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Author: Maideen.

All About Gangster di Sarawak

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Post time 11-4-2007 09:10 PM | Show all posts
Tahniah tahniah ---


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Post time 12-4-2007 02:45 PM | Show all posts
Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing punya interview dgn media

On March 29, the MP for Bintulu painted a picture of Sarawak, particularly Sibu, being run by gangsters and called for the chief police officer to be removed from the state. He tells V. VASUDEVAN why he chose to speak out.

Q: You say gangsterism is flourishing in Sarawak. Why do you think this is happening?

A: I feel the police have failed to perform. If the police are performing, I don抰 think the gangsters can have a field day. Sibu is a small town, so don抰 tell me Special Branch is not picking up anything from the coffee shops.
For example, when people go to report a crime involving gangsters to the police ... before they have walked out of the station, the gangsters are calling to intimidate them and asking them why they went to the police.

In some cases, when a vehicle gets stolen, the owner goes to the police station. While waiting to make his report, he gets a call from the gangster saying: "Anytime you can get the stolen car back, but you have to pay."

Who is running the police station? Who controls the station? I can tell you that in Sarawak this is happening in every police station.

Q: What must be done now to solve the problem of gangsterism?

A: I think drastic action must be taken. If we don抰, every time we talk, the public will lose confidence in the police force and we politicians. Nobody will trust the police or us.

Q: You have been outspoken. Are you not afraid that the gangsters will attack you? After all, your complaints in parliament have got the Inspector-General of Police going to the state to investigate.

A: Put it this way. My late father told me: "Since you have made up your mind to become a politician, you better think of what you need to do in the interest of the rakyat." I am prepared for the worst. A person only dies once.

Q: It appears that you are the only Sarawak MP who is concerned about this gangsterism problem. The others are either not bothered or don抰 share your view.

A: I can抰 answer on behalf of other Sarawak MPs. Maybe they have other priorities and want to raise those concerns in the Dewan Rakyat.

Q: How can MPs help in the fight against gangsterism?

A: We can try by helping them to turn over a new leaf. I have urged them to do so in a speech in Bintulu. We can assist them to reform, but they must face the consequences for the crimes they have committed.

Q: Your call for the Sarawak chief police officer Datuk Talib Jamal to be transferred out of the state was quite drastic. Why are you being so harsh?

A: In recent months, there have been several murders in the state and a drastic rise in illegal activities. I see no action from the police and, worse of all, for me as a politician, are the repeated complaints from the public about the government not taking any action. To me, something had to be done. So I made the call in parliament.

Q: Have you ever taken your complaints to the CPO?

A: I called the CPO抯 office several times for an appointment. Unfortunately, I failed to get an appointment. So the only way left for me was to raise the issue in parliament.

Q: Describe your relationship with the police in Sarawak in general.

A: I have no problems with them. I am only bringing up matters of interest to the rakyat. It is something that I can抰 run away from as an elected representative.

Q: At what point did you realise the problem with gangsterism had gone out of control? Last year, early this year or last week?

A: Actually, gangsterism in Sarawak did not become an issue today or last week. When I started as an MP in 1999, it was already there. But it has steadily become worse, to the point that the public is complaining.

Q: Police say they have taken action and have given statistics.

A: Yes, they have. But their action is not comprehensive or convincing. Here is how they work. Sometimes a police station in a division (a district in Sarawak) will take action and the gangsters will flee to the neighbouring division.

Take Bintulu. The police take action in our area and the gangster flees to the neighbouring town or division.

They (the police) must collaborate and take action but they are not doing this. I have called on all divisions to work together but they have not.

Q: Surely you can see that the police have been trying? Are you not being unfair?

A: They may have smashed a gang, or several gangs, but their leaders are still walking the streets. Take this leader of a gang in Sibu who was said to have lopped off the head of a rival with a samurai sword. He is still walking about in Sibu. That is what the public there tell me. So what kind of 抯mashing

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Post time 12-4-2007 02:50 PM | Show all posts
Newspapers under gangsters



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Post time 12-4-2007 03:18 PM | Show all posts

Reply #81 terubok's post

waduhh2 terubok ko org kuching kah...byk gak ko tau yek...tapi mmg benar apa yg ko ckp...kat kuching ni dorang ada area dorang masing2 conquer area sendiri....gangster cina kat kuching ni dorang tak nampak sgt taring dia sbb kat kuching ni kalau diikutkan bangsa melayu paling kuat pengaruh dia....gangster melayu paling fames kat kuching ni org panggil "gangster pasar"....mmg liatlah kalau nak dibandingkan dgn gangster cina sbb gangster pasar ni dorang pantang dicabar....

perbezaan gangster cina dgn gangster pasar kat kuching n, gangster pasar ni berani buat kerja sorang2, gaduh 2 lawan 1 pun dorang berani...semangat kemelayuan beb....gangster cina ni dorang tak berani buat kerja sorang2....mau tak mau dia bawak geng baru dia berani angkat parang

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Tom_Jones This user has been deleted
Post time 12-4-2007 03:21 PM | Show all posts
Last month aku attended Taib Mahmud nyer birthday dinner ... so dalam salah satu speech by timbalan CM, George Chan himself admitted Miri a.k.a Georgetown sekarang ni mengalami masalah increase in crimes rate.

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Post time 12-4-2007 03:24 PM | Show all posts

Reply #84 mea's post

mea skang ni kat kuching pun dah cam kat sibu tau....sana sini mana2 pegi tmpt org jual vcd mmg dah open dah dorang jual vcd lucah....china mari maaaa

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Tom_Jones This user has been deleted
Post time 12-4-2007 03:27 PM | Show all posts
Kuching kawasan mana ada gangster ... Kg Panglima Seman dengan Bintawa ker?  Ganster atau gaduh pasal mabuk minum langkau ker?

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Post time 12-4-2007 03:33 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Tom_Jones at 12-4-2007 03:21 PM
Last month aku attended Taib Mahmud nyer birthday dinner ... so dalam salah satu speech by timbalan CM, George Chan himself admitted Miri a.k.a Georgetown sekarang ni mengalami masalah increase i ...

George chan tu cover line dia jer....dia tu lah bapak gangster ....(statement ni bkn aku sorang jer ckp tau...rakyat swak yg ckp )...

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Post time 12-4-2007 03:47 PM | Show all posts

Reply #105 CoKeLat-RaWkZ's post

cok ya skejap jak ya cok....kaktuk ko nangga...lekaktuk mesti dtg agik penyakit sidak gangster tuk...

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Post time 12-4-2007 04:12 PM | Show all posts

Reply #122 iweed's post

Aku bangga bila kawasan aku ditadbir oleh MP sebaik Dato Sri Tiong. Malah kat tempat aku nie pun, semuanya telus, tak banyak yg kelok2... contohnya dalam proses2 dalam jabatan kerajaan, pemilihan ketua2 jabatan etc. Boss aku sendiri ialah seorg yg sangat telus dan clean, tapi org macam nie Dato Sri Tiong angkat utk jadi ketua jabatan (sbb ketua jabatan biasanya kena dapat restu MP jugak). Seronok bila bekerja dalam suasana yg tak banyak berlaku benda2 tak elok dan bila semuanya straight belaka.

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Post time 12-4-2007 04:29 PM | Show all posts

Reply #3 adik_nazgul's post

jgn guna perkataan yang boleh menghasut sesuatu kaum
*racist remarks*
segalanya memerlukan bantuan kerajaan...
hingga masuk IPT pun kuota yang sebanyak 60% mmg khas utk
*racist remarks*
mmg byk golongan yang lebih berhak masuk uni berbanding golongan
buat perniagaan pun perlu bantuan kerajaan...u8ntung sedikit,, beli kerata besar, rumah besar, istei pun mahu tambah satu yang besar juga...haih...
tanpa kaum lain di ngr ini, mmg msia lebih teruk drpd indo...
semua cukai yang dipotong drpd pendapatn mmg
*racist remarks*
disini, walaupun saya cina, saya msh fasih bebahasa dan menulis dalm melayu, berapa byk drpd melayu sini yang tahu tulis dan cakap dalam
bahasa lain selain eng yang camput bhs melayu...mencermakan bahasa sendiri..

[ Last edited by  Muntz at 12-4-2007 05:20 PM ]

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Post time 12-4-2007 05:06 PM | Show all posts

Reply #131 kelvinisme84's post

Pasnie aku balik rumah aku edit ko punya post sbb ada racist remark. Post adik_nazgul jugak aku dah editkan kerana menghina kaum ko.

Apa pun, nak betulkan sikit... kat Brunei pun ada ramai Melayu tapi diorang boleh maju kerana hasil bumi mereka yg banyak. I think kat Sarawak pun sama... jadi tak boleh nak cakap ekonomi Malaysia nie banyak dipandu oleh sesuatu kaum sahaja (walaupun ianya benar), tapi ekonomi Malaysia banyak dipandu oleh sumber alamnya yg kaya esp dari Sarawak yg menghasilkan gas, minyak dan balak. Industri manufacturing dan commerce pun byk membantu, tapi tidak banyak membantu ketika ekonomi negara merundum.

Satu lagi, takder lagi kuota kaum di IPTA. Setau aku semuanya mengamalkan meritokrasi. Malah sebahagian kursus kritikal kini lebih ramai pelajar2 bukan Bumi seperti kursus accounting, engineering dan medic. Cuma yg masih mengamalkan kuota kaum ialah UITM, iaitu 100% Bumi.

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Post time 12-4-2007 08:53 PM | Show all posts

Reply #132 Muntz's post

ya..di swk dan sbh mmg hasil buminya sgt banyak....
kayu balak, gas asli, petroleum, semua hasil dana di negeri swk byk disalurkan ke semenanjung msia untuk pembangunan di negeri sana..
terutamanya KL n selangor yang tiada apa apa hasil sumber alam..
pada tahun lepas..miri yg terkenal dgn penghasilan minyak petroleum mngalami kekurang petroleum yg dasyat...Petronas, BP semua tak ada minyak... kl,walaupun tak menghasilkan minyak,minyak tetap mencukupi..
ini yg menyebabkan org swk merungut..

"Satu lagi, takder lagi kuota kaum di IPTA. Setau aku semuanya mengamalkan meritokrasi. Malah sebahagian kursus kritikal kini lebih ramai pelajar2 bukan Bumi seperti kursus accounting, engineering dan medic. Cuma yg masih mengamalkan kuota kaum ialah UITM, iaitu 100% Bumi."

actly no meritkokrasi tp mengamalkan kuota dude.......
kursus spt accting, engineering, medic kebanyakkannya cina dan india sbbnya result org melayu kurang...

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Post time 12-4-2007 10:09 PM | Show all posts

Reply #133 kelvinisme84's post

Tiada kuota lar. Cuba tengok pendaftaran masuk ke IPTA utk tahun 2003, tak silap aku lebih kurang 60lebih ribu Bumiputera apply masuk, tapi tak sampai 40 ribu yg dapat.. ertinya 2/3 sahaja yg dapat.

Manakala bagi kaum Cina, hanya 8k yg pohon, lebih 6k dapat. Tengok berapa peratus yg berjaya masuk berbanding Bumi. Bumi mmg nampak ramai dgn 60%, tapi dgn jumlah yg apply tu jauh lebih banyak. Sorry, I prefer to use term "Bumi" daripada "Malay" sbb term Malay terlalu sempit. Bumi can include any races spt Malay, Iban, Kadazan, Siam dan Orang Asli.

Tapi pasal minyak tu mmg aku setuju pendapat ko lar. U have good points there... but your good points overshadowed by your previously racist remarks. Maybe terlalu ikut perasaan... so bro, nanti control sikit perasaan tu yer.

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ayenza This user has been deleted
Post time 12-4-2007 11:36 PM | Show all posts
zamaan moden pn ade lagi ke gengster ni? skrg ni rg biase pn leh jad samseng

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ayenza This user has been deleted
Post time 12-4-2007 11:39 PM | Show all posts

Reply #126 kumang's post

betul ke?  ramai x customer

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Post time 13-4-2007 08:42 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Muntz at 12-4-2007 10:09 PM
Tapi pasal minyak tu mmg aku setuju pendapat ko lar. U have good points there... but your good points overshadowed by your previously racist remarks. Maybe terlalu ikut perasaan... so bro, nanti control sikit perasaan tu yer. ..

muntz aku rasa tak salah bila dia sentuh part minyak tuh....malah aku rasa bangga bila dia berani sentuh pasal tuh....biar bukak sikit mata bila ada sesetengah pihak yg masih merendah dan memperkecilkan keistimewaan dan kekuatan negeri swak yg sebenarnya....minyak, kayu balak, gas asli,...kaya tok uban ya ooooooooooo

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Post time 13-4-2007 09:15 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ayenza at 12-4-2007 11:36 PM
zamaan moden pn ade lagi ke gengster ni? skrg ni rg biase pn leh jad samseng

zaman moden, gangster pun makin moden.

ni ada sedikit history mengenai gangster2 cina sarawak yg tengah meletup skang ni.

KUALA LUMPUR: The Foo Chow and Wah Kee gangs are said to be the main players in Sarawak. It is also learnt that the tentacles of the gangs have also reached neighbouring countries.

Foo Chow is said to be the dominant gang in Sibu. It is said to be involved in illegal gaming, pirated optical disc operations, illegal logging, extortion and money-laundering.

The gang is said to be the splinter of the original outfit called the "Son of Four Gods". Their roots are said to be in Macau, Hong Kong and China.

The Wah Kee gang, meanwhile, is also said to be diversified in its operations. It is heavy into illegal and legal logging, money-laundering and violent crimes.

The gang had its roots in Sarawak in the early 1900s. Its members are mostly made up of the Hokkiens and Teochews. The gang has a long history.

It is said that in the 18th century, the formation of the Straits Settlement attracted large numbers of immigrants from China.

At that time, the Ang Bin Hoay Triad Society was already established in the Straits Settlement.

It was dominated by the Hokkiens and Teochews. The Ang Bin Hoay Triad faced internal squabbles.

Members broke away from the the triad and formed splinter groups . This marked the beginning of the Wah Kee gang. In the 1970s, the gang shifted its headquarters to Bentong in Pahang

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Post time 13-4-2007 09:59 AM | Show all posts
gangsterism kat swak ni semua nya ada kena mengena dgn org2 politik kat sini beb! Polis2 kat swak ni mmg tak bley nak buat apa2 pun!

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Post time 13-4-2007 10:00 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kumang at 12-4-2007 03:33 PM

George chan tu cover line dia jer....dia tu lah bapak gangster ....(statement ni bkn aku sorang jer ckp tau...rakyat swak yg ckp )...

yap...........aku dengar cam gitu jugak!

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