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Post time 7-8-2019 05:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
awanearisu replied at 6-8-2019 06:53 PM
Misteri nota terjawab. Pn Haanim adalah wakil pihak pengurusan The Dusun.
Berdasarkan artikel t ...

Haanim ni anak owner resort ni
owner omputeh helen todd
abang si haanim ni
was killed in east timor  
boleh gooogle pasal kisah
kamal bamadhaj msian activist



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Post time 7-8-2019 05:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
i rasa macam dia terjatuh tergolek kt mana2 ja..pastu tertimbus daun2 pokok di situ.

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Post time 7-8-2019 06:17 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Klu tgk CI mmg byk cold case psl missing child..ngeri ok sbb xde closure utk family..hopefully adik Nora akan djumpai dgn selamat..

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Post time 7-8-2019 06:29 PM | Show all posts
rospinki replied at 7-8-2019 09:33 AM
Mohamad berkata anjing pengesan yang digunakan dalam operasi itu juga hanya dapat menjejaki bau mang ...

ke dia dah menaiki kenderaan lain lepastu?

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Post time 7-8-2019 06:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
guesswho09 replied at 7-8-2019 05:50 PM
Haanim ni anak owner resort ni
owner omputeh helen todd
abang si haanim ni

La anak rupanya. Kita ada terbaca pasangan pemilik tersebut ada lima orang anak. Tak sangka salah seorang dah ambil alih pengurusan The Dusun ini.
Menarik tu. Nanti kita cuba baca berkenaan aktivis tersebut. Terima kasih atas cadangan itu.

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Post time 7-8-2019 07:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
rospinki replied at 7-8-2019 09:33 AM
Mohamad berkata anjing pengesan yang digunakan dalam operasi itu juga hanya dapat menjejaki bau mang ...

100 meter x jauh pun.. Pastu jejak die mati kat situ kan.. Misteri sgt ni.. Kalau nk ckp family die sorok pun mcm x mgkin... Polis wat pc hari ni pun cakap segale aspek dah diambil kire. Forensik pun dah masuk tmpat demer tinggai nk check cap jari org misteri ke ap tapi ade polis mention depa pcaye nora ni masih berade kawasan sekitar cume mgkin die sorok sb ketakutan ke ap ke. Die kan istimewa. Dah nmpk ramai2 org duk panggil name die. Maunye x nyorok..

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Post time 7-8-2019 08:27 PM | Show all posts
takde apa2 update terbaru lg kes ni..tertunggu2 jg

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Post time 7-8-2019 09:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Macam kurang update kes ni. Betul-betul buntu eh

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Post time 7-8-2019 10:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
nia_salina replied at 5-8-2019 09:37 PM
bukan the dusun ni ke viral yg owner dia gatai tu. ke shorea.  yg sampai grup yg becuti tu blah teru ...

Tu sekeping kan? Uols seram laa g tempat2 yg leh nmpk open glass ke open bathroom ke

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Post time 7-8-2019 10:12 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
rospinki replied at 6-8-2019 11:19 AM
dan2 sy scrol blik tgk gambar tu blik..takde apa yg pelik..cuma..riak adik nora tu sprt ketakutan. ...

Riak dia dlm gambar tu seperti restless..mayba juga x cukup rehat penat naik flight jauh..semoga dia dpt ditemui dgn selamat..xle bayang perasaan mak ayah adik beradik dia..niat dtg nk happy2 jd mcmni plak..siblings yg dok sebilik dgn dia lagi laa ralat agaknya

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Post time 7-8-2019 10:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Siapa panglima jalal?

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Post time 7-8-2019 11:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Semoga dijumpai lah adik nora ni. Kesiannya parents dia. Mesti trauma nak bercuti kat malaysia lagi.

Musykil sikit. Adik ni mmg tdo tak berbaju kah? Sebab ada yg nampak pakai pakaian dalam je kan.

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Post time 7-8-2019 11:30 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
budakpink replied at 7-8-2019 07:50 PM
100 meter x jauh pun.. Pastu jejak die mati kat situ kan.. Misteri sgt ni.. Kalau nk ckp family di ...

Kalau cenngitu pihak polis/ pencari patut rakam suara mak dia masa baru nora ni yakin nak keluar kot..

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Post time 7-8-2019 11:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Bunggah replied at 7-8-2019 10:49 PM
Siapa panglima jalal?

Kat Mana uols jumpa Palingma Halal tu...meols baru masuk...Ada forummer nak menganjing la tu

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Post time 7-8-2019 11:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

Malaysian police examine fingerprints found in missing Nora's holiday home - 20 people questioned

By Andrew Madden
7 August 2019 12:26 PM

Forensics officers are also examining fingerprints found in the cottage were the teenager was staying.

More than 200 searchers, dogs and two drones have scoured the surrounding thickly-forested area, police said on Wednesday.

Police searching for the 15-year-old missing in Malaysia have said they have not ruled out foul play in their investigation.

Nora, who has special needs, was reported missing from a cottage in a nature reserve in the southern Negeria Sembilan state on Sunday morning, when her father found she had disappeared from her bedroom.

Since her disappearance, a search team consisting of police, fire and rescue and civil defence officers, among others, has expanded to 206 personnel.

Nora Quoirin's mother Meabh is originally from Belfast and her father Sebastian is French. They were staying at the nature reserve for a two-week holiday, along with Nora's siblings.

Her parents believe she was abducted, however Malaysian police said there is no evidence of this.

At a press conference on Wednesday, however, Negeri Sembilan's deputy police chief, Che Zakaria Othman, said they have not ruled out foul play in the teen's disappearance.

“When there's a case of a missing person, investigations are not confined to a certain angle. We are looking at all angles, involving various elements, including foul play,” he said.

It was initially reported that a window in Nora's bedroom was found to be open when she disappeared, however Mr Zakaria said it was actually the window in a downstairs hallway.

He declined to say if the window could be opened from the outside, stating that the investigation was ongoing, but did reveal that forensics officers are examining fingerprints found in the cottage - but again he declined to give any details.

Mr Zakaria said police had so far recorded statements from 20 people, including family members of the 15-year-old.

“We have recorded statements from the teen's family members, resort staff as well as local residents. It is a big scale investigation," he said.

“We are also being assisted by teams from Bukit Aman’s Criminal Investigation Department (CID) and forensics unit."

Mr Zakaria also said he understood why Nora's family believe she has been abducted, given the strain they are under.

“They have lost a daughter and of course they are sad and worried about her safety. However, we will not stop our efforts to find Nora,” he said.

“Although we classified this case as a missing person but we are not ruling out any possibility... the scale of investigation and the search and rescue is very big for a small place here.

“We still have hope and believe that she is still in the area. There is no information to show that she has left the area.”

When asked about the security at the resort, Mr Zakaria said it did not employ a security guard and only had one CCTV camera, installed in the reception area.

In addition police and fire and rescue personnel, local indigenous people - known as Orang Asli - are aiding in the search.

Sniffer dogs and drones have also been deployed to scour the area.

Nora's grandfather, Sylvain Quoirin, said the teenager would not have ran off.

"Nora disappeared in extremely mysterious conditions since she was sleeping in the room with her sister and brother," he told AFP.

"In the morning, the window was open and she had disappeared, whereas after an 18-hour flight and a seven-hour time difference you would sleep soundly and not go for a stroll at night.

"Everyone went to bed tired, and in the morning Nora wasn't there... This is a young girl with a mild handicap who is rather timid, reserved. She is someone very fearful.

"I dare to believe that we are going to find her because enormous means have been put in place."

Belfast Telegraph Digital

Credit :

- cctv di resort cuma ada 1 di bahagian kaunter 'receiption'.
- resort tak ada 'security guard'.
- setakat ni, dah 20 orang diambil keterangan oleh pihak polis termasuk ahli keluarga.
- polis menjelaskan bahawa tingkap di bahagian ruang tamu yg terletak di tingkat bawah yang terbuka.
- polis menolak kemungkinan tingkap dibuka dari luar, namun tidak mahu mengulas lebih lanjut mengenai cap jari yg diambil oleh pasukan forensik.

** ape punya teruk resort tak ada cctv yg mencukupi dan pengawal keselamatan???



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Post time 7-8-2019 11:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mak aihhh resort mahal belaka security macam rumah acik2 marhaen satu cctv je?

Habisla reputasi resort ni.

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Post time 7-8-2019 11:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dua_chzy replied at 5-8-2019 09:50 PM
Maddy tu akak percaya dah kena culik pedo elite ring punya gang yang bersepah bak pasir di pantai  ...

Haritu ada baca pasal pedo ring dan Pizza gate. Sangat menyeramkan. Lakaran suspek yg dipercayai melarikan Madeleine Mccann dari polis adalah menyerupai John Podesta dan Tony Podesta.
John podesta tu sesuatu sangat. Di rumah dia banyak lukisan budak2 dalam lakaran yg pelik dan arca pelik.
Kenapelah manusia syaitan macamni tak mati dilenyek lori balak je.


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Post time 7-8-2019 11:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
monreyes replied at 6-8-2019 09:55 AM
family dia ni da biasa datang ke Msia ke...
pelik lak tetiba datang trus stay dlm hutan...
femes s ...

The Dusun NI memang fames selalu masuk dlm TV..kata Sana pokok durian, Sungai, Sambutan ,Cempedak etc.

Tak hairan Pon mat salleh tu kesana sebab memang kena pada Masa nya.

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Post time 8-8-2019 12:07 AM | Show all posts
momomikomiki replied at 7-8-2019 04:57 PM
teringat filem2 mat saleh kalo kes gini puas la cari merata rupanye
dibunuh org dlm rumah sendiri.. ...

Eh eh, real life kalo orang rumah yg bikin involves pun selalunya on their own territory. Bukannya 8 ribu batu jauhnya. Lepas tu unfamiliar territory pulak. Nak sorok kat mana.

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Post time 8-8-2019 12:10 AM | Show all posts
Super-M replied at 7-8-2019 05:27 PM
Boleh tak aku nak cakap dia dibawa lari @ dilakukan sesuatu oleh orang yang berkerja di resort tu ju ...

Teori mi jugak.

Atau betul betul wander off on her own.

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