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Author: green~tea

Daily life (activity) as homemaker / housewife / Taitai

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 Author| Post time 10-11-2020 10:25 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
meow_tompok replied at 10-11-2020 10:22 AM
wow good thread indeed.
I will be following your journey sis
as guidance for myself too

Ntni bila u ready nak retire, bleh laa join i rombongan cik kiah buat aktiviti

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Post time 10-11-2020 10:38 AM | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 10-11-2020 10:25 AM
Ntni bila u ready nak retire, bleh laa join i rombongan cik kiah buat aktiviti

sure sure bole.... tapi tak tahula bila lagi, rasa malas dah nak kerja, tapi tamak nak kumpul duit kat epf lagi
since you ada ckp pasal pergi kelas agama, ni meow share2 pesanan yg ustaz bagi kpd student2 dia. Dia tekankan utk kami pergi belajar ilmu fadhu ain, pegi belajar kitab ilmu tauhid, feqah dan tasawwuf. Cth kitab faridatul faraid. Sbb ilmu ni wajib keatas kita, sebelum kita pergi menghadap Allah. Ini petikan pesanan, dipanjang di sini, semoga beri manfaat pada yg lain dan juga diri saya.

Ramai manusia sekarang tak mahu berlajar ilmu yang WAJIB di pelajari. Bila ada kelas fardhu ain mereka perlekehkan kononya mereka sudah tahu dan sudah berlajar di sekolah, sedangkan FARDHU AIN ITU ADALAH WAJIB.. terus terang saya katakan di sekolah dahulu fardhu ain yang kita berlajar syarahnya jauh daripada garis panduan Ulama.. silibusnya YANG hancur..... yang mengajarnya pula tidak ambil ilmu secara talaqqi dengan sanad yang soheh.

Kalau masuk bab yang lebih penting seperti Aqidah yakni beriman kepada Allaah dan Rasulnya serta hukum-hukum riddah, bab yang mana jika seseorang jahil tentunya maka matinya dalam kekufuran dan akan mengakibat dirinya kekal dalam neraka selama-lamanya, masih lagi ramai yang tidak tahu tentangnya.

Kata Syeikh " Orang yang tidak berlajar ilmu fardhu ain ini,  boleh mengakibatkan dua natijah, yang pertama melakukan maksiat yang besar dan yang keduanya yang paling merbahaya adalah dia jatuh kedalam lembah kekufuran dan kekalan dia dalam neraka selama-lamanya".

Ugama ini di telusuri dengan menuntut ilmu, bukan berfacebook atau google.. kena pelajari ilmu secara talaqqi dengan guru yang diketahuinya bersumberkan sanad yang soheh.

Semoga mati kita semua dalam golongan hamba yang bertaqwa dan semoga Allaah merahmati kita semua ameen...


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 Author| Post time 10-11-2020 10:57 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
meow_tompok replied at 10-11-2020 10:38 AM
sure sure bole.... tapi tak tahula bila lagi, rasa malas dah nak kerja, tapi tamak nak kumpul duit ...

Tq sisthurr... mmg pengisian rohani ni pentingg sangat2... letih sibuk kejar dunia kan selama ni... i dah identified few places utk i isi aktiviti post retirement i.. at least seminggu sekali or dua kali i attend class tu... actually i ikut mak mertua i je lah ke mana2, dia lebih aktif aktiviti persatuan muslimah masjid h*****h dia... and kebetulan sepupu arwah mama i pun BFF dengan MIL i...

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Post time 10-11-2020 12:58 PM | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 9-11-2020 04:49 PM
owh... u're referring to that..... ok2 faham... mmg ada betul lah, dari segi ujian yang macam tu,  ...

Chuols tidak menghadapi mid life crisis. jangan terlalu berfikir.You are just trying to improve yourself further be it in career, parenthood, knowledge etc... This kind of mindset is what many others are lacking of.

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 Author| Post time 10-11-2020 03:24 PM | Show all posts
DyanaHarun replied at 10-11-2020 12:58 PM
Chuols tidak menghadapi mid life crisis. jangan terlalu berfikir.You are just trying to improve yo ...

Thank you for the kind words... honestly this covid thingy does make an impact to my daily life and planning... but it also open my mind to step out from my comfort zone.... i hate studying and exams... first 8 years of my career, mmg byk betul assessment i kena gone through.. hahaha penat weh nak exam for professional certificates.. but its worth the experience la... MBA is my another milestone.. i nak push myself utk rajin study, following my passion, bukan sebab mundane feeling of "have to do it"... i mmg nak do it because im passionate to it.. takde any monetary reward pun in me furthering my study, tp more to self-enrichment and self-accomplishment... itu saja...

and attending kelas2 agama.. it just felt right... something that i need to do utk rasa cukup...

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Post time 10-11-2020 03:48 PM | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 10-11-2020 03:24 PM
Thank you for the kind words... honestly this covid thingy does make an impact to my daily life an ...

Great mindset

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Post time 22-11-2020 09:48 PM | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 10-11-2020 03:24 PM
Thank you for the kind words... honestly this covid thingy does make an impact to my daily life an ...

Terbaik sister green tea. Dan iols suka berminum green tea for relaxation.

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 Author| Post time 10-12-2020 05:26 PM | Show all posts
Edited by green~tea at 10-12-2020 05:42 PM

tik tok tik tok...

i have a few days more before i bid farewell to this organization... it has been a great 5 years (tanggung i belajar) and 16 years of working full time with this company... merata2 tempat i berpeluang bekerja... di terengganu, di melaka, di KL... attachment kat japan, working on projects di dubai, peluang jadi asean countries committee for 3 years... ah well, great memories... and in terms of career, i mmg cita2 setakat nak jadi senior manager sahaja, and yeah, i'm able to achieve my target in career already by 39 years old, bahkan dah terlajak 1 gred extra dari my initial target...
soo yessss i am very satisfied with my career goal and can retire early... Alhamdulillah....

nak rehat dulu lek2 chill2 before start my new life as student plak... hopefully dpt buat new networking environment... and after 2 yrs, tengok ler kot nak sambung jadi tai2 atau apply keje kot boring sgt duk rumah..

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 Author| Post time 10-12-2020 05:43 PM | Show all posts
cuma bab i kaget sikit is.. i tak pernah tak kerja... so i kena lay down alllll my plans nak buat apa so that i tak mati kutu dok rumahhhhhhhh....

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Post time 13-12-2020 12:42 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sejak jadi fulltime housewife ni best sgt..setiap pagi after solat subuh..
me and my gang dlm 6 org pegi jogging..merata we pegi..klcc park..kiara hill..putrajaya
Lepas jog we all breakfast and try bermacam2 cafe kat kl ni..before 12 balik ke sarang masing2 .Kelas agama setiap khamis..seronok kalau ada group yg satu kepala ni

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 Author| Post time 15-12-2020 08:45 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by green~tea at 15-12-2020 08:46 AM
serimaya replied at 13-12-2020 12:42 AM
Sejak jadi fulltime housewife ni best sgt..setiap pagi after solat subuh..
me and my gang dlm 6 org ...

I belum ada geng or circle housewife.. all my bff career women.... hurm..... i belum jumpa my new circles.. tp husband i dah galakkan i masuk membership gym baru... and i kena gi gym tu time odd hours so that dpt jumpa geng2 housewives yg workout sama.... currently enrolled dlm 2 commercial gym... 1 kat klcc, 1 dekat area rumah (effective membership bulan January)... mcmana u kenal circle u skang?

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Post time 15-12-2020 08:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 15-12-2020 08:45 AM
I belum ada geng or circle housewife.. all my bff career women.... hurm..... i belum jumpa my ne ...

i jumpa kat klcc park bila dah hari2 jog jumpa muka yg sama je ..lama lama jadi geng

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Post time 30-7-2021 11:39 PM | Show all posts
macam wife aku pun dah tak kerja, dah lama gak, rasanya dah dekat 8 tahun, dia berhenti bukanlah sebab aku nak, tapi dia nak buat biz online dulu, then biz tak memberangsangkan sekarang tukar hobi dia jadi biz (bukak nursery pokok kecil kecilan) so pada aku ok je dia dgn minatnya, dulu aku duduk rumah teres, so membataskan minat dia, sekarang aku dah beli tanah buat rumah kat tanah lot ok lah boleh lah bercucuk tanam sebab laman dah besar. At least buat je apa yg kita minat dan aku bagi jugak support kat dia bagi sikit duit nak beli pokok2 baru dan aku buatkan platform semai pokok dll lagi, as long as she's happy ok je.

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Post time 25-1-2022 03:26 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 15-12-2020 08:45 AM
I belum ada geng or circle housewife.. all my bff career women.... hurm..... i belum jumpa my new  ...

If we stay nearby,we can create one housewife club!
My routine,
Manage kids, school.
Selit exercise regime,
Me time-tv watching.m not film or drama ke kdrama follower yg beribu episod tu . I religiously akan tgk documentary,history,hgtv,crimes, etc yg mana 30 mins to 1 hr max. To keep me knowledged and saned .
Cook kalau malas,,i beli . I memastikan my kids cukup makan dan tak jadikan masak tu is a must.
Fetch kids from school, send them ngaji so i pun join ngaji. Dah 40an belum khatam aku ni.
I dah ada Masters, dan tak mungkin nak sambung balik PhD . Ttapi i suka gain new knowledge so byk membaca termasuk baca forum! Hahaha
I dah lama takde maid.  So i manage my house,my taman sekangkang kera tu myself sebab i want to feel contented buat sebdiri tapitakdelah mentyusahkan diri. I anggap sapu rumah tu selain rumah i kemas i spt exercise jugak. Sometime panggil monthly helper.
Bila dh retired, ada org judge nampak mcm why o why menyusahkan diri, tapi ada jugak yg nampak mcm tai tai i ni .my advice is, to live up your own life .i take it easy, live life to the fullest in my own interpretation.

So u dah retired?

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 Author| Post time 25-1-2022 10:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
denim replied at 25-1-2022 03:26 PM
If we stay nearby,we can create one housewife club!
My routine,
Manage kids, school.

Belum retire... sbb my bosses pujuk jangan retire lagi, since i can still fully working from home since march 2020.. i currently testing for retirement : ambil unpaid leave for 3 months kalo i comfortable, i extend to 6 months or resign je terus nnti...

Tp my routine camtu lah... pagi hantar anak & nephews ke preschool and skolah.. then i eksesais or siram pokok... then 12 pm fetch diorang from school, yang primary school 12.45...  one of my staff guru ngaji quran, so all the boys belajar mengaji dengan my staff, kasi elaun extra lah dekat dia...

I tak suka gardening, so i mmg panggil gardener sekali seminggu bersihkan laman & kebun... kalo bab tabur baja etc tu my husband and gardener tu buat... dalam rumah, semua kerja kemas, laundry and cooking i sanggup buat je.. i really hate exposing myself outdoors after 9 am and before 5 pm...

Now i blum start workout kat gym... still workout dekat taman tasik  nearby home pagi2 buta lepas subuh.. or just home gym sahaja...

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 Author| Post time 25-1-2022 10:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by green~tea at 25-1-2022 10:42 PM
denim replied at 25-1-2022 03:26 PM
If we stay nearby,we can create one housewife club!
My routine,
Manage kids, school.

I cannot call myself a taitai lah... sbb i kena manage few businesses with my family.... but i suka laa current system.. semua boleh buat online, via apps mobile or email, teams, zoom meeting, google meet..   less travelling required, tp still i akan travel every month lah..

Semua invoices can be processed online, digital signature.. approve expenses staff2.. semua sangat senang banyak dah automate

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 Author| Post time 25-1-2022 11:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Skang ni i just minimize my commitment sahaja

Loan rumah tiada... hanya 1 loan kereta I just bought last month.. other cars dah fully settled early last year... itu sahajalah commitment yang ada, tp expenses dah boleh covered by passive income yang ada

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Post time 26-1-2022 09:52 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Finding new hobby but i wont single it as hobby sebab nanti hot hot chicken shit kan org kata. I slalu kata,trying new things sudahlah  cth mcm cycling .  Since dulu takde masa nak kayuh, so now i bought la bicycle sebab nak santai je kayuh even my raleigh yg foldable ni siap ada seat utk blkg, sebab teringat ingat kayuhan manja di amsterdam yg memang byk basik everywhere.
Tapi tulah, malaysia kan panas dan jalan area ni byk nya lubang dan tak secantik jalan kg kg di melaka lagi selamat. So ,yes,merasa lah ku berbasikal..sekrg dah selamat pass down to my anak.

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Post time 26-1-2022 09:56 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
I juga enjoy me time yg mana bukan spa ke coffee tea time s more to bonding mother and son or daughter.  I can sit sembang dgn my son yg dah besar tu..dia dahlah tinggi melayut, org selalu ingat dia 18, kekadang rasa mcm,ehh tak puas or where the time goes rasa mcm dulu sikit sikit nak mama!

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Post time 26-1-2022 09:57 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
So, all i can say, cherish every moment yg ada,samada u all tgh bekerja ,dah tak kerja or in between!

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