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Author: leon_mclaren78

SMALLVILLE season 5 (start from 29 Sept 2005 ~ in USA)

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 Author| Post time 6-8-2005 12:12 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by lonso at 5-8-2005 04:51 PM:
poneng pale bile dgr citer korg baik buat sinopsis cndiri

fenin??1:gila: Lain kali bagi salam dolu baru la menyampuk... baru la tak fenin!!:lol  Aku tak buat sinopsis sendiri... semua yg aku citer ni kisah benar belaka, berdasarkan siri yg aku penah nonton dulu...

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Post time 6-8-2005 01:13 PM | Show all posts
huehue... lonso, lonso...
tetibe je pening..
anyway leon, sinopsis2 ni dtg dari mane?
n then spoiler2 ni ko bg sket2 ke bagi sume terus...

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 Author| Post time 6-8-2005 08:45 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by arincute92 at 6-8-2005 01:13 PM:
huehue... lonso, lonso...
tetibe je pening..
anyway leon, sinopsis2 ni dtg dari mane?
n then spoiler2 ni ko bg sket2 ke bagi sume terus...

Sinopsis siri "Lois & Clark..." ker?! Sinopsis tu aku create sendirik ler... tapi berdasarkan citer siri tu ler... aku takde ubah2 tau!!

Spoiler2 tu, aku pakai copy & paster jer drp kryptonsite.... kalo ader addition, aku akan modify lagi.

Lois & Clark:
The New
Adventures of Superman

Premiering in September of 1993, Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman was a phenomenal success for ABC. A much more lavish version of the popular Superman television series which had first aired forty years earlier, Lois & Clark focused more on the Man of Steel抯 early adult years in Metropolis. There, disguised as reporter Clark Kent, he finds work at the Daily Planet newspaper. It is also there that he meets fellow reporter Lois Lane, who is infatuated with Superman and rebukes all of Clark抯 romantic overtures.

The rest of the Daily Planet staff includes Perry White, the chief editor, society columnist Catherine 揅at

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Post time 13-8-2005 02:58 PM | Show all posts
herm.. camtu ghupenye..
huh.. masih nunggu spoiler..
sinopsis2 ni malas den bace.. sbb takde lana..

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 Author| Post time 14-8-2005 05:12 PM | Show all posts
spoiler baru (episod 6: Exposed)  blom masyuk lagi ler.... aku pung pueh nunggu nih...

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 Author| Post time 16-8-2005 08:05 PM | Show all posts

Episode 6 : Exposed


Ding, Dong, The Kents' Freeloader Is Gone
- Lois tells Chloe she needs her help moving out of the Kents' place... she's moving into the apartment over the Talon. Guess Lana has vacated the premises. "How you ever had a crush on Richie Cunningham I'll never understand," Lois says to Chloe, referring to Clark.
- Lois mentions that Chloe hasn't been to Smallville in weeks.
- Chloe answers a phone. "Daily Planet info line." Guess that job thing from previous weeks has worked out. She gets a call from a frantic woman, wanting to meet at 7th and Edgemont - a seedier district of Metropolis.
- When they arrive, Chloe and Lois spot an attractive young girl named Melissa Knox running for her life across a street. One of her heels is broken, and she looks frantic. A sedan comes out of the darkness and plows toward Melissa, sending her flying and killing her in front of the eyes of Lois and Chloe.

Clark Wants To Go Someplace...
- "You'll have to abandon the jeans and the t-shirt, and you can't drive up in your dad's truck," Lex tells Clark, throwing him his own keys. He asks Clark to do him a favor and "stay out of trouble."

Chloe and Lois Try To Get Into The Club
- ...But they can't find this club they're looking for, among a bunch of dingy warehouses. They finally find where they want to be, and Lois tries the "our friends are already in there" routine. No, go. So they sneak in the back door where the dancers come in. Chloe starts investigating, trying to find out if anyone knows anything about a murdered girl named Melissa Knox. They do their investigator thing, and somehow it ends up with Lois being undercover as a dancer, having been mistaken as "the replacement Rocco sent over." Yes, this does sound like the rumored "Lois stripper" episode. Must be sweeps. *Cue sounds of eyes rolling* And hey, considering the Dukes of Hazzard connections later in this episode, shouldn't it have been Rosco who sent her over? Okay, we'll stop now.

Meeting With Luke
- Clark has his own way of getting in, and he goes to the Windgate Club in Metropolis at night to meet with senator Jack Jennings. (More on him further down on the spoilers) He says he's been referred by Lex Luthor.

Clubbing, Smallville Style
- Clark uses his super-hearing to listen to a bad guy named Andre talking to the owner of the Windgate Club. The owner makes a reference to paying Andre 500K.
- Clark is about to bust in on Andre's meeting when Detective Maggie Sawyer comes through the door. "Metropolis PD!" She wants to speak to some people about the death of one of this club's dancers.
- Lois apparently works at the Windgate Club, and Andre tells her to come with him through a back exit after Sawyer comes in. There's an arrest... and Sawyer puts cuffs on... Clark! End of act two.

Chloe Is Arrested Too
- For what, we don't know. Sneaking in? Being a potential witness like Clark is? Whatever it is, it's right after Sawyer spots and recognizes her.

The Problem With Jennings
- Clark uses his hearing to listen to the bouncer talking to Sawyer. The bouncer tells her that Jennings took things hard when Melissa "cut him loose." Apparently Jennings has been blamed for the situation, and perhaps what Clark is trying to do is clear him.

Chloe & Clark Talk With Detective Sawyer
- "You can thank Lex Luthor for a few generous phone calls," Sawyer says to Chloe and Clark. Apparently Lex got them a "get out of jail free" card.
- Chloe tells Sawyer that she thinks the same person who killed Melissa Knox (aka "Andre") also may have her cousin (that would be Lois).
- Clark suggests that it may be the same guy also who made the deal with the owner right before she vanished. (How Clark explains how he knew about this, we have no idea.)
- Sawyer makes a comment that Chloe's cousin is likely underage, and was probably lucky to escape a police raid. Lois? Underage? There's a first. "If you want to play Nancy Drew and Hardy Boy, do it in another precinct," Sawyer tells them. No, Sawyer! They're playing Veronica Mars and Wallace!

Lois Is Off With Andre...
- And she sees boxes with polaroid pictures of women on them, including Melissa. Personal items of the women are inside. He starts taking photos of her. She says she wants to get a cab and leave. "Think of your taxi days as a thing of the past," he tells her. "You have a whole new life ahead of you, now. To us," he says. Yes, Lois has now replaced Lana as the Creepy Guys' Object Of Affection.

Now for the good stuff....
- Tom Wopat's character's name is Jack Jennings, and he happens to own a Dodge Charger. If anything remains in this script, let's please hope the Charger stays. Incidentally, the name "Jennings" is an inside joke in itself - as the legendary Dukes of Hazzard "Balladeer" was Waylon Jennings. Jennings is meeting with someone named Jordan about a journalist's rumor, when he hears a car rumbling and approaching. It's Jonathan, driving the Charger. Bo and Luke (the real Bo and Luke) are back!!! Jonathan tells him to get in. "With you behind the wheel?" Jennings says. "Guess it wouldn't be the first time I put your life in my hands."
- And if those Dukes of Hazzard references weren't enough... again, really, at least webmaster Craig is loving this... Jennings climbs in the car window. The door's been jammed ever since he got the car.

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Post time 19-8-2005 05:00 PM | Show all posts
ala.. byk pasal lois n chloe..
nvm.. keep on going !!
hak hak hak..
tak bace btui2 pon.. tak bape paham bace cenggini..
tapi paham la jugak..

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 Author| Post time 19-8-2005 07:39 PM | Show all posts
Arin, ko abis tak download season 4, ek?!!

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Post time 20-8-2005 10:30 AM | Show all posts
blom lagik..
tapi bace dah spoiler2 dia tuh..
malas den nak download..
dah paham dah jalan cite season 4.. (rasenye...)

knape tanye?

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 Author| Post time 20-8-2005 11:25 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by arincute92 at 20-8-2005 10:30 AM
blom lagik..
tapi bace dah spoiler2 dia tuh..
malas den nak download..
dah paham dah jalan cite season 4.. (rasenye...)

knape tanye?

Hmmmm...Ingatkan Arin ader..... actually season 4 aku ada sampai episod 12 jer... yg balance tak dpt lagi sbb "agen"  pembekal yg penah jual kat aku tu ntah mana gi senyappp jer.... janji nak tolong aku dptkan balance episod tu....

So... aku tgh carik sesaper yg ader simpan season 4 full episod tu.... aku nak beli ler... Season 1 - 3 aku dah ader complete.

Btw kalo aku dah dpt complete season 4 tu, if Arin interested, aku buleh supply utk Arin laks.... leh ker?!! heheh...  season 4 best wo.... Arin gerenti suker kat Lois!! Tapi berhati2 sket sbb season 4 ni 18SX ler.... huhuhuhu....:malu::malu::malu:

[ Last edited by leon_mclaren78 at 20-8-2005 11:27 AM ]

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Post time 20-8-2005 05:24 PM | Show all posts
Aku tak saboOo nak nengoK Lex jadik jahat.

sukernyer aku kat lex.
dahlah botak,pernah gila..syomel laks tu.

mrs.Lex Luther.

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Post time 21-8-2005 10:32 PM | Show all posts
haha.. agak dah.. season 4 mmg.. dah la lana jadik jahat.. erm bukan jahat actually.. erm.. what's d word im looking for?
herm.. cnnot da download banyak2.. banyak sgt download mende2 lain.. comp ni dah xx de  byk space..
but if last episode bleh gak.. hak hak hak :lol

mimzzzy.. sukenye die kat lex.. haha..
clark still rulesz!! yes!!

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 Author| Post time 21-8-2005 10:54 PM | Show all posts
Lana bukan jahat.... cuma aku geram sbb dia tak sabar2 gi carik pengganti.... si Jason tu ler.... padan muka actually Jason tu pung lebih jahat drp Lex! hah!!

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Post time 21-8-2005 11:02 PM | Show all posts
haaa.. that's d word.. tak sabar2 cari pegganti.. yeszaa..
tak paham kenape tv3 tak nak lagik siar season 4..
ala amek aje la..
tau2 je la ramai fans smallville kat sini..
nanti nak catch up season 5 susoh plak..

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Post time 24-8-2005 09:24 AM | Show all posts
season 5 dah start ke.. loo.. keretapi arang betul laa... aramak.. supplier dah xde.. ada yg baik hati nak tolong burn dlm cd kat aku tak??

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 Author| Post time 24-8-2005 11:29 AM | Show all posts
Season 4 manyak sensor tau.... fening TV3 nak potong2 sbb semua part tu buleh dikira penting gaks... kalo disensor, nanti terjejas jalan citer.... tapi kalo tak sensor, kena komplen laks... pastu tak pasal2 Smallville kena tayang pukul 11 atau 12 malam..... buleh ker??!! hehehe!!!

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Post time 25-8-2005 11:19 AM | Show all posts
hak3.. tak kesah la.. kalau dah minat smallville, sanggup den berjaga..
tapi harap2 tunjuk jumaat sabtu la.. boleh tido lewat2 sket.. n tido lelama..
herm.. part sensor tu tak tau la.. tv3 punye keje :lol
kalau ade die cut pun, ko cite aje la kat aku leonmclaren.. hek hek hek..

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 Author| Post time 25-8-2005 07:48 PM | Show all posts
Pergh.... Kalo betoi ler TV3 sensor part2 yg gitu2 tuh......amacam ler aku nak citerkan part yg sensored tu kat ko, arin.... step by step ker :stp::stp:.. aiyoooo..... malu weh! Maluuuuuu.....:malu::malu::malu::malu::malu::malu:

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Post time 26-8-2005 09:11 AM | Show all posts
hak3 :lol ..
apo la.. hek hek hek..ko ckp penting.. bgtau aje ape yg diorang ckp..
takyah kasitau ape diorang buat.. pepandai la ko gubah cite.. hek3...
buat2 tak paham plak :lol

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 Author| Post time 26-8-2005 07:02 PM | Show all posts
aih.... masalahnyer time scene tu takde sepatah pung perkatan yg keluar sbb memasing 'busy'.... part gitu ler yg TV3 gerenti sensor punyerrr...

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