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idea yang kelas 1,tapi....

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Post time 20-7-2011 09:33 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
baru-baru ini pihak kementerian pelajaran mempekenalkan Sistem Analisis Peperiksaan Sekolah(SAPS). Dengan adanya sistem ini , 1 malaysia akan mengunakan sistem yang sama, dengan slogan , 1 sistem 1 malaysia.. Idea ini memang baik , kalau pelajar yg tukar sekolah dalam negeri atau negeri  , hanya klik pindah sekolah , data peperiksaannya kekal ada ,1 malaysia adalah sama bila-bila masa boleh online key in dan kemaskini ......tetapi masalah sekarang, idea yang kelas 1 , pelaksanaan adalah kelas 3... ...

tadi masuk website tersebut, hanya 429 pengguna dalam talian , tapi servernya slow hingga putus talian  tidak dapat log in.. imaginelah jika semua guru di malaysia ( lebih 300,000)  masuk website pada masa yang sama , apakah akan terjadi ???  pihak berkenaan  harus menyelesaikan masalah server/network ini sebelum sistem diperkenalkan........sekarang satu malaysia menuju  era E , tapi server/network kita kelas E........  :cry:

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Post time 20-7-2011 09:36 PM | Show all posts
Dulu wawasan 2020 la.. now 1 prefix to every scheme... macam MLM la pulak ..

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Post time 20-7-2011 09:39 PM | Show all posts
sapa yg ditugaskan utk menten website?

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Post time 20-7-2011 09:43 PM | Show all posts
I wonder how much they spent to build that system...

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Post time 20-7-2011 09:51 PM | Show all posts
biasa la banyak sgt usul2 hangat2 taik ayam (banyak, bukan semua la)..

teringat zaman kecik2 belum sekolah, zaman tun dr m dulu, sibuk iklan kempen kenderaan2 yg keluarkan asap hitam akan kena saman lah bla bla bla...

30 yrs on, tiap hari dari zaman dulu tgk merata2 bas2 lori2 dok muntahkan asap hitam, rilek jeeeee takde pun kena saman or kena tahan tepi jalan ke.

mcm2 nak buat, tapi enforcement takde.

agaknya sebab ramai kakitangan kerajaan dok sibuk berforum kot

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Post time 20-7-2011 09:57 PM | Show all posts
sapa yg ditugaskan utk menten website?
atira Post at 20-7-2011 21:39

berapa juta pulak yg free pun kena caj

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Post time 20-7-2011 09:58 PM | Show all posts
tp idea sistem nih mmg menarik...

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 Author| Post time 20-7-2011 10:00 PM | Show all posts
menyusahkan orang yg terpaksa yang mengguna sistem tersebut.....saya ingin bekerja efisen, tapi keadaan menjadikan saya low efisen, dan buang masa saya.......

saya tak tahu sistem ini berapa harga, tapi rasanya tak murah....

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Post time 20-7-2011 10:08 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by mbhcsf at 20-7-2011 22:10

dulu kan ingat tak ada satu skim - program membaca yg dilakasankan sekitar 1990 - 1992?? yang semua pelajar sekolah diberikan satu buku khas ...untuk catat buku apa baca etc etc ..sampai satu ketika  , kan kekawan saya tanya tak per ke baca cerpen surat khabar instead of buku novel?

apa punya skim la pada saya , ini tidak meningkatkan minat saya nak menulis atau membaca.

ada  lagi ke skim bacaan buku etc etc ?

berkesan tak skim tu ?

masih ada lagi ke?

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Post time 20-7-2011 10:16 PM | Show all posts
tp idea sistem nih mmg menarik...
wirazam Post at 20-7-2011 21:58

    dan menariknya ialah sebab

  a) ia centralised database - so senang nak rujuk
b) lebih teratur sistem maklumat

dan sebaik - baiknya ialah - sistem kesihatan pun better buat cam ni - kan you all persan tak merdeka sampai 53 tahun bagai

tapi screening for cervical ca, hearing impiarment, mammogram bagai , even prostate ca

ada tak inisiatif kerajaan nak buat data pangkalan  untuk program saringan ?

sebab pada saya tiba masanya pakar perubatan keluarga/ family physician / GPs patut come out with a really effective way la

untuk meningkatkan mutu kesihatan rakyat dengan memperbaikai sistem maklumat

i dunno ...

saya rasa sikap rakyat dan modal insan yg ada di sesuatu negara tu sendiri kot yg ditakdirkan untuk kita belajar dan mengambil iktibar untuk dipraktikkan - they have a good model of underground transport for 149 years , efficient tu like lrt lah  tapi boleh koordinasikan sampai berpuluh puluh km jauhnya dari pusat bandar  dan ini tidak dapat tidak kudos pada modal nilai modal insan tu

so ...pada saya  ini penting ya untuk meningkatkan mutu sistem penyampaian

common Najib system needs upgrading

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Post time 20-7-2011 10:21 PM | Show all posts
baru-baru ini pihak kementerian pelajaran mempekenalkan Sistem Analisis Peperiksaan Sekolah(SAPS). D ...
myhappylife Post at 20-7-2011 21:33

    tersangat la setuju...
sistem SAPS neh mmg baik...
tp tahap kelembapan server tu... alahai.....
dah tau sistem neh akan digunakan oleh sume guru satu mesia..
tp server cam ampes..

server ssqs pun cenggitu jugak...
jenuh nk key in data sume..
ai bangun 4 pagi nk key in data pun server bz...

dahle nk bukak web tu pun payah...
nk save data pun payah jugak...
kdg2 kena key in balik byk kali....

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Post time 20-7-2011 10:24 PM | Show all posts
menyusahkan orang yg terpaksa yang mengguna sistem tersebut.....saya ingin bekerja efisen, tapi kead ...
myhappylife Post at 20-7-2011 22:00

biasa la tu kalo sistem kerajaan..lagi la kalo sistem tu baru nak digunakan. nanti lama2 kalo pengguna ramai komplen dan dah kena maki hamun tetiap hari baru la diaorang upgrade.aku dah mengalami dah benda nih . Kalau time nak guna sistem tu tengah slow sangat, sila la buat kerja lain. jangan dok mengadap gak depan pc tuh. yang paling penting kena pandai pilih time bila nak guna. kalo berdasarkan pengalaman xseberapa aku ni la, time awal pagi, lunch-hour dan after office hour ialah masa-masa yang paling sesuai untuk access sistem yang macam gitu. kira macam kalau ko drive jugak la..time peak hours mmg jem la jalan..sekian terima kasih.

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Post time 20-7-2011 10:27 PM | Show all posts
bape juta plak spend untuk buat sistem ni?

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Post time 20-7-2011 10:28 PM | Show all posts
dan menariknya ialah sebab

  a) ia centralised database - so senang nak rujuk
b) le ...
mbhcsf Post at 20-7-2011 22:16

dah tiba masanya utk Malaysia mengorak langkah dlm cloud computing...rasanya Pegawai Teknologi Maklumat kat gomen byk kan....

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Post time 20-7-2011 10:31 PM | Show all posts
Malaysia's proud access to Cloud Computing




PUTRAJAYA: Malaysia is the first emerging economy in the region to have access to Microsoft Corporation's full range of Cloud Computing capabilities, said its chief executive officer, Steve Ballmer.
Malaysia is also among 41 countries in the world where the Window Azure has been made available, he said, in announcing the availability of the online services here yesterday.

Window Azure is a Cloud Computing platform that enables developers to quickly and easily build, deploy, scale and manage applications and web services in Microsoft data centres.

Ballmer also said Cloud Computing, where data and services were stored externally on the "cloud" and accessed via the Internet, had strong relevance for economies like Malaysia.

Cloud Computing's new diversified model means everyone has the potential to access the same information and communication technology infrastructure, as long as they have a strong broadband connection.

"Thus, Malaysia's high speed broadband project definitely bodes well for the future."

According to Ballmer, Microsoft's Cloud Computing can also be used as tools in helping to develop and transform Malaysia into a high income economy by 2020.

"We are fully in support of Malaysia's innovation agenda."

Cloud Computing also offers tremendous potential for efficiency, cost savings and innovation.

Cloud-based services allow governments, companies and organisation to quickly and easily scale up as needed in providing, virtually, an unlimited pool of storage and computing resources.

As to how small and medium enterprises (SMEs) can benefit from Cloud Computing, Ballmer said: "The SME community will have the same access to software and storage space as the largest multinational.

"This will provide solutions for business, allowing them to expand without the lack of an ICT infrastructure being an impediment.

"Truly, Cloud Computing represents the next frontier and has the potential to invigorate Malaysian enterprises and innovation in the years to come."

Microsoft is going big on the "Cloud" and has announced that by next year, 90 per cent of its more than 40,000 developers would be working on cloud computing. It will see the delivery of applications, server operating systems and other software as an online service.

Microsoft has also rolled out its flagship Cloud Computing suite, the Business Productivity Online Suite (BPOS) in Malaysia. BPOS provides access from virtually anywhere to rich communication, collaboration and productivity services via subscription-based, Microsoft-hosted, online applications. -- Bernama

Read more: Malaysia's proud access to Cloud Computing

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Post time 20-7-2011 11:49 PM | Show all posts
masalahnye kebanyakkn top top gun kat kementerian kadar komputer literasi belom masuk kategori expert.. kebanyakkan novice... prefer everything in writen paper..  kalo staff minta boss to authorize or navigate the system , boss akan kasi p/w kepada staff tersebut utk jadik boss... hahahahahhaha... bila minta gi training dia jawab " saya ada meeting lagi penting dari belajar sistem ini" . tu ar psl 1st class facility but 3rd class mentality.... heheheehehehehehe...

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Post time 20-7-2011 11:56 PM | Show all posts
dulu kan ingat tak ada satu skim - program membaca yg dilakasankan sekitar 1990 - 1992?? yang semua  ...
mbhcsf Post at 20-7-2011 22:08

    owh program nilam tu?

aku penah dpt medal sbb plg banyak rekod membaca kt sekolah.

tapi pastu senyap mcm tu je....why ek?

aku rasa program tu mmg bagus pun...

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Post time 21-7-2011 12:06 AM | Show all posts
Aku puji sistem Sarawak punya e-govt (Sarawaknet). Boleh kata 90% uptime. Pengguna pula ramai, bayangkanlah beratus ribu penjawat kerajaan negeri log in tiap hari. Setiap penjawat pula diberi satu email gomen percuma, tiap2 hari boleh check. Apply cuti, loan, skt, semuanya secara online. Nak surf internet pun tak susah.. asal proxy benarkan jer. Kebanyakan masa mmg speed bagus. Nak melayari forum time kerja pun takder masalah.

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Post time 21-7-2011 01:13 AM | Show all posts
Reply 18# Muntz

alaa u ..i guess semua institusi pun ada online ni , kan?

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Post time 21-7-2011 01:15 AM | Show all posts
owh program nilam tu?

aku penah dpt medal sbb plg banyak rekod membaca kt sekolah.

t ...
annehuda Post at 20-7-2011 23:56

    i tak membaca buku cerita sangat masa tu sebba tu i tak suka, just read magazines like dewan sisa kosmik ,  etc etc yg setara dengannya , so mmg alahai kelam kabut bila kena tulis summary ...sebab tu i just  summrised the articles not buku cerita.

kalau tak sherlock holmes hahahaha bolehbuat setiap bab satu helai muka surat ringkasan hahahhaha

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