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Author: rayna_raynes

(^__^)~~Teratak GENG BLACKBERRY Versi 2.0~~(^__^)

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Post time 1-8-2011 01:25 PM | Show all posts
2 la pasal..dah best dah fb lagging..nk buka notification pastu nk back blk mesti sangkut2..mayb ram xcukup power kot..kena pkai 9780 la..keh3..arap2 fb kuar update baru,improved blk yg laging2 ni..

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Post time 2-8-2011 11:25 PM | Show all posts
heh? lagging ke? aku pakai torch hokey jah {:1_137:}

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Post time 3-8-2011 10:40 AM | Show all posts
nak tnyeee la brader2 kt ni....
i nak transfer pix from my bb kt my lappy..
pstu bila connet pkai usb drive..
bukak folder camera kan...pix yg lama2 boleh view..
start pix bulan 7 haritu..xleh view..
and xleh nak lappy or pc...
and dia ade tulis jpeg.rem....apekah rem ituuu?????
cmne nak buat eaaaa???kene virus ke bb i nii??

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Post time 3-8-2011 03:15 PM | Show all posts
Reply 63# missyqaldina
jpeg.rem tu...try rename...delete .rem tu...ujung nama file tgglkan .jpeg jer...

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Post time 4-8-2011 09:47 AM | Show all posts
Reply 64# tok_hoi

   dah buat...xleh jugak..hmmm...

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 Author| Post time 4-8-2011 10:25 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by rayna_raynes at 4-8-2011 10:28

Reply 65# missyqaldina

    tried googling and i got this:

Finally GOT it working!

For some reason, all my pictures taken had been saved with .rem extension at the end meaning encrypted, I've had trouble trying to find a way to open up those pictures on my computer/laptop other than e-mailing them back to myself.

So after some reading, I managed to turn off all encryption and did a software update on my BB 9000 Bold.

The pictures taken are now saved with just .jpg, which is great! But what about the old pictures?

a method i saw is, first make sure encryption is off! (test by taking new picture), then going go MEDIA -> EXPLORE, create a new folder and MOVE the encrypted picture ONE by ONE which would decrypt it, turning it back to .jpg. It does work... but it will take you A MILLION YEARS to do one by one. In my case.. i had a 1000+ pictures.

Since Media Explorer doesn't support multiple select, i started looking for options... I first used a freeware/donateware BBFileScout... which chickened out on my when I was trying to move encrypted file saying that it might not open..

So i downloaded a trial version of File Manager Pro. I selected multiple files and moved it... and guess what...... IT WORKED!!!! =)

my life is now free again!

hope this would help other forum members!!!!               

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Post time 5-8-2011 09:14 AM | Show all posts
fb baru best... 4sq br pon best....

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Post time 5-8-2011 09:56 PM | Show all posts
RIM officially announces - the Bold 9900, Torch 9810 and 9860

Seperti mana yang dinantikan, akhirnya, kini Research In Motion, iaitu syarikat disebalik BlackBerry telah pun memperkenalkan sehingga lima peranti baru yang mana akan menggunakan sistem operasi terbaru mereka, iaitu BlackBerry OS 7, dan akan mula dijual tidak lama lagi.

Seperti sedia maklum, dua daripada peranti tersebut telah diperkatakan dan diperkenalkan sejak sebelum ini lagi, iaitu BlackBerry Bold 9900 dan juga BlackBerry Bold 9930 yang mana turut juga dipanggil sebagai BlackBerry Bold Touch, dimana masing-masing membawakan sokongan skrin sentuh dan juga papan kekunci QWERTY padanya. Seperti pernah diperkatakan sebelum ini, ianya turut sama didatangkan dengan sokongan NFC padanya.

Selain Bold Touch, Research In Motion turut sama memperkenalkan sehingga tiga model BlackBerry Torch yang baru, iaitu BlackBerry Torch 9810, 9850 dan juga 9860. Seperti Torch sebelum ini, Torch 9810 membawakan skrin seluas 3.2-inch, manakala Torch 9850 dan juga 9860 membawakan skrin sebesar 3.7-inch padanya.

Seperti diperkatakan pada awal artikel, kelima-lima peranti ini akan didatangkan bersama-sama dengan BlackBerry OS 7 padanya, dan masing-masing didatangkan dengan cip pemprosesan 1.2GHz dan juga memori sebanyak 768MB RAM.

Kesemua peranti tersebut akan diperkenalkan dipelbagai pasaran terpilih bermula bulan ini diseluruh dunia.

*Kredit -

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Post time 5-8-2011 10:00 PM | Show all posts
The BlackBerry Media event in London just concluded and this is what we've got so far: the new BlackBerry Bold (previously known as Bold Touch) 9900/9930 (UMTS/CDMA), the BlackBerry Torch 9810 and Torch 9860/9850 (UMTS/CDMA), which was previously rumored by the names of BB Touch and Monza. All the devices are powered by single-core 1.2GHz processors with 768MB RAM and all have NFC support.

The BlackBerry Bold (also known as Bold Touch) is the thinnest BlackBerry device so far at 10.5mm. It runs the BlackBerry OS 7, and utilizes a 1.2GHz CPU, 8 gigs of expandable memory and a 2.8" VGA (640x480) 287 dpi (close to the Retina's 326 dots per inch) capacitive touchscreen. It has a 5 MP autofocus camera with 720p video recording. In terms of looks, it takes after the previous line of Bold devices with no significant changes to the exterior. It's made out of high-quality brushed stainless steel.

The BlackBerry Torch 9810 is a touchscreen device with a slide-down QWERTY keyboard. It has 253 dpi screen, 1.2GHz processor, NFC chip and will be powered by the BlackBerry OS 7. The Torch 9860 will be 11.5mm thick with a 15:9 aspect ratio screen, which is 3.69" with a WSVGA (800x480) resolution with 253 dpi. It also has 5 MP camera with autofocus and 720p video recording. Prior to this official announcement, the Torch 9860 was know by its codename, Monza.

Next up, we have some info about the upcoming BlackBerry OS 7 - it will have instantly responsive, fluid animations and a new interface engine. The OS 7 browser is supposed to have the best in class HTML 5 and JavaScript performance. Finally, it will be 40% faster than the one on the old OS 6 - that's a huge improvement.

The BlackBerry Messenger 6 ships on the new OS by default. It's quite more social and focuses on easier sharing.
The 9860 and 9900 should officially launch September in the US, UK, most of Europe and presumably Canada, while the 9810 will launch this month by AT&T.

This just in: the Bold 9900 will be offered by T-Mobile USA for as low as $250 (with a $50 mail-in rebate). The device will be available from 31 August for customers (and 17 August for bussiness customers).

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Post time 5-8-2011 10:01 PM | Show all posts
Torch 2 tu cantik jugak bentuknya. promising jugak lah. harap2 harganya berpatutan.

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Post time 7-8-2011 11:09 PM | Show all posts
Dear all,

Nk tnya ada x yg tgk video kt I guna Bold 9780. Boleh bukak ,tpi xde gmbr,just suara je yg kluar and dekat screen kluar this 'the video portion of the media being played uses an unsupported format'. Kenape yea??help me please. Klu bukk youtube xde mslh plk

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Post time 7-8-2011 11:10 PM | Show all posts
Dear all,

Nk tnya ada x yg tgk video kt I guna Bold 9780. Boleh bukak ,tpi xde gmbr,just suara je yg kluar and dekat screen kluar this 'the video portion of the media being played uses an unsupported format'. Kenape yea??help me please. Klu bukk youtube xde mslh plk

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Post time 8-8-2011 09:36 AM | Show all posts
if iols xde BB tp nk beli BB plabybook,ok ke?coz prnh bc review lg better de BB if nk pakai playbook

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Post time 8-8-2011 06:20 PM | Show all posts
storm 2.. bole upgrade OS 6 ke ?

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Post time 9-8-2011 09:30 AM | Show all posts
salam. sy dah guna bb da dkt 2 far memang xde prob.

recently lepas upgrade facebook 2.0, sy sempat pakai dlm beberapa hari and suddenly fb apps hilang!

da uninstall, reinstall balik fb app masih xde. bila download tak kuar kat download folder.

dkt app world ada tapi tak bole run. dkt options --> application ada pun tak bole run.

sy dah cuba mcm2 try download version 1.9 pun tak jadi jugak

sy guna os 5.

mohon otai2 BB kat cari kalo familiar dgn my problem bole tak bagi solution. buntu gila.

tq in advance

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 Author| Post time 9-8-2011 11:08 AM | Show all posts
Reply 75# rockivalo

Uninstall fb, backup everything in your bb,  then wipe and fresh install  OS ke latest version possible for your device. Mun ada some settings terganggu dlm bb you

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Post time 9-8-2011 12:05 PM | Show all posts
wipe mcm mana ye? yg dkt option ke

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Post time 9-8-2011 01:01 PM | Show all posts
Reply 76# rayna_raynes

dah try wipe everything tapi still tak boleh.btw thanks rayna

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Post time 10-8-2011 11:42 AM | Show all posts
salam, i ada problem dgn my bold 9000 . baru2 ni tangan ni menggatal upgrade OS 5 , ambik source OS dari blackberry punya website , dah upgrade mula2 dia ok je... smooth, everything goes fine and i like it very much .... sekali lepas 2-3 hari pakai, dia punya wifi buat hal ... "unable to turn wifi on" , buat la macam2 yg di suggest dalam international forum, battery pull , downgrade OS, upgrade OS . clean wipe guna BBSAK .. (lepas tu fresh installation) .... masih sama juga, tak boleh resolve .  refer dalam forum lain... bukan aku sorang je kena ni.. ramai lagi yg rupanya gatal tangan upgrade pi OS5 tak boleh dah nak turn on wifi.... sekarang ni mcm takde penyelesaian , sapa2 kat sini pernah kena same problem dan dapat resolve tak?

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Post time 10-8-2011 12:00 PM | Show all posts
Reply  rayna_raynes

dah try wipe everything tapi still tak boleh.btw thanks rayna
rockivalo Post at 9-8-2011 13:01

re-install OS,sebolehnya dari your service provide macam maxis or celcom , size file biasa 114mb or 118mb , tengok ur existing bb pakai OS apa?
check dekat option > about .  download same OS

1. execute download file
2. cari dalam folder common file > RIM
3. cari folder Apploader > Loader.exe * dalam folder tu cari file vendor.xml dan delete ...
4. kemudian upgrade (or downgrade.. procedure sama ja)
5. jangan matikan phone, disconnect cable , matikan komputer semasa dalam proses upgrade..
6. bila OS dah upgrade , pi kat Host Routing Table dan Register
7. lepas tu ... pi la kat internet buka BB Application World , dari situ download la App World dulu (kena register user name) , lepas tu baru download FB ..

Insyallah , rasanya step2 diatas boleh resolve issue.




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