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Author: isabel

PARK YONG HA ~ R.I.P [1977-2010]

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Post time 1-7-2010 09:26 AM | Show all posts
eh, dorg penah berchenta meh?? kire chenta lokasi ker?? kan dorg penah berlakon sesama dlm lovin ...
rukiaichigo Post at 1-7-2010 09:23

aku baca kat blog sape ntah...die ckp ini ex die..
ramaikan yg dtg...shi yeon dtg pagi tadi.around 6am mcm tue..
sian aku tgk die..nangis teruk...

credit : soompi

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Post time 1-7-2010 09:52 AM | Show all posts
aku baca kat blog sape ntah...die ckp ini ex die..
ramaikan yg dtg...shi yeon dtg pagi tadi.aro ...
amyhisashi Post at 1-7-2010 09:26 AM

oooo, gitu ker. xtau plak aku dorg penah berchenta...

aduh, mmg rata2 yg pegi funeral PYH ni nanges teruk, nak2 yg pompuan even yg laki pun ada jer yg nanges...

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Post time 1-7-2010 10:09 AM | Show all posts
Reply 122# rukiaichigo

    aku tgk vid artis2 yg attend wake ni..masa dtg tu muka sedih bila kuar dr bilik mayat tu muka masing2 memang teruk....x silap aku park hyeo shin...siap meraung dpn pintu ....pastu lg sorang aku dh lupa nama dia masa kuar dr bilik tu...lalu dpn wartawan tersedu2....lelaki....

sedih sebb based on kwn2 artis yg dtg punya la xde sape yg tau..apa sebeno prob PYH......segala prob yg dia hide mkn diri.....spai x le tanggung....

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Post time 1-7-2010 10:11 AM | Show all posts
mmgsedih tgk muka sorang2 tu...

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Post time 1-7-2010 10:12 AM | Show all posts
kaka hadif
tu ler.. PYH ni mmg jenis ske berkawan n support member tp diri sendiri dia mcm abaikan takmo sharing.. tgh syahdu dengar lagu OST All In ngan lagu Tidings..

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Post time 1-7-2010 11:36 AM | Show all posts
July 1, 2010

Park Yong-ha 'Suffered Stress and Depression'

Park Yong-ha

The actor and singer Park Yong-ha had parted ways with his former manager and was under stress running his own business before he was found dead in an apparent suicide Wednesday morning, sources in the entertainment industry say.

Park had split with his manager, who became the head of an entertainment agency, late last year and often talked about his disappointment in relationships with people when he began managing his own affairs. He appears to have suffered added pressure when he found out that his father had cancer, several of his acquaintances said

Police said Park had hung himself on his bedpost with an electrical wire. His mother, who found the body, called emergency services immediately, but it was too late. Police said suicide was the most probable cause since there were no signs of forced entry or a struggle. Park left no will or suicide note to give a clue to the motive.

Two or three days before his death, Park apparently told friends that his work and life were "too difficult." Police heard testimony from Park's friends that he suffered from insomnia due to stress and was taking sleeping pills. According to the wishes of the family, no autopsy will be conducted.

Park had returned to Korea on Saturday for a brief stay after a series of successful concerts in Japan marking the release of his new album. He had been busy meeting with friends and associates on the day before he died. On Tuesday he returned home around midnight after drinking with friends and spoke with his father, who is in the terminal stage of stomach cancer, massaging his back and legs. Park is said to have cried and told his father he wished he was the one who was sick.

Police believe his suicide was impulsive. One executive at an entertainment agency who was close to Park said, "He often seemed sad and gloomy because of his father's illness."

His father, Park Seung-in, was an album producer in the 1970s and 80s and a manager for several popular Korean singers. His showbiz background had a profound influence on his son. Park debuted at the age of 17 in 1994 in an MBC TV drama. He rose to fame after appearing along with Bae Yong-joon and Choi Ji-woo in the hit TV series "Winter Sonata" and received the Golden Disk award in Japan for four consecutive years since 2005.


Asia stunned as South Korean TV star and singer Park Yong-ha kills himself
Leo Lewis From: The Times July 01, 2010

THE death of one of South Korea's top young stars has stunned millions of fans across Asia and left a nation once again bewailing its sky-high suicide rate.

Park Yong Ha was found dead at his home in Seoul yesterday, hanged by the slender cable of his mobile phone charger. Park, 33, who was midway through a singing tour of Asia, was among a small cadre of South Korean stars who dominate the domestic film and television scene.

No suicide note was found but the immediate cause of the actor's misery appears to have been the strain of caring for his terminally ill father.

His death is the latest in a series of young celebrity suicides that began with the death of Lee Eun Joo, the film star, in 2005.

Three years later Choi Jin Sil, widely regarded as the country's most accomplished actress, took her own life. This year Jin Young, her actor brother, committed suicide.

Suicide rates in South Korea are exceptionally high. Health Ministry figures suggest that the national rate is 24 suicides for every 100,000 people.


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Post time 1-7-2010 12:22 PM | Show all posts
Aktor Korea bunuh diri [BERITA HARIAN]

Penyanyi, pelakon popular Winter Sonata ditemui tergantung

SEOUL: Seorang aktor dan penyanyi popular Korea Selatan, Park Yong-ha, 33, yang terkenal dengan drama bersiri popular Winter Sonata dilaporkan menggantung diri di rumahnya di Seoul kelmarin.

Agensi berita Yonhap melaporkan, seorang pegawai Agensi Polis Metropolitan Seoul memberitahu Associated Press bahawa Park ditemui tergantung dengan wayar pengecas bateri telefon bimbit. Bagaimanapun polis masih menyiasat punca sebenar kematian, kata pegawai yang enggan dikenali.

Park mula membabitkan diri dalam seni lewat 1990-an dan dikenali menerusi drama televisyen Winter Sonata pada 2002 yang turut mendapat sambutan di Jepun dan kebanyakan negara Asia Tenggara.

Beliau turut mengadakan beberapa konsert di Jepun dan seorang daripada peminatnya adalah bekas wanita pertama Jepun, Akie Abe.

Yonhap melaporkan tiada nota bunuh diri ditemui tetapi polis Seoul berkata Park berulang kali memberitahu keluarganya “Saya minta maaf. Saya minta maaf” ketika menghantar mesej kepada bapanya yang menghidap kanser perut, awal kelmarin.

Pegawai polis lain memberitahu agensi itu yang memetik ibu Park bahawa pelakon terbabit menjaga bapanya yang sakit dan mengambil pil tidur kerana menghidap insomnia.
Korea Selatan mempunyai kadar bunuh diri tertinggi di kalangan 30 negara dalam Pertubuhan bagi Pembangunan dan Kerjasama Ekonomi dan sebilangan mereka adalah berprofil tinggi.

Choi Jin-sil, seorang aktres terkenal Korea Selatan membunuh diri dua tahun lalu. Pada Mac lalu, adiknya, Choi Jin-young yang juga pelakon telah membunuh diri di Seoul. - AP


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Post time 1-7-2010 12:57 PM | Show all posts
Reply 118# amyhisashi

ramainyer retis yg mai..huhuhu sdih x pat tgk..

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Post time 1-7-2010 01:01 PM | Show all posts
RIP Park Yong Ha.. huhuhuuhuh.. sgt sdeyyyy..

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Post time 1-7-2010 01:23 PM | Show all posts
June 30, 2010

Hallyu Star Park Yong-ha Commits Suicide

At approximately 5:40 AM on June 30, 2010, famed actor Park Yong-ha was found dead in his home in Nonhyun-dong of Seoul. His mother had found his body after Park had hung himself using a phone charger cord. The ambulance arrived at about 5:47 AM and confirmed that not only was he dead, but had been dead for a good two to three hours. Medical officials described his body has cold and hardened, with purple marks indicating that some time had passed after he died. They continued explaining that these purple markings tend to appear about one to two hours after a person has died.

This tragic and early death for the actor only 32 years of age comes just three months after the suicide of Choi Jin-young, brother of famous actress Choi Jin-shil who also committed suicide. Choi Jin-shil's suicide was hot on the tracks of Ahn Jae-hwan's suicide. This heartbreaking trend is one not exactly new to the entertainment industry.

Park Yong-ha was most noted for his role in "Winter Sonata" and "On Air", and was even recently casted as the male starring role in "Love Song" with Yoon Eun-hye.

His wake was held at Gangnam Saint Mary's Hospital where many stars showed up including So Ji-seob, Kim Hyung-joon, Kim Ki-bum, Song Seung-hun, Eru, CNBLUE, Ryu Shi-won, Yunho, Kim Hyun-joo, Kim Min-jung, Park Hyo-shin, PSY, and Eugene.

Source: KBS Global

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Post time 1-7-2010 02:08 PM | Show all posts
So Ji Sub kept watch at Park Yong Ha’s wake

by heartfacee on July 1, 2010 @ 1:54 AM (EDT) · 16 comments


So Ji Sub was a good friend of actor Park Yong Ha, who committed suicide yesterday in Seoul and he was amongst the celebrities that attended his wake the same day and caught the attention of the public through his tears.

Many stars were there to send off the actor and offer their condolences to his immediate family but it looks like So Ji Sub was not able to let go just yet.

The two regularly named each other as their best friends when they were asked who their best friend was on TV shows or through interviews. Because of the strong friendship they shared, So Ji Sub was the first celebrity to arrive in the morning of the 30th and stayed overnight at the wake to keep his friend company.

When the wake was being moved to another floor in the building, he was there to help carry the body. The friendship seems to be continuing on even if they are in different worlds now. Park Yong Ha’s funeral procession will take place tomorrow.

Actress Kim Hyun Joo also turned up this morning to visit her friend again.


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Post time 1-7-2010 02:27 PM | Show all posts
July 1, 2010

FACTBOX - Key facts about actor Park Yong-ha
Jessica Kim

Park Yong-ha, a Korean actor and singer, died on Thursday after committing suicide in his house by hanging himself from the cord of his camcorder charger. He was 32.

Following are some key facts about his life and career:

* Park Yong-ha was born on August 12, 1977. He graduated from the College of Media, Performing Art and Imaging Sciences at Chung-Ang University.

* He was the son of Park Seung-in, famed music producer during the 1970-1980s and manager to some of Korea's top veteran singers including Song Chang-sik, Yang Hee-eun and Jung Su-ra. Senior Park is currently suffering from late-stage stomach cancer.

* Debuted in 1994 through public network MBC's "Theme Theater" and made big screen debut in 1998 through "If It Snows on Christmas."

* Career took off in Korea and throughout Asia after starring in smash-hit TV series "Winter Sonata" alongside Bae Yong-joon and Choi Ji-woo in 2002.

* Other TV series included "Loving You," "On Air," and "The Slingshot" while films included "Although it is Hateful Again 2002" and "The Scam."

* Launched singing career in Japan in 2003, winning an award for best new artist at Japan's Golden Disk Award in 2005 to make him the first Korean to win an award at the event. He won awards for four consecutive years; for song of the year in 2006 and best asian artist in 2007 and 2008.

* Established his own agency YONA Entertainment in 2008.

* Mini-album "Once in a Summer" released in July 2009 reached No. 14 on Japan's prestigious Oricon weekly chart and fifth full-length album "STARS" released in June 2010 reached No. 16 on the chart.

* Had kicked off three-month long 16-city tour starting June 19 to promote "STARS."

* Was set to star in "Love Song," a small-screen remake of legendary Hong Kong pic "Comrades, Almost a Love Story" alongside actress Yoon Eun-hye which was scheduled to go into shoot in a month.

* Appointed as goodwill ambassador of non-governmental organization Good Neighbors in August 2009. Visited the Republic of Chad in Africa over several occasions to carry out volunteer work including donating money to help build a school there under his name, YONA SCHOOL.

Jessica Kim jesskim@ <&copy;10Asia All rights reserved>

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Post time 1-7-2010 02:37 PM | Show all posts
RIP PYH..:cry::cry:

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Post time 1-7-2010 02:38 PM | Show all posts
nak share jugak:-

terkejut dpt tau berita ni semlm

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Post time 1-7-2010 02:47 PM | Show all posts
kenapa la cmni..popular pn depressed ke?dh nk jd artis mmg la exhausted. kesiann laaa

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Post time 1-7-2010 02:49 PM | Show all posts
kenapa la cmni..popular pn depressed ke?dh nk jd artis mmg la exhausted. kesiann laaa
hamtaro Post at 1-7-2010 14:47

die depressed brtambah2 ni... ngn penat psal kerja, n plus bapak die skit cancer tu kn... tu yg brtambah2 tertekan

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Post time 1-7-2010 03:41 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 1-7-2010 03:58 PM | Show all posts
tak lagik le dpt tengok muke yg chomel itu...bibir yg seksi itu....uwaaaaa

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Post time 1-7-2010 04:22 PM | Show all posts
Begitu singkat pemikiran pelakon ni...bunuh diri bkn jln penyelesaian...
sedih aku nengok choi ji woo menangis..

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Post time 1-7-2010 04:36 PM | Show all posts
July 1, 2010

Park Yong-ha distressed over friend's betrayal, says Ryu Si-won
Reporter : Lynn Kim Editor : Jessica Kim

Korean actor and singer Ryu Si-won [R's Company]

Hallyu star Ryu Si-won has said that the late actor Park Yong-ha, who committed suicide early yesterday morning, was heavily distressed by a friend's betrayal, according to Japanese newspaper Sports Hochi on Thursday.

Sports Hochi reported that Ryu shed tears over Park's death at his concert, held Wednesday in Tokyo, saying that someone who is "like a younger brother has gone to heaven."

Ryu described Park as a vulnerable person who was hit with a series of misfortunes, including a betrayal by a close acquaintance.

The late actor, who had been running his own management company YONA Entertainment, is said to have been in a big emotional distress after he and his long-time manager parted over financial issues.

Best known for his role as Sang-hyuk in the smash hit TV series "Winter Sonata" (KBS2, 2002), Park had led a successful acting and singing career in Korea and Japan as well.

However, sources close to Park said that he was recently having a very hard time juggling his career, his company and family problems. His father is currently suffering from late-stage stomach cancer.

Park was found dead in his apartment around 5:30 a.m. yesterday. He hanged himself from the cord of his camcorder charger.

Numerous Korean celebrities, including "Sonata" co-stars Bae Yong-joon and Choi Ji-woo, have visited Park's wake service being held at Seoul's St. Mary's Hospital.

Reporter : Lynn Kim lynn2878@ Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@ <10Asia All rights reserved>

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