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Author: CARI-MRO

“Belum Fikir Pengganti, Tutup Aurat Sebab Jaga Bekas Suami” - Nora Danish

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Post time 1-7-2024 09:08 PM | Show all posts
AWEKSAMURAI replied at 1-7-2024 12:38 PM
Masa jd bini org xnk tutup aurat dh jd bekas bini tutup plak aurat adeh pelik2 lah org zaman skrg pu ...

Only in Msia retis2 prlu bgithu psl amal ibadah kat org lain publicly sdgkn bnda cmni sptutnya done secretly, hnya Allah SWT yg tahu

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Post time 1-7-2024 10:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Whatever the reasons are, as long as u tutup aurat. Bagus dah tu

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Post time 1-7-2024 11:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dah kenapa baik sangat nak jaga org tu.
Bior je la , doktor nurse kan ade

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Post time 1-7-2024 11:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nowa ni 1bje la aku nk puji, bile cerai takde nk buruk2 kan ex laki. Move on je terusss. Maybe sbb dia pn ada duit, so tak heran ng duit ex laki.

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Post time 1-7-2024 11:21 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Zip mulut, move forward and buat baik. Tengok ni ngai cam mana orang cantik behave

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Post time 1-7-2024 11:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Love nyaa nora so pretty

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Post time 1-7-2024 11:53 PM | Show all posts
Atas alasan ape pun, tu antara die dgn tuhan.
Yang penting la ni die pakai tudung.
Sikit2 ke arah kebaikan

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Post time 2-7-2024 01:38 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lasagna replied at 1-7-2024 11:22 AM
bkn nk puji, tp nmpk laa dia pndai cover kisah perpisahan dia,
dari meroyan tak tentu psal b4 and af ...

Yg bukan artis pun royan bleh tahan. Oops

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Post time 2-7-2024 02:05 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tak siap lagi ke rumah si nora ni

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Post time 2-7-2024 07:43 AM | Show all posts
FrikoE replied at 2-7-2024 01:38 AM
Yg bukan artis pun royan bleh tahan. Oops

hahaahaa.. reality bites nya begitu laa..

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Post time 2-7-2024 08:24 AM | Show all posts
nak jaga bekas suami bertutup litup bagai...
selalunya ko terbukak sana sini, satu malaysia tengok
tak kisah pulak....
tak pe la, mungkin ini titik permulaan penghijrahan awak nora.
saya doakan yang terbaik untuk awak.... moga istiqamah...

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Post time 2-7-2024 08:31 AM | Show all posts
yg aneh2 saja artis2 mesia ni.
kalau dah susah payah jaga di spital. rujuk je la betol2.
ke ni lah yg term nedim ckp x jadi isteri dalam islam/atas kertas je?

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Post time 2-7-2024 08:37 AM | Show all posts
gideoncross replied at 1-7-2024 09:08 PM
Only in Msia retis2 prlu bgithu psl amal ibadah kat org lain publicly sdgkn bnda cmni sptutnya don ...

sbb only netz Meleis je kut yg akan kondem klo org tu nak berubah kearah baik... jiwa macam ketam... x suka ketam lain keluar bakul

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Post time 2-7-2024 10:55 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Aku doa yg baik2 saja utk ND selepas ni wpun tak pernah minat dia. Mungkin ini permulaan baru for better life

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Post time 2-7-2024 12:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ya memang stress bab menjaga reno ni ..sepatutnya org lelaki le jaga..tak kisah apapun alasannya semoga N terus berhijab..tmbh comeyyy

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Post time 2-7-2024 01:11 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dah ada org tanya. Dia jwb la. Kalau xde org tanya, dh tentu dia diam.

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Post time 2-7-2024 01:25 PM | Show all posts
AWEKSAMURAI replied at 1-7-2024 12:38 PM
Masa jd bini org xnk tutup aurat dh jd bekas bini tutup plak aurat adeh pelik2 lah org zaman skrg pu ...

ex laki tak bagi dia tutup aurat

tgklah fmly Sujaks, mana ada yg tutup aurat wpun dah tua


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Post time 2-7-2024 01:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sakit apa si ned ni eh? Kanser ke?

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Post time 2-7-2024 01:55 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
tapi nora ni memang comel woi..lagi2 bila pakai tudung..manis gitu..

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Post time 2-7-2024 03:01 PM | Show all posts
apa lar masalah dorg sampai bercerai ye
ned dah discharge pun recuperate kat rumah ádik''
fatboy in town yg dulu ulit anak si arwah azmi tu

knp tak blk kat rumah sujak jer?
marah sgt ker NS kat ND sebab push for the divorce?

semakin dorg nak tutup, semakin terkuak ada yg tak beres

in ND defence dia dari dulu nmpk soft more ke arah keagamaan
tapi tu lar dah circle meroyan crew tu mmg kena beach side
tapi najwa elok jer bertudung

semoga nd istiqamah lar, nak terkinja2 pun dah semakin kurang sesuai
nak berballin'  biar kan si ned jer

ned ada sakit jantung tu

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