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Post time 23-8-2004 01:40 PM | Show all posts |Read mode

Setiap Isnin hingga Jumaat kul 2.30 ptg.
Bermula 27 Ogos

aku baru tgk kat tv tadi, Leard Kattiya nih ada kat tv 2 kul 2.30 senin hingga jumaat. tapi dia guna tajuk 'The Princess'. ganti cite filipina yg dah nak abis tu. yahooo!!!! seronoknyer...

tak sabo nak tgk Tik dgn Aom lagi :clap:

so.. korang.. jom kiter berporem lagi... nozomi ngan shane.. 1 2 3  jom!!!!!

[ Last edited by  Eddlisa_uyuk at 2-1-2008 11:54 AM ]



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 Author| Post time 23-8-2004 01:55 PM | Show all posts
okey, utk korang yg tatau psl cite ni, ni ada sket info. ehem.. since aku tgh rajin ni..:bgrin:

Title : Leard Kattiya

Genne: Drama

Casts: Tik Jesadaporn, Oom Phiyada


This is a story of a soldier Anothai who was born to die for his country and was willing to give up everything for princess Tipparath Dara Kumaree or "Little Princess" of Yasoton province, the girl that he loved more than his own life.

Anothai always knew that he would become soldier protecting his country like his father before him. In the military school, he was the top student of the class. Anothai practiced on his own on a small deserted island. Here he saved a beautiful young girl named "Dara" from being drown after her boat tipped over in the storm. They became friends and made the island their secret meeting place.

The Crown Prince Sithipawat was kind, weak and hated fighting. Anothai helped the Prince all though 3 years of military school and they become best of friends. On the 20th birthday, the Little Princess was given the title of 3rd heir in line of the throne. Anothai was shocked to find out that Dara, the girl he loved, was the same person as Little Princess.

Although Anothai and Dara belonged in different class, they shared love that was wonderful and pure. Anothai and Dara still could not stop their hearts from loving each other. However, the love for their country was above all else. Anothai helped the Crown Prince marry Princess Dara, which made her very angry at him. Anothai told her he loved her dearly but he could not betray Yasothon and its people. He would always be her servant for life.

ni ending dia. kalo nak baca, highlight jek ok!

When the Crown Prince died and Princess Kekijarad married off to the foreign prince, Little Princess become the first heir to the throne, backed by support from Anothai. Prince Chaiyan and Princess Kaekai tried to prevent Dara from being elected the Leader of united nations by trying to murder Dara and spreading rumors about the forbidden love between Anothai and the Princess. Anothai lured the killer out by putting himself on trial. Dara became the Queen like Anothai had planned. Choosing death, Anothai died in execution protecting the honor of the woman he loved.

[ Last edited by kEk_KeL@d| on 23-8-2004 at 02:15 PM ]

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Post time 23-8-2004 02:23 PM | Show all posts
wah! tak sangka aku TV2 nak tayang citer ni! agaknya ada org2 dalam TV2 yg pernah terbaca pasal discussion citer ni kat sini tak?

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 Author| Post time 23-8-2004 02:26 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by whitedove at 23-8-2004 02:23 PM:
wah! tak sangka aku TV2 nak tayang citer ni! agaknya ada org2 dalam TV2 yg pernah terbaca pasal discussion citer ni kat sini tak?

tu la... aku rasa pon :bgrin:

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Post time 23-8-2004 03:33 PM | Show all posts
citer ni best...

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pelangi_petang This user has been deleted
Post time 23-8-2004 08:58 PM | Show all posts
best ek cite ni..
korang dah penah tgk ke???
mesti tgk ni...

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Post time 24-8-2004 09:54 AM | Show all posts
wahh korang tgk kat mana weh? & mana eh website psl thai lakorn ni? payah la pulak nak carik

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Post time 24-8-2004 07:53 PM | Show all posts
Yuhuuu.. :pompom:

kEk_KeL@d|!! Dah lama aku tak berforum dengan ko.. huhu.. ingat lagi ko kat aku ye.. huhu..

Mana nozomi?! Aku pun dah lama tak berforum dengan dia.. sejak cerita thai habis je.. jarang dah masuk sub-board ni.. :ah:

Aku dah agak dah.. cerita ni punya.. member aku pun cakap.. ada cerita thai baru.. tajuknya The Princess.. heronya Tik.. aku ingatkan Tawan Tud Burrapa.. tp, takkan lah The Princess.. tak mungkin! Apa cerita Tawan Tud Burrapa tu?? :hmm:

RTM katanya nak tayang.. tp, terus amik cerita lain..

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Post time 24-8-2004 07:56 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by emiko at 24-8-2004 09:54 AM:
wahh korang tgk kat mana weh? & mana eh website psl thai lakorn ni? payah la pulak nak carik

Kita org belum tengok whole storynya.. cuma tengok short clip yg fans Tik add dlm website dia..

:dia: Tik Club

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Post time 24-8-2004 08:01 PM | Show all posts
Lupa lak nak tanya..

Cerita ni bila startingnya??

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 Author| Post time 24-8-2004 11:22 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by shanew3stgalz at 24-8-2004 07:53 PM:
Yuhuuu.. :pompom:

kEk_KeL@d|!! Dah lama aku tak berforum dengan ko.. huhu.. ingat lagi ko kat aku ye.. huhu..

Mana nozomi?! Aku pun dah lama tak berforum dengan dia.. se ...

ekeke.. mesti ar.. ingat lagi..:bgrin:

tu la.. aku pon cam tak caya je tv2 nak siarkan cite nih. dahler cite baru.
aritu kata Tawan Tud Burapa pun kansel kan.

mmg excited giler aku :clap:

nnt leh sama2 meriahkan thread ni plak.. aku ingat nak tandang thread yg aritu, tp dah pembuka thread 'lesap' ntah ke mana so aku bukak thread baru.:pompom: oklah kan?

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 Author| Post time 24-8-2004 11:24 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by shanew3stgalz at 24-8-2004 08:01 PM:
Lupa lak nak tanya..

Cerita ni bila startingnya??

hehe... excited sgt sampai lupa nak taruk tarikh. tu ha aku dah letak kat atas tu

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Post time 25-8-2004 12:02 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by shanew3stgalz at 24-8-2004 19:56:

Kita org belum tengok whole storynya.. cuma tengok short clip yg fans Tik add dlm website dia..

:dia: Tik Club

time kasih banyak2. huhu nampak sgt jarang search info psl lakorn saya ni.

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Post time 25-8-2004 11:00 AM | Show all posts
waaa.. ending dia Anothai (Tik) mati ek? huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. org hensem mati tak beshh aarrrr

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Post time 25-8-2004 11:58 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by pelangi_petang at 12/6/2004 08:58 PM:
best ek cite ni..
korang dah penah tgk ke???
mesti tgk ni...

t-qah tak tgk lagi citer ni, tapi dah baca sinopsisnyer...mmg best

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Post time 25-8-2004 01:33 PM | Show all posts

best best

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 Author| Post time 25-8-2004 04:07 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kulit at 25-8-2004 01:33 PM:

best best

noted! :ah:

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Post time 25-8-2004 06:47 PM | Show all posts
Aku hairan la...kalau drama Thai ajer mesti ada watak villain pompuan. Dalam drama The Princess tu, kalau korang perasan la, pompuan yang berlakon sebagai mak Tik dalam drama Soda & Ice Tea pun ader....aku rasa dia berlakon sebagai queen dan jahat...jeles kat Piyada...;)

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Post time 25-8-2004 09:44 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kEk_KeL@d| at 24-8-2004 11:22 PM:

ekeke.. mesti ar.. ingat lagi..:bgrin:

tu la.. aku pon cam tak caya je tv2 nak siarkan cite nih. dahler cite baru.
aritu kata Tawan Tud Burapa pun kansel kan.

mmg excited giler aku :clap ...

Huhu.. tak pelah.. thread baru pun barulah.. asalkan boleh boleh berforum.. lagi pun thread tu pun dah jauh kebelakang agaknya.. :ah:

Mana nozomi?? Dia tak muncul

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Post time 25-8-2004 09:57 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by emiko at 25-8-2004 12:02 AM:

time kasih banyak2. huhu nampak sgt jarang search info psl lakorn saya ni.


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