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Author: fly_in_d_sky

All About Britney Spears

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Post time 10-11-2003 08:32 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Muntz at 2003-11-9 04:40 AM:
Don't Let Me Be The Last To Know..

Aku suka VC dier...yummmyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

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Post time 10-11-2003 09:49 PM | Show all posts


aku tengok video jessica simpson macam ader persamaan dgn video britney tue.

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 Author| Post time 11-11-2003 02:14 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Muntz at 10-11-2003 06:46 AM:
ntah.. tak perasan pun. tapi britney nie setia betul lah... barisan penari dia tak berubah dari dulu sampai skarang.

hmm maybe malas nak cari penari yg lain kot
lgpun penari2 Britney yg lama tuh, dah kenal sgt step tarian Britney
so nak bawa maner2 pun senang, include ler utk concert ...
save money gak tuh ..

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BuDAk^_^CuTE This user has been deleted
Post time 11-11-2003 11:46 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fly_in_d_sky at 9-11-2003 03:05 AM:
isk .. dah trademark mat saleh skarang nih ...
ada show ker takde show ker ... ada awards ker takde awards ker .. mesti seksi ... cam takde kain plak dlm dunia nih ...

tu la...miskin sgt..
tak cukup duit nak beli kain...
jarang dpt tgk mat saleh yg buat show x seksi...

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 Author| Post time 12-11-2003 12:39 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by BuDAk^_^CuTE at 11-11-2003 11:46 PM:
tu la...miskin sgt..
tak cukup duit nak beli kain...
jarang dpt tgk mat saleh yg buat show x seksi...

dah trend utk seksi ....

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 Author| Post time 12-11-2003 09:06 PM | Show all posts

Britney Spears Producing TV Moive For ABC Family

NEW YORK (Hollywood Reporter) - Britney Spears is close to signing on as executive producer for an ABC Family cable TV movie based on a book she wrote with her mother.

The untitled project is scheduled to go into production in Toronto early next year in anticipation of an April airdate. No casting has been decided, nor has it been determined yet whether the pop star will appear in the film.

It is based on the 2001 semiautobiographical novel "A Mother's Gift," co-written with Lynne Spears, who is also on board as an executive producer.

"Gift" tells the story of an aspiring teenage singer who travels from her home in the South with her mother to an East Coast conservatory.

The Spears film is one of three new original films being produced by ABC Family. Jason Priestley will star in a separate project, "I Want to Marry Ryan Banks," which concerns an actor who stages a reality TV show that will choose him a wife. Production will begin later this month ahead of a January airdate. Bradley Cooper ("Alias") and Emma Caulfield ("Buffy the Vampire Slayer") will also star.

The third film, "Celeste in the City," is shooting in Toronto in anticipation of a March airdate. The film follows a young woman struggling at a big-city newspaper who gets some help from her sophisticated cousin.

Original films have been a rare bright spot for ABC Family. Its last entry, "Beautiful Girl," reached more than 3 million viewers Oct. 19, making it the highest-rated movie on the Disney-owned network this year.

Reuters/Hollywood Reporter

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 Author| Post time 12-11-2003 09:19 PM | Show all posts

Britney's New Album as Hot as She Is


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 Author| Post time 12-11-2003 09:32 PM | Show all posts

Chasing Britney

By Donna Freydkin, USA TODAYNEW YORK

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Post time 15-11-2003 09:55 AM | Show all posts

fly ...

semalam saya tengok interview ABC dengan Britney ..sedih betul.

Dia tu cute betullah (selama ni kita tengok dia macam setan) rupanya dia ni humble sangat, saya ingat kalau Siti kena interview macam Britney belum tentu siti cerita terus terang.

Part ABC tanya Britney mengenai hubungan dia dengan Justin, dia termenung sekejap, lepas tu dia cakap tak ada jodoh. Tapi bila wartawan ABC cucuk cucuk lagi dia sambil pasang kenyataan Justin dekat satu radio station (mengaku dia dah dapat dara Britney) berlinangan aor mata Britney. Dia cakap kenapalah Justin buat dia macam ni. Sebab Justin sebenarnya salah (tpi dia pun cakap Justin tak semestinya betul dan tak semestinya salah dalam terputusnya hubungan mereka)

lepas tu dia tak adalah pulak tukar tukar pasangan atau tidur dengan orang lain, itu yang buat penyanyi utama likin biskit (spelling) bengang dekat Britney sebab Britney menolak masa dia orang dating sekejap.

Britney buat satu rumah besar untuk emak dia 4 jut lebih, bapa dia pulak tinggal di rumah lama mereka (cantik) dan selalu dapat nasihat dari bapa dia. Abang dia pun sayang dekat Britney 9abang dia tak nak tumpang glamour adik dia ..bukan macam abang siti Norhaliza tu)

Britney nasihatkan adik perempuan dia jangan buat benda tak senonoh sebab dia dah tau lelaki ni belum tentu sehidup semati dengan kita.

Lelaki pujaan dia ialah Brat Pitt, Ben affelect dan Collen farell.

Wanita pulak, Faith Hill & Madonna.

Interview ni panjang tapi ...pendek cerita saya dah suka dah dekat Britney. LAgu album baru dia pun best ada satu lagu sedih (mungkin lagu utk Justin)

ok bye

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 Author| Post time 15-11-2003 09:07 PM | Show all posts
sedihnyer baca .... tapi cam ner pun benda dah lepas so takleh buat per dah ... rasanyer lagu SM Salim feat Sheila Majid - Entah Jadi Ke Tidak, ditujukan pd Britney Spears ... ....
tak semua artis yg banyak kontroversi tu nakal atau suka buat pasal dan tak smua artis yg baik n low profile tu betul2 baik n naive ...

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zacky This user has been deleted
Post time 15-11-2003 10:54 PM | Show all posts

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BuDAk^_^CuTE This user has been deleted
Post time 16-11-2003 03:01 AM | Show all posts
aku pun rasa britney x la macam setan sgt..
aku tgk speakeasy kat channel v lembut je dia ckp..

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Post time 16-11-2003 11:50 AM | Show all posts

bila dia di tanya apa impian dia

dia cakap dia nak ada anak dan suami yang baik (kalau tanya siti mungkin dia akan cakap ..masa ni siti tak fikir pasal jodoh lagi)

dia cakap dia pun rasa sunyi tapi dia tak suka minum (cuma minum red wine) merokok tu dia cuba berhenti sebab Madonna suruh dia belajar stop hisap rokok. Dadah , ganja dan lain lain dia tak pernah try.

Satu lagi dia ni hormat dekat orang tua, dia akan cakap, yes Mem, sampai wartawan tu kata stop calling me mem.

The way dia dengar soalan soalan yang disoal dekat dia tu memang cute (bila dia sedih sangat dengan gossip tak betul ) dia akan cakap Oh Godness Godness ,, please stop .. lepas tu dia menangis.

Dia pun baru 21 tahun patutlah sangat tercari cari ..

Kaki dia yang paling dia tak suka sebab pendek. Ada dia tunjuk cara utk dapatkan perut dan ass yang cantik. Dia ni kecil kecil dah belajar ballet no wonder terror menari.

Oklah kalau saya ingat lagi saya tulis. Bye.

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Post time 17-11-2003 02:20 AM | Show all posts


tak sangka lak Britney sebegitu sekali. Well, aku percaya gak lar kalau betul dia camtu, sbb bila tengok Britney nie pun, dia ala2 sopan gituh... walaupun seksi. Justin tue mmg satu gak.. dah pecah dara org, nak kecoh satu dunia. Tak baik tue...

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Post time 17-11-2003 03:38 AM | Show all posts


Britney cakap dekat wartawan tu (Diane Sawyer), Justin ada call nak berbaik dengan dia (nak rujuk balik) tapi in the same time Justin release Video lagu terbaru dia yang ada satu perempuan iras macam Britney. Dalam video tu kunun kunun perempuan tu Britneylah.

Itu yang buat Britney tak puas hati. Sepatutnya Justin beritahulah dia dulu tak lah bila video tu keluar peminat akan menyangka Britney yang punya salah (dari lirik lagu dan cara video itu dibuat/lakunkan).

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Post time 17-11-2003 03:48 AM | Show all posts
Erm... ntahlah. Bila ditanya kat Justin, Justin cakap Britney yg buat perangai. Pastu siap cakap yg Britney dulu lover yg paling dia cinta/setia... mak dia pun restu. Tapi bila tanya Britney balik, lain plak. Ntah lar sapa betul. Tapi rasanya Britney patut keluarkan satu VC khas utk balas balik Justin tue.. hehehe..

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 Author| Post time 17-11-2003 06:29 PM | Show all posts
entah .. tak tau nak kata pe dah ....

p/s: penat nak type ... tunggu pas berbuka ler, laju skit ..

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 Author| Post time 17-11-2003 08:39 PM | Show all posts
Pop trio Busted have beaten Britney Spears to the number one spot in the UK chart with their latest single.

The teenagers scored their the second chart-topper in one year with Crashed the Wedding.

Spears' first single for 12 months, Me Against The Music, featuring Madonna, went straight in at number two.

Last week's best seller, Kylie Minogue's single Slow, fell to number four while in the album chart, Dido's Life For Rent returned to the top.

Busted, who combine a rock image with pop songs, have become one of the UK's most successful chart groups.

Britney Spears has insisted she is still a role model for young girls
They have enjoyed four previous top three singles, including their only previous number one, You Said No, in May.

Meanwhile, Spears has struggled to maintain her popularity and profile during an image crisis that has seen her mature from an innocent teen idol.

She famously shared a kiss with Madonna at the recent MTV Video Music Awards in August and broke down in tears while talking about her ex-boyfriend Justin Timberlake on US television on Thursday.

Me Against The Music is Spears' most successful UK single since I'm Not A Girl Not Yet A Woman reached number two in April 2002.

Spears has defended her raunchy new image, saying that she is still a role model for young girls.
The 21-year-old recently hit the headlines for a string of scantily-clad photo shoots.

"A lot of people think those photos are over-explicit, but that's their opinion," Spears told the Radio Four show Woman's Hour.

"I think it's a positive thing to be able to express yourself in a positive light."

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 Author| Post time 17-11-2003 08:55 PM | Show all posts

In the Zone - Britney Spears

No one ever tells you how much work pop stardom is going to be. Oh, they tell you about the photo shoots and the interviews, the paparazzi and the fans, the music videos and the promotional tours. But no one tells you about the albums.

For some reason, your record company will want new product every two years or so, and that can be a huge hassle: you have to stop what you're doing and go into a studio and record enough stuff for a 70-minute CD. O.K., a 50-minute CD. That's what, 13 songs? O.K., 12, plus a remix. Still, that's a lot of singing

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Post time 18-11-2003 11:43 AM | Show all posts
Tak sabar nak tunggu album Britney Spears "In The Zone"

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