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Author: SpanishOlives

[Budaya] Cheapskate

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Post time 15-1-2019 02:20 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
My junior kat office cerita masa dia belajar dulu pernah berdating dengan jantan kedekut gila. Jantan bedebah ni selalu bawa duit 20 sen je -untuk call my friend kalau ada emergency i.e lambat datang.
Alhamdulillah, kawan-kawan dia berjaya menyelamatkan beliau dari terus terjebak.



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Post time 15-1-2019 03:35 PM | Show all posts
Pernah dpt kwn opis gini... Bila tnya semua x mkn.. Jerawat lah.. Berlemak lah.. Oily lah... Tapi bila kita baru nk suap mulalah muka kat depan dgn tanpa segan silu ... Ehhh nmpk temptinglah.. Kali ni nmpk sedaplah... Kedai mana u beli ni? I mkn sikit ye... Hangin jer...



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Post time 15-1-2019 04:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hipopotamus replied at 13-1-2019 02:03 PM
Adeh memang selalu kena ni.
Rasa sakitnya lahai hati. Ada kes pulak sebelum kita nak pegi beli,  ...

separuh pulak tu ngap... lain kali sound dulu sebelum dia makan tu nak rasa? bak sini bayar separuh. Makan kat luar siap2 la u .. padan makan tak kenyang gini

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Post time 15-1-2019 04:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Penat jumpa haji bakhil ni... Nasib baik spesies bakhil ittew dah remove dari hidup aku



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Post time 16-1-2019 03:25 PM | Show all posts
Catpaw replied at 15-1-2019 04:43 PM
separuh pulak tu ngap... lain kali sound dulu sebelum dia makan tu nak rasa? bak sini ...

Kan sakit hati betul tengok kan orang macam ni.

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Post time 17-1-2019 01:37 PM | Show all posts
ada sorg suka ajak kluar makan tp tak penah rasa nak hulur duit bayar,,asyik aku jer,klu tak keja tapi petrol kereta dia gerak tu guna duit apa,kata dapat commisson amway ,klu tak bayar yg aku makan pun ok,tapi byr lah yg sndiri telan,dari klhas jadi tak ..sebab setaip kali kluar ginila gayanya..last2 aku tak mau dah

once awhile belanja la dri sendiri jugak



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Post time 17-1-2019 03:09 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
iols ada sedara cheapskate cenggini. Tapi sheols ni dah level nenek2 dah.. selalu call mak iols nak bagitau yg dia takde duit sangat.. harga barang makin mahal la.. bla.. bla.. bla.. tup2 tengok 2-3bulan lepas tu, boleh pulak cuti overseas.

kalau nak pergi rumah sheols kena call dulu, lepas tu bagi alasan xde kat rumah la, ade hal la. Kalau sheols ajak dtg rumah pun, tak hidang apa2. Borak2 je la. Harap guests yang bawakkan buah tangan.

Time hari raya kan biasanya memang sheols ziarah hari raya ke-2 or ke3. Sebab sheols memang tak bagi angpaw raya kat budak2 & kalau sheols balik raya pertama nanti takut budak2 mintak angpaw kat sheols.

Dan disebabkan terlalu fikirkan pasal duit je, sheols selalu mengadu tekanan darah tinggi asyik naik je.

Dalam hidup ni tak payahla nak cheapskate & berkira sangat especially kat bebudak. Makin banyak kita bersedekah, or spend our money for a good cause, hidup makin senang, hati pun tenang.



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Post time 17-1-2019 04:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mizziaz replied at 13-1-2019 10:47 AM
To me  chepskate ni ialah org yg obsses nk kumpul duit & suka tengok jumlah duit terkumpul bertambah ...

Second that. Bagi i orang yang berjimat ni masih lagi spend duit dia untuk beli apa2 yang dia nak, tapi mungkin dia beli yang perlu je and tak beli benda yang merapu2. Ada lebihan duit, dia akan buat simpanan.

Yang kedekut ni most of the time pandai gunakan helah taknak spend duit dia, kadang2 orang sekeliling dia pulak yg serba salah & sakit hati dek perangai cheapskate dia tu. Siapa yg ada kawan & relatives yg kedekut ni kena ada tahap kesabaran yg tinggi ya.



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Post time 17-1-2019 06:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kt astro dulu ada tv show - Extreme cheapskate...suka jugak tgk...mmg dorang tnjuk cmner cheapkates nie berjimat dlm kehidupan dorang...ada yg stiap kali mendobi-tumpang umah jiran...dorang kumpul grocery coupon bnyk2 & redeem buat stock..and mcm2 lgi laa



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Post time 17-1-2019 07:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

10 Shockingly Stupid “Money-Saving” Moments From TLC’s Extreme Cheapskates

If you thought being cheap means always leaving a small tip orstealing packets of ketchup, you aren't familiar with theextremelycheap.

Extreme Cheapskates, one of TLC's questionable “reality” shows, features penny pinchers who will amaze (and even disgust) you with how far they'll go to save a few bucks.

Here are 10 money saving ideas fromExtreme Cheapskatesthat I bet (and hope) you don't try.

1. Drying and reusing paper towels

With great spills come great opportunity – to reuse paper towels, that is. Who said they were meant to be used just once?

Trash to most. Money wasted to cheapskates.

The extremely cheap can use their paper towels, wash them, then hang them to before using them again, justlike Roy Haynes doeson the show!

Image byverheadfluorescence

2. Living without toilet paper

Forget about separating two-ply — just stop using toilet paper altogether!

Kay Hashimoto, who was featured on the show andinterviewed by The Daily Mail, has sworn off buying toilet paper. Instead, she's substituted soap, water and, errr, her hands. If that makes you queasy, her actual quote from the show is too gross to publish here.

And her savings for all of this trouble/grossness? Drumroll…$6 per month!

Image by

3. Collecting your own drinking water

We've all heard about the high cost of bottled water, but tap water costs too much now? For those that don't want to pay $0.001 per gallon from the tap, there's another option: Collect your own drinking water.

Free water tastes even better when you know how many pennies you're actually saving

Ben Livingston ofExtreme Cheapskatesdrives out and fills up on water in a local creek.

Image by:copleys

4. Covering yourself in cornstarch to beat the heat

I'm not sure how or if this absurd idea even works. But for Ben (mentioned above), who lives in Austin, Texas without air conditioning, anything as crazy as putting cornstarch on your skin is worth a try to beat the sweltering 100+ degree heat.

No word on if he cooks with it after wearing it

Sure, A/C is expensive, but can't he get by with an electric fan?

Image by:fstorr

5. Eating left-behind food at restaurants

I rarely waste food, but I'd never touch diner's plate. ForCheapskateRoy (from above), it's an opportunity to save a few bucks. He's not shy about dining off abandoned food from a nearby restaurant table.

Keep an eye on your food if you're seated near a cheapskate.

Image by:geishabot

6. Serving roadkill to dinner guests

If you won't touch food left behind by nearby diners, how about snacking on a fresh kill by a fellow driver?

Extreme Cheapskates Vickie and Johngo out with their kids in search of a deliciously-free meal that doesn't even require a trip to the store. After passing on a little-too-rotted corpse of a fox, they settled on a rabbit they found down the street.

This roadkill pineapple would've gone nicely with the rabbit

But don't think they'd be so greedy to keep it all to themselves. They invited over a few friends to feast on their road kill rabbit meal.

Image by:brownpau

7. Asking for a dozen free samples, then not buying anything

We've all tried an ice cream sample or two before picking the best flavor to indulge in an entire cone's worth. But if you don't care about enjoying a whole scoop (and drawing the ire of a local business owner), just go for a dozen or so samples and then buy nothing like Roy does on the show.

Free samples = free dinner

For extra effect, tell your wife it's a date and let her suffer the embarrassment (yup, he did that, too).

Image by:elwillo

8. Driving a “car” (or what remains of one)

I'm on board with keeping things frugal by driving used car that's seen more than it's fair share of miles and may have lost a bit of it's glimmer along the way. But you've got to draw the line somewhere. That is, unless you're Ben, who takes “clunker” to a whole new level with his ride.

You couldn't pay me to get inside this car

Image by:mindfrieze

9. Unpluggingeverythingwhen you leave the house

Phantom energy wasters like TVs, stereos, and cell phone charges suck up power when you're not using them. While I'll even admit to unplugging some of my devices when I leave the house, I can't imagine unpluggingeverythingin your house every time I leave.

That's whatExtreme CheapskateVictoria does on the show, leaving literally no appliance untouched.

A cheapskate's nightmare

Image by:crazytales562

10. Flushing only once a week

Not to be outdone by the toilet paper saver mentioned above, another cheapskate (Greg) start puts the “It's it's yellow, let it mellow” rule to shame. No matter what it is,Greg lets it goa full week before flushing.

Oh, and when he does finally flush, it's using shower water collected in a bucket.



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Post time 28-1-2019 05:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Hunny_hayati replied at 17-1-2019 07:50 PM
10 Shockingly Stupid “Money-Saving” Moments From TLC’s Extreme Cheapskates

If you thought  ...

Baca no 1 je terus dah tak sanggup nak baca habis, terbaca pulak yg no 10

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Post time 28-1-2019 11:12 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kalo yg jenis ni mcm mana? Dia memang berkira nak membeli atau makan. Kalau orang lain berderet koleksi kasut ngn handbag, tapi dia cuma ada 2@3 je..

Tp 2@3 tu menyamai atau lebih nilainya nak bandingkan dgn koleksi berderet kawannya tu. Jenis yg suka barang branded. Berkira sgt dgn belanja lain tp sekali dia dh suka dgn brg tu, mmg tak pandang kiri kanan dah. 2@3 barang nya tu memang semua branded. Quality over quantity konsepnya..gitu..



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Post time 28-1-2019 11:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
jiran mak i satu family cmni....dr bapak,anak2...yg cucu2 depa i xprsan sbb since kwen pindah negeri kaye,harta kedekut nk mampos...pnh dia amik selekoh dpn umah mak i,pintu kereta dia tcbut...pastu kete dia blubang wei kat tmpt letak kaki tu...adik i pnh tumpg dia pegi kebun,tgk kt bwh npk tar...dhla kete tu lju gak...mmg ngeri kete tu depa cat sdri tau...bab umh,khidupan depa klau nk cite lg pjg la...depa tu kategori family tok syeikh..i xtau yg tu zuhud atau kedekut...



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Post time 19-6-2019 01:28 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sedara sy ada mcm ni..klu pergi rumah dia..kipas xboleh buka..lampu ,tv pukul 9 dah tutup..duduk la ko dlm gelap.air pili dia kecikkan..jd klu nk membasuh pinggan..mmg menguji kesabaran.
pernah sy masuk tandas membuang..tiba2 air xde..rupa2nya dia tutup.
bkn xde lebih kearah kede..mkn pon bercatu.
yg sy kesal..mak bkn main hidup ank sendiri bermewah2 di U.
bila sy tegur sepupu sy itu..dia jwb..oo..maknya mmg suka mkn ikan kering..mmg xboleh tido sejuk.
tp bila bwk maknya g berjalan ngn fam sy..ok ja maknya mkn western..tido lam econ.
dulu kami sll jugak bwk maknya g berjalan ngn fam sy..blk kg bila anknya mula lepas tgn..pntang tahu kami nk blk kg..akn kol ckp maknya nk ikut.smpi semua trip nk ikut..alasan..maknya mmg suka berjalan.



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Post time 19-6-2019 01:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Bila kuar makan kte kena belanja alasan kte bru dpt duit.. Padahal ku student, ko dh keja..

Mmber tak mau beli air katanya batuk, bila start makan mula memintak air kte

Nk beli kereta,rumah tapi xmo kuar duit sendiri n harap mak pak sedekah ehsan


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Post time 19-6-2019 01:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hiyuda replied at 12-1-2019 06:39 PM
Pernah kakak officemate cakap kedekut. Sebab tak beli cookies ke kek ke yang dia jual. Saya cakap ta ...

Ustaz don pesan, sedekah yg terbaik adalah sedekah kpd ahli keluarga kita sendiri, cth, belanja makan...

Family first...

Sy pun mcm tu kadang, ade lebih baru ke kawab2



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Post time 8-7-2019 07:00 PM | Show all posts


@KILL_NANCY @hibernation @mdhelmi @kuihbakar @AlterEgo @fahdramli @sitisenyum@Foxey @chesfa @matkpop@chempaka.ayu @noor2 @idakamaruddin @ipes2  @MeghanK   @Ipo @fahdramli   @intan_smsb @himun_hino @leylapple @friedfishsoup @wima @dauswq @ismaha @tari  @sapeka @cikkittydiva @shinichi @nurhumayra @sfhzuraz @babydoll @NamaKuMawar @Ipo @Elle_mujigae dan terbuka untuk sesiapa sahaja

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Post time 8-7-2019 07:17 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
I kekadang cheapskate.
Beli barang kalau yg boleh dapat murah, i beli je yg murah. Asalkan good quality, ok je. Tapi I am willing to spend more on my family and friends.. terutama kalau birthday presents atau just suka2 kasi presents. I just want the best for my family and friends.. ala kadar for me is ok.. hah gitu.



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Post time 8-7-2019 08:40 PM | Show all posts
saya ni pun jenis cheapskate jugakkalau belanja untuk diri sendiri, berkira sangat..beli yang harga murah

kadang2 tak beli pun, pakai mana yang ada sampai lunyai
kalau nak belikan atau hadiahkan kepada famili/orang lain, cari yang mahal dan berkualiti



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Post time 9-7-2019 11:38 AM | Show all posts
so far belum ada encounter orang sekeliling yang cheapskate. tapi pernah diceritakan tentang this parents sangat cheapskate/ bakhil yang amat.. ada banyak duit/savings.. tapi tak nak spend & anak-anak nampak tak terurus.. but prioritize study dorang.. so macam, 50-50

"Being cheap is not always smart.  There's a fine line between being conscious of how and what you spend and adopting a cheapskate attitude."



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