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Author: pancutINSIDE

Kemalangan Di Simpat Ampat : 12 Sah Terbunuh(15?19? orang angka tak rasmi)

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Post time 12-10-2010 01:16 PM | Show all posts
Tuesday October 12, 2010
First bus trip is her last

Sharene Sofea Fadzry Tan, 18
MALACCA: Technician Fadzry Tan Abdullah never allowed his 18-year-old daughter to take the bus for long journeys as he was worried about her safety.

He, however, finally yielded to Sharene Sofea Fadzry Tan’s pleading to visit her friends in Kuala Lumpur.

It turned out to be an ill-fated trip as the teenager had boarded the express bus which was involved in the gruesome crash on Sunday.

Fadzry, 45, was grief-stricken at the Malacca Hospital mortuary.

“I had always turned down her requests to travel long distances by express bus. There had been previous accidents involving express buses and I didn’t want her to take that chance,” he said.

“However, she asked my permission to visit her friends in Kuala Lumpur and I allowed her to take the bus this time.”

He had hoped that she would be fine until he received a telephone call from a friend at 9pm, telling him about the accident.

Family members of Pang Shi Moei, 57, from Segamat, Johor were also devastated when they came to claim her body yesterday.

Lam Swee Weng, 46, said his sister-in-law was travelling back to Segamat with her husband and youngest son in their Perodua Myvi after visiting her daughter in Kuala Lumpur over the weekend.

“They were happy and excited about the trip as they were looking forward to spending time with her,” he said, saying that the daughter got to know about the heartbreaking news from the police.

The car the family was travelling in was crushed underneath the express bus. Pang’s 57-year-old husband suffered serious injuries and was admitted to the Seremban Hospital while their 20-year-old son had minor injuries.

yg naik MyVi ada yg selamat

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Post time 12-10-2010 01:17 PM | Show all posts
Sedia talian hotline dalam bas ekspres

KUALA LUMPUR: Pengusaha bas ekspres perlu tahu pergerakan serta perkembangan pemandu umpama mereka berada di hujung jari pengusaha bagi memastikan kemalangan membabitkan kenderaan itu dapat dielak.

Yang Dipertua Persatuan Pengusaha Bas Ekspres Melayu Semenanjung (Pembawa), Tajuddin Mohd Yunus berkata, pengusaha perlu sentiasa memantau pemanduan pemandu mereka menerusi sistem navigasi GPS yang ada.

“Mungkin juga mereka boleh meletakkan talian hotline di dalam bas, supaya penumpang yang risau dengan cara pemanduan terus menghubungi pengurusan bagi memudahkan pemantauan,” katanya.

Beliau berkata, pemandu bas juga manusia biasa yang boleh melakukan kesilapan tetapi mereka menanggung risiko lebih tinggi kerana membawa ramai penumpang.

“Pengusaha perlu awasi pemandu mereka ketika menjalankan pekerjaan umpama pergerakan mereka berada di hujung jari,” katanya.

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Post time 12-10-2010 01:17 PM | Show all posts
Survivors and families recount horror

SEREMBAN: Dinner was getting cold when businessman Goo Chuan Aik received a call on Sunday evening.

He had assumed the call was from his two siblings telling him they would soon be home in Batu Pahat from their daily trip to Kajang.

Instead, he was told younger brother Chuan Heng would never come home for dinner again – he was dead.

Chuan Heng died on the spot in the accident along the North-South Expressway involving an express bus and five other vehicles.

Also in the Toyota Hiace van with him was elder sister Ai Hwa, 41, who escaped the brush with death.

“It was just a regular trip. No one was supposed to die.

“His wife is too distraught to speak and his two children are only three and six years old.

“How can we tell them that their father is dead?” asked Chuan Aik.

There are ten siblings in the family.

Another brother Chuan Seng had rushed to the scene of the accident but Chuan Heng was already dead by then.

Chuan Seng, his T-shirt and shorts drenched in blood, was later seen at the Tuanku Ja’afar Hospital (TJH) desperately looking for his siblings and crying out that he could not find them.

Chuan Aik, who claimed his brother’s remains from the Malacca Hospital yesterday morning, said the family would be holding a wake for Chuan Heng in Batu Pahat.

He added that his sister Ai Hwa, who had been discharged from the same hospital, was still recovering from shock.

At the TJH here, 18-year-old Tew Chi Ling was thankful to be alive but upset that so many lives were lost.

Tew was on her way back to Kuala Lumpur after spending the weekend with her family in Malacca.

One minute the college student was enjoying music on her MP4 player, the next her world turned upside down.

“There were cries and screams everywhere.

“My friend Tai Hui Tieng and I managed to crawl out of the bus through a window,” she said.

Another college student, 20-year-old Nursyafarin Razak from Shah Alam, was asleep but woke up when she felt the bus shaking violently – with many passengers shouting in fear and scrambling to get out.

Another passenger, Tay, 27, claimed the bus was in the middle lane of the highway when the driver tried to move to the fast lane.

“The next thing I knew, we had hit the guardrail and crashed into traffic going in the opposite direction,” said the administration officer.

Tay sustained a deep gash on her head which required 20 stitches.

Of the 23 people injured in the accident admitted to TJH on Sunday, six had been discharged, and of the remaining, all but three were in stable condition.

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Post time 12-10-2010 01:22 PM | Show all posts
x yah nak hina kerja org len...dah rezeki dorg takat tu nak wat lagu mana...  

tak ...
ariellin Post at 12-10-2010 10:44 AM

bukan nk hina keje kalau dah rezeki derang kat situ, jalankan kerja penuh dgn tanggungjawab, kalau tak sayang nyawa sendiri, pikir la pasai org lain yg atas jalan kalau dah memandu cam setan, sume org marah...

atas jalan nih 2 perkara nih la yg selalu berlaku, samada kita langgar org..atau org langgar cube ko bayangkan kalu ko bawak keta ikut undang2, tetibe ade lori or bas atau keta biase sekali pon di pandu melulu langgar ko...ko rase patut ke tak patut...ade kah family ko akan puji melambung2 drebar yg takde otak cam tuh...

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Post time 12-10-2010 01:28 PM | Show all posts
Takziah diucapkan kepada semua keluarga arwah dan mendiang yang terlibat
dlm kemalangan ngeri ini...semoga setiap apa yg berlaku menjadi iktibar dan
pedoman bt semua...walaupun sudah terjadi dan sudah tertulis oleh Ilahi, tp kita
dpt mencegah drpd berlaku sedemikian sekiranya sentiasa mematuhi peraturan...
diharap semua keluarga tabah dan bersabar....

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Post time 12-10-2010 01:40 PM | Show all posts
Reply 902# Dunhill.

eksiden ni sebenarnye nasib... kadang bukan sebab salah kereta sebab salah kenderaan lain... tp dah langgar kereta kita nak buat mcm mana...tak kira la kita ni dah ambik tahap berhati2 200% pun, bawak pun slow giler...eksiden tetap nak terjadi... nak gaduh byk mane pun, cari salah sape pun tak guna... dah takdir Tuhan nak berlaku

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Post time 12-10-2010 01:46 PM | Show all posts
Hmm..nampaknya kereta di malaysia perlu di-design supaya pillar dan roof tak collapse jika dihempap lori atau bas..

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Post time 12-10-2010 01:49 PM | Show all posts
Aku confused.... ada yg cakap drebar myvi mati, penunggang motosikal mati... tapi dalam berita takde plak nama diorang ni... yg mana satu leh caya nih???

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Post time 12-10-2010 01:49 PM | Show all posts
Hmm..nampaknya kereta di malaysia perlu di-design supaya pillar dan roof tak collapse jika dihempap  ...
ultra78 Post at 12-10-2010 13:46

    savvy kan ada....

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Post time 12-10-2010 02:02 PM | Show all posts
tolong la jangan blame on takdir jek.
honestly, tengok cammana orang Malaysia memandu, I'm not surprised things like this happen. and I don't think this is the last time we're gonna see this.

dalam eksiden ni, sekejap jek dorang kasi tau possible cause of the accident. dalam accident lain, sket-sket "hilang kawalan". well, I'd bet that most of the time, somebody screwed up.

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Post time 12-10-2010 02:05 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1156# jfq
Tu la pasal....

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Post time 12-10-2010 02:09 PM | Show all posts
tpi dlm list x de pulak dia mention yg bawak myvi tu meninggal..
yg ada cuma pemandu van putih dan penumpang accord jer..
yg lain2 semua penumpang bas...

myvi?? mana pegi?? ke aku ada termiss...

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Post time 12-10-2010 02:09 PM | Show all posts
tolong la jangan blame on takdir jek.
honestly, tengok cammana orang Malaysia memandu, I'm not sur ...
kucingblue Post at 12-10-2010 14:02

mane ade org yg eksiden tu sengaja nak eksiden oi.. manusia ni bukannye robot bole perfect je.. lagi2 bila memandu bukannye mcm racer f1 tu daya tumpuan 120%.. bila bwk slow pun bole jd salah psl fikiran melayang..kalo bwk laju pun bole jd salah psl hilang kawalan.. ko penah eksiden tak? mesti tau mende2 ni kan.. kalo bwk slow sgt pun salah psl kite manusia ni nak kejar masa.. kang lambat kata pulak org malaysia ni tak on time lah ape lah

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Post time 12-10-2010 02:10 PM | Show all posts
mcm2 cadangan ada
hotline dlm bas la
JPJ menyamar la
kotak hitam la..
lepas 3 bulan semua senyap

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Post time 12-10-2010 02:11 PM | Show all posts
Aku confused.... ada yg cakap drebar myvi mati, penunggang motosikal mati... tapi dalam berita takde ...
moskau12 Post at 12-10-2010 13:49

itula.. yg penunggang moto mati pun x mention..
smlm kata dah naik 15 org..tpi x update pun...

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Post time 12-10-2010 02:12 PM | Show all posts
Cadangan kali ni : Divider buat tinggi tinggi

Divider plak jadi punca kann....even kalau divider  ...
ColbyRaikkonen Post at 11-10-2010 17:54

tu la kan..buat la divider tinggi bangunan pun when driver tuh sendiri speeding tak hengat....maka tiang no 1 1 la menanti...nih attitude pemandu2 mesia yg msh di tahap dunia ke 3 lagik...aku tetiap ari lalu jln straight from cyber to alamanda lalu desa pinggiran.sokmo ske2 motor ka..kete ka yg ske nak cross jln..pemalas tuh...ari ujan pun cuba22 gak nak cross border tuh..aii takkan nak tunggu ada kemalangan maut lak kot..

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Post time 12-10-2010 02:15 PM | Show all posts
kan dah nama takdir...kenalaa redhaaa......

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Post time 12-10-2010 02:16 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1161# jfq

   memang ada suara mintak tolong dari myvi....

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Post time 12-10-2010 02:25 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1175# nuralisa
ada motor ke?? setahu aku tak ada motor kat tempat kejadian..

mat2 motor menyebok hisap rokok memang ramai

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Post time 12-10-2010 02:34 PM | Show all posts
Reply 22# laxxier

10.10.10 tarikh keramat..special yg keramat

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