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Author: seribulan

[Pelbagai] 65 Questions You Aren’t Used To

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Post time 30-9-2018 12:26 AM | Show all posts
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?
memang percaya

2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
3. esp tempat sempit

3. The person you would never want to meet?
pompuan ala2 lindungan kaabah. menyampah

4. What is your favorite word?

5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
pokok bunga

6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
alhamdulilah hidup lagi

7. What shirt are you wearing?
long sleeves shirt

8. What do you label yourself as?
peramah gittew

9. Bright room or dark room?

10. What were you doing at midnight last night?
ngadap forum

11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?

12. Who told you they loved you last?
my daughter

13. Your worst enemy?

14. What is your current desktop picture?
my family

15. Do you like someone?

16. The last song you listened to?
eye setiamu gugur dimata

17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
my ex-bos

18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?

19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?
decorate my house

20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
my nose agaknyalah

21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?

22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?

23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?

24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal. What?
pineapple jam

25. You just found RM1000! How are you going to spend it?
shopping at shopee

26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?

27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the a beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? … so what’s it gonna be?
nescafe zero

28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
jgn hipokrit

29. What is your favorite expletive?
things happened

30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
semua dokumen peribadi

31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
rahsia takmo bagitau

32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who dates with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world! What superhero?

33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
my daughters

34. What was your last dream about?
lama dah tak mimpi

35. Are you a good mother?
yes i am

36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?

37. Have you ever built a snowman?

38. What is the color of your socks?

39. What type of music do you like?

40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?

41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?

42. What WC football team do you support?
i dont watch football

43. Do you have any scars?

44. What do you want to be when you are 80 years old?
grow old gracefully

45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

46. Are you reliable?

47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?

48. Do you hold grudges?

49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
tak terfikir

50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?

51. Are you a good liar?
mcm tak je.

52. How long could you go without talking?
2 jam

53. What has been you worst haircut/style?

54. Have you ever baked your own cake?

55. Can you do any accents other than your own?

56. What do you like on your toast?

57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?

58. What would be you dream car?
i tak drive. so no dream car

59. Do you sing in the shower? Explain.
yes. lepas gian nyanyi

60. Do you believe in aliens?

61. Do you often read your horoscope?

62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?

63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?

64. What do you think about babies?
i love babies esp mine

65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.
can i have a money



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Post time 30-9-2018 01:33 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?

2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?

3. The person you would never want to meet?

4. What is your favorite word?

5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?

6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?

7. What shirt are you wearing?
Baby bear shirt

8. What do you label yourself as?

9. Bright room or dark room?
Bright room

10. What were you doing at midnight last night?

11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?

12. Who told you they loved you last?

13. Your worst enemy?

14. What is your current desktop picture?
My cat

15. Do you like someone?

16. The last song you listened to?

17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
My ex boss

18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
My ex boyfriend

19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?
This man with bad customer service.. Will get him to clean all the tiles with a toothbrush

20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
My eyes

21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
Richard Gere and spent time with Julia Roberts

22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
Yes singing

23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
Flying cockroach

24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal. What?
Egg Sandwich

25. You just found RM1000! How are you going to spend it?

26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?

27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the a beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? … so what’s it gonna be?
Yakult grape flavour

28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?

29. What is your favorite expletive?

30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?

31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
Fallen asleep while driving

32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who dates with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world! What superhero?

33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
My mother

34. What was your last dream about?

35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]?

36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?

37. Have you ever built a snowman?

38. What is the color of your socks?

39. What type of music do you like?
Slow rock

40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?

41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?

42. What WC football team do you support?
Man U

43. Do you have any scars?

44. What do you want to be when you are 80 years old?
A successful retiree

45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
My age

46. Are you reliable?
Of course

47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
Make me rich

48. Do you hold grudges?

49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?

50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?

51. Are you a good liar?
Not really

52. How long could you go without talking?
As long as i hate it

53. What has been you worst haircut/style?

54. Have you ever baked your own cake?
Yes i love baking

55. Can you do any accents other than your own?
Yes i do

56. What do you like on your toast?
Kaya and butter

57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?

58. What would be you dream car?

59. Do you sing in the shower? Explain.
Yes cos the echo makes me sound like a pro hahahaha

60. Do you believe in aliens?

61. Do you often read your horoscope?

62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?

63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?

64. What do you think about babies?

65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.
Transfer millions to my account hahahaha



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Post time 30-9-2018 01:48 AM | Show all posts

        1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?

        2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?

        3. The person you would never want to meet?
my ex

        4. What is your favorite word?

        5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
pandan. sebab wangi.

        6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
what to eat for bbreakfast

        7. What shirt are you wearing?

        8. What do you label yourself as?

        9. Bright room or dark room?
bright room

        10. What were you doing at midnight last night?
watched movie

        11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?

        12. Who told you they loved you last?
my kid

        13. Your worst enemy?

        14. What is your current desktop picture?

        15. Do you like someone?

        16. The last song you listened to?
cant remember

        17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
my ex

        18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
this one friend of mine. annoying

        19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?

        20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
my hair

        21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
cant think of any.

        22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
i can sing quite well

        23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
snake? haha

        24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal. What?

        25. You just found RM1000! How are you going to spend it?

        26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?
new york

        27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the a beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? … so what’s it gonna be?

        28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
do not litter

        29. What is your favorite expletive?

        30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
my phone

        31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?

        32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who dates with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world! What superhero?

        33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
my dad

        34. What was your last dream about?
cant remember

        35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]?

        36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?

        37. Have you ever built a snowman?

        38. What is the color of your socks?

        39. What type of music do you like?

        40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?

        41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?

        42. What WC football team do you support?

        43. Do you have any scars?

        44. What do you want to be when you are 80 years old?
a healthy woman

        45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
mmy weight

        46. Are you reliable?
of course

        47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
are u regret?

        48. Do you hold grudges?

        49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?

        50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
never had one

        51. Are you a good liar?
nope. my face changes everytime. pft!

        52. How long could you go without talking?

        53. What has been you worst haircut/style?

        54. Have you ever baked your own cake?
of course

        55. Can you do any accents other than your own?

        56. What do you like on your toast?
honey and butter

        57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?
i hate drawing

        58. What would be you dream car?

        59. Do you sing in the shower? Explain.
yes. cuz it echos in there. haha

        60. Do you believe in aliens?

        61. Do you often read your horoscope?

        62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?

        63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?

        64. What do you think about babies?
they smells good

        65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.
shud i sleep now? (1.47 am)



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Post time 30-9-2018 02:00 AM | Show all posts
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?
Yes, especially on perkara2 ghaib.

2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
I like be to sit in darkness. So 1, I guess.

3. The person you would never want to meet?

4. What is your favorite word?

5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
I want to be a tall tree, but with flowers.

6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
My panda eyes. My first world problem.

7. What shirt are you wearing?
Just a singlet, at the mo.

8. What do you label yourself as?
Cold but super thoughtful.

9. Bright room or dark room?
Dark, for sure.

10. What were you doing at midnight last night?

11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?

12. Who told you they loved you last?
My parents. Sayang kamu jugak!

13. Your worst enemy?
Liars!!! And two-faced people.

14. What is your current desktop picture?
Tiger!!!!!! Roarrrrr

15. Do you like someone?
Yes, I dooooo.

16. The last song you listened to?
Bukti- Virgoun.

17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
That fake b&#^*!

18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
That fake b&#^* too!

19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?
Donald Trump, give me all your money!!

20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
My big eyes

21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
I wanna be Roger Federer. Just because I dream of going to watch Wimbledon!

22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?

23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
I don't know, but I am scared of snakes.

24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal. What?

25. You just found RM1000! How are you going to spend it?
Save half, another half give it to my parents.

26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?

27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the a beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? … so what’s it gonna be?
Aqua Panna, haha.

28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
Don't be selfish.

29. What is your favorite expletive?
Ya Allah Ya Rabbi.

30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
My phone?

31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
That bloody night.

32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who dates with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world! What superhero?
Superhero that read mind.

33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
My first boyfriend.

34. What was your last dream about?
Chased by ghostsss.

35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]?

36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?
Yes, many times.

37. Have you ever built a snowman?
Yes, few times..

38. What is the color of your socks?
Black and purple.

39. What type of music do you like?

40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?

41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?
Don't like milkshakes.

42. What WC football team do you support?
Argentina and England alllll the way!

43. Do you have any scars?
Yes, quite a lot.

44. What do you want to be when you are 80 years old?
I hope I can still do things on my own, reading and do yoga moves.

45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Can I be taller?

46. Are you reliable?
Yes, I know I am.

47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
Are you happy?

48. Do you hold grudges?
I believe revenge is best served cold.

49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?

50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
Are you 18? When I am already 34!

51. Are you a good liar?
I have to, so yes.

52. How long could you go without talking?
Oh, I can do it any time, without feeling guilty.

53. What has been you worst haircut/style?

54. Have you ever baked your own cake?
Yes, for my birthday.

55. Can you do any accents other than your own?

56. What do you like on your toast?
Just butter and jam.

57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?

58. What would be you dream car?
Most probably a Bugatti.

59. Do you sing in the shower? Explain.
Don't like to spend hours in shower.

60. Do you believe in aliens?

61. Do you often read your horoscope?
Selalu. Guilty as charged.

62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?

63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?

64. What do you think about babies?
Cute sangat!

65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.
Do you like me?



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Post time 30-9-2018 02:08 AM | Show all posts
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?
~Tidak. Percaya Allah jadikan banyak makhluk

2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
~ 4 tak suka gelap. Mcm2 benda jahat terlintas dlm fikiran.

3. The person you would never want to meet?
~ orang jahat

4. What is your favorite word?
~ hahaha

5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
~ pokok bunga kertas

6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
~ Sembabnya muka aku! hahaha

7. What shirt are you wearing?
~ Kaftan

8. What do you label yourself as?
~ Mudah mesra n mudah terhibur

9. Bright room or dark room?
~ pasti bilik teranglah

10. What were you doing at midnight last night?
~ semlm tidur awal

11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?
~ 22 tahun

12. Who told you they loved you last?
~ my soulmate

13. Your worst enemy?
~ suka bertangguh

14. What is your current desktop picture?
~ None picture just blue backgroud

15. Do you like someone?
~ Ya tapi rahsia haha

16. The last song you listened to?
~ mr ragaman by FT

17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
~ the smokers

18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
~ sama di atas.. perokok

19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?
~ Jiran yg pentingkan diri. Dera dia bersihkan kawasan rumah, luar dalam sampai berkilat.

20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
~ face

21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
~ Instafamous. Nasihatkan adik2 bbnu in real life bukanlah mcm yg di potray dlm medsos

22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
~ Taklah hebat mana setakat nak tukar kepala gas anytime jek.. hahaha

23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
~ penyakit viral

24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal. What?
~ tuna sandwich

25. You just found RM1000! How are you going to spend it?
~ Shopping

26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?
~ korea

27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the a beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? … so what’s it gonna be?
~ Costa hot mocha.

28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
~ No camera

29. What is your favorite expletive?
~ get lost

30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
~ hp

31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
~ zaman cinta monyet

32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who dates with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world! What superhero?
~ superman

33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
~ mum

34. What was your last dream about?
~ cooking

35. Are you a good cook?
~ ya

36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?
~ ya pernah

37. Have you ever built a snowman?
~ tidak

38. What is the color of your socks?
~ hitam

39. What type of music do you like?
~ pop music

40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
~ sunsets.

41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?
~ mocha

42. What WC football team do you support?
~ tiada

43. Do you have any scars?
~ yes

44. What do you want to be when you are 80 years old?
~ still sihat dan kuat

45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
~ bad attitude

46. Are you reliable?
~ yes

47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
~ Are u have a great life?

48. Do you hold grudges?

49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
~ tidak terfikir

50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
~ Ok ke tak?

51. Are you a good liar?
~ tidak

52. How long could you go without talking?
~ halfday

53. What has been you worst haircut/style?
~ dora cutting

54. Have you ever baked your own cake?
~ yes

55. Can you do any accents other than your own?
~ No

56. What do you like on your toast?
~ butter kaya

57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?
~ doraemon

58. What would be you dream car?

59. Do you sing in the shower? Explain.
~ Tidak. Suara katak nnt kena kecam

60. Do you believe in aliens?
~ tidak

61. Do you often read your horoscope?
~ tidak

62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?
~ Q

63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?
~ dinosor

64. What do you think about babies?
~ Comel bila ketawa bingit bila nangis

65. Ask any question?
~ Ada lagi ke soalan?



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Post time 30-9-2018 05:34 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
3. Tapi klau kat msia 5

3. The person you would never want to meet?
My exbf

4. What is your favorite word?
Damn it

5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
Hmm pokok lalang cos i’m indecisive

6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
Adoii apasal ada jerawat pulak ni

7. What shirt are you wearing?
Grey tshirt

8. What do you label yourself as?

9. Bright room or dark room?

10. What were you doing at midnight last night?

11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?

12. Who told you they loved you last?
My daughter

13. Your worst enemy? Myself

14. What is your current desktop picture?
The plain blue background. My desktop byk files so pening klau letak pic background

15. Do you like someone?

16. The last song you listened to?
Atm my phone is playing whitney houston song

17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
My big boss

18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
My big boss

19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?
My big boss. Clean my toilet

20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
My height

21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
I’d look like my son cos he’s the male version of me. I would put my hands in my pants to see why they are so obsessed with this thing

22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
Nothing secret. Everyone knows my talent

23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
I’m scared of ghosts..but that’s not unique

24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal. What?
Kalau halal want to try blt cos pelik apasal omputih suka sgt. Sedap nau ke

25. You just found RM1000! How are you going to spend it?
Shopping spree

26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?
Balik msia jumpa parents & mkn

27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the a beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? … so what’s it gonna be?
Entah la cos I don’t like air manis

28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
I’m the boss

29. What is your favorite expletive?
Tbh tak tahu what is expletive. Kena google dulu. Lol

30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
Gambar. Tapi korang tak tgk ke cite this is us? Haishhhh

31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
Having an exbf

32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who dates with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world! What superhero?
What? Can you repeat the question..

33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
Entah la. Both parents & inlaws are still alive otherwise senang nak answer this question

34. What was your last dream about?
Can’t remember what it was about

35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]?
Mother? I try to

36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?
Yes. Last was last dec for heart issues

37. Have you ever built a snowman? Nope

38. What is the color of your socks? Black or white. I’m boring

39. What type of music do you like?
Any except lagu2 tema malaysia macam nuraniza idris style.

40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
Sunrise. Sunset tak elok ddk luar time maghrib. Lol

41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?

42. What WC football team do you support?
Tak tgk sukan

43. Do you have any scars?
Scar kesan kudis gigitan nyamuk ada la

44. What do you want to be when you are 80 years old?
A loving grandma or maybe great grandma

45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
To have no hasad dengki at all

46. Are you reliable? Yes

47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be? What should i have not done

48. Do you hold grudges? Yes

49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
Haish i’m not into animals so don’t know how to answer this question

50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
Hmm all my conversations are normal

51. Are you a good liar?
I’d like to think so



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Post time 30-9-2018 05:40 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
3. Tapi klau kat msia 5

3. The person you would never want to meet?
My exbf

4. What is your favorite word?
Damn it

5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
Hmm pokok lalang cos i’m indecisive

6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
Adoii apasal ada jerawat pulak ni

7. What shirt are you wearing?
Grey tshirt

8. What do you label yourself as?

9. Bright room or dark room?

10. What were you doing at midnight last night?

11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?

12. Who told you they loved you last?
My daughter

13. Your worst enemy? Myself

14. What is your current desktop picture?
The plain blue background. My desktop byk files so pening klau letak pic background

15. Do you like someone?

16. The last song you listened to?
Atm my phone is playing whitney houston song

17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
My big boss

18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
My big boss

19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?
My big boss. Clean my toilet

20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
My height

21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
I’d look like my son cos he’s the male version of me. I would put my hands in my pants to see why they are so obsessed with this thing

22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
Nothing secret. Everyone knows my talent

23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
I’m scared of ghosts..but that’s not unique

24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal. What?
Kalau halal want to try blt cos pelik apasal omputih suka sgt. Sedap nau ke

25. You just found RM1000! How are you going to spend it?
Shopping spree

26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?
Balik msia jumpa parents & mkn

27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the a beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? … so what’s it gonna be?
Entah la cos I don’t like air manis

28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
I’m the boss

29. What is your favorite expletive?
Tbh tak tahu what is expletive. Kena google dulu. Lol

30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
Gambar. Tapi korang tak tgk ke cite this is us? Haishhhh

31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
Having an exbf

32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who dates with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world! What superhero?
What? Can you repeat the question..

33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
Entah la. Both parents & inlaws are still alive otherwise senang nak answer this question

34. What was your last dream about?
Can’t remember what it was about

35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]?
Mother? I try to

36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?
Yes. Last was last dec for heart issues

37. Have you ever built a snowman? Nope

38. What is the color of your socks? Black or white. I’m boring

39. What type of music do you like?
Any except lagu2 tema malaysia macam nuraniza idris style.

40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
Sunrise. Sunset tak elok ddk luar time maghrib. Lol

41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?

42. What WC football team do you support?
Tak tgk sukan

43. Do you have any scars?
Scar kesan kudis gigitan nyamuk ada la

44. What do you want to be when you are 80 years old?
A loving grandma or maybe great grandma

45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
To have no hasad dengki at all

46. Are you reliable? Yes

47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be? What should i have not done

48. Do you hold grudges? Yes

49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
Haish i’m not into animals so don’t know how to answer this question

50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
Hmm all my conversations are normal

51. Are you a good liar?
I’d like to think so

52. How long could you go without talking?
Maybe max 1 day

53. What has been you worst haircut/style? Pixie

54. Have you ever baked your own cake?

55. Can you do any accents other than your own? Don’t think so. Accent msia bileh loghat kekantan kedah etc

56. What do you like on your toast?
Butter & jam

57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?
Tails & sonic

58. What would be you dream car?

59. Do you sing in the shower? Explain.
No. I only sing in the kitchen cos i need background music

60. Do you believe in aliens?

61. Do you often read your horoscope?
Dulu2 masa baca real suratkhabar ada ka bukak  area tu. Now baca online paper tak ada horoscope

62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?
No favourites

63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?
Dragon cos can breathe fire

64. What do you think about babies?
Cute only if its my own

65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of
What will i be doing this time next year..



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Post time 30-9-2018 08:43 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?
Yes. Makhluk halus yang tak nampak.

2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
2 especially small spaces yang kurang udara

3. The person you would never want to meet?
All my exes but it was a good experience though

4. What is your favorite word?
Ya lah.

5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
High tree senang nak tengok pemandangan orang tak kacau

6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
Terus siapkan breakfast untuk family. Takde masa nak mengeliat

7. What shirt are you wearing?
Abstract pattern

8. What do you label yourself as?
Adventourous and explorer. Like to try something new

9. Bright room or dark room?
Bright room

10. What were you doing at midnight last night?
Read books

11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?

12. Who told you they loved you last?
My husband

13. Your worst enemy?

14. What is your current desktop picture?
My kids

15. Do you like someone?

16. The last song you listened to?
Classic - Winter by vivaldi

17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
My boss

18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?

19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?
A maid, clean my house

20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
My lips

21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
I would be like my dad good in business and help more people

22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
Fashion i like mix match my dresses and good at bargain

23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
Im afraid of losing something precious in my life

24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal. What?
Eggs sandwiches

25. You just found RM1000! How are you going to spend it?
I will donate it or report it at nearest police station.

26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?
Santorini, greece

27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the a beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? … so what’s it gonna be?
Marigold peel fresh

28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
No littering

29. What is your favorite expletive?
Oh my god

30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
My wallet

31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
With all my ex became his fiancee

32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who dates with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world! What superhero?
Wonder woman

33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
-my late parents

34. What was your last dream about?
About my family went to travel together

35. Are you a good cook?
One of my favourite things to do

36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?

37. Have you ever built a snowman?

38. What is the color of your socks?

39. What type of music do you like?
Englisg songs esp by taylor swift

40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?

41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?

42. What WC football team do you support?
I dont like football

43. Do you have any scars?
Yes i have very sensitive skin

44. What do you want to be when you are 80 years old?
Still travel with my bff

45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
My job

46. Are you reliable?

47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
Am i making lots of money?

48. Do you hold grudges?
No its better forgive them so i can move on

49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
I dont like cruelity to animals

50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
About sex

51. Are you a good liar?
No i like to tell truth everytime if not i just silence

52. How long could you go without talking?
15 minutes

53. What has been you worst haircut/style
Color my hair red

54. Have you ever baked your own cake?
Baking not my forte

55. Can you do any accents other than your own?
No but i like hearing british accents

56. What do you like on your toast?
Butter and jam

57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?
Im not good at drawing. I did last time for my kid homework

58. What would be you dream car?

59. Do you sing in the shower? Explain.
No but i like just humming

60. Do you believe in aliens?
It doesnt exist

61. Do you often read your horoscope?
When i was in my teen but not after that.

62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?

63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?

64. What do you think about babies?
Most pure and innocent

65. Ask any question?
When will i travel next?



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Post time 30-9-2018 09:43 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?
- No. The world is huge, we can't be the only living beings in it.

2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
- 1. Not scared

3. The person you would never want to meet?
- err...cops?

4. What is your favorite word?
- value

5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
- yew tree.

6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
- forgot to take off makeup last night.

7. What shirt are you wearing?
- camisoles.

8. What do you label yourself as?
- realist

9. Bright room or dark room?
- dark

10. What were you doing at midnight last night?
- watching epl

11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?
- 20s

12. Who told you they loved you last?
- my husband

13. Your worst enemy?
- time

14. What is your current desktop picture?
- a George Carlin quote

15. Do you like someone?
- yes

16. The last song you listened to?
- In Dying Days by As Blood Runs Black

17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
- I don't hate anyone that much. Yet.

18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
- Hendo

19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?
- anyone privileged who kept saying their life is 'hard'. Deep clean the house.

20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
- my jawline

21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
- I'd look like Jensen Ackles and hunts demons.

22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
- I can read and write upside down. I thought it was a useless talent but some kid went on tv for it.

23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
- things falling on my head. I'm sure there's a phobia for this

24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal. What?
- crispy bacon, chicken and beef strips, mayo, tomatoes, iceberg lettuce. And because I've never tasted it, caviar

25. You just found RM1000! How are you going to spend it?
- deposit it in my fx acc

26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?
- Germany. From there I can go all around the whole of Europe

27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the a beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? … so what’s it gonna be?
- Pokka iced mocha

28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
- be honest, never lie

29. What is your favorite expletive?
- f**ktard

30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
- my laptop. It has all my memories in it, the ones not stored in clouds. I can just buy another Kindle.

31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
- contraction.

32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who dates with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world! What superhero?
- I've always wanted to manipulate time

33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
- A lot of people! I can't choose, honestly.

34. What was your last dream about?
- my dreams are random going on creepy. Mostly I forgot about them as soon as I wake up.

35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]?
- listener. Very.

36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?
- yes. Both for labor.

37. Have you ever built a snowman?
- no but I would love to

38. What is the color of your socks?
- my sleeping socks are pink

39. What type of music do you like?
- melodic death

40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
- sunsets

41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?
- mocha

42. What WC football team do you support?
- Germany

43. Do you have any scars?
- Yes. I used to self injure

44. What do you want to be when you are 80 years old?
- very healthy and reading books

45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
- my height. Or the lack of.

46. Are you reliable?
- depends. I can be if it's a paid job. But if people wants my help, depends on our relationship

47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
- how do you stay young and active

48. Do you hold grudges?
- yes. I forgive but I never forget

49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
- hamster and goldcrested finch? I love hamsters and it would be cute if they can fly

50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
- I can't think of any specific one right of the bat. But most of my oddest encounters have been in the smoking rooms of bowling alleys. Strangers like to open up to me idky

51. Are you a good liar?
- no.

52. How long could you go without talking?
- very long. I don't talk much, I listen.

53. What has been you worst haircut/style?
- not anything in particular because I play safe with my hair

54. Have you ever baked your own cake?
- lots of time. Love baking

55. Can you do any accents other than your own?
- yes. I like to ape accents for fun with my kids. They always lost it when I do my cockney accent

56. What do you like on your toast?
- cream cheese or garlic butter or real butttttterrrrrr

57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?
- a tree. Teaching my kid

58. What would be you dream car?
- Hummer. Or a more achievable one a Nissan Fairlady 350z

59. Do you sing in the shower? Explain.
- no. Even if the accoustics are nice I prefer an actual karaoke bar because I can never remember lyrics

60. Do you believe in aliens?
- yes

61. Do you often read your horoscope?
- not often. I'll read it of it somehow pops on any of my socmed feeds but I will not actively look for it

62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?
- E
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?
- Dragons. Hands down

64. What do you think about babies?
- they are cute and fun

65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.
- I've always wondered if creativity can really be nurtured. I think I'm creative but not enough to my liking.



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Post time 30-9-2018 09:46 AM | Show all posts
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you? - ofcoz
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you? -  3
3. The person you would never want to meet? - myex
4. What is your favorite word? - ye ke
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be? - the strong one
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought? - sembabnya muka
7. What shirt are you wearing? - grey shirt
8. What do you label yourself as? - optimistic
9. Bright room or dark room? - bright
10. What were you doing at midnight last night? - sleep
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far? - 28
12. Who told you they loved you last? - no one
13. Your worst enemy? - kucing
14. What is your current desktop picture? - tree
15. Do you like someone? - of cooz. tp cinta dlm hati
16. The last song you listened to? - malique
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up? my boss
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face? my boss
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do? myboss. aku soh dia fotostate dokumen kontrak
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional) - hmmm
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do? - bale. be a batman. wakaka
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?- i can write both hand
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of? - nothing
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal. What? tuna
25. You just found RM1000! How are you going to spend it? - save
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go? - usa
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the a beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? … so what’s it gonna be? coca cola
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place? do not litter
29. What is your favorite expletive? stupid
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno? my laptop
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? accident when i was 15
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who dates with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world! What superhero? batman
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back? my dad
34. What was your last dream about? my sis
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]? lady?
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital? of coz
37. Have you ever built a snowman?yup
38. What is the color of your socks? grey
39. What type of music do you like? pop
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets? sunset
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor? vanilla
42. What WC football team do you support? x minat
43. Do you have any scars? yes
44. What do you want to be when you are 80 years old? retired n travelling
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? nothing
46. Are you reliable? yup
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be? should i retire
48. Do you hold grudges? nop
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create? lion and cheetah
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had? never heard one
51. Are you a good liar? nop
52. How long could you go without talking? 24hrs
53. What has been you worst haircut/style? now
54. Have you ever baked your own cake? yes
55. Can you do any accents other than your own? nop
56. What do you like on your toast?yup
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of? cant remember
58. What would be you dream car? fair lady
59. Do you sing in the shower? Explain. sometimes
60. Do you believe in aliens? nop
61. Do you often read your horoscope? nop
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet? a
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons? dragons
64. What do you think about babies? cute
65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.  nothing



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Post time 30-9-2018 10:50 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
3. The person you would never want to meet?
4. What is your favorite word?
Ye ke ( hahaha)
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
the tallest one
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
my eyebag
7. What shirt are you wearing?
8. What do you label yourself as?
9. Bright room or dark room?
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?
12. Who told you they loved you last?
13. Your worst enemy?
my anger
14. What is your current desktop picture?
a scenery
15. Do you like someone?
16. The last song you listened to?
5 minit
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
ahh it is a secret
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
The backstabber
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
i dont know
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
a cute young man , doing nothing hahahha
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
Nope dont have
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
Thats a secret
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal. What?
tomyam sandwich
25. You just found RM1000! How are you going to spend it?
put them in TH
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the a beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? … so what’s it gonna be?
Air zamzam
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
No tourist
29. What is your favorite expletive?
start with letter B
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
my handphone
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
be his friend
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who dates with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world! What superhero?
Doraemon.. eh superhero ke?
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
the loved one
34. What was your last dream about?
something i wish i wont do in ny entire life
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]?
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?
37. Have you ever built a snowman?
38. What is the color of your socks?
39. What type of music do you like?
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?
anything will do
42. What WC football team do you support?
43. Do you have any scars?
44. What do you want to be when you are 80 years old?
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
a calm person
46. Are you reliable?
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
have i ever regret in anything
48. Do you hold grudges?
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
cat and rabbit
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
releted to economic issue
51. Are you a good liar?
52. How long could you go without talking?
2 hours maybe
53. What has been you worst haircut/style?
54. Have you ever baked your own cake?
55. Can you do any accents other than your own?
56. What do you like on your toast?
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?
a route
58. What would be you dream car?
59. Do you sing in the shower? Explain.
no.i am not a good singer
60. Do you believe in aliens?
61. Do you often read your horoscope?
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?
64. What do you think about babies?
they are all cute
65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.
is Doraemon really exist? hahahhaha



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Post time 30-9-2018 02:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?

2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?

3. The person you would never want to meet?
Selfish ignorant person

4. What is your favorite word?

5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
Boaboa tree

6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
I am still sleepy

7. What shirt are you wearing?
Black blouse

8. What do you label yourself as?
a strong and independent person  

9. Bright room or dark room?
Dark room

10. What were you doing at midnight last night?
Getting ready to sleep

11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?
30 yo.

12. Who told you they loved you last?
My ex

13. Your worst enemy?

14. What is your current desktop picture?
Underwater picture

15. Do you like someone?

16. The last song you listened to?
Say you love me

17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
My toxic colleague

18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
My toxic colleague

19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?
David copperfield, clean my house in a split second

20. What is your best physical attribute?
(showing said attribute is optional)
My natural rambut kepok-kepok

21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
Tun M, siapkan kan thesis phd and buat proposal research banyak2

22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
Yes, pole dancing

23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?

24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal. What?
Salmon egg mayo sandwich

25. You just found RM1000! How are you going to spend it?
Give it to the mosque

26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?

27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the a beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? … so what’s it gonna be?
Calpis original flavor.

28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
Keep it clean

29. What is your favorite expletive?

30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
My diving regulator

31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
Being beaten

32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who dates with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world! What superhero?
The invisible

33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
My late Wan

34. What was your last dream about?

35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]?

36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?

37. Have you ever built a snowman?

38. What is the color of your socks?
Not wearing one

39. What type of music do you like?
Soul jazz

40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?

41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?

42. What WC football team do you support?

43. Do you have any scars?

44. What do you want to be when you are 80 years old?
A corpse

45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

46. Are you reliable?

47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
Are you content?

48. Do you hold grudges?

49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
A flying whale

50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
Conversation about how ones should be a good kid to an abusive parent

51. Are you a good liar?

52. How long could you go without talking?
To whom? Myself? None, to other people: days

53. What has been you worst haircut/style?

54. Have you ever baked your own cake?

55. Can you do any accents other than your own?

56. What do you like on your toast?
Chocolate spread

57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?
A tower

58. What would be you dream car?
Range Rover evoque

59. Do you sing in the shower? Explain.

60. Do you believe in aliens?

61. Do you often read your horoscope?

62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?

64. What do you think about babies?

65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.
Can I like sleep forever?



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Post time 30-9-2018 03:11 PM | Show all posts
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?

2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?

3. The person you would never want to meet?

4. What is your favorite word?

5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?

6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
i'm fat

7. What shirt are you wearing?
free t-shirt
8. What do you label yourself as?

9. Bright room or dark room?

10. What were you doing at midnight last night?
watch movie

11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?

12. Who told you they loved you last?
my mom

13. Your worst enemy?
14. What is your current desktop picture?

15. Do you like someone?

16. The last song you listened to?
i'll never break your heart

17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
my Senior manager

18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
My senior manager

19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?
my sister. clean n drive me around

20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
my smile

21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
henry cavill be a superman. haha...

22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
i can sing well

23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?

24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal. What?

25. You just found RM1000! How are you going to spend it?
new handbag

26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?

27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the a beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? … so what’s it gonna be?
Iced latte

28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
No camera please

29. What is your favorite expletive?

30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
my phone

31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
be hurt

32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who dates with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world! What superhero?

33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
my grandma

34. What was your last dream about?
about raining

35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]?

36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?

37. Have you ever built a snowman?

38. What is the color of your socks?

39. What type of music do you like?

40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?

41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?

42. What WC football team do you support?

43. Do you have any scars?

44. What do you want to be when you are 80 years old?
nice muslim

45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
eat less

46. Are you reliable?

47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
who is mu husband?

48. Do you hold grudges?

49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
can and dog

50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
berapa orang anak. huhu...

51. Are you a good liar?

52. How long could you go without talking?
half day

53. What has been you worst haircut/style?
very short

54. Have you ever baked your own cake?

55. Can you do any accents other than your own?

56. What do you like on your toast?

57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?

58. What would be you dream car?

59. Do you sing in the shower? Explain.
yes. to have fun

60. Do you believe in aliens?

61. Do you often read your horoscope?
not really

62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?

63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?

64. What do you think about babies?
sweet and cute

65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.
do you have fun?



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Post time 30-9-2018 05:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sayahantu replied at 30-9-2018 03:11 PM
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?

tq so much!

Use magic Report

Post time 30-9-2018 05:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?
never..i truly believe there are other existence than me

2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
4. Tetambah dalam hutan gelap seorg diri

3. The person you would never want to meet?

4. What is your favorite word?
Malas nak layan

5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
Strawberry tree

6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
How pale i am

7. What shirt are you wearing?
orangy blouse

8. What do you label yourself as?
Fun loveable person

9. Bright room or dark room?
bright room

10. What were you doing at midnight last night?

11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?

12. Who told you they loved you last?
My kids

13. Your worst enemy?

14. What is your current desktop picture?
Great ocean road

15. Do you like someone?

16. The last song you listened to? you love me

17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?

18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
Orang jahat..penculik budak..

19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?
My husband..haha..laundry and clean the house

20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
Sadly nothing..i guess everything comes in package

21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
Tun Dr Malaysia

22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?

23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?

24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal. What?
Beetroot kinda sandwiches

25. You just found RM1000! How are you going to spend it?
Bagi blk pada polis

26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?

27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the a beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? … so what’s it gonna be?
Mcd milo

28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
Semua orang kena.solat kalau org islam..dan sila menutup aurat

29. What is your favorite expletive?

30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
-my wedding ring

31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
My x boyfriend

32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who dates with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world! What superhero?
Happy potter..haha

33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
-my granny and tokba..i miss them both

34. What was your last dream about?
Happy family

35. Are you a good cook?
I think so..haha

36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?

37. Have you ever built a snowman?

38. What is the color of your socks?

39. What type of music do you like?
All rounders

40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
Both pls

41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?

42. What WC football team do you support?

43. Do you have any scars?
Of course

44. What do you want to be when you are 80 years old?
Mati dlm husnul khatimah

45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
My laziness

46. Are you reliable?
Trust me ,

47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
Am i happy?

48. Do you hold grudges?

49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
Kangaroo and alpaca

50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
Not sure

51. Are you a good liar?

52. How long could you go without talking?
2-3 days

53. What has been you worst haircut/style?

54. Have you ever baked your own cake?
Yes..few times

55. Can you do any accents other than your own?

56. What do you like on your toast?

57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?

58. What would be you dream car?

59. Do you sing in the shower? Explain.
I'll perform okay..not just sing

60. Do you believe in aliens?
They do exist

61. Do you often read your horoscope?
Not really

62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?

63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?

64. What do you think about babies?
I want more

65. Ask any question?
Bila nak kayaaaa



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Post time 30-9-2018 09:11 PM | Show all posts
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?
No. Other than human, there are another Allah's creation living with us

2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?

3. The person you would never want to meet?

4. What is your favorite word?

5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
never think of this. maybe sakura tree

6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
What am I going to cook today..

7. What shirt are you wearing?
purple tshirt with v-neck

8. What do you label yourself as?
Encyolepedia. Have too as everyone in the house always ask me everything, and request to answer on the spot.

9. Bright room or dark room?
average. not to bright and not too dark (depends on what I want to do)

10. What were you doing at midnight last night?
watching football

11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?
my 20s

12. Who told you they loved you last?
My nephew

13. Your worst enemy?

14. What is your current desktop picture?
view of Petite France

15. Do you like someone?
by the time, no

16. The last song you listened to?
She believes in me by Kenny Rogers

17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
Donald trump

18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
Minister Finance of 'Hong Kong'

19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?
Gordon Ramsay. He has to serve me all the delicous food

20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
Kindness or caring maybe

21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
never think about it

22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
I dont know..

23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?

24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal. What?
Tuna Sandwich

25. You just found RM1000! How are you going to spend it?
Either to buy new phone, or shopping with dad but its not my money anyway, have to lodge a police report then

26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?
Jeju Island

27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the a beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? … so what’s it gonna be?
Nestle Bliss

28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
This is my land. Anything must need my approval 1st

29. What is your favorite expletive?

30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
my red plastic storage box

31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
None. Experience is the teacher of all things!

32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who dates with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world! What superhero?
The Flash

33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
I want to bring back my grandparents and live together like before.

34. What was your last dream about?
I don't remember

35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]?
Are you a good person?
Depends on whom I deal with

36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?
Alhamdulillah, nope!

37. Have you ever built a snowman?
Yes, for the first time last year!

38. What is the color of your socks?
I wear none.

39. What type of music do you like?
easy listening like , 70s-90s music

40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
sunset, the view was superb.

41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?

42. What WC football team do you support?

43. Do you have any scars?
Yup, everywhere

44. What do you want to be when you are 80 years old?
A happy person

45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
my attitude

46. Are you reliable?
Yes, I am

47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
Are you happy with all the decision you have made before?

48. Do you hold grudges?

49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
Can i have a 'catbit'

50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?

51. Are you a good liar?
i'm not too good to be one

52. How long could you go without talking?
I dunno.

53. What has been you worst haircut/style?
I am always do the same hairstyle

54. Have you ever baked your own cake?

55. Can you do any accents other than your own?
Able to do so

56. What do you like on your toast?
butter and sugar or nutella

57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?

58. What would be you dream car?
i don't have one. As long it is a car

59. Do you sing in the shower? Explain.

60. Do you believe in aliens?
at average.

61. Do you often read your horoscope?

62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?

63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?

64. What do you think about babies?
Cute and adorable

65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.
Wiill Lee Jong Suk come to Malaysia for his fanmeeting


Use magic Report


Post time 30-9-2018 10:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?

2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?

3. The person you would never want to meet?
No one at the moment.

4. What is your favorite word?

5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
Cactus. Full of torns yet fragile.

6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
Who's the lucky man that's going to get me

7. What shirt are you wearing?
Green shirt.

8. What do you label yourself as?

9. Bright room or dark room?

10. What were you doing at midnight last night?
Reading this forum

11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?
Ermmm cannot think of any.

12. Who told you they loved you last?

13. Your worst enemy?
Double face ppl!

14. What is your current desktop picture?
Pic of myself in queen's land.

15. Do you like someone?

16. The last song you listened to?
Bunga2 matahari by Maya

17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
I'll save the button for future.

18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
No one. #spreadpositivity

19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?
The ungrateful users at work. Get them do what they always ask me to do in a blink of eyes.

20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
My lips

21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
Tom Cruise. Womaniser.

22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
None i think

23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
Being scolded by man.

24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal. What?
Dont quite understand this q.

25. You just found RM1000! How are you going to spend it?
Chuck into my saving! Ive been spending like there's no tomorrow.

26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?
New York!

27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the a beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? … so what’s it gonna be?

28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
Only ladies are allowed to be on the island.

29. What is your favorite expletive?
Oh my goodness!

30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
My laptop?

31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
Im happy with my past. None is soo bad to the extend that i need to erase.

32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who dates with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world! What superhero?

33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
My dad?

34. What was your last dream about?
Cannot remember.

35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]?

36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?
Yes, twice.

37. Have you ever built a snowman?
Unfortunately, no.

38. What is the color of your socks?

39. What type of music do you like?

40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?

41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?
I dont drink milkshake.

42. What WC football team do you support?

43. Do you have any scars?
Yes. Many in fact.

44. What do you want to be when you are 80 years old?
A great person with big heart.

45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
To be more positive.

46. Are you reliable?
Many say so.

47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
Am i successful in life?

48. Do you hold grudges?

49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
Cat and dog. Cute like a cat and smart like a dog.

50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
Of ppl trying to matchmake me with a 50yo man when i was early 30s.

51. Are you a good liar?
Not quite.

52. How long could you go without talking?
2 days?
53. What has been you worst haircut/style?
Boy cut.

54. Have you ever baked your own cake?

55. Can you do any accents other than your own?
No. I stick to my own way.

56. What do you like on your toast?
Scramble egg.

57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?
I dont draw.

58. What would be you dream car?

59. Do you sing in the shower? Explain.
No. But i day dream.

60. Do you believe in aliens?

61. Do you often read your horoscope?

62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?

63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?

64. What do you think about babies?

65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.
Why do i have to work tomorrow?

Use magic Report

Post time 30-9-2018 10:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?

2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?

3. The person you would never want to meet?
Pretender and fake ppl

4. What is your favorite word?

5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
Oak tree

6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
Messy hair!

7. What shirt are you wearing?

8. What do you label yourself as?

9. Bright room or dark room?
Dark room
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?

11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?

12. Who told you they loved you last?
Hmm no one

13. Your worst enemy?

14. What is your current desktop picture?
Don't have any desktop pc

15. Do you like someone?
Hmm nope

16. The last song you listened to?
Dancing on my own by callum scott

17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
I don't hate people that much u know! Heh...

18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
Hmmm a bunch of liars!

19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?
No one

20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
My nose

21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
I would love to go for cooking class

22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
Hmm i guess no

23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
Hmm rafflesia flower

24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal. What?
Egg sandwich

25. You just found RM1000! How are you going to spend it?
Hmmmm stay in hotel suite

26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?

27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the a beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? … so what’s it gonna be?
Minute maid!

28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
No littering!

29. What is your favorite expletive?
Hmm what is expletive?

30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
My phone!

31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
I dont regret my past

32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who dates with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world! What superhero?

33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
My father

34. What was your last dream about?
My baby

35. Are you a good [listener]?

36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?

37. Have you ever built a snowman?

38. What is the color of your socks?

39. What type of music do you like?
Rock n roll
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
Hmm sunrise

41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?

42. What WC football team do you support?
Man U

43. Do you have any scars?
Of course!

44. What do you want to be when you are 80 years old?
Happy and healthy!

45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Nothing... i love myself, hmm ya, sorry, i want to change my hair type. Heh...

46. Are you reliable?
God's willing, yes!

47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
What are doing?

48. Do you hold grudges?
Hmm nope.

49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?

50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
Hmm about medical term

51. Are you a good liar?

52. How long could you go without talking?
Haha... i love talking, might be 10 minutes is longest time! Heh

53. What has been you worst haircut/style?
Boy cut!

54. Have you ever baked your own cake?

55. Can you do any accents other than your own?
Hmm nope

56. What do you like on your toast?
Butter and honey

57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?

58. What would be you dream car?
I don't have any

59. Do you sing in the shower? Explain.
Yes... i love to sing britney spears song!

60. Do you believe in aliens?

61. Do you often read your horoscope?

62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?

64. What do you think about babies?
The cutest creature ever exist!

65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.
Hmmm do you like to watch movie?


Use magic Report

Post time 30-9-2018 10:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?

2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?

3. The person you would never want to meet?
Pretender and fake ppl

4. What is your favorite word?

5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
Oak tree

6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
Messy hair!

7. What shirt are you wearing?

8. What do you label yourself as?

9. Bright room or dark room?
Dark room
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?

11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?

12. Who told you they loved you last?
Hmm no one

13. Your worst enemy?

14. What is your current desktop picture?
Don't have any desktop pc

15. Do you like someone?
Hmm nope

16. The last song you listened to?
Dancing on my own by callum scott

17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
I don't hate people that much u know! Heh...

18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
Hmmm a bunch of liars!

19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?
No one

20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
My nose

21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
I would love to go for cooking class

22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
Hmm i guess no

23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
Hmm rafflesia flower

24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal. What?
Egg sandwich

25. You just found RM1000! How are you going to spend it?
Hmmmm stay in hotel suite

26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?

27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the a beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? … so what’s it gonna be?
Minute maid!

28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
No littering!

29. What is your favorite expletive?
Hmm what is expletive?

30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
My phone!

31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
I dont regret my past

32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who dates with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world! What superhero?

33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
My father

34. What was your last dream about?
My baby

35. Are you a good [listener]?

36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?

37. Have you ever built a snowman?

38. What is the color of your socks?

39. What type of music do you like?
Rock n roll
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
Hmm sunrise

41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?

42. What WC football team do you support?
Man U

43. Do you have any scars?
Of course!

44. What do you want to be when you are 80 years old?
Happy and healthy!

45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Nothing... i love myself, hmm ya, sorry, i want to change my hair type. Heh...

46. Are you reliable?
God's willing, yes!

47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
What are doing?

48. Do you hold grudges?
Hmm nope.

49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?

50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
Hmm about medical term

51. Are you a good liar?

52. How long could you go without talking?
Haha... i love talking, might be 10 minutes is longest time! Heh

53. What has been you worst haircut/style?
Boy cut!

54. Have you ever baked your own cake?

55. Can you do any accents other than your own?
Hmm nope

56. What do you like on your toast?
Butter and honey

57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?

58. What would be you dream car?
I don't have any

59. Do you sing in the shower? Explain.
Yes... i love to sing britney spears song!

60. Do you believe in aliens?

61. Do you often read your horoscope?

62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?

64. What do you think about babies?
The cutest creature ever exist!

65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.
Hmmm do you like to watch movie?


Use magic Report

Post time 30-9-2018 10:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by saidahtul at 30-9-2018 10:37 PM

1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?

2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?

3. The person you would never want to meet?
My exbf

4. What is your favorite word?

5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
Trolls tree

6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
Why i'm so fattt

7. What shirt are you wearing?
Smiley tshirt

8. What do you label yourself as?
Great mom

9. Bright room or dark room?

10. What were you doing at midnight last night?
Chills in my room at my parents house

11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?

12. Who told you they loved you last?
My daughter

13. Your worst enemy?

14. What is your current desktop picture?
My family picture

15. Do you like someone?

16. The last song you listened to?
Dia fadila, aku masih setia

17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
My ex officemate

18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
Someone i used to call sir/miss (ex boss)

19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?
I'm not someone who might do it to someone else, i might just kill him and make him dissapear forever

20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
Discover that i can dance

21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
Will smith, and be someone like his character in pursuit of happiness

22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
Yes, i can cook many dishes

23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
I got mole in my face and i'm afraid it might cause cancer

24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal. What?
Condensed milk sandwich

25. You just found RM1000! How are you going to spend it?
Buy many toys for my daughter, buy breadmaker and big oven

26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?
Danau toba

27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the a beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? … so what’s it gonna be?
I want that beverage can made out off gold, so after i drink out off it, i can use it to make money

28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
Minimum salary is 5k

29. What is your favorite expletive?
Kambing btol!

30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
My laptop

31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
Been in an excident with my exboyfriend and together with him for 4years, what a wasting of time and money. I hate him so much and want to make him dissapear

32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who dates with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world! What superhero?

33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
My grandparents

34. What was your last dream about?
I cant remember

35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]?

36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?

37. Have you ever built a snowman?
No, its too cold

38. What is the color of your socks?

39. What type of music do you like?

40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?

41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?

42. What WC football team do you support?
I dont watch football

43. Do you have any scars?

44. What do you want to be when you are 80 years old?
Just chill at my dreamhouse and watching movie with my husband

45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Be more happy with myself

46. Are you reliable?

47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
Is it my daughter doing good with their life?

48. Do you hold grudges?

49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?

50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
I cant remember

51. Are you a good liar?
Not really

52. How long could you go without talking?
2/3 hours

53. What has been you worst haircut/style?

54. Have you ever baked your own cake?

55. Can you do any accents other than your own?
Utara accent

56. What do you like on your toast?
Peanut butter and chocolate

57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?
Cat for my daughter

58. What would be you dream car?
Volkswagen beetle

59. Do you sing in the shower? Explain.
Sometimes, but just a oooo..aaaaa..

60. Do you believe in aliens?

61. Do you often read your horoscope?

62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?

63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?

64. What do you think about babies?
I love my babies

65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.
How can we vanished lgbt and instafamous person forever from this world, i just want to shut them off!!!



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