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Author: babyface76


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 Author| Post time 16-2-2005 10:26 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by rezacaloway at 16-2-2005 10:12 AM:
aku rasa kalo astro nak kuar kan citer ni pon dorang akan pikir dua tiga kali. maybe dorang akan tunggu dulu sambutan citer ni kat pinoy lagi kot. sebab early started rating citer ni just 14%...... ...

reza...thanks sebab masuk kat sini...aku bukak thread nie pun untuk suka2...memang pun semua info nie aku dpt dari td land...tapi biasalah sinopsis dia ada 2 bahasa...jadi untuk menyenangkan aku ngan member2 yg lain aku letak kat sini...senang sikit nak bacanya....lagipun kat sini kebanyakkan org m'sia...tapi kat td land...banyak org negara lain...tak syoklah nak

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 Author| Post time 16-2-2005 10:41 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by rezacaloway at 16-2-2005 10:21 AM:
hurm... bila tengok-tengok balik hair style baru si Tin tu sikit2 menjadikan muka dia macam Thailand's Tata Young la... but maybe Tata cun sikit kot... sebab Tintin punya facial feature sedikit chu ...

iyalah ada juga persamaan sikit...nak wat camne...dah dia nak wat stail rambut

reza...tak gi meeting

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 Author| Post time 16-2-2005 12:04 PM | Show all posts
This episode picked up where it left off, the hanging question of Ysabel's grand aunt. While Ysabel was taking her time thinking, grandpa Damian and Grandma Conching argued over whom Ysabel should choose since they both have their bets. Gandpa Damian is Pro Manuel and Grandma Conching is Pro Drew. Grand aunt again ask the question

Who do you choose, Mr. Funeral or Mr. Hospital? Ysabel didn't answer the question, she walked out. Manuel then said his goodbyes.

Manuel: I'm leaving now.

Grandma: Goodbye!!!

Manuel: I'm sorry sir if I messed out your dinner.

Grandpa: I apologize. You know, my wife is just like that. I'm sorry.

Manuel seem to have been disheartened.

Manuel: She prefers doc.

Grandpa: If she prefers doc, I prefer YOU.

Manuel's face lit up with a smile and he finally said goodbye.

Meanwhile inside the house, Drew and Ysabel ran into each other.

Drew: Is it him?

Ysabel: Who?

Drew: Is he the reason why you backed out of our wedding?

Ysabel: Drew, Manuel is just my friend.

Drew: Is he courting you?

Ysabel YES.


Ysabel: I backed out of the wedding because I got confused. Do you think there's still room in my heart for love? (Owwwwwwwws, really now? Ysabel you know you're bluffing. You know you love Manuel. Admit it!)

Drew: You didn't answer my question. Anytime you want to come back, I'll marry you, Ysabel, Anytime.

Ysabel: (Took a deep breath) THANK YOU!

Manuel's dad is mad at him again because a client of thiers complained it took so long to for thier dead relative to be ready for viewing. Manuel came up with lousy excuses such as traffic but his dad didn't believe him. Manuel's brother came and ask thier dad for money which Dad gave no questions asked. (Uhmmmm. FAVORITISM IN THE FAMILY HMMM. BAD, BAD BAD, BAD)

Ysabel just finished doing make up for customer who then ask to go to the rest room. While waiting for the customer to come out, Ysabel told Dash what happened during dinner with Manuel and Drew.

Ysabel Imagine, my grand aunt had me choose between Manuel and Drew?

Dash: Oh, really? Whom did you choose?

Ysabel: No one 'coz I don't really know whom I like.

Dash, What's up with you? It's simple, Mini Mini Maini, Mo.

Ysabel: Hehehe. I wish it was that easy.

Dash: You really don't know huh? Aren't you giving attention to either one of them?

Ysabel: I'm already comfortable with Drew 'coz we already know each other we've been together for a long time.

Dash: What about Manuel?

Ysabel: I don't know Manuel but if he was able to leave his girlfriend then he can do taht to me as well. Manuel is too much of a cowboy. Unlike Drew who's very well mannered, you know, but...

Dash: Oh, there's a BUT there. What's the BUT?

Ysabel: MANUEL EXCITES ME. He makes me laugh, he makes me smile... Things like that.

Dash: Oh, is that it? So, which would you rather choose? Someone you're comfortable with or SOMEONE WHO EXCITES YOU?

Ysabel couldn't help smiling .


Dash and Ysabel noticed that theier customer is taking way to long in the rest room . They knocked on the door but there was no answered. They opened the door and they found thier customer on the floor. Ysabel quickly called for help.

At the hospital, the customer was taken to the emergency room while Dash and Ysabel waited outside.

Dash: Are you close?

Ysabel: Yes, we are.

Dash: Oh, dear I don't think she's gonna last.

Ysabel: Don't say that. She requested me to do her make up when she dies. My God!!! I don't want to be known as a beautician of the dearly departed.

Ysabel and Dash didn't know that Manuel was nearby.

Manuel: Ysabel?

Ysabel: Manuel.

Manuel: What's wrong?

Dash: Well..well..well..What are you doing here?

Manuel : I work in a funeral home that's why I'm always go to hospitals.

Dash: What? You're waiting for someone to die? That's ugly.

Drew came out and explained what happened to the customer.

Drew: I'm sorry Ysabel Mrs. Sukiyaki is dead.

Sadness and fear is obvious in Ysabel's face because she has to do the make up for the dead Mrs Sukiyaki.

At the funeral home, Manuel and Jasper are hard at work while Ysabel waits nervously nearby. Manuel's sister came to give moral support. Manuel told Ysabel that she can now do the make up of Mrs. Sukiyaki. Ysabel slowly approached the dead body.

Manuel: Are you Ok?

Ysabel: Yes, I am.

Ysabel fainted and Manuel caught her. (Awwwwwww)

At the viewing, Dash couldn't help admiring the make up of the dead Mrs. Sukiyaki.

Ysabel: I didn't do that.

Dash: Who did it?

Ysabel: Manuel and his sister.

DAsh: Well, he doesn't only know how to handle the dead, He also knows make up. You know what, Ysabel? You should choose him, at least when you die you won't only be very well done, you'll also be beautiful!

Ysabel: You're really crazy, you know.

Manuel came and Ysabel thanked him for the help he provided Mrs. Sukiyaki. Dash left coz he didn't want to be near Ysabel and Manuel. He's scared to be the next one laying on the casket 'coz Ysabel and Manuel always find their way to each other everytime someone dies.

Everyone was satisfied with how the late Mrs. Sukiyaki appearance. they were all at awe.

Manuel: The secret to doing good make up for the dead, is that you have to make thier GLOW come out. .

Ysabel: That's a tall order. Even for the living, it's hard to make the GLOW come out.

Manuel: You can make the GLOW come out depending on the one who does the make up.

Ysabel: How?

Manuel: Imagine the most beautiful face you've ever seen and pattern it there.

Ysabel thought about what Manuel said.

DAsh: So, you're saying you patterned Ysabel's face with Mrs Sukiyaki's

Ysabel got irritated as she looked at Manuel. The camera was then focused at the face of Mrs. Sukiyaki ( eeeeewe!)

Manuel took Ysabel home and aske her if he could pick her up the next day. Ysabel thought about it and gave Manuel permission. Manuel was so happy with Ysabel's answer. Ysable was about to go inside the house when..

Ysabel: Wait, I forgot something.

Manuel: What is it? Manuel was going back to the car to see what Ysabel left there but...

Ysabel: Good night.

And Ysabel kissed Manuel on the cheek that took Manuel by surprise. Manuel couldn't believe what Ysabel just did. He was mesmerized, and stoned as he frequently touched his cheek while Ysabel went inside the house.


At home, Manuel kept looking at himself in the mirror, feeling oh, so handsome. His sister came and started teasing him with Ysabel. Manuel's sister told him that he's gotta talk to Roxanne so she would stop calling thier house.


At a shop, Manuel and Roxanne were talking while Roxanne was choosing some clothes. Roxanne was almost in denial saying everything is forgiven, but Manuel wont' have it. He want's Roxanne to stop hallucinating.


Roxanne couldn't believe what Manuel said. She won't let go of Manuel.


But Roxanne won't budge. She's willing to be just one of Manuel's girlfriends and she won't complain. (Roxanne, jump of San Juanico bridge will you please!!!) Manuel stayed firm with his decision and Roxanne made a scene since she couldn't have it her way. She cried profusely on the floor. Manuel didn't know what to do. He was so embarassed 'coz there were other people in the shop.

Ysabel waits in vain and is already mad at Manuel. She's been waiting there for 2 hours. itong naghihintay.

Ysabel: If he doesn't get here, I'll kill him!

Dash: Ysabel is that you?.....

Ysabel: I've been waiting here for 2 hours and he hasn't answered my texts nor my calls.

Dash: Uhuh...

Manuel came running in catching his breath.

Manuel: sorry...I was with Roxanne.

And Ysabel became sarcastic...

Ysabel: ahhhh so that 's why my eyes swelled here waiting for you because you were with your girlfriend.

Ysabel didn't give Manuel a chance to explain...

Ysabel: and the reason why you haven't replied to any of my texts and calls because you're busy. Busy with what? Where did you to go? to a MOTEL?

Manuel: Wait, what's happening to you? Are you mad?

Ysabel laughed at Manuel and she answered angrily.

Yabel: ah!Me? mad? No, I'm not mad (while holding Manuel's face) You just made me wait here while you're having a grand time with your girlfriend.

Manue got irritated at Ysabel's accusation. He held both her arms so he could explain better.

Manuel: Excuse me Ex-girlgriend. I talked to her to tell her to stop bugging me, stop calling me, and to tell her that I LOVE YOU, OK? IS THAT OK?

Before Manuel could utter his next word, Ysabel held his face and KISSED HIM EVER SO TENDERLY ON THE LIPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!


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Post time 16-2-2005 12:36 PM | Show all posts

apa website TDLand ekkk....tak jumpa lak bila search balik....

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Post time 16-2-2005 01:16 PM | Show all posts
hello Baby...

Wow ..hari ni saya log on..tenguk ada topic TDDUP ni..ada episodes  recap

Selalunya saya baca di TDland the daily episodes..but personally I feel cerita
ni macam 'kureng' saja..maybe because it's just that's why it's
kind of slow..Sorry ye..peminat Diettin...:tq::tq:
Saya sebenarnya suka Leo:love::love:

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 Author| Post time 16-2-2005 01:33 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by PrincessFiona at 16-2-2005 12:36 PM:

apa website TDLand ekkk....tak jumpa lak bila search balik....

...web td land....

cubalah masuk....kalau ada apa2 info pasal diet&tin...postlah kat sini..

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 Author| Post time 16-2-2005 01:40 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by willowbe at 16-2-2005 01:16 PM:
hello Baby...

Wow ..hari ni saya log on..tenguk ada topic TDDUP ni..ada episodes  recap

Selalunya saya baca di TDland the daily episodes..but personally I feel cerita
ni ma ...

willowbe....mungkin citer nie kita rasa kureng...sebab kita tak dpt nengok kat tv kot...sebab kita just baca sinopsis dan nengok gambar...
aku pun cam kau gak...minat ngan leo....tapi saja je buat thread nie untuk suka2....

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 Author| Post time 16-2-2005 01:48 PM | Show all posts
muka zaman muda...


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 Author| Post time 16-2-2005 01:49 PM | Show all posts
muka zaman muda...


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 Author| Post time 16-2-2005 01:55 PM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by babyface76 at 16-2-2005 01:49 PM:
muka zaman remaja...


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 Author| Post time 16-2-2005 01:57 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 16-2-2005 01:59 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 16-2-2005 02:00 PM | Show all posts

senyumannnn yg sungguh menggoda....:love:

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 Author| Post time 16-2-2005 02:03 PM | Show all posts

muka baik nie....:lol

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 Author| Post time 16-2-2005 02:04 PM | Show all posts

hensemnya dia masa nie..........

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 Author| Post time 16-2-2005 02:32 PM | Show all posts
Part 5

Today痴 episode took off from Ysabel痴 luscious kiss that drove Dash crazy.

Dash: My God!!! What the heck?・Oh, I can稚 take this. aahh.. excuse me!! hello! excuse me.. ah... this is a parlor, not Luneta.. (Rizal Park)

Ysabel: Sorry...

Manuel: Sorry..

Ysabel: I didn稚 mean it.

Manuel: huh? .. No, you shouldn稚 say sorry, if you want, we can do it again.

Dash: Hey.. you know what, I知 getting confused. Are you two 徹N・?

Manuel: Yes!!

Ysabel: No!

Manuel: Aren稚 we 徹N・yet?
Ysabel: I don稚 know.

Manuel: Huh? You already kissed me and you still don稚 know if you love me.

Ysabel: That痴 how I felt earlier...

Manuel: wow! Uncool. Why were you jealous and yet you don稚 love me?

Dash: That痴 right. I知 confused. Which is which really, dear?

Ysabel: Just let me handle everything I need to get done. If you were able to finish it off with Roxanne, Let me finish it off with Drew.

Manuel: Huh? well...

At the Restaurant

Ysabel seattled everything with Drew over dinner.

Ysabel: Didn稚 you tell me to come back to you when I知 done thiking thing through?

Drew: thank you... thank you.. for coming back..

Ysabel: I知 here to tell you that we should end our relationship.
Drew: What?

Ysabel: I don稚 love you anymore.

Drew: Are you in love with someone else?

Ysabel: Huh?... I think so..

Drew: Is it Manuel? I knew it the first time I saw you lay your eyes on him... but I told myself, I知 wrong. I know it痴 me you love. I guess I was right all along.

Ysabel: I'm sorry

Drew: no.. Ysabel.. you have to be sorry... Ysabel.... I took you for granted.. and I regret that. But I hope you know that you池e the only one I致e ever loved. (Ysabel got teary eyed).

Ysabel: I know that. ..

Drew: well.. I wish you all the best... ahhmm... always remember this.. I'll be here for you.. promise you.. and ah.. the moment he fails to love you...he値l answer to me..

Ysabel: thanks..

At the Beauty Parlor

Dash: I pity Drew, you know.

Ysabel: oh..I thought you preferred Manuel?

Dash: Yes, I do.. but I still pity Drew.

Ysabel: We still...friends.

Dash: That痴 baloney..

Ysabel: Why??

Dash: Because for as long the one is still in love with the other, you can稚 be friends.

Then came Jurassic Roxanne..

Ysabel: Roxanne??

Roxanne: I want a makeover!

Dash: ahh.. I値l do you池e make over.

Roxanne: not you! her! (She痴 at it again, making a scene. How would you like you池e body chopped, Roxanne, Sliced or ground)

At the Funeral Home

Manuel was working when his sister came.

Darling: hi Bro!

Manuel: hi.. good morning!

Darling: your morning seem to be good.

Manuel: Ofcourse, she痴 in love with me.

Darling: Oh really now?

Manuel: She kissed me and she said she loves me.

Darling: What about Roxanne?

Manuel: Roxanne? We池e finished. It痴 over.

Darling: Did she take it nicely?

Manuel: I guess... (I guess not Manuel!! That Jurassic already made a mess)

At the Beauty Parlor

Ysabel is doing Roxanne over.

Roxanne: Manuel said you池e the one who replaced me. Are you good in bed?

Ysabel: Excuse me...

Roxanne: You know.. you must be.. because honestly .. I can't think of any possible reason why he would dump me for you ・(Are you blind? Can稚 you see you池e right in front of a goddess? Hello????? Anybody there? Roxanne? Yoooooohooooooooo, Jurassic Roxanne!!!)

Ysabel: Nothing happened between me and Manuel!

Roxanne: come on.. yeah.. I can believe that..

Ysabel: I don稚 know what you池e talking about. That痴 not true!!!

(And the eyes of the predator (Roxanne) struck.)

Roxanne: Are you calling your boy friend a liar?

Ysabel: We池e done. I forgot, I知 a make up artist, NOT A MAGICIAN. And I can稚 do anything more for your face. . (Ysabel walked out ... and so did Jurassic.)

At the Funeral Home

Ysabel confronted Manuel about Jurassic痴 lies and accusations. (That痴 our girl, feisty!!!)

Ysabel: I didn稚 know you were such a great storyteller.

Manuel: Huh?

Ysabel: What痴 you池e ex-girlfriend saying that we did it when we never did? I never did such a thing.

Manuel: What are you talking about, I can稚 understand. I never said anything to her about you.

Ysabel: Why did she say we had sex?

Manuel: What..?? I never said anything like that.

Ysabel: Why did she have to come to my work place just to tell me that?

Manuel痴 sister heard everything and she couldn稚 help saying what痴 on her mind.

Darling : Ysabel.. It痴 not that I知 siding with my brother, but Roxanne is a flip. She couldn稚 accept the truth that my brother left her for you, that痴 why she痴 ruining you... (Manuel was calling Jurrasic)

Manuel: Ah.. she痴 not answering..

Ysabel: You didn稚 really say that?

Manuel: I didn稚 say anything like that, promise.

Ysabel: Promise? (and they hugged........ how sweet!)

Manuel: I promise nga eh..

Ysabel: Really?

Manuel: Really .. promise!.. (one more hug !) I promise nga eh..

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 Author| Post time 16-2-2005 02:35 PM | Show all posts
Continue part 5

At Ysabel痴 house・br />
Ysabel came home not expecting to see Jurassic Roxanne in there talking to the seniors.

Grandpa: Are you telling the truth, girl?

Roxanne: Yes sir (Liar!!! I can see your nose stretched all the way to the North Pole..

Grandma Conching: Poor girl, men sometimes・ ( Oh, don稚 be taken by that Jurassic she痴 lying through her teeth.

Ysabel: You weren稚 happy enough to bug me at work, that you have to come pay be a home visit, don稚 you? Manuel told me everything you said were all lies.

Grandma Conching : Just how well do you know this guy? This girl is pregnant and he痴 the father. (Ysabel was taken aback. ... commercial break dito)

Ysabel: I don稚 believe you!

Roxanne: Are you calling me a liar ..(Oh, No! You池e just a Pinocchiatic Jurassic)

Ysabel: Yes, because you want to ruin me and Manuel.

Roxanne: what are you gonna do .. if you find out that your child will be fatherless? (Yeah, right, that can稚 be. Men and Jurassics don稚 mix)

Ysabel: What if I knock off all your teeth and break all your bones?・(That痴 our girl, WTG, Ysabel!!!!)

Roxanne: I値l sue you..(yeah, and we値l shoo you)

Ysabel: Don稚 forget, you池e inside my house・I can readily sue you for trespassing. Will you please leave, and I don稚 know what I just might do to you. (Alright, Ysabel, WTG, our feisty girl!!!)

Jurassic left leaving the seniors clueless.

Ysabel and Manuel talked on the phone. ...

Manuel: That痴 not true.

Ysabel: Weather it痴 true or not, I just want you to know she won稚 leave us in peace.

Manuel: Ysabel.. Don稚 worry, I値l talk to her.

Ysabel: Go ahead and talk to her but leave me out of it.

Manuel: But I LOVE YOU..

Ysabel: I love the people around me too. I don稚 want them to suffer, I want them bothered. They池e old already.

Manuel: I知 sorry, Don稚 worry, I値l handle this mess I made. ( Ysabel hung up the phone) hello... Ysabel! Ysabel..!

Bahay ni Roxanne

Manuel knocked on the door and the Jurassic opened it.

Roxanne: Now.. if it isn't my ex.. how are you darling?

Manuel: What did you do to Ysabel?

Roxanne: Nothing. What would I do to her ( Liar!!!)

Manuel: Why are you bugging her?

Roxanne: Whatever that girl told you, it痴 not true!!! (Yeah, right, and I知 Elvis.)

Manuel: Really huh! (Manuel semi choked the Jurassic here. Manuel, you want some help? I値l be more than happy to chop her for you) I知 telling you, Roxanne, If anything happens to Ysabel, you値l answer to me!!! Remember that!!! (Manuel slightly pushed the Jurassic. Manuel, if you池e gonna push her, do it in full force. Maybe that would juggle her brain a little.

Roxanne: what are you gonna do ha....are you gonna kill me.. does she ever deserve it? she doesn't even love you as much as I do! ... Remember this

Manuel.. I can do anything for you, just so you壇 come back to me・even if I had to kill! (Yeah, right, if you don稚 get chopped off first.)

At the Beauty Parlor

Dash: Ysabel.. You have a visitor..

Ysabel: Who?

Dash: It痴 funeral home boy..

Ysabel: Tell him I知 not here.

Dash: I already told him you were here.

Ysabel: Take it back. ... (Manuel is at the door)

Dash: I can稚 he痴 here.

Manuel: You don稚 have to hide. I知 here to say goodbye.

Ysabel: Goodbye??

Manuel: I know you don稚 want me anymore, and I知 going to respect that. alam ko nang ayaw mo na sa akin eh.. rerespetuhin ko yun..

Ysabel: Wait ......What痴 this? ..it痴 just gonna end this way? ganito na lang..


Ysabel: I don稚 believe you, if you don稚 love me anymore, if you changed your mind, why couldn稚 you just tell me straight to my face.

Manuel: Because not everything has an explanation.

Ysabel: I regret it. I regret having met you, I regret falling in love with you. I should have just married Drew. But I値l get over this. You, you値l forever be sa con artist. You値l get your karma someday. ...

Dash: Dear.. Are you ok? .. Ysabel?

Ysabel; ok lang ako..

Dash: You know what something is wrong in this equation. I don稚 know what it is, but I can feel that something is wrong.

Ysabel: My biggest mistake in life was when I believed him・because I love him.

Dash: You know what, you池e wrong. I知 gay, but I do know what true love is and that痴 what I see in Manuel.

Ysabel: He痴 such a great con artist...

Dash: No, He痴 not, I have a feeling there痴 more to this, There痴 a more serious reason to this.

Ysabel: This must be my karma for what I致e done to Drew. siguro nga karma ko ito sa ginawa ko kay Drew..

Dash: There痴 no such thing. ..

Ysabel: What if I just come back to Drew. I知 sure Grandma Conching will be happy.

Dash: Yeah, right, and tell your grandmother to marry Doc. But seriously, you know what, Ysabel, you値l make things worse if you値l get back together with someone you don稚 love. Give your heart a rest.

At the Funeral Home

Manuel couldn稚 concentrate. This made his sister worry.

Darling: Bro.. What痴 happening to you? A lot of clients are complaining . ano ba ang nangyayari sayo..ang dami ng nagrereklamong clients.. ..Bro, please whatever it is you feel, don稚 take it out on the dead... Daddy wants you to sign this...

At the Beauty Parlor

Ysabel痴 customer is complaining.

Customer: My eyeshadow is not even. It looks like a black eye. What the heck? Will you please fix it? I知 in a hurry!

Ysabel: Sorry ...let痴 just do it over. ulitin na lang natin..(Dash noticed that Ysabel can稚 concenterate at work.)

At the Funeral Home

Manuel痴 Dad is scolding him again.

Daddy; How are we going to redo a dead body that痴 already being viewed. It痴 embarrassing to the dead痴 relatives. If you don稚 want to work here anymore, just say so, Ill dismiss you.

Manuel: I知 sorry, Dad..

At Ysabel痴 house・br />
Grandpa Damian gave her hot chocolate and told her to talk things over with Manuel.

Sa bahay ni Manuel

Manuel couldn稚 sleep. He received at text message from Ysabel asking him if they could talk. And this made Manuel smile.

At the park・br />
Manuel and Ysabel were strolling.

Manuel: What are we going to talk about?

Ysabel: I just want to know the truth. Did you really love me?

Manuel: So much. I never felt this waya about anyone.

Ysabel: Manuel.. I LOVE YOU TOO. That痴 why I got hurt. Why did you suddenly leave me?

Manuel: Because I didn稚 want you to get hurt.

Ysabel: But I already got hurt.

Manuel: It痴 Roxanne.. she痴 the reason. She completely lost it and I知 afraid of what she might do to you. Do you remember what you told me that you didn稚 want your loved ones getting hurt? Well, I feel the same way. You池e the last person that I値l ever want to hurt.

Ysabel: I'm not buying that..

Manuel: That痴痴 the truth. .. (There痴 a car approaching)

Ysabel: If she痴 tough, then so am I. I値l fight for you. (Awwwww how sweet!!!)

Suddenly, the Jurassic appeared.

Roxanne: hi! sorry to intrude...!! (She took her gun out, aimed at Ysabel but Manuel blocked it, taking the bullet for Ysabel!!)

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 Author| Post time 16-2-2005 02:47 PM | Show all posts
Screencap part 5


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Post time 16-2-2005 03:15 PM | Show all posts
Baby...sungguh bersemangat awak....!!!!!!
tapi kenapa sory recap tu ada tulisan jepun ke korea ?

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Post time 16-2-2005 03:29 PM | Show all posts
Yup..maybe because I can only read and see the pictures & short videos
that could be one of the reasons why I find the story is less interesting.

Walau apa pun Diether is so so cute kan.....:love:

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