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Author: crossfire

[Dunia] Updated: Lebih 45 tentera Israel menuju NERAKA!!! Allahuakbar.

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 Author| Post time 21-7-2014 09:13 AM | Show all posts
Pakai kapalterbang BOM, meriam, , bolehlah, cer tgk, tempur darat tgk....

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Post time 21-7-2014 09:14 AM | Show all posts
semoga Zionist hancur binasa secepat mungkin dan kemenangan ke atas umat Islam palestin dlm perjuangan menentang kafir Zionist laknatullah.

Semoga juga tentera palestin disertai oleh tentera2 Islam dari luar utk memperkuatkan pertahanan dan taktik menyerang tentera Zionist laknatullah agar mereka berasa gerun dan gentar utk datang semula ke palestin.

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Post time 21-7-2014 09:17 AM | Show all posts
bila tgk..baca & dengar kisah kezaliman Israel di Gaza nih..
kdg2 terpikir...
xde sedikit ke rasa kemanusiaan dlm hati org2 Israel/Yahudi laknat ini
terhadap org2 Palestin di sana...?
Xde rasa kesian ke diorg pada anak2 kecil  & kaum wanita Palestin?
Atas dasar apa diorg nak buat smua tu?
Org Yahudi dah kuasa byk dah kekayaan dunia...
pegi lah beli pulau/tanah/negara mana2...diorg mampu...

tp tu lah lah dikatakan kuasa Allah...
walau sehebat mana pun harta & kuasa didunia org2 Israel nih..
diorg masih xmampu menawan Palestin yg serba serbi kekurangan...

Ya Allah...Kau berikan lah kekuatan pd rakyat2 Palestin dlm menempuh setiap dugaan di dunia ini...
Kau terbalikkan lah apa yg jadi pada Palestin - akan terjadi pada kaum2 Israel/Yahudi laknat sedunia...
biar bumi yg dipijak ini...akan sentiasa membara apabila kaum2 Israel/Yahudi laknat ini berada...
biar setiap air yg diminum mereka...akan mendatangkan racun yg  berbisa...
biar setiap udara yg dihirup mereka...akan membawa seribu macam bala pd sekalian Israel/Yahudi laknat
& mereka2 yg bersekutu dgn mereka...Amin....

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Post time 21-7-2014 09:19 AM | Show all posts
Yahudi takut akan mati......
Islam Palsatine...tidak gentar kepada kematian....kerana itu yg mereka carikan....syahid....

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Post time 21-7-2014 09:20 AM | Show all posts
Yoongie posted on 21-7-2014 08:35 AM
Semoga mereka selamat menuju ke neraka..


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Post time 21-7-2014 09:22 AM | Show all posts
the state of Israel DOES NOT represent Jews/Judaism...

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 Author| Post time 21-7-2014 09:26 AM | Show all posts
cmf_acura posted on 21-7-2014 09:19 AM
Yahudi takut akan mati......
Islam Palsatine...tidak gentar kepada kematian....kerana itu yg mereka ...

Israeli soldiers killed after battle in Gaza City suburb
Hamas claims to have captured soldier on day that 13 other IDF troops were killed

Israeli soldiers at the funeral of sergeant Bnaya Rubel in Holon yesterday. IDF sources said 13 soldiers have been killed. Picture: AP/ Ariel Schalit

The Israeli military suffered one of its worst combat days on Sunday, with the death of at least 13 troops in battle and an unconfirmed claim from Hamas that it had kidnapped a soldier inside Gaza.
The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) said they were investigating Hamas's kidnap claim. Speaking on a Hamas television station, a masked spokesman, Abu Ubaida, said: "We have captured a Zionist soldier and the occupation has not admitted that."
The claim came after a seven-hour battle between Israeli troops and Hamas fighters in the neighbourhood of Shujai'iya, the first of further confrontations in the coming days, according to a senior Israeli military source.
IDF soldiers encountered a sophisticated, disciplined, brave, highly trained and well-equipped army of militants, he said.
"We have to admit we were facing good fighters, very well equipped with sophisticated weapons systems, accurate weapons, heavy weapons including mortars, booby traps.
"It was very difficult fighting," the Israeli source said. "It's very difficult for us to surprise them. They were simply waiting for us."
Most of the Hamas fighters had been trained in Iran, he said. "We can trace the methods," he said, referring to the tactics of embedding into densely populated areas for protection. "We've seen the same with Hezbollah [in Lebanon]."
But, he added: "We've learned lessons, and we'll do better tonight and in the coming nights." Israeli troops were still on the ground in Shujai'iya, although in control was "not the exact term".
The official, speaking at the IDF's headquarters in Tel Aviv, warned that similar battles were to be expected in the coming days in pursuit of its goal of locating and destroying tunnels used by militants to launch attacks against Israel.
Many tunnel entrances had been found in Shujai'iya, which he described as a "stronghold of Hamas", in the course of Sunday's battle. The IDF has discovered about 15 tunnels since the start of the ground operation but there were many more than initially expected, said the official.
He described it as a "very sophisticated network within Gaza and into Israel", with multiple entrances, shafts and offshoots.
The IDF had used robots to destroy tunnels as well as conventional methods, he said, adding that the decision to give advance warning to civilians in Gaza of impending operations gave a clear indication to Hamas of Israel's military intentions.
Leaflets and text messages had given the residents of Shujai'iya at least two days' warning to leave their homes by a specific deadline, with instructions about which streets marked a safe area, the source said.
"They didn't leave because of threats from Hamas," he said. "So many civilian casualties is bad but that's what Hamas wanted us to face, the civilian human shield."
Although the official said he would like to see a ceasefire, he conceded it would be difficult for Israel now to abandon its stated goal of locating and destroying cross-border tunnels.
"It can take days, but I hope it won't take more than that," he said. "We have still green light [from the politicians], we have a mission, we are going to fulfil it. We have as much force to open as many fronts as we need."

Jerusalem Post reported:
The second soldier, 2nd-Lt. Bar Rahav, 21, from Ramat Yishai, from the Engineering Corps, was killed in an attack in Gaza.

Also on Saturday, two soldiers were killed by a rocket-propelled grenade while thwarting the attempt to murder Israeli civilians. Their names were Sgt. Adar Barsano, 20, of Nahariya, and Maj. Amotz Greenberg, 45, of Hod Hasharon, the army said.

Last edited by crossfire on 21-7-2014 09:34 AM


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Post time 21-7-2014 09:38 AM | Show all posts
"It was very difficult fighting," the Israeli source said. "It's very difficult for us to surprise them. They were simply waiting for us."

Datanglah wahai israel....mereka menunggu mu.....

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Post time 21-7-2014 09:39 AM | Show all posts
tentera mereka mati ramai..tu yg mereka menggila pi bom orang ramai....lepas tu kata human shield....dasar bacul....

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Post time 21-7-2014 09:40 AM | Show all posts
laskar yahudi menangisi kematian rakan...selamat menuju neraka...

Last edited by gede-bab on 21-7-2014 09:43 AM


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Post time 21-7-2014 09:43 AM | Show all posts
obelisk posted on 21-7-2014 08:51 AM
Salma Shokri

It really made me feel so irritated and so disgusting when I saw and read on how the ...

ya Allah..

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Post time 21-7-2014 09:48 AM | Show all posts
mampus kau Israel laknat!!

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Post time 21-7-2014 09:53 AM | Show all posts
askar israel bingai2


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Post time 21-7-2014 10:06 AM | Show all posts
mari kita berdoa lagi...
mohon bantuan allah....
doa2 dibulan yg mulia ni....moga Allah memperkenankan doa2 org yg dizalimi...


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Post time 21-7-2014 10:16 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Korang muslim sunni jgn membangkitkan kemarahan Elohim Yahweh whatever shit God they have.

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Post time 21-7-2014 10:18 AM | Show all posts
insya allah..kali ni makin ramai askar israel akan mati..dorang ober konpiden bleh kalahkan hamas..pasai tu jd mcm nie...

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Post time 21-7-2014 10:22 AM | Show all posts
pejuang Hamas hanya bunuh askar Israel.
Tapi askar Israel hanya mampu bunuh civilians.

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Post time 21-7-2014 10:24 AM | Show all posts
bluemenx posted on 21-7-2014 09:53 AM
askar israel bingai2

betul ke dlm video ni askar israel? apsal teruk sangat2 ??? nak panjat tembok tu pon hazab

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Post time 21-7-2014 10:24 AM | Show all posts
MissMamamia75 posted on 21-7-2014 09:17 AM
bila tgk..baca & dengar kisah kezaliman Israel di Gaza nih..
kdg2 terpikir...
xde sedikit ke rasa  ...

ekceli rasanya mmg diorg x simpati, sbb diorg ni beriman sgt dgn kitab Talmud.
Dlm kitab talmud, ada menceritakan pembunuhan org selain yahudi itu halal dan dituntut. Lain2 manusia diorg x anggap berharga. Talmud adalah sokongn kepada taurat/torah. Tp talmud ni adlah penyampaian dr mulut ke mulut, dr zaman nabi musa a.s, pastinya terlalu byk fact yg bukan dr kata2 allah. Byk diselewengkan; bersesuaian ngn firman:

Dan (kenangkanlah) ketika Kami turunkan kepada Nabi Musa kitab (Taurat) dan keterangan-keterangan (yang terkandung di dalamnya, yang membezakan antara yang benar dengan yang salah), supaya kamu mendapat petunjuk.
(Al-Baqarah 2:53)
Kecelakaan besar bagi orang-orang yang menulis Kitab Taurat dengan tangan mereka (lalu mengubah Kalam Allah dengan rekaan-rekaan mereka), kemudian mereka berkata: "Ini ialah dari sisi Allah", supaya mereka dengan perbuatan itu dapat membeli keuntungan dunia yang sedikit. Maka kecelakaan besar bagi mereka disebabkan apa yang ditulis oleh tangan mereka, dan kecelakaan besar bagi mereka dari apa yang mereka usahakan itu.
Kemudian kamu ini (wahai Bani Israil), kamu berbunuh-bunuhan sesama sendiri dan kamu usir satu puak dari kaum kamu keluar dari kampungnya; kamu pula saling bantu-membantu (dengan orang lain) untuk menentang mereka dengan melakukan dosa dan penganiayaan; padahal kalau mereka datang kepada kamu sebagai orang tawanan, kamu tebus mereka; sedang perbuatan mengusir mereka diharamkan juga atas kamu. Sesudah itu maka patutkah kamu hanya percaya kepada sebahagian (dari isi) Kitab Taurat dan mengingkari akan sebahagian yang lain? Maka tiadalah balasan bagi orang yang berbuat demikian itu dari antara kamu, selain dari kehinaan ketika hidup di dunia, dan pada hari kiamat akan ditolak mereka ke dalam azab seksa yang amat berat. Dan (ingatlah), Allah tidak sekali-kali lalai akan apa yang kamu lakukan.
(Al-Baqarah 2:85)

Ce studi pasal talmud, byk juga revealation yg da dikupas, mereka jugak menghina Jesus dlm tu bkn setakat membenci islam je.

Dan orang-orang Yahudi berkata: "Orang-orang Nasrani itu tidak mempunyai sesuatu pegangan (agama yang benar)"; dan orang-orang Nasrani pula berkata: "Orang-orang Yahudi tidak mempunyai sesuatu pegangan (agama yang benar)"; padahal mereka membaca Kitab Suci masing-masing (Taurat dan Injil). Demikian juga orang-orang (musyrik dari kaum Jahiliyah) yang tidak berilmu pengetahuan, mengatakan seperti yang dikatakan oleh mereka itu. Maka Allah akan menghukum (mengadili) di antara mereka pada hari kiamat mengenai apa yang mereka berselisihan padanya.
(Al-Baqarah 2:113)

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Post time 21-7-2014 10:25 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
tentera qassam bunuh askar israel, manakala israel pula membunuh rakyat biasa terutamanya kanak2. tapi siapa yg dipanggil terrorist oleh negara2 islam.

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