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Author: cikatilia

Koleksi Gambar Abandoned City (Ghost Town)

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 Author| Post time 21-9-2013 12:43 PM | Show all posts

Ukraine (Part 1)

After the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in 1986, hundreds of settlements within the exclusion zone were evacuated. Some have remained abandoned ever since, including:
  • Chernobyl
  • Kopachi
  • Pripyat

The Chernobyl disaster (Ukrainian: Чорнобильська катастрофа, Chornobylska Katastrofa – Chornobyl Catastrophe) was a catastrophic nuclear accident that occurred on 26 April 1986 at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine (then officially the Ukrainian SSR), which was under the direct jurisdiction of the central authorities of the Soviet Union. An explosion and fire released large quantities of radioactive particles into the atmosphere, which spread over much of the western USSR and Europe.

The Chernobyl disaster is widely considered to have been the worst nuclear power plant accident in history, and is one of only two classified as a level 7 event (the maximum classification) on the International Nuclear Event Scale (the other being the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in 2011).[1] The battle to contain the contamination and avert a greater catastrophe ultimately involved over 500,000 workers and cost an estimated 18 billion rubles.[2] The official Soviet casualty count of 31 deaths has been disputed, and long-term effects such as cancers and deformities are still being accounted for.

Swamped: These astonishing new photographs show how Chernobyl - the site of the world's worst nuclear accident - and surrounding city of Pripyat are being reclaimed by the surrounding forest

Ghost town: This image shows Pripyat, which was founded in 1970. Its 50,000 residents were evacuated a few days after the 1986 disaster

Open: This file picture taken in the '90s shows how Prypiat looked before the forest completely closed in around it

Bare: This 1986 picture shows Prypiat following the mass evacuation. It housed 47,000 inhabitants, including 17,000 children before the disaster

Eerie: The city of Pripyat, top right, and the Chernobyl power plant, centre, are surrounded by the forest

Forgotten: The Chernobyl power plant is now a scar on the otherwise large swathe of woodland

Different: This file picture of Chernobyl nuclear power plant shows just how much it has changed since the disaster, with the forest now completely enveloping it

Hidden: Following the disaster in 1986, a Exclusion Zone was set up around the site which has now been swamped by the Red Forest

Surrounded: This image shows 'Chernobyl-2' which at the time of the disaster was completely secret. It was a radar system which could detect launches of a potential enemy in North America

Dangerous: Scientists say the area will not be safe to live in for another 20,000 years

Panoramic: This shows the photographer's view as the plane flies over the Ukraine

Tough job: A worker patrols Prypyat on Sunday as dismantling work continues at the scene of the world's worst nuclear accident

Important: Workers need to constantly help protect against any possible future radiation leaks

@khailya  @mamiayu @KampungGirl


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 Author| Post time 21-9-2013 12:59 PM | Show all posts
Ukraine (Part 2)

School Hall

Abandoned political paintings at the Pripyat theatre.

A doll and letters in Pripyat primary school.

The town is slowly disappearing into the growing foliage.

Abandoned books at Pripyat's palace of culture.

A cash register in the school canteen.

Missing power cables in Pripyat.

A Soviet stained-glass mural at the Pripyat riverside cafe.

school gym

A picture and light fittings in Pripyat primary school.

The last remaining seats in Pripyat's main cinema.

A hospital waiting room.

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Post time 21-9-2013 02:25 PM | Show all posts
osem!!! mesti scary gila tgh jalan2 kat tempat abandone ni tiba2 jumpa anak patung yg tinggal separuh tu...

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Post time 21-9-2013 05:18 PM | Show all posts
Tengok gambar bangunan yang usang tue, teringat Riviera Apartment & Highland Towers.

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 Author| Post time 21-9-2013 07:45 PM | Show all posts

Abandoned: A ferris wheel and a merry-go-round with no one to play on them at the Soviet Palace of Culture in Pripyat

Redundant: There is now no use for this concrete road sign, reading 'Pripyat' in Russian, in the once-busy city

Ruined: Pripyat's buildings, including the city's general store, right, are damaged after being abandoned 26 years ago

Empty: A newspaper from the day before the disaster was found in a hotel room, left, and medical implements were scattered across an abandoned room in the city's hospital, right

Names: A daily roster shows how busy the deserted hospital in Pripyat was before the Chernobyl disaster happened 26 years ago

Vast: The city's large sports hall has fallen into ruin since 50,000 residents were evacuated

Derelict: The walls of the lecture hall at the Soviet-era Palace of Culture are in severe disrepair



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Post time 22-9-2013 04:57 AM | Show all posts
cikatilia posted on 21-9-2013 11:13 AM
TQ bebeh add pitcha.. haha
last week opis aku block forum.. xdpt update.. will start update mulai ...

share is good

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Post time 22-9-2013 05:12 AM | Show all posts
Epecuen, Argentina
in november 1985 this town gone because heavy rainstorm, sink 10 meter under the water
28 years later this town exist again


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Post time 22-9-2013 05:48 AM | Show all posts
Kolmasnkop, Namibia
build in 1908 until 1954 because diamond mines finaly dried up, and now that town sank by dust/sand


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 Author| Post time 23-9-2013 08:07 AM | Show all posts
The_New_Cabul posted on 22-9-2013 05:12 AM
Epecuen, Argentina
in november 1985 this town gone because heavy rainstorm, sink 10 meter under the ...

this is nice
mcm tinggal habuk2 aje bangunan..

scary gila!!
nice bebeh!!

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 Author| Post time 23-9-2013 08:19 AM | Show all posts
Bukit Besi Terengganu (MALAYSIA)

Located 85 km south of Kuala Terengganu, iron-ore at Bukit Besi was first discovered by a team of Japanese geologists in 1919 and in 1923; Kuhara Mining Company secured the mining rights and placed Dungun in the world map. The company employed 130 Japanese and more than 3,000 locals to work in the mine. During World War II, the mining was taken over by Nippon Mining Company but the hardship of war had taken its toll on the production of the iron ore. It was taken over by a British company after the war ended.  Later on, an American mining company, Eastern Mining & Metal Company Limited (EMMCO) took over the operations employing more than 8,000 workers including locals and foreigners. Dungun district emerged as one of the world’s largest iron-ore supplier to meet the world industrial demand.

However, in the early 1970’s, economic downturn and the depleting resources was the reason good enough for the company to abandon the operation as it is no longer viable to mine. Today, visitors can still marvel at the remnants of tunnels, processing plants, stockpile buildings, the manager’s exclusive residence and parts of the rail tracks to Pantai Teluk Lipat in Kuala Dungun. Chimneys spread among the vast area further adds to the mystery. It was believed to be remnants of a network of underground processing plant built by the Japanese during the second World War. To those looking for souvenirs, some raw, unprocessed iron-ore can still be found scattered on the ground, a stark reminder of one of the biggest iron-ore producer in the world.


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 Author| Post time 23-9-2013 08:24 AM | Show all posts
Kampung Kepayang (Perak)

Kampung Kepayang, in Perak, is almost uninhabited, with only two or three shophouses being in use. This is a result of the widening of the main road, which made it difficult to park a vehicle, and resulted in the shops losing business. However, there are still Malayswho reside in the village houses behind the shop houses, and the addresses in Simpang Pulai are still written as "Kampung Kepayang".


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 Author| Post time 23-9-2013 10:56 AM | Show all posts
Location: Sanzhi district, New Taipei, Taiwan

Story: This area called Sanzhi was originally a vacation resort catering to U.S. servicemen north of Taipei. The architecture could be called UFO futuro chic, and the abandoned resort community had difficulties from the beginning. During construction, many workers perished in car accidents, and other freak accidents were common. The urban legend online search trail places the death count close to twenty. The deaths were attributed to supernatural causes. Some speculated that the resort was built on a Dutch burial ground while others attributed the misfortunes to a dragon statue destroyed during construction. Either way, the ruins never took their first guest, and the stillborn project was abandoned.
Abandoned since: 1980




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 Author| Post time 23-9-2013 12:45 PM | Show all posts
Neo Tiew estate (or officially the Lim Chu Kang Rural Centre) Singapore (PART 1)
A few blocks of HDB flats (apartment flats) located in the Lim Chu Kang area of the island is known to be the only ghost town in Singapore. Named the Neo Tiew estate (or officially the Lim Chu Kang Rural Centre), it used to house residents before they were moved out of the vicinity in 2002 as part of an En-bloc scheme. Since then the Singapore government has declared it state land and nothing was done to demolish or renovate the flats. The area was used by the Singapore Army as a training facility from 2005-2009 until a newer training facility was built nearby in 2008. Its current fate is unknown.

sedikit kisah seram:-

“Neo Tiew (1883 – 1975) was a pioneer in development of Lim Chu Kang area. He involved in developing roads and setting up schools, clinics and power stations. During World War II, Neo mobilized fellow patriots in aid of the British army in the defence of Lim Chu Kang and Kranji. Sadly, his entire family of 35 was killed in 1942 and only he and his fourth son managed to escape the Japanese.”

"There is a legend that the king of the banana trees was planted behind the flats. One person wanted to strike a fortune in lottery, so he prayed at the tree. He threatened the king by putting seven pins into the tree. After he became rich, he ran off and bought a condo, but forgot to remove the pins. Thus the king of the banana trees died, and the spirit has been seeking revenge since. After this happened, the block of flats became abandoned.

In the past, this was a lively estate, when it was built in 1979. The soldiers from the nearby army camps used to frequent its food centers for meals. Then later the place was en bloc in 2002, and the residents evicted elsewhere. Since then, it has been taken over by the SAF for training purposes.”

Team Asia Paranormal split in pairs and did a quick walkabout of the main areas, it seems like the whole place is deserted and ruined. There are a lot of signs of neglect and destruction. Even though it was in the daytime, it also does feel very quiet and eerie. There was only the occasional sounds of cars driving past and the cries of birds.

We discover that there are a few blocks of flats, around 6 of them. These are old style HDB flats, only 3 stories high. They all look ruined and neglected. There is also a what we believe is a food center or market and a playground. One of our team members had heard about this playground and it is supposedly haunted, especially during the night. If you hang around this playground at night, it could be dangerous.

The playground rumoured to be very haunted

Other than the signs of wear and tear, we did not detect nor feel anything wrong with the playground.

We decide to proceed into one of the blocks of flats for a quick look. The interior are all full of vandalism and rubbish. There are also army equipment on the ground, no doubt left behind by the training soldiers. There are walls torn down, stairs broken and windows broken.

Joan: This is a Japanese phrase which means "hot"

More rubbish

On the ground lobby, we discovered weirder vandalism.

who's chris?

What's K.U.G? A group? Or an organization?

Overall, Neo Tiew feels just like an abandoned town, no feelings of spookiness and eeriness. Finally, we discovered something eerie and horrifying at one of the ground floor lobbies:

Evidence of Satanic rituals or very bored people?

666 is widely known as the number of the Beast (Satan) in the Book of Revelations, while a pentagram is a religious symbol used in Wiccan, Jewish and Christian traditions. If a goat head is included within the pentagram, it is used as the symbol for the Church of Satan.

The Sigil of Baphomet

Was this place used as a place of worship for Satan, including Satanic rituals? Or was this just the work of bored vandals? We could not confirm too much as there were not any signs or evidence of rituals having taken place here.

Dear readers, what do you think?

During our examination of this wall, we heard noises which seem to be people talking. Looking around somemore, we discovered that we were not alone, as there were other people here. They were foreign construction workers, maybe taking a break here or hiding out here.

Finally, Team Asia Paranormal decided to leave the place. We took one last look at the exterior of the place.
These pics were taken from the exterior

Overall, the rumors and legends attached to this place does not do prove much, as though our exploration. One can only imagine that this place was a lively town until a few years ago. Why would it be haunted, since no prominent incidents took place there?

Our Feng Shui expert explains that even though nothing may have happen there, once a place is abandoned, spirits will linger around and attach themselves to that place due to the lack of human activities. Even if human activities are restored, the spirits will still be around and in some cases, angered by the disturbance. Thus a medium or psychic will be required to cleanse the spirits away before humans can come back in again.


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 Author| Post time 23-9-2013 02:30 PM | Show all posts
Neo Tiew estate (or officially the Lim Chu Kang Rural Centre) Singapore (PART 2)

more photos


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Post time 24-9-2013 08:39 AM | Show all posts
huhu kat malaysia pun ade tempat2 mcm ni.. taktau la pulak ha..
terbaik la!

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 Author| Post time 24-9-2013 08:41 AM | Show all posts
khailya posted on 24-9-2013 08:39 AM
huhu kat malaysia pun ade tempat2 mcm ni.. taktau la pulak ha..
terbaik la!

tapi malaysia punya tak sepenuhnya abandoned la.. cuma kat kedai tu xde org.. tp kat belakang rumah kedai still ada kampong

and tempat yg dah roboh tu of cos takde org
tp sekitar masih ada penempatan...

apa2pon rumah kedai tu takut kan?? scary... aku penah lalu kot dulu masa nak pi ipoh.

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Post time 24-9-2013 09:02 AM | Show all posts
cikatilia posted on 24-9-2013 08:41 AM
tapi malaysia punya tak sepenuhnya abandoned la.. cuma kat kedai tu xde org.. tp kat belakang ruma ...

tgk yg kt tganu tu pun nampak scary je ..
huhu mesti berhantu tempat tu...
yg kt perak tu... nape eh jadi pekan tinggal lak....

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 Author| Post time 24-9-2013 09:21 AM | Show all posts
khailya posted on 24-9-2013 09:02 AM
tgk yg kt tganu tu pun nampak scary je ..
huhu mesti berhantu tempat tu...
yg kt perak tu... nap ...

sebabnya pembesaran jalan raya..
mcm simple tapi xde tempat kot nak park keta if semua jalan raya..

Kerja-kerja melebarkan Jalan Persekutuan yang terbentang di tengah-tengah pekan kecil tersebut menyebabkan tiadanya tempat letak kereta, sekaligus menjadi salah satu faktor kedai-kedai di pekan itu gulung tikar kerana perniagaan terjejas. Ditambah pula dengan pembangunan serta wujudnya premis ONE STOP CENTRE yang banyak terdapat di sekitar Ipoh, menjadikan kedai-kedai tradisional seperti di Kampung Kepayang, menjadi tempat-tempat berhantu kerana ditinggalkan.

Biarpun Kampung Kepayang sekarang telah menjadi sebuah pekan hantu, namun alamat-alamat bagi kawasan itu yang berposkod 31300 termasuk Simpang Pulai, masih bertulis ‘Kampung Kepayang’ sebagai nama pekan atau bandar. Sebabnya segala urusan mel kawasan tersebut diuruskan oleh Pejabat Pos Kampung Kepayang yang kini telah berpindah ke Simpang Pulai.

Pekan yang dikelilingi oleh kampung Melayu suatu waktu dahulu terkenal dengan jualan buah-buahan seperti durian, rambutan, cempedak dan sebagainya yang dikeluarkan daripada dusun-dusun penduduk. Terdapat juga sebuah masjid yang masih digunakan di hujung bangunan kedai dua tingkat jenis lama itu.


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 Author| Post time 30-9-2013 02:26 PM | Show all posts
Doelm Beveren (Belgium)

Doel is a village in Beveren that was partly abandoned and demolished to make way for the expanding of the Port Of Antwerp.

Slowly, very slowly, the last residents will move out of the village on the river and everything will be torn down. Well, this hasn't stopped some pretty talented graffiti from getting their share of free canvas to display their artwork Walking through the village is like walking through an art museum.


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 Author| Post time 30-9-2013 06:24 PM | Show all posts
Kalas Village, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Kalas is a village that was abandoned and demolished at the start of the Bosnian War


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