi Post at 22-10-2010 08:27 AM

    itu contoh utk org jelas.. maksud aku..

ko memilih tok kerjaya itu. ko kena paham ngan apa yg org nak..
bayaran dah dibayar.. servis perlu diberi. tanpa org yg nak beli tu (pelanggan) wujud.. X mungkin gaji ko akan dtg dr langit mcm tuh.. that's means.. apa2 pun kenalah tahan..

amy.. ko mesti paham kan apa yg aku maksudkan? even aku pernah jadi pembantu kedai buku kat satu sekolah menengah nih.. penat layan karenah budak2 sekolah.. mak bapak budak2 sekolah.. nonstop.. dari sampai ke petang.. x sempat nak makan tgh hari..
aku still senyum.. ckp dgn elok.. sambut dengan baik.. (ko bygkan.. dr pagi sampai petang x makan apa2.. tak sempat duduk.. layan karenah mak bapak nak buku itu ini.. lari sana sini..) but aku still senyum, ckp selamat dtg.. tanya nak apa.. x der nak tunjuk muka masam.. marah.. penat.. aku x kan tunjuk benda2 mcm tu.. sbb apa? sbb aku tau.. aku g pilih kerja tuh. aku kena la paham..

sebab tuh.. biler aku pi mana2 la KFC ke, tiket wayang ke, bank ker, TM Net ker.. kot aku tengok 'org' yg kat kaunter servis tuh muka ala2 kerek, masam, jawab pun mcm endah x endah.. aku akan terus sound.. bg aku.. ko x suker kerja nih.. ko x yah kijer.. org lain pun penat gak.. x yah nak tunjuk muka mcm tuh..

kesimpulannya.. kalo pandai kawal diri.. kalo pandai menyembunyikannya tanpa mengguris atau menyakitkan ati org lain.. org itu sgt2 profesional dan bagus la bg aku.. mcm abg Soon Jeon saya yg berambut curl tuh.. hehehe!

contoh lain? mcm bebudak double S.. kena grab dgn rakus oleh triple masa mai Malaysia.. tapi jungmin masih tersenyum dn comel... mcm yoseob masa terkejut fans yg bergambor dgn dia tuh tetiber lentok kepala kat bahu dia.. tapi dia tersenyum dengan manis lepas tu... kesimpulannya.. walopun aku minat DBSK.. tapi.. reaksi muka JunSu tuh aku agak kecewa gak la masa kat KLIS tu.. serius.. nak ckp kecewa byk x la.. skit kot.. sbb aku masih kuatkan ati anggap dia kepenatan dan dia still sayang Malaysia.. sbb dia tetap wave ngan kitorg masa kat bawah tu..

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Post time 22-10-2010 09:58 AM | Show all posts
Reply  Zaheera

oppps..yg s'pore nie tatau lak..tapi kan......
mcm x mustahil sbb last minute si ...
amyhisashi Post at 22-10-2010 08:13 AM

ka singapore tu.. betul2.. last minute tetibet dorg suh buat kat sana kan?
tu yg masa tu aku x puas ati gak.. sbb mcm memmenatkan bebudak JYJ tu.. dari bangkok nak ke singapore pastu malaysia.. kalo x.. mesti dorg ada gap sehari nak tido and rehat jap.. pastu terus show kat malaysia.. ngengader jer org 'sana' tuh request2.. pastu management JYJ pun apa laik.. nak untung lebih.. terima jer.. last2? mangsanya? kiter gak.. dorg sekali pun kena la..

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Post time 22-10-2010 09:59 AM | Show all posts
nak tau kenape lagik mesia senang digula2kan mcm yg jadi nie..
malaysian nie mmg ter ...
amyhisashi Post at 22-10-2010 08:31 AM

    Malaysia ni dari dlu lembut ati.. tu yg senang2 jer kena jajah.. (erk. tu bukan melayu ker? )
hope pasni dorg belajar la dr kesilapan dorg kan?

ngan kes Jay park x jadi dlu, ngan kes baby SS501 nyer.. ZEA ari tuh.. mcm2..

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Post time 22-10-2010 10:05 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by amyhisashi at 22-10-2010 10:08
pasal request baju tu apa kesplak amy? meh sini ko citer kat aku cepat..
JUSTcircle Post at 22-10-2010 09:44

aku tempek jer la...translation die...baca dgn hati terbuka dah la....

[TRANS] 101021 JYJ Creates Havoc In Airport; Chasing Fans Injured After Running Into Wall

Fans enthusiasm causes a mess in the airport when JYJ arrived. A fan chasing after JYJ got injured after running into a wall.

Last Sunday, JYJ arrived in Malaysia to hold a showcase. Not only did the fans claim that "it did not meet our expectations", some even said that JYJ did not care about the fans' safety as they entered the departure hell before the staff could fully finish the boarding procedures, causing a mess in the area which in turn caused many fans to injure themselves when they collided with the wall when chasing after them.

Insisted on using the regular entrance into Malaysia

According to sources, "the organizers treated safety as priority and advised them to leave and enter via the VIP exit. However, the Korean side refused the idea and let JYJ leave and enter by the regular exit instead."

Although the security created a human wall of about 20 buff man as well as 10 bodyguards to maintain the order, it was still unable to control the whole scene especially when they were leaving Malaysia on the night of the 17th, as there were many more fans who sent them off as compared to those who received them. When JYJ entered the arrival hall, the whole airport was a mess due to the fans' chasing. "The scene wasn't supposed to be this messy originally, however, because JYJ refused to listen to the advice, they left the car even before the staff have managed to finish the boarding procedure and receive the passport. This caused the whole place to be in a mess and many fans even fell on the floor as they were too busy chasing the idols and did not pay attention to the wall in front of them." The source stated that JYJ should be fully responsible for the fans' injuries with the reason that "as professional artists, they should first take care of fans' safety, however, they did not do that at all!"

Extremely late for showcase & press conference; buying clothes at the last minute

According to reliable sources, the reason JYJ was very late for both the showcase as well as press conference was because the Korean side decided to delay it on purpose. The source stated that, "After the rehearsal for the showcase ended, the Korean side said that they had to immediately do preparations for the showcase but instead they were taking their own sweet time while chatting backstage and eating. The organizer previously told the media that they were going to have an interview with the Korean side and that was why the press conference was delayed. But the real scenario is that the Korean side said that JYJ had no change of clothes and requested the organizer to buy them at the last-minute. After they bought the clothes back, they were unsatisfied and requested them to change it, but in the end, they still wore their own original clothes for the press conference and it was obviously done on purpose." Lastly, they used the excuse of having to rush for a plane and canceled interviews with the media (radio stations, television stations) and only allowed 10 minutes of photograph session with the JYJ fans in a personal gathering before leaving in a rush.

Regarding these information, the organizer did not deny and only refused to comment.

Also, a Korean-speaking fan left a message on the web showing her disappointment in JYJ. "I only managed to enter the gathering point through much difficulties but I actually heard JYJ asking their manager when it was going to end. This broke my heart..."

Redstar says they're innocent

The fans who bought the 1000 and 800 ringgit tickets to JYJ's showcase have left many complaints regarding the organizer, Redstar, and how they felt cheated.The organizer immediately said they were innocent and that the sudden change in the schedule was all due to the unreasonable requests from the Korean side. They even mentioned that the Korean side had originally planned to cancel the fan-meeting just like what they did in Bangkok and Singapore but Redstar rejected it and insisted that they keep their promise. Last Sunday, the 3 members of TVXQ, Kim Jaejoong, Park Yoochun and Kim Junsu arrived in Malaysia to promote as a new group, JYJ. After 12 hours of staying in Malaysia they left under the situation where hundreds of fans were chasing them. But due to JYJ not fulfilling the promises, the fans who spent their money could not have a chance to be in close interaction with the idols as promised, leaving them with both hatred and love. These fans have pushed all their unhappiness to Redstar and because of this, the "knot" that existed between the organizer and the Korean side one night before they arrived had been revealed.

According to sources, they only informed the Malaysian organizers that they wanted to leave immediately after the showcase that day a night before. On the day itself, the 17th, they, once again, suddenly used "the weather is too hot and the singers need to have a new set of clothes" as an excuse to have the fan-meet moved from Stadium Negara to the hotel, after the press conference. And on the night itself, they even went to cancel the originally confirmed fan-signing. Although photo-taking was still held, the originally 10 person per group was changed to 20 or 30 people. This let the fans who waited for 4 to 5 hours to only get to have close interaction with their idols for a mere 30 seconds.

Fans' rage on facebook

According to the many messages left on fans' facebook pages, they felt very disappointed at the "unsatisfactory" situation and most of them felt cheated.

One user "someone who bought the VIP ticket" said, "... some people even missed the train and bus ... just to be able to meet them close-up, however... this is only a waste of time, and we were even roughly dealt with as they constantly pushed up... when we took the photo, as soon as we took a couple more looks at them, we were being asked to leave... "

Zoe-Yi Tay complained about the unsatisfactory planning of the photo-taking. She left a message saying, "Because of your last minute decision, we had to queue outside the hotel for more than 3 hours, but after such a long time, all we got was a mere 30 second photo-taking session with 20 or 30 people... along with a group of scary bodyguards who were standing behind us. What's worse is that, we will never know when we get the photo and can't guarantee if we can get our autographed posters. If I had known earlier than the so-called "privileges" of being a VIP would become a bunch of empty promises then I definitely would not have bought it..." Another fan said, "I am very angry... After paying such a hefty sum, I didn't even get anything in the end..." This fan also added, "I really admire your newest slogan: 'First Come Last Serve'".

There are also quite a lot of fans who support the organizer and pushed the blame to the Korean side. One fan, Li Ern Mah, wrote, "We don't blame the organizer... As for JYJ, do they know how much we paid for the ticket? Don't they feel that they are cheating us?... If their agency does not know how to handle the job of an artiste then I don't know how long they can survive." She also said her feelings as a loyal fan, "I cannot bring myself to listen to their album for the time-being as it will only remind me of what just happened..."

Aten Teukie said, "I am also very sad... But I understand who caused this. (Including Singapore and Thailand). I don't blame Redstar and Marctensia... They even fought with the manager in front of us and Junsu..." <---motipp mention name jun-chan???

There are many fans who attended the meeting with presents in tow, however, the staff from the Korean side insisted that they place the presents outside and rushed them into the venue. One fan complained saying, "I saw many cute fans who were crying after the whole thing ended as they did not want to go home... JYJ might be very sad but their agency did not say anything... I saw Jaejoong receiving fans present as if they were trying to make up for something... but they did not bring back the presents that were left outside the venue.

to be continued.....

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Post time 22-10-2010 10:08 AM | Show all posts

JYJ fans' 3 biggest complaints:

1. The privileges forthose who bought the 1000 and 800 ringgit tickets (attend privatefan-meeting, take a group photo with JYJ as well as get theirsignature) were reduced to only being able to take a group photo with20 to 30 people per group instead of the original 10. Regarding this,the organizer said, "according to the contract signed with the Koreanside, other than having a showcase of 45 minutes inclusive of 6 songs,there will be fan-meeting with 400 fans with events such as taking agroup photo with JYJ as well as an autograph session. However, when theKorean side arrived in Malaysia, they purposely cancelled thefan-meeting and under the resistance of the organizer, the Korean sideagreed to have a photo-taking session but not have an autographsession."
errr....contract tue dah void ke sampai boleh cancel mcm tue jer???

2.The sudden change in venue and time for the meeting caused manyoverseas fans to change their flight schedules which caused theorganizer to say, "when the Korean side arrived in the stadium fortheir rehearsal, they then told us that they wanted to change thefan-meeting to the hotel and wanted a change of clothes for JYJ as theweather and venue was too hot with many other reasons. They insistedthat they cancel but the organizer stood their ground, which caused theKorean side to give way. They also allowed the fans who had to rush fortheir plane to go first.

3. Regarding the issue of being unableto collect their JYJ photo on that day, the organizer said, "the Koreanside is very strict about JYJ photos and not only does it have to gothrough the photos that the organizers will release to the media buteven the photos taken with fans has to be brought back to Korea beforesending it back to the organizers, which will then be sent to the fansthemselves.
err....hide, aku rase lambat la dpt kat ko gambo2 tue sumer...motipp korean side angkut bawak balik sume pics tue??

Adminnote: Overwhelming reports from fans who actually attended indicatethat many of the things stated in this article are FALSE. However,DBSKnights believe that it is useful to know what the press is sayingabout our boys. We urge those who can read and write Chinese to lettheir opinion be known to sinchew-i, the publisher of this article.
Don't worry, Cassies. WE know what the truth is

Source: [sinchew-i]
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ok, sekian terima kasih....
baca jer..jgn ingat2...

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Post time 22-10-2010 10:09 AM | Show all posts
sbb aku masih kuatkan ati anggap dia kepenatan dan dia still sayang Malaysia.. sbb dia tetap wave ngan kitorg masa kat bawah tu..JUSTcircle Post at 22-10-2010 09:56

ntah2 sbb dia dh x sabo nk blk kot nye...
tu yg bru ade mood tu...

time JJ msian beauty tu cam nk xnk jer jwb nye...
dh la lama nk pk...
psl junsu tu tse x pasan pon dia msm...
coz x tumpu kt dia pon...
tgok targeted person jahhhh...

tp kan klo dh jd case cam bullsh*t camni kan....
agak2 uols trima x klo after promo tu tp tetiba RS ckp JYJ xmo dtg??
mau ade yg moyan nnt kannnn...
hmmm...btw, tse pon cam x ske la klo derg dtg cni dgn gaya camtu...
derg camne penat pon kne la fanservice...
abih tu idop mewahhhhhh pk la skit sape yg sapot klo bkn kipas1 mati neh khennnn...
x sukeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

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Post time 22-10-2010 10:14 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1568# amyhisashi

mak aiiiiiiiii...derg x bwk blk fan nye gift??!!!
sia2 jer fan bli stuff...
ntah2 fan bli stuff yg memahal mmg moyan fan tu!!!
ciannnnnnnnn gilerrrrrrr~~~

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Post time 22-10-2010 10:15 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1565# JUSTcircle

aku phm jc..keje aku skrg pun lebih kurang same jer..
lagi sakit tinge ade la..ari2 ngadap public buat aduan itu ini..yg remeh2 pun nak ngadu kat aku....
blm masuk part ari2 tepon tanye aduan die dah settle ke blm..itu la..ini la..
tapi mcm ko ckp la..derang pilih jalan kena berkorban la..x luak pun kalo senyum sikit...

eceh..sempat promote abg seon joon die...
die pun ade angin die gak...masa incident die rampas kamera kat airport dulu tue, teruk gak die kena dgn fans...
yg back up, back up la..yg kutuk, kaw2 kutuk..

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Post time 22-10-2010 10:16 AM | Show all posts
ka singapore tu.. betul2.. last minute tetibet dorg suh buat kat sana kan?
tu yg masa tu aku x  ...
JUSTcircle Post at 22-10-2010 09:58

sbb tue la aku terkejut kejap..singapore masuk list...x sampai seminggu derang kecoh2, dah masuk list...

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Post time 22-10-2010 10:21 AM | Show all posts
Reply  amyhisashi

mak aiiiiiiiii...derg x bwk blk fan nye gift??!!!
sia2 je ...
cmf_tse Post at 22-10-2010 10:14

tatau la...derang bawak balik ke x..korang2 yg g epot ari tue x nampak ke manager ke stylist ke hape ke pegang2 gift ke usung sume gift??

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Post time 22-10-2010 10:28 AM | Show all posts
ko nieh..pepagi aku dah terimejin ape ko nak buat kat die mcm kat atas tue....
amyhisashi Post at 22-10-2010 08:40 AM

    hentai no hito anata~~~~

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Post time 22-10-2010 10:28 AM | Show all posts
sebak me baca citer hide madus .. yolah, RM800.. fuh tu nilai my expenses utk 1 bln... abis m ...
Hana_Hirokawa Post at 22-10-2010 08:59 AM

bukankah dorg mmg selalu buat hangit? sbb dorg tau demand tinggi.. so, dorg x heran dah..

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Post time 22-10-2010 10:29 AM | Show all posts
tu la psl...lenkali ajak ku ye beb...
mmg wugiiiiiiiiiiiii giler ble ku bc uols nye FA...
hu ...
cmf_tse Post at 22-10-2010 09:39 AM

  ko kena ajakkan diri ko sendiri.. hehehe! baru puas.. ekekeke!

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Post time 22-10-2010 10:29 AM | Show all posts
hentai no hito anata~~~~
JUSTcircle Post at 22-10-2010 10:28

eeh...chigau~~iols sopan..

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Post time 22-10-2010 10:34 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Hana_Hirokawa at 22-10-2010 10:35

ekceli retis tak bawak balik hadiah fans ni mende bese.. tp retis yg me tgk sangat bek ati angkut berkotak2 hadiah sudah semestinya SS501 (mmg confirm bawak balik), lee min ho and u-kiss .. ya aku bagi kat zea tu tah ler.. tp kalo retis baru ni maybe diaorg bawak balik la kot psp beast, siap bergambo ngan hadiah yg me bagi n post kat twitter .. puahahah motip pomot oppa umah lain keke.. paling selamat bagi kat diaorg terus by hand masa kat hotel or airport lah mcm yg abe jae amik tu..

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Post time 22-10-2010 10:39 AM | Show all posts
ko kena ajakkan diri ko sendiri.. hehehe! baru puas.. ekekeke!
JUSTcircle Post at 22-10-2010 10:29

ok...lenkali klo ade kelapangan ku offer kan diri yer!!!

ni sme mende jd kat haku asyikkkkkk las min jahhhhh!!

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