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Author: barney50

The evil that had blinded Muslims

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Post time 25-3-2007 05:51 PM | Show all posts

Reply #133 barney50's post

What dolak dalih? What is the syariag cour dealing with now? The Quran or the hadith. You Muslims claim someof the punishment are not mentioned in the Quran and so have to refer to the hadith and what does the hadith say the punishment for apostates, its death. You peole are the most cunning of the lot here. When question about the Quran you point to the hadith but when question about the hadith you point to the Quran. Head you win tail I lose. Cunning Arabs made it so that Muslims have no way of escaping but doomed to be ignorant.

My answer:

Show me the verse...because your intention is to insult Islam.So, show me the that the laws are from the The Holy Quran.If you fail, then it is clearly, not Islam,Muhammad and Allah instructed THAT/I always ask you to go to The Holy Quran before other sources but you keep go the other way around. At the end. you find no answer for what you have searched about ISLAM.
Again a verse told by someone and not direct from GOD. No value to me lah. I said what I felt and that is the truth. Does that change the situation? No, and you cannot make be beleive so with such verses.

My answer:
Only that you can comment about the verses?...Hahaha...25 years research konon!.
Others means what? Can you define? All I can see is others mean the devil. But we do not say we worship devil like the black church in Europe where there are people who still worship the devil. But here we say we love GOD and pray to GOD and the idols we have in our temples represents GOD. So, what others beside GOD are you talking about?

My answer: other thread you say you protect Christian, now you inslult their belief?.Christan friends...see what Barney has done.He lied!.

You put the idols as God, you praise them and at the same time you praise God.The worst is you said you are God, and you created Him.Don't that put you on the same level of Him?.That's what I put the idols and yourself on the same level of God.
10)Hello! Hello! Hello! You must be so ignorant that you do not see the point made here. 2+4+2=8 and that is maths. Allah say he created the earth in 6 days then why give the break down amnd make  it to 8 days?  If he had created te universe in 8 days say 8 days. Why say 6 and then goive the break down. Is it the work of Islamic bigots to show their smartnness but instead show how stupid they are in trying to proof their point? So he did not rest on the seventh day? Now Mohammed mad a point to assimilate the OT but forgot GOD rested on the 7th day and the 7th day in not important for Muslims. Why is that so my smart man?

My answer:
I have explained and now I repeat:

the 2nd verse:
No.. He created all in one package...That's why He said He created the heavens AND the Earth AND ALL THINGS BETWEEN THEM In Six days.He didn't do one by one.When He created the earth and gave the nourishment (6days) but He is able to create the heavens on THE SAME TIME HE GAVE THE NOURISHMENT.Do you think He is not able to do two tasks at a time?.

The maths:
He created the earth: 2days
He nourish the earth : 4days (within the 4 days, He is able to use 2 days to create the heavens too..besides giving the nourishment to the earth). On the 6th day, when the nourishment was completed, the heavens were completed too

So, He did the tasks within 6 days.

He didn't rest because He is the Almighty:

"...and He feeleth no fatigue in guarding and preserving them for He is the Most High, the Supreme (in glory)."(Surah Al-Baqarah 2:255)

[ Last edited by  eastrun at 25-3-2007 05:57 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 25-3-2007 09:40 PM | Show all posts
Reply #140 eastrun's post

  1. by eastrun:

  2. It just an article.Which a human like us also can create AND say Quran like this and that, If I want, I also can say your scriptures like this, your rishis like this, your faith like this...and etc.I also can manipulate the facts to make it suit with my own desire. But I won't because my scripture never asked me to do such thing and for sure, yours also never told you to do like that.You never read my scripture, but you quote small part of the scripture, then you claimed you have read the whole scripture. Took one verse, and then twist it. That's normal for an old man called Barney. Which like to follow other sources rather that following the Holy Quran 1st..
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Yes, you can but with proprer research and evidence but you do nothave. But this group have been doing archrological excavation and discovered the documents which they confirm aree verses of Quran. So, you cannot dispute such claim without you proving otherwise.  Yeh! It not new as I'm used here with such comments coming form Muslims who find that I come here with facts and not an empty vessel like you.
  1. :

  2. Yes I am talking about them, but I am NOT insulting them.I quoted the verse and I explained with the explanation from my Christian friends.Logically, if God is in you, and you are God, for sure you can do many supernatural miracles, you don't have to eat, don't have to pee, and don't have to sleep. But the reality is, you need all that.My friend, how can God act like that?
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As I have said earlier and I'd say it again I'm GOD but not the Supreme GOD which I prostrate. HE is in me and so I'm am HE minus the powers HE posses. When I return to HIM my powers would be restored.  Confused persons like you would not understand what I'm talking about. We only do all these when we are cast down here and take a mortal body but when we are one with the Supreme we are in spirit form and so we do not need food or go for pee. Your brain is too small to digest this so I advice you to stick to matters at hand.

  1. :
  2. Just now, you said, God is in you, you are God and now you say that you created God. A confusion fiction.Your example about my parents is not acceptable. Because, my parents didn't created me.But Allah created me in my mother's womb by His will by combined my father's sperm and my mother's ovum:

  3. "O mankind! if ye have a doubt about the Resurrection, (consider) that We created you out of dust, then out of sperm, then out of a leech-like clot, then out of a morsel of flesh, partly formed and partly unformed, in order that We may manifest (our power) to you; and We cause whom We will to rest in the wombs for an appointed term, then do We bring you out as babes, then (foster you) that ye may reach your age of full strength; and some of you are called to die, and some are sent back to the feeblest old age, so that they know nothing after having known (much), and (further), thou seest the earth barren and lifeless, but when We pour down rain on it, it is stirred (to life), it swells, and it puts forth every kind of beautiful growth (in pairs)."(Surah Al-Hajj 22:5)[code]

  4. Let me dwell on this first. Can you digest what has been said above. What GOD is he who create partly unformed and then some of them die before birth or after birth. You expect me to believe that this is all work of GOD? You and Musims like you must be form the 7th century. Grow up instead of believing such craps. The most logical thing in religion is Karma. Ones past action makes one to be reborn in this world again. If it is bad one is born deformed and at the same time the parenst who had in their previous life had mocked such babies in this life they are given one to suffer the pain of the other intheir previous life they mocked. They are all interlinked. GOD has nothing to do with your mother getting pregnant and giving birth toi you. Such silly way to think that GOD is still in the prosses of creation. Please do not make me laugh with such verse.  Do you know for how many centuries the sahara desert is barren? Why not all make it fertile? Something wrong with his wand? Please come to your senses instead of believeing in such crap.

  5. [code]"He it is Who shapes you in the wombs as He pleases. There is no god but He, the Exalted in Might, the Wise."(Surah Al-Imran 3:6)
  6. God created you and He made you to praise Him because He is worthy to be praised:
  7. "Whatever is in the heavens and on earth, doth declare the Praises and Glory of Allah,- the Sovereign, the Holy One, the Exalted in Might, the Wise."(Surah Al-Ju'muah 62:1)
  8. Explained!.
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Yes, HE would need praise if HE is the true GOD who speakth the truth but as I see some of the verses it does not look to me as one. I'm very direct and so do not blame me when you post such verse there is not an iota of truth in it.

  1. by eastrun:

  2. That shows whatever you have claimed about Islam...all are wrong and weighless and the Quran got the answer. The Quran is the leader, and the Hadith is the PHYSICAL explanation of the Quran. For those who followed the Hadith first, before the Quran for sure will not understand. The Islam is simple. And Alhamdulillah you are speechless with so many stupid things you have raised before.Proving that Islam has no problem, but the people that hates the religion got the problem.
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Quran does not have the answer but guess work. May be the writers of the Quran simple imagined whatever came to their mind and claimed it was from GOD and recited by Mohammed. Did you think about that? I do not hate any religion but would critize if I find it meaningless and to me Quran is meaningless to a certain extend.
  1. by eastrun:
  2. I am sorry...because in the Holy Quran, no verse start with I heard Muhammad said this...and that...Hahahaha. The verses in the Holy Quran start with word SAY!!!.Meaning that, Allah instructed Muhammad to utter His words. For example:

  3. "Say: I seek refuge with the Lord and Cherisher of Mankind,"(Surah An-Naas 114:1)

  4. "Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of the Dawn"(Surah Al-Falaq 113:1)

  5. "Say: He is Allah, the One and Only;"(Surah Al-Ikhlas 112:1)

  6. It is from Allah
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Yes, these are verses assimilated form the Torah when GOD spoke to Abraham and Moses. Nothing surprising because such verse had already existed in the Torah.

  1. by eastrun:

  2. The verses I have quoted before explained why Allah did that. That's the reality of life. Yes, the one who suffers in the world will be rewarded in the Hereafter. To show how justful Allah.But those who lives in prosper, and then does good deed, of course la, they will be rewarded too. Is it a problem? is better from mixed up heavens and hells in ONE which no LONG LASTING prosperity.
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No, that is your assumption and so is your Quran. Why would one be born here in suffering to enjoy in the hereafter. And why is one born in enjoyment yet follow the righteous path by giving charity and caring for the needy also enjoy in the hereafter? If the later get to go to heaven is practical because of his good deed but why one born into a poor family and never gets to enjoy anything in life gets rewarded in the hereafter? No logic man! In this world one get to experience the suffering of others where one learns that these sufferings could come to him if he dos not live in righteous path. The other gets to learn a lesson that he is suffering because of his bad deeds in his previous life and so now he must although in poor condition yet must live a righteous life in order to be born again with good life. It is a lesson GOD had set for mankind to realize one's mistake and take not of his life. All this hereafter is figment of the mnind of Muslims becuase the Quran has no explanations for such. PERIOD!

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Post time 25-3-2007 09:58 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by barney50 at 25-3-2007 09:40 PM
As I have said earlier and I'd say it again I'm GOD but not the Supreme GOD which I prostrate you become a small GOD
I bet you can talk directly to Supreme GOD since the image of HIM is inside you.
So what's your HOLY SIPIRIT? is that COW? that the same concept with TRINITY?
emm..I learn something new today
Barney is now like Jesus for Christianity
but is that for Hindu only or for universal religion that you are promoting?

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 Author| Post time 25-3-2007 09:58 PM | Show all posts
Reply  #141 eastrun's post

  1. by eastrun:

  2. Show me the verse...because your intention is to insult Islam.So, show
  3. me the that the laws are from the The Holy Quran.If you fail, then it
  4. is clearly, not Islam,Muhammad and Allah instructed THAT/I always ask
  5. you to go to The Holy Quran before other sources but you keep go the
  6. other way around. At the end. you find no answer for what you have
  7. searched about ISLAM.
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No, I do not insult Islam but qiestion the motives of its followers. The holy Quran as you claim should have the correct punishment for sinners but it is not and the clergies refer to the hadith for punishment. You go and refer again to the Quran and hadith. I have said so and it is your duty to proof me wrong. You gail to do so your have the wrong Quran.

  1. :

  2. Only that you can comment about the verses?...Hahaha...25 years research konon!.
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Yes, I do because it is so and you canot refute that. Pandai konon!
  1. by eastrun:

  2. other thread you say you protect Christian, now you inslult
  3. their belief?.Christan friends...see what Barney has done.He lied!.
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WOW! never new Muslims can twist and turn. I said there are people in Europe still having black church and praying to the devil. Did I mentioned Chroistians are praying to the devil. Now I know how Muslim mind works, when cornered you become hostile and create stories inorder to win. You lost my dear fellow. You have nothing to substantiate your claim and you draw a blank.

  1. You put the idols as God, you praise them and at the same time you
  2. praise God.The worst is you said you are God, and you created Him.Don't
  3. that put you on the same level of Him?.That's what I put
  4. the idols and yourself on the same level of God.
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That is my way and my undertanding of GOD and man. As for you, you have no knowledge and only what you ustz thought you and told you to remember that is all. No way to think otherwise and rationalize. You simply accept what had been drilled inot you.
  1. :

  2. I have explained and now I repeat:

  3. the 2nd verse:

  4. No.. He created all in one package...That's why He said He created the
  5. heavens AND the Earth AND ALL THINGS BETWEEN THEM In Six days.He didn't
  6. do one by one.When He created the earth and gave the nourishment
  7. (6days) but He is able to create the heavens on THE SAME TIME HE GAVE
  8. THE NOURISHMENT.Do you think He is not able to do two tasks at a time?.
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No, you did not say that but instead you gave me the break down and it adds up to 8 days. Either the Quran is wrong or the writers did not know mathamatics. Why don't you think HE could not have done it in a day?

  1. The maths:

  2. He created the earth: 2days

  3. He nourish the earth : 4days (within the 4 days, He is able to use 2
  4. days to create the heavens too..besides giving the nourishment to the
  5. earth). On the 6th day, when the nourishment was completed, the heavens
  6. were completed too

  7. So, He did the tasks within 6 days.

  8. He didn't rest because He is the Almighty:
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No, your Quran says 6 days and a totla of 8 days. I have shown you the verse and you cannot deny it. But the OT says He rested on the 7th day. In that case Allah cannot be the GOD of the Jews because teh GOD of the Jews rested on the 7th day.

  1. "...and He feeleth no fatigue in guarding and preserving them for He is the Most High, the Supreme (in glory)."(Surah Al-Baqarah 2:255)
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Does the Quran say this? You are giving the verse from the hadith and not the Quran. Show me the verse in the Quran where it says GOD does not feel fatigue.

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Post time 26-3-2007 06:38 PM | Show all posts

Reply #142 barney50's post

Yes, you can but with proprer research and evidence but you do nothave. But this group have been doing archrological excavation and discovered the documents which they confirm aree verses of Quran. So, you cannot dispute such claim without you proving otherwise.  Yeh! It not new as I'm used here with such comments coming form Muslims who find that I come here with facts and not an empty vessel like you.

My answer:
To create Fitnah, you don't have to study. You just create the words, with intention want to insult, degrading and etc. It is simple. Can be said like gossips.I don't have to proof because they also present no proof.They produced an article saying this and that and etc.Are you sure it came from Muslims?. In that kind of article, you can put anybody's name.Like if you want to insult Chrsitian, you put the Pope said,even though the Pope never said what you have claimed. Just simple...follow the Holy Quran 1st.I never met a person that loves his/her religion will talk something bad about her/his religion.EXCEPT YOU...who has no faith in your scriptures.
As I have said earlier and I'd say it again I'm GOD but not the Supreme GOD which I prostrate. HE is in me and so I'm am HE minus the powers HE posses. When I return to HIM my powers would be restored.  Confused persons like you would not understand what I'm talking about. We only do all these when we are cast down here and take a mortal body but when we are one with the Supreme we are in spirit form and so we do not need food or go for pee. Your brain is too small to digest this so I advice you to stick to matters at hand.

My answer:
Since you are not the Supreme GOD, then why don't you confess that you are human being?.Because the word God, either Supreme or not is not suitable for a weak creation like us.You make yourself confused by putting yourself as God. Look here a day dreamer who doesn't want to confess himself as human being but God
Yes, HE would need praise if HE is the true GOD who speakth the truth but as I see some of the verses it does not look to me as one. I'm very direct and so do not blame me when you post such verse there is not an iota of truth in it.

My answer:

He spoke the truth.But maybe for you, He didn't .That's why you have no faith in your scriptures
Quran does not have the answer but guess work. May be the writers of the Quran simple imagined whatever came to their mind and claimed it was from GOD and recited by Mohammed. Did you think about that? I do not hate any religion but would critize if I find it meaningless and to me Quran is meaningless to a certain extend.

My answer:
Quran does have and already answered your questions before.I never thought about that because I have faith in my scripture and my scripture is perfect.Therefore no doubt it came from Allah. I think you don't have right to comment about this because as you have no faith in your OWN scriptures...because you believe that they got flaws.So, why don't you critic your OWN scripture which are not flawless before you go to the Holy Quran.
Yes, these are verses assimilated form the Torah when GOD spoke to Abraham and Moses. Nothing surprising because such verse had already existed in the Torah.

My answer:
Ahakz...only that you can comment about the verse?.Open the OT.Allah never started the verses in the OT with SAY!!!.So, how can they be assimilated from OT?.The message might be same, but the words are totally different.
6)No, that is your assumption and so is your Quran. Why would one be born here in suffering to enjoy in the hereafter. And why is one born in enjoyment yet follow the righteous path by giving charity and caring for the needy also enjoy in the hereafter? If the later get to go to heaven is practical because of his good deed but why one born into a poor family and never gets to enjoy anything in life gets rewarded in the hereafter? No logic man! In this world one get to experience the suffering of others where one learns that these sufferings could come to him if he dos not live in righteous path. The other gets to learn a lesson that he is suffering because of his bad deeds in his previous life and so now he must although in poor condition yet must live a righteous life in order to be born again with good life. It is a lesson GOD had set for mankind to realize one's mistake and take not of his life. All this hereafter is figment of the mnind of Muslims becuase the Quran has no explanations for such. PERIOD!

My answer:
For the poors, Allah knows they are not able to do charity as many as the riches, so He said:

"There is no blame on those who are infirm, or ill, or who find no resources to spend (on the cause), if they are sincere (in duty) to Allah and His Messenger. no ground (of complaint) can there be against such as do right: and Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.."(Surah At-Taubah 9:91)

So, it doesn't meant that when you are poor, you cannot do good deeds and you cannot get into heavens.When did I said that the poors won't have change to get into heaven?.There are many good deeds other than doing charity.

That is why I said, humans are not flawless.That's Allah gave us chance to repent, so that we will be forgiven and will be rewarded.That's the logic:

"Others (there are who) have acknowledged their wrong-doings: they have mixed an act that was good with another that was evil. Perhaps Allah will turn unto them (in Mercy): for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."(Surah At-Taubah 9:102)

But, what you will get on the Day of Judgement is caused by what you have done in the world whether you are rich or not.Allah Knows Best:
No, I do not insult Islam but qiestion the motives of its followers. The holy Quran as you claim should have the correct punishment for sinners but it is not and the clergies refer to the hadith for punishment. You go and refer again to the Quran and hadith. I have said so and it is your duty to proof me wrong. You gail to do so your have the wrong Quran.

My answer:
Punishments in the Holy Quran:

"As to the thief, Male or female, cut off his or her hands: a punishment by way of example, from Allah, for their crime: and Allah is Exalted in power."(Surah Al-Maa'idah 5:38)

But not blindly..He gives chance to repent:

"But if the thief repents after his crime, and amends his conduct, Allah turneth to him in forgiveness; for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful."(Surah Al-Maa'idah 5:39)

For those commit adultery:

"If any of your women are guilty of lewdness, Take the evidence of four (Reliable) witnesses from amongst you against them; and if they testify, confine them to houses until death do claim them, or Allah ordain for them some (other) way."(Surah An-Nisaa 4:15)

For those commit homosexual:

"If two men among you are guilty of lewdness, punish them both. If they repent and amend, Leave them alone; for Allah is Oft-returning, Most Merciful."(Surah An-Nisaa' 4:16)

and etc.

But at the end of the verse, Allah always gave the chance to repent:

"Allah accept the repentance of those who do evil in ignorance and repent soon afterwards; to them will Allah turn in mercy: For Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom."(Surah An-Nisaa' 4:17)

So...Quran got the laws. Obviously you tried to insult Islam

[ Last edited by  eastrun at 26-3-2007 06:59 PM ]

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Post time 26-3-2007 06:55 PM | Show all posts

Reply #144 barney50's post


WOW! never new Muslims can twist and turn. I said there are people in Europe still having black church and praying to the devil. Did I mentioned Chroistians are praying to the devil. Now I know how Muslim mind works, when cornered you become hostile and create stories inorder to win. You lost my dear fellow. You have nothing to substantiate your claim and you draw a blank.

My answer:
The word church already enough to say that you are talking about Christian. .If you want to twist, twist with the right using of word. If not, you reveal your own fault.HAHAHAHA
That is my way and my undertanding of GOD and man. As for you, you have no knowledge and only what you ustz thought you and told you to remember that is all. No way to think otherwise and rationalize. You simply accept what had been drilled inot you

My answer:
Huhu..a day dreamer that trying to be God. Sedarlah you won't be like Him.Just confess that you are a human being.That's better.
No, you did not say that but instead you gave me the break down and it adds up to 8 days. Either the Quran is wrong or the writers did not know mathamatics. Why don't you think HE could not have done it in a day?

My answer:

I said and the words above I copied from my previous answers which you have overlooked.He did in 6 days. Why you add up 2+4+2?. He didn't say He did ONE by ONE.He did it in A PACKAGE..So within the 4 days of NOURISHMENT, he able to do/create the skies (2days) also. So the total:

Create earth: 2days +Nourishment 4days(which the 2 days used to create the  skies in the period)=SIX DAYS.


"Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of creation), before we clove them asunder? We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?"(Surah Al-Anbiyaa' 21:30)

He didn't say he did ONE by ONE.

11)Does the Quran say this? You are giving the verse from the hadith and not the Quran. Show me the verse in the Quran where it says GOD does not feel fatigue.

My answer:
Hek eleh...that's the verse...ok...I give you the full verse:

"Allah. There is no god but He,-the Living, the Self-subsisting, Eternal. No slumber can seize Him nor sleep. His are all things in the heavens and on earth. Who is there can intercede in His presence except as He permitteth? He knoweth what (appeareth to His creatures as) before or after or behind them. Nor shall they compass aught of His knowledge except as He willeth. His Throne doth extend over the heavens and the earth, and He feeleth no fatigue in guarding and preserving them for He is the Most High, the Supreme (in glory)."(Surah Al-Baqarah 2:255)

Nowhere in the Holy Quran says Allah is weak.

Allah Knows Best.

[ Last edited by  eastrun at 26-3-2007 06:56 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 26-3-2007 07:56 PM | Show all posts
Reply  #145 eastrun's post

  1. by eastrun:

  2. To create Fitnah, you don't have to study. You just create the

  3. words, with intention want to insult, degrading and etc. It is simple.

  4. Can be said like gossips.I don't have to proof because they also

  5. present no proof.They produced an article saying this and that and

  6. etc.Are you sure it came from Muslims?. In that kind of article, you

  7. can put anybody's name.Like if you want to insult Chrsitian, you put

  8. the Pope said,even though the Pope never said what you have claimed.

  9. Just simple...follow the Holy Quran 1st.I never met a person that loves

  10. his/her religion will talk something bad about her/his religion.EXCEPT

  11. YOU...who has no faith in your scriptures.
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I know Muslims would defend such with their shallow thinking. Never mind as the world knows what is going on and the Yeman governmnet knows that the truth lies in the discovery. So, it does not matter what you think. Oh! Yes, I do as more thne you do in yours that is why I believe in truth and not some fictious lies. I do my research and use my rationality to understand my scriptures. I'm not a fanatic like you, blinded by ignorance with blind faith.  If the crow is black then the crow is black and that is the truth whereas Islam says the crow is white and Muslims accept such lies. hahahahah......

  1. by eastrunr:

  2. Since you are not the Supreme GOD, then why don't you confess that

  3. you are human being?.Because the word God, either Supreme or not is not

  4. suitable for a weak creation like us.You make yourself confused by

  5. putting yourself as God. Look here a day dreamer who doesn't want to

  6. confess himself as human being but God
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I'm human in body but GOD in spirit. hahah! If you are a weak creation like a sloth then you are as you say. But as far as I'm concern we are a unique creation accorded with certain powers that can be developed and used for saving mankind. The power attained through yoga meditation could lift a man's spiritual power where by he becomes free from disease and other defensive machanism gained through such practice. And this gift is only fiven to man but sorry to say Muslims believe themsleve to be weak like a sloth..hahahahah.....
  1. by eastrunr:

  2. He spoke the truth.But maybe for you, He didn't .That's why you have no faith in your scriptures
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Oh! yes, I have faith in GOD but not in the god you speak of because the GOD I believe in is loving andhas compassion for his creations whereas yours is hel bent on cursing and revenging those who do not like him. hahahahah....

  1. by eastrun:

  2. Quran does have and already answered your questions before.I never

  3. thought about that because I have faith in my scripture and my

  4. scripture is perfect.Therefore no doubt it came from Allah. I think you

  5. don't have right to comment about this because as you

  6. have no faith in your OWN scriptures...because you believe that they

  7. got flaws.So, why don't you critic your OWN scripture which are not

  8. flawless before you go to the Holy Quran.
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To be Allah that you believe in is the figment of you mind. We have scriptures called VEDAS direct from GOD but the  surtis were like the talmud written by men which I believe has flaws as your hadith. You  see, my dear fellow, I speak the truth whereas you are with false tounge because you religion has told you to lie and liying come very easy for you. hahahah....
  1. :

  2. Ahakz...only that you can comment about the verse?.Open the OT.Allah

  3. never started the verses in the OT with SAY!!!.So, how can they be

  4. assimilated from OT?.The message might be same, but the words are

  5. totally different.
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The message is the same but modified by Islamic writers appointed by Mohammed. Such simple facts are not know to you because your are a simplton. hahahahah......

  1. byeastrun:

  2. For the poors, Allah knows they are not able to do charity as many as the riches, so He said:

  3. "There is no blame on those who are infirm, or ill, or who find

  4. no resources to spend (on the cause), if they are sincere (in duty) to

  5. Allah and His Messenger. no ground (of complaint) can there be against

  6. such as do right: and Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.."(Surah At-Taubah 9:91)
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Meaningless verse. In the first place why were they created as such? Any valid reason form your Quran? I'm sure there is none accept that it woud say itis the wil of Allah. See, I told you, Quran cannot be a divine book as it does not contain logical answers.hahahah...

  1. So, it doesn't meant that when you are poor, you cannot do good

  2. deeds and you cannot get into heavens.When did I said that the poors

  3. won't have change to get into heaven?.There are many good deeds other

  4. than doing charity.

  5. That is why I said, humans are not flawless.That's Allah gave us

  6. chance to repent, so that we will be forgiven and will be

  7. rewarded.That's the logic:

  8. "Others (there are who) have acknowledged their wrong-doings:

  9. they have mixed an act that was good with another that was evil.

  10. Perhaps Allah will turn unto them (in Mercy): for Allah is

  11. Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."(Surah At-Taubah 9:102)

  12. But, what you will get on the Day of Judgement is caused by what you

  13. have done in the world whether you are rich or not.Allah Knows Best:
Copy the Code
My perception is every human being were given the equal opportunity but over the journey of their life they knoing or unknowingly comitted sins and for their sins which is know as bad action or bad karma they are born into suffering while those who had good deeds are born inot good families and enjoy the benefit of their good karma. And my dear fellow GOD has nothing to do with whatever you have gained because GOD is only an observer and HIS duty wil only come when the end comes to this final age of kali. I for your information there is still another 420,000 years for this world to end and luntil then life would go on and on. You will not see any judgement day or punishment from GOD. This is a myth created by Islam because they believe what had been told in the OT.
  1. by easytrun:

  2. Punishments in the Holy Quran:

  3. "As to the thief, Male or female, cut off his or her hands: a

  4. punishment by way of example, from Allah, for their crime: and Allah is

  5. Exalted in power."(Surah Al-Maa'idah 5:38)

  6. But not blindly..He gives chance to repent:

  7. "But if the thief repents after his crime, and amends his

  8. conduct, Allah turneth to him in forgiveness; for Allah is

  9. Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful."(Surah Al-Maa'idah 5:39)

  10. For those commit adultery:

  11. "If any of your women are guilty of lewdness, Take the evidence

  12. of four (Reliable) witnesses from amongst you against them; and if they

  13. testify, confine them to houses until death do claim them, or Allah

  14. ordain for them some (other) way."(Surah An-Nisaa 4:15)

  15. For those commit homosexual:

  16. "If two men among you are guilty of lewdness, punish them both.

  17. If they repent and amend, Leave them alone; for Allah is Oft-returning,

  18. Most Merciful."(Surah An-Nisaa' 4:16)

  19. and etc.

  20. But at the end of the verse, Allah always gave the chance to repent:

  21. "Allah accept the repentance of those who do evil in ignorance

  22. and repent soon afterwards; to them will Allah turn in mercy: For Allah

  23. is full of knowledge and wisdom."(Surah An-Nisaa' 4:17)

  24. So...Quran got the laws. Obviously you tried to insult Islam
Copy the Code
Another contradiction because if there is judgement day where GODwill punish sinners why then would the Quran mete out punishment herein this world. Muslims believe in hell but making others life hellright here on earth by mutilating a persons body whereby he has no wayof surving normally. That is why I say the Quran is a myth

[ Last edited by  barney50 at 26-3-2007 08:03 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 26-3-2007 08:24 PM | Show all posts
Reply  #146 eastrun's post


  1. by eastrun:

  2. The word church already enough to say that you are talking about Christian. If you want to twist, twist with the right using of word. If not, you reveal your own fault.HAHAHAHA
Copy the Code

eastun showing his stupidity here. Church also refer to other house of prayers too. It means a building for religious prayers and the black church is also a building used to worship th DEVIL which is usually called the black church. hahahah...

  1. :

  2. Huhu..a day dreamer that trying to be God. Sedarlah you won't be like Him.Just confess that you are a human being.That's better.
Copy the Code

No, you have confessed thatyou are a weakling like a sloth but not me. I'm unique as what GOD had said when he created man. So we are two different beings. You are a weak human[your own admission quoting the quran] whereas I'm not and that is why I say so...hahahhaha...

  1. by eastrun:

  2. I said and the words above I copied from my previous answers which
  3. you have overlooked.He did in 6 days. Why you add up 2+4+2?. He didn't
  4. say He did ONE by ONE.He did it in A PACKAGE..So within the 4 days of
  5. NOURISHMENT, he able to do/create the skies (2days) also. So the total:

  6. Create earth: 2days +Nourishment 4days(which the 2 days used to create the  skies in the period)=SIX DAYS.

  7. He did in ONE PACKAGE of SIX DAYS:

  8. "Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were
  9. joined together (as one unit of creation), before we clove them
  10. asunder? We made from water every living thing. Will they not then
  11. believe?"(Surah Al-Anbiyaa' 21:30)

  12. He didn't say he did ONE by ONE.
Copy the Code

No, that is your own interpretation and not what the Quran says. Go back and read again. GOD has the power to say be and al will be and that I believ is the power of GOD.

  1. :

  2. Hek eleh...that's the verse...ok...I give you the full verse:

  3. "Allah. There is no god but He,-the Living, the Self-subsisting,
  4. Eternal. No slumber can seize Him nor sleep. His are all things in the
  5. heavens and on earth. Who is there can intercede in His presence except
  6. as He permitteth? He knoweth what (appeareth to His creatures as)
  7. before or after or behind them. Nor shall they compass aught of His
  8. knowledge except as He willeth. His Throne doth
  9. extend over the heavens and the earth, and He feeleth no fatigue in
  10. guarding and preserving them for He is the Most High, the Supreme (in
  11. glory)."(Surah Al-Baqarah 2:255)

  12. Nowhere in the Holy Quran says Allah is weak.
Copy the Code

Huh! Caught you lying here. the above verse is from the hadith Al-Baqarah and not the Quran. Listen to what your own Muslim scholars say about it;

Not       all translation of the Qur-an is the same. Not all translations match the       Arabic Qur-an in rhythm of text, depth of meaning, syntax of sentences,       word usage and adherence to the divine words. While some translations are       truly loyal to actual Arabic words, some are liberal in bringing out the       meaning of the verses. Some translations are truly academic in nature, while       others are informative in their objective. Some translators disliked strict       loyalty to each and every Arabic words, for fear of obscuring the inherent       meaning; while others were vehemently loyal to the revelation, yet succeeded       in conveying the meaning. Some translators enjoyed slight liberty with choice       of words, while others guarded themselves from what could very well be interpolation       of thoughts. Below are sample of 6 translations of Surah Baqarah, arranged       verse by verse. The purpose is here is to provide an interesting platform       to compare the translations rather than to identify a correct or incorrect       translation. Translators names are arranged in alphabetic order by their       last name. The translators are Abdullah Yusuf Ali, Zohurul Hoque, T.       J. Irving, T.U. Hilali & M. Khan, M. Pickthall, and M.S. Shakir.

So, it means it can be right or it can be wrong. No very sure of it as these Muslims had difficulty in translating the Arabic version. Very sonfused uh!? Well, Islam itself is a confused religion and Musims are a confused lot. Sorry to say this but this is the facts of the matter.


GOD Knows Best.

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Post time 27-3-2007 12:56 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by eastrun at 26-3-2007 06:55 PM

WOW! never new Muslims can twist and turn. I said there are people in Europe still having black church and praying to the devil. Did I ment ...

My answer:
The word church already enough to say that you are talking about Christian. .If you want to twist, twist with the right using of word. If not, you reveal your own fault.HAHAHAHA

Ini yang

kharrrr   kharrrr   kharrrrrr

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Post time 27-3-2007 02:14 AM | Show all posts

Reply #139 barney50's post

im beginning to see that u ppl are bullying barney, like 4 lwn 1 debat perdana lol

i once directed forumers to a jewish forum but none dare to debate with even a jew lol weak and lame just because u have majority users here

and i respect barney for now, atleast he answered my question, all the rest were afraid to say something wrong and forever condemned lol

alright keep on debating and ill keep reading, just dont use bombs when u lose lol

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Post time 27-3-2007 06:44 PM | Show all posts

Reply #147 barney50's post

I know Muslims would defend such with their shallow thinking. Never mind as the world knows what is going on and the Yeman governmnet knows that the truth lies in the discovery. So, it does not matter what you think. Oh! Yes, I do as more thne you do in yours that is why I believe in truth and not some fictious lies. I do my research and use my rationality to understand my scriptures. I'm not a fanatic like you, blinded by ignorance with blind faith.  If the crow is black then the crow is black and that is the truth whereas Islam says the crow is white and Muslims accept such lies. hahahahah......

My answer:

HAHAHAHA, At last, you yourself failed to proof to me that the article is real.It can be confessed your scriptures and your faith got lies. My goodness...I don't think you have right to comment other religions since you are not respecting your religion.The true Barney revealed!.

I'm human in body but GOD in spirit. hahah! If you are a weak creation like a sloth then you are as you say. But as far as I'm concern we are a unique creation accorded with certain powers that can be developed and used for saving mankind. The power attained through yoga meditation could lift a man's spiritual power where by he becomes free from disease and other defensive machanism gained through such practice. And this gift is only fiven to man but sorry to say Muslims believe themsleve to be weak like a sloth..hahahahah.....

My answer:
Ahakz...even you are God in spirit, why don't you perform many miracles?.Well...with that kind of claimed, at least you can do miracles. Heh..everyone of us is unique.No two humans are identical.Even kembar siam /kembar seiras pun got slight difference. Without meditation also you can become unique.Without being calling yourself as God also you can be Unique. We are human, Human is human.God is God. I first you said your scriptures got flaws, and then you believe in it.Which one you choose actually?. Yes!,I am weak because I am human.That is better than a person that is weak, but confessed himself as God. Now you are old and become weaker...God becomes weaker?...Look here...a confused human.
Oh! yes, I have faith in GOD but not in the god you speak of because the GOD I believe in is loving andhas compassion for his creations whereas yours is hel bent on cursing and revenging those who do not like him. hahahahah....

My answer:
You said your scriptures got flaws, in other words, you claimed your God doesn't spoke the truth...So,what for you have faith in Him?.Ayoyo...macam lalang...sekejap percaya pastu tak percaya.
To be Allah that you believe in is the figment of you mind. We have scriptures called VEDAS direct from GOD but the  surtis were like the talmud written by men which I believe has flaws as your hadith. You  see, my dear fellow, I speak the truth whereas you are with false tounge because you religion has told you to lie and liying come very easy for you. hahahah...

My answer:
At least...I don't called myself as God. Better than a weak person that dreaming to be God, but not able to manage himself. Hehehe...we don't say the hadith as our scripture, but the Wisdom that Allah has given to Muhammad to explain the Holy Quran physically. Where...the Quran is the leader..Eleh...act holy...all the articles you pasted here about Islam are fake. Then, you said you never lied?.Hahaha..
The message is the same but modified by Islamic writers appointed by Mohammed. Such simple facts are not know to you because your are a simplton. hahahahah.....

My answer:
Proof to me that they changed...Proof..Don't just speak...
Meaningless verse. In the first place why were they created as such? Any valid reason form your Quran? I'm sure there is none accept that it woud say itis the wil of Allah. See, I told you, Quran cannot be a divine book as it does not contain logical answers.hahahah...

My answer: is will of Allah. Any problem with that?.That's logic... He is God, and then the 'rezeki' is His, Up to Him la how to disperse the rezeki. That thing also want to create as problem..Well since you confessed that you are God, why don't you disperse Allah's 'rezeki' to the people you want.If you can...
My perception is every human being were given the equal opportunity but over the journey of their life they knoing or unknowingly comitted sins and for their sins which is know as bad action or bad karma they are born into suffering while those who had good deeds are born inot good families and enjoy the benefit of their good karma. And my dear fellow GOD has nothing to do with whatever you have gained because GOD is only an observer and HIS duty wil only come when the end comes to this final age of kali. I for your information there is still another 420,000 years for this world to end and luntil then life would go on and on. You will not see any judgement day or punishment from GOD. This is a myth created by Islam because they believe what had been told in the OT.

My answer:
Like I said before, four books from four different periods confirming the Hereafter and the existence of Hells and said the world got another 420,000 years...then after the world had destroyed, where we will be going?.When the world destroyed, that is the Judgement Day.

"When the earth is shaken to her (utmost) convulsion,And the earth throws up her burdens (from within),And man cries (distressed): 'What is the matter with her?'-"(Surah Al-zalzalah 99:1~3)

And after that your deeds will be evaluated by Allah, no matter how small it is:

"Then shall anyone who has done an atom's weight of good, see it!And anyone who has done an atom's weight of evil, shall see it."(Surah Al-Zalzalah 99:7~8)

[ Last edited by  eastrun at 27-3-2007 07:16 PM ]

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Post time 27-3-2007 07:11 PM | Show all posts

Reply #147 barney50's post

Another contradiction because if there is judgement day where GOD will punish sinners why then would the Quran mete out punishment herein this world. Muslims believe in hell but making others life hellright here on earth by mutilating a persons body whereby he has no wayof surving normally. That is why I say the Quran is a myth.

My answer:

Can you see the word repent there.Everytime He setted the punishments/laws,He gave the sinners to repent first before they will be punished by the laws. But the punishments in the Hereafter, the sinners will be punished without being given a chance to repent because Allah already given the chance on earth until a person die or until the Day of Judgement.He always give you chance:

"Of no effect is the repentance of those who continue to do evil, until death faces one of them, and he says, "Now have I repented indeed;" nor of those who die rejecting Faith: for them have We prepared a punishment most grievous."(Surah An-Nisaa' 4:18)

So, the laws are to control and to prevent the wrongdoings, but not BLINDLY but with chance to repent.
eastun showing his stupidity here. Church also refer to other house of prayers too. It means a building for religious prayers and the black church is also a building used to worship th DEVIL which is usually called the black church. hahahah...

My answer:
No...other house of prayers we don't call Islam we call the house of prayers as Mosque,Hindusm?...Temple.Each house of prayers got her own name. When you put church, it refers to Christian because in Malay church is Gereja...which absolutely for Christians.Then,who is stupid?.Heh...i think most people use word temple in order to say about the black things...Black temple..hem..sounds very natural.
No, you have confessed thatyou are a weakling like a sloth but not me. I'm unique as what GOD had said when he created man. So we are two different beings. You are a weak human[your own admission quoting the quran] whereas I'm not and that is why I say so...hahahhaha..

My answer:
I don't want to be something that I cannot be..only a stupid person will say he is what he is not.Not realistic and cannot accept that himself is weak
No, that is your own interpretation and not what the Quran says. Go back and read again. GOD has the power to say be and al will be and that I believ is the power of GOD

My answer:
You should read again..Did He said that He did ONE by ONE.Tu lah..who asks you to cut and paste like that.You don't read the whole Quran.He said He did all in six days.He doesn't say He wait one period to finish before He moved to others.. Yes...He said "Be!" and it will be.

"Verily, when He intends a thing, His Command is, "be", and it is!"(Surah Yaasiin 36:82)

Then, what's your problem?
Huh! Caught you lying here. the above verse is from the hadith Al-Baqarah and not the Quran. Listen to what your own Muslim scholars say about it;

Not       all translation of the Qur-an is the same. Not all translations match the       Arabic Qur-an in rhythm of text, depth of meaning, syntax of sentences,       word usage and adherence to the divine words. While some translations are       truly loyal to actual Arabic words, some are liberal in bringing out the       meaning of the verses. Some translations are truly academic in nature, while       others are informative in their objective. Some translators disliked strict       loyalty to each and every Arabic words, for fear of obscuring the inherent       meaning; while others were vehemently loyal to the revelation, yet succeeded       in conveying the meaning. Some translators enjoyed slight liberty with choice       of words, while others guarded themselves from what could very well be interpolation       of thoughts. Below are sample of 6 translations of Surah Baqarah, arranged       verse by verse. The purpose is here is to provide an interesting platform       to compare the translations rather than to identify a correct or incorrect       translation. Translators names are arranged in alphabetic order by their       last name. The translators are Abdullah Yusuf Ali, Zohurul Hoque, T.       J. Irving, T.U. Hilali & M. Khan, M. Pickthall, and M.S. Shakir.

So, it means it can be right or it can be wrong. No very sure of it as these Muslims had difficulty in translating the Arabic version. Very sonfused uh!? Well, Islam itself is a confused religion and Musims are a confused lot. Sorry to say this but this is the facts of the matter.

My answer:

Even though the choice of words are difference, they are talking about the same thing. Hek eleh..who asked you to say that the Quran is hadith. Confused old creature.I have explained this before By the way, I suggest you to open the six surah which you claimed they are explaining differently  each other. Compare the 255th verse of Surah Al-Baqarah.All talk about the greatness of Allah.And no verses said Allah is WEAK!.Hahahahaha... .Furthermore it explained that Quran is not a copy of OT....

Alhamdulillah.Allah Knows Best

[ Last edited by  eastrun at 27-3-2007 07:14 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 27-3-2007 09:35 PM | Show all posts
Reply  #151 eastrun's post

  1. by eastrun:

  2. HAHAHAHA, At last, you yourself failed to proof to me that the
  3. article is real.It can be confessed your scriptures
  4. and your faith got lies. My goodness...I don't think you have right to
  5. comment other religions since you are not respecting your religion.The
  6. true Barney revealed!.
Copy the Code

You laughing will not make truth disappear. It shows your fear that all this years of believe is now being shaken with such discovery.Islam is not your exclusive religion for you to keep but seen and heard by others including me and so it is my freewill that I can research and comment of its flaws.  But, now that many are reviewing and analysing its authenticity I think Musims are beginnning to fear the worst. So, I'll have the last laugh here..


  1. by eastrun:

  2. Ahakz...even you are God in spirit, why don't you perform many
  3. miracles?.Well...with that kind of claimed, at least you can do
  4. miracles. Heh..everyone of us is unique.No two humans are
  5. identical.Even kembar siam /kembar seiras pun got slight difference.
  6. Without meditation also you can become unique.Without being calling
  7. yourself as God also you can be Unique. We are human, Human is
  8. human.God is God. I first you said your scriptures got
  9. flaws, and then you believe in it.Which one you choose actually?.
  10. Yes!,I am weak because I am human.That is better than a person that is
  11. weak, but confessed himself as God. Now you are old and become
  12. weaker...God becomes weaker?...Look here...a confused human.
Copy the Code

You would not understand even if I explain because you have less IQ as far as the perception of Soul and body. Identical twins have the secret of ESP. It has been tested and proven one will feel if the other is hurt. How could you know if you are so ignorant of the secret of soul and the mind. It is only found in Hinduism and scientist are tapping on that for a long time. Mind over matter was the discovery of Hindu sastras and we are proud that only we have this secret and not any other religions. We also know the secret of the aura of the body which only of late the west had discovered. So, my dear fellow it is you and you religion that is ignoprant of such secrets. Even you prophet does not know such so how could his followers know of such existence. I'll have the last laugh...

  1. by esatrun:

  2. You said your scriptures got flaws, in other words, you claimed your
  3. God doesn't spoke the truth...So,what for you have faith in
  4. Him?.Ayoyo...macam lalang...sekejap percaya pastu tak percaya.
Copy the Code

See, how stupid ou behave. The Manu smirti had been manupilated by selfish people like what Musims had done to the hadith and Quran. GOD had given the VEDAS to the sages which are divine messages but Manusmirti was written by the first man Manu but those after his abrogated and added whatever they had intended to have so that the weak can be manupilated for reason only known to them. I do not fear in syaing so but do you dare even knowing that the Quran has been written by men to their own benefit so that the illetrate peasant could be made a slave to their demand. If you cannot see this truth then I'd say you are truely an ignorant being.

  1. by eastrunr:

  2. At least...I don't called myself as God. Better than a weak person
  3. that dreaming to be God, but not able to manage himself. Hehehe...we
  4. don't say the hadith as our scripture, but the Wisdom that Allah has
  5. given to Muhammad to explain the Holy Quran physically. Where...the
  6. Quran is the leader..Eleh...act holy...all the articles you pasted here
  7. about Islam are fake. Then, you said you never lied?.Hahaha..
Copy the Code

You cannot because you are ignorant and do not realize that GOD is in you too. Such ingnorant would only live a fictious life. A life full of lies and dreams. Fake to you but truth to those with wisdom of knowledge in discovering the truth.

  1. by eastrun:

  2. Proof to me that they changed...Proof..Don't just speak..
Copy the Code

It has been proven but you refuse to believe. Early teaxt of such had been discovered and would be publised soon by the historians and Islamic scholars. But even then you'd still say they are all lies. So, for peope like you who wish to live in ignorance no one can help as it is their fate to believe in such myths.

  1. by eastrun:

  2. is will of Allah. Any problem with that?.That's logic... He
  3. is God, and then the 'rezeki' is His, Up to Him la how to disperse the
  4. rezeki. That thing also want to create as problem..Well since you
  5. confessed that you are God, why don't you disperse Allah's 'rezeki' to
  6. the people you want.If you can...
Copy the Code

Rezeki does not come from Allah but of your action in the past as well as in the future. Allah has better things to do then  giving rezeki to some weakling.

  1. by eastrun:

  2. Like I said before, four books from four different periods
  3. confirming the Hereafter and the existence of Hells and
  4. said the world got another 420,000 years...then after
  5. the world had destroyed, where we will be going?.When the world
  6. destroyed, that is the Judgement Day.

  7. "When the earth is shaken to her (utmost) convulsion,And the
  8. earth throws up her burdens (from within),And man cries (distressed):
  9. 'What is the matter with her?'-"(Surah Al-zalzalah 99:1~3)

  10. And after that your deeds will be evaluated by Allah, no matter how small it is:

  11. "Then shall anyone who has done an atom's weight of good, see it!And anyone who has done an atom's weight of evil, shall see it."(Surah Al-Zalzalah 99:7~8
Copy the Code

Listen my dear fellow when the world ends all life form and all that is on earth would be wiped out. The spirit sould of the beings would return to the new world in a different cycle of time. All that is explained are metphor and nothing as told in your book. In reality the soul would return to earth as per karmic value. You belieeve what you want to believe and no one is going to tell you to beileve otherwise. I've explained the truth and that is what it is and no changes to truth.

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 Author| Post time 27-3-2007 10:07 PM | Show all posts
Reply  #152 eastrun's post

  1. by eastrun:

  2. Can you see the word repent there.Everytime He setted the
  3. punishments/laws,He gave the sinners to repent first before they will
  4. be punished by the laws. But the punishments in the Hereafter, the
  5. sinners will be punished without being given a chance to repent because
  6. Allah already given the chance on earth until a person die or until the
  7. Day of Judgement.He always give you chance:

  8. "Of no effect is the repentance of those who continue to do evil,
  9. until death faces one of them, and he says, "Now have I repented
  10. indeed;" nor of those who die rejecting Faith: for them have We
  11. prepared a punishment most grievous."(Surah An-Nisaa' 4:18)

  12. So, the laws are to control and to prevent the wrongdoings, but not BLINDLY but with chance to repent.
Copy the Code

You can repent but the sin had been comited and you cannot escape. You'll pay it in your next birth and may be go back to animal and wait for the cycle to return as a human again to realize the bad karam. No one can escape the karmic law, not Muslims, not Christians nor the Hindus. All are bound by the karmic law which is also know as the law of action.

  1. by eastrun:

  2. No...other house of prayers we don't call Islam we call
  3. the house of prayers as Mosque,Hindusm?...Temple.Each house of prayers
  4. got her own name. When you put church, it refers to Christian because
  5. in Malay church is Gereja...which absolutely for Christians.Then,who is
  6. stupid?.Heh...i think most people use word temple in order to say about
  7. the black things...Black temple..hem..sounds very natural.
Copy the Code

Again you have proven that you are an ignorant human being. What do you call this? and this:
  1. by eastrun:

  2. I don't want to be something that I cannot be..only a stupid person
  3. will say he is what he is not.Not realistic and cannot accept that
  4. himself is weak
Copy the Code

You cannot be anything because you are a weakling. Your Allah ahd created you a weakling and you have to live in handouts. That is your fate and no one can help you.
  1. by eastrun:

  2. You should read again..Did He said that He did ONE by ONE.Tu
  3. lah..who asks you to cut and paste like that.You don't read the whole
  4. Quran.He said He did all in six days.He doesn't say He wait one
  5. period to finish before He moved to others.. Yes...He said "Be!" and it
  6. will be.

  7. "Verily, when He intends a thing, His Command is, "be", and it is!"(Surah Yaasiin 36:82)

  8. Then, what's your problem?
Copy the Code

The problem is your Quran had contradicted and you cannot deny and safe the day with such excuses. Mohammed has ro rise from his grave to authenticate this verse.

  1. by eastrun:

  2. Even though the choice of words are difference, they are talking
  3. about the same thing. Hek eleh..who asked you to say that the Quran is
  4. hadith. Confused old creature.I have explained this before By the way,
  5. I suggest you to open the six surah which you claimed they are
  6. explaining differently  each other. Compare the 255th verse of Surah
  7. Al-Baqarah.All talk about the greatness of Allah.And no verses said
  8. Allah is WEAK!.Hahahahaha... .Furthermore it explained that Quran is not a copy of OT....

  9. Alhamdulillah.Allah Knows Best
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You love to twist and lie in order to cover the real problem you have in  your religion. I have proven that Muslim scholars admit that there are flaws and yet you refuse to accept. It is guilt and shame that has blinded you and you have built a steel wall between truth and lies. So be it and what do I care if that is what you wish to believe.

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Post time 28-3-2007 06:31 PM | Show all posts

Reply #153 barney50's post

You laughing will not make truth disappear. It shows your fear that all this years of believe is now being shaken with such discovery.Islam is not your exclusive religion for you to keep but seen and heard by others including me and so it is my freewill that I can research and comment of its flaws.  But, now that many are reviewing and analysing its authenticity I think Musims are beginnning to fear the worst. So, I'll have the last laugh here.

My answer:
If I am shaken, I won't reveal any Quranic verses in the thread..Because I know these all lies.And normal for those who just pick the small part of the Holy Quran, and then saying they already read the whole scripture. I laughed because you follow them and you act like you know my scripture well...unfortunately your scriptures got flaws, that is why you just can't accept that my scripture flawless...that is why you tried to find them, but at the end you failed.
See, how stupid ou behave. The Manu smirti had been manupilated by selfish people like what Musims had done to the hadith and Quran. GOD had given the VEDAS to the sages which are divine messages but Manusmirti was written by the first man Manu but those after his abrogated and added whatever they had intended to have so that the weak can be manupilated for reason only known to them. I do not fear in syaing so but do you dare even knowing that the Quran has been written by men to their own benefit so that the illetrate peasant could be made a slave to their demand. If you cannot see this truth then I'd say you are truely an ignorant being.

My answer:

Like I said before, the Hadith is not the Scripture, but the Wisdom that Allah gave to Muhammad in order to make him able to explain the followers about the instructions and laws in the Holy Quran BRIEFLY and PHYSICALLY and these two kept separately. I'm not talking fake.I explained to you long before, that in order foryou to determine which hadith is fake, which is not, refer to the Holy Quran. Unfortunately, it just your word to say my scripture got flaws because you just can't accept the Quran is flawless. This is how stupid you are...getting forget of something overnight and even explanations given many times also hard to understand.
You cannot because you are ignorant and do not realize that GOD is in you too. Such ingnorant would only live a fictious life. A life full of lies and dreams. Fake to you but truth to those with wisdom of knowledge in discovering the truth.

My answer:
Yes, I cannot be God, because I am His creation. He created me.What for I put myself on the same level of Him? is reality...better than a weak old man that tried to call himself God. Shameless.
It has been proven but you refuse to believe. Early teaxt of such had been discovered and would be publised soon by the historians and Islamic scholars. But even then you'd still say they are all lies. So, for peope like you who wish to live in ignorance no one can help as it is their fate to believe in such myths

My answer:
Oh really...What you proof to me all verses have been distorted. You said it fragile, but not distorted.Will be published by the historians and Islamic scholars?.Hahaha.You are dreaming..we will wait till then..if you are true.
Rezeki does not come from Allah but of your action in the past as well as in the future. Allah has better things to do then  giving rezeki to some weakling.

My answer:
That is why I said, since you confessed that you are God, why don't you disperse the rezeki..Eleh...just say la that you are not able to do.Talking nonsense.You are not answering my question.
Listen my dear fellow when the world ends all life form and all that is on earth would be wiped out. The spirit sould of the beings would return to the new world in a different cycle of time. All that is explained are metphor and nothing as told in your book. In reality the soul would return to earth as per karmic value. You belieeve what you want to believe and no one is going to tell you to beileve otherwise. I've explained the truth and that is what it is and no changes to truth.

My answer:
Hek eleh..what is the difference with the Day of Judgement?.See this:

"The trumpet shall be sounded, when behold! from the sepulchres (men) will rush forth to their Lord. They will say: "Ah! Woe unto us! Who hath raised us up from our beds of repose?"... (A voice will say "This is what ((Allah)) Most Gracious had promised. And true was the word of the apostles!"(Surah Yaasiin 36:51~52)

"One Day We shall remove the mountains, and thou wilt see the earth as a level stretch, and We shall gather them, all together, nor shall We leave out any one of them."(Surah Al-Kahfi 18:47)

We will be gathered at a place called Mashyar. There is where the next cycle of life occur.Then, will be judged by Allah which will go to heavens and which will go to earth.Explained!

[ Last edited by  eastrun at 28-3-2007 07:09 PM ]

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Post time 28-3-2007 07:05 PM | Show all posts

Reply #154 barney50's post

You can repent but the sin had been comited and you cannot escape. You'll pay it in your next birth and may be go back to animal and wait for the cycle to return as a human again to realize the bad karam. No one can escape the karmic law, not Muslims, not Christians nor the Hindus. All are bound by the karmic law which is also know as the law of action

My answer:
See what Allah said about repent and the sins:

"O ye who believe! Turn to Allah with sincere repentance: In the hope that your Lord will remove from you your ills and admit you to Gardens beneath which Rivers flow,- the Day that Allah will not permit to be humiliated the Prophet and those who believe with him. Their Light will run forward before them and by their right hands, while they say, "Our Lord! Perfect our Light for us, and grant us Forgiveness: for Thou hast power over all things." (Suran At-Tahrim 66:8)

When you repent Allah will forgive you, so you are clean.See this:

"And those who, having done something to be ashamed of, or wronged their own souls, earnestly bring Allah to mind, and ask for forgiveness for their sins,- and who can forgive sins except Allah.- and are never obstinate in persisting knowingly in (the wrong) they have done."(Surah Al-Imran 3:135)

You don't have to get into the animal or etc just to clean your sins.It is simple...ask forgiveness from Allah. That's make you realized that we are human being and not God who is flawless.
Again you have proven that you are an ignorant human being. What do you call this? and this:

My answer:
Other than Church they also used Temple of Satan.See this:

They estblished that in order to mock the Christianity. Since you raised the issue, can I say that you are supporting them in mocking the Christianity?

The best part of it Mosque of Satan...Hehehehe...Why they used Temple?. .Is it because your religion is related with them?.
You cannot be anything because you are a weakling. Your Allah ahd created you a weakling and you have to live in handouts. That is your fate and no one can help you

My answer:
If you are should be able to stay younger and strong at all time.I confess that I am a human therefore I am weak. You also cannot be anything.But you said you are this and that...but at the end you are still a human, getting older and die .God is getting older and die?.Hahahahaha
The problem is your Quran had contradicted and you cannot deny and safe the day with such excuses. Mohammed has ro rise from his grave to authenticate this verse.

My answer:
Explained and He did all in six days.No verse saying He rested on the 7th Day in the Holy Quran. You read small part, then you claimed you read the whole scripture..Ahakz..Oops...I almost laugh once again.Cannot 'tahan ' anymore....HAHAHAHA
You love to twist and lie in order to cover the real problem you have in  your religion. I have proven that Muslim scholars admit that there are flaws and yet you refuse to accept. It is guilt and shame that has blinded you and you have built a steel wall between truth and lies. So be it and what do I care if that is what you wish to believe.

My answer:
I asked you to compare the verse.Yes, the choice of words are different but the meanings are the same.See the verse and compare.No translation saying that Allah is WEAK!!. You tried to twist by saying that different translation talking about different things, without comparing them first. Compare them now!!!.

And..don't tell me that the VEDAS were translated by only a translator..they must be many translators translated the scriptures.So, why don't you count on that too?.For me it is simple..same thing, but different choice of word..

[ Last edited by  eastrun at 28-3-2007 07:11 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 29-3-2007 06:47 AM | Show all posts
Reply #155 eastrun's post

  1. by eastrrun:
  2. If I am shaken, I won't reveal any Quranic verses in the thread..Because I know these all lies.And normal for those who just pick the small part of the Holy Quran, and then saying they already read the whole scripture. I laughed because you follow them and you act like you know my scripture well...unfortunately your scriptures got flaws, that is why you just can't accept that my scripture flawless...that is why you tried to find them, but at the end you failed.
Copy the Code

That is what a Muslim will say. He dare not say what his heart feels. Knowing that there are flaws a Muslim has to shut his mouth and swalow the bitterness. He has to defend his religious flaws at all cost even though he knows he cannot. So, my dear fellow you can calim it is flawless but we know it has and we dare tell you. But its a pity and I feel sorry for you as you have to live with myths and lies all life long.
  1. by eastrun:

  2. Like I said before, the Hadith is not the Scripture, but the Wisdom that Allah gave to Muhammad in order to make him able to explain the followers about the instructions and laws in the Holy Quran BRIEFLY and PHYSICALLY and these two kept separately. I'm not talking fake.I explained to you long before, that in order foryou to determine which hadith is fake, which is not, refer to the Holy Quran. Unfortunately, it just your word to say my scripture got flaws because you just can't accept the Quran is flawless. This is how stupid you are...getting forget of something overnight and even explanations given many times also hard to understand.
Copy the Code

All hadiths are fake. Quran does not ask Muslims to refer to hadith but its Muslims who have created hadith and say it is sunnah of their prophet. Mohammed's duty as  according to Quran and Allah was only to depart the message but later on with the strenght and power accorded to him by his followers he became a dictator and ordered punishment and all other things at his whimps and fancies. You cannot just defend by saying the hadith is the wisdom of Islam. If hadith is the wisdom then what is the Quran? And now, the Quran means nothing to Muslims but hadith is everything.
  1. by eastrun:
  2. Yes, I cannot be God, because I am His creation. He created me.What for I put myself on the same level of Him? is reality...better than an a weak old man that tried to call himself God. Shameless.
Copy the Code

Well, you brain is small and cannot comprehend what it means to say so then it is ok. It is shamless that you do not know the spiritual value of soul because Islam is not a religion that teaches such. Islam had only thought its followers to fight for the cause of Allah and talk about how Muslims must convert the whole world and subject them to some idiology similar to communism. Convert to Islam for what? Just to wait for the judgement day to be transported to paradise? You in a hurry to see the 72 virgins?
  1. by eastrun:
  2. Oh really...What you proof to me all verses have been distorted. You said it fragile, but not distorted.Will be published by the historians and Islamic scholars?.Hahaha.You are dreaming..we will wait till then..if you are true.
Copy the Code

To you it is not but we can see it is. You are bound by oath to protect Islam although it has flaws. You cannot utter a word of blashpmey and if you did you'd be charged by the syariah court. Fear has blinded your intelligent to ask question the authenticity of the Quran. That is because you have been brainwashed like a programed robot to accept lies

  1. by eastrun:
  2. That is why I said, since you confessed that you are God, why don't you disperse the rezeki..Eleh...just say la that you are not able to do.Talking nonsense.You are not answering my question
Copy the Code

Can I make a child learn an adult material? You behave like a child and it is useless and waste of time discussing such matters to children. Because children only like fairy tales.

  1. :
  2. Hek eleh..what is the difference with the Day of Judgement?.See this:

  3. "The trumpet shall be sounded, when behold! from the sepulchres (men) will rush forth to their Lord. They will say: "Ah! Woe unto us! Who hath raised us up from our beds of repose?"... (A voice will say "This is what ((Allah)) Most Gracious had promised. And true was the word of the apostles!"(Surah Yaasiin 36:51~52)

  4. "One Day We shall remove the mountains, and thou wilt see the earth as a level stretch, and We shall gather them, all together, nor shall We leave out any one of them."(Surah Al-Kahfi 18:47)

  5. We will be gathered at a place called Mashyar. There is where the next cycle of life occur.Then, will be judged by Allah which will go to heavens and which will go to earth.Explained!
Copy the Code

Did the trumpets blew when 200,000 life perished in the Tsunami? Yours is a failry tale and so believe if you want. Did the trumpets blew when it rained forty days and forty nights when the family of Noah alone was saved and all the rest were wiped out? My dear fellow you are have been injected with lie syrum. Wake and face the fact.:@:@

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 Author| Post time 29-3-2007 07:10 AM | Show all posts
Reply  #156 eastrun's post

  1. by eastrun:

  2. See what Allah said about repent and the sins:

  3. "O ye who believe! Turn to Allah with sincere repentance: In the

  4. hope that your Lord will remove from you your ills and admit you to

  5. Gardens beneath which Rivers flow,- the Day that Allah will not permit

  6. to be humiliated the Prophet and those who believe with him. Their

  7. Light will run forward before them and by their right hands, while they

  8. say, "Our Lord! Perfect our Light for us, and grant us Forgiveness: for

  9. Thou hast power over all things." (Suran At-Tahrim 66:8)

  10. When you repent Allah will forgive you, so you are clean.See this:

  11. "And those who, having done something to be ashamed of, or

  12. wronged their own souls, earnestly bring Allah to mind, and ask for

  13. forgiveness for their sins,- and who can forgive sins except Allah.-

  14. and are never obstinate in persisting knowingly in (the wrong) they

  15. have done."(Surah Al-Imran 3:135)

  16. You don't have to get into the animal or etc just to clean your

  17. sins.It is simple...ask forgiveness from Allah. That's make you

  18. realized that we are human being and not God who is flawless.
Copy the Code

This what you call chiplak. Mohammed followed what Christians believe. Come Sunday make confession and all will be well. No wonder Muslims are sinning everyday of their life because they believe all sins would be forgiven because they repent and because they are Muslims. Dreamers dream.

  1. :

  2. Other than Church they also used Temple of Satan.See this:

  3. They estblished that in order to mock the Christianity. Since you

  4. raised the issue, can I say that you are supporting them in mocking the

  5. Christianity?


  7. The best part of it Mosque of Satan...Hehehehe...Why they used Temple?. .Is it because your religion is related with them?.
Copy the Code

Temple is a house of GOD while a Mosque is place where Islamic political strategy is ploted. Followers gather there to plan their vengance against non Muslims.

  1. :

  2. If you are should be able to stay younger and strong at

  3. all time.I confess that I am a human therefore I am weak. You also

  4. cannot be anything.But you said you are this and that...but at the end

  5. you are still a human, getting older and die . God is getting older and die?.Hahahahaha
Copy the Code

Simplton as you would not know that my soul has nop death. This body I posses is like a rented car. When it breaks down I just dump it and get another. I'll hope on to my next vehicle to ride on till my mission here completed.

  1. by eastrun:

  2. Explained and He did all in six days.No verse saying He rested on

  3. the 7th Day in the Holy Quran. You read small part, then you claimed

  4. you read the whole scripture..Ahakz..Oops...I almost laugh once

  5. again.Cannot 'tahan ' anymore....HAHAHAHA
Copy the Code

So, Islam is not the continuation of the OT? Can you swear by your Quran? As far as I know in the OT it says GOD rested on the 7th day and you deny that which means Mohammed created a new religion taking some of the contents in the OT to make it more realiztic. Is that what you are implying?

  1. by eastrun:

  2. I asked you to compare the verse.Yes, the choice of words are different

  3. but the meanings are the same.See the verse and compare.No translation

  4. saying that Allah is WEAK!!. You tried to twist by saying that

  5. different translation talking about different things, without comparing

  6. them first. Compare them now!!!.

  7. And..don't tell me that the VEDAS were translated by only a

  8. translator..they must be many translators translated the scriptures.So,

  9. why don't you count on that too?.For me it is simple..same thing, but

  10. different choice of word..
Copy the Code

Yeh! Yeh! The is a trick Mohammed created in order to win over othes. When question Muslims point to the hadith but when question the hadith they point to the Quran. Which ever way they want to win and that is like a slippery eel. Playing catch me if you can uh!?

[ Last edited by  barney50 at 29-3-2007 07:13 AM ]

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Post time 29-3-2007 06:48 PM | Show all posts

Reply #158 barney50's post

That is what a Muslim will say. He dare not say what his heart feels. Knowing that there are flaws a Muslim has to shut his mouth and swalow the bitterness. He has to defend his religious flaws at all cost even though he knows he cannot. So, my dear fellow you can calim it is flawless but we know it has and we dare tell you. But its a pity and I feel sorry for you as you have to live with myths and lies all life long.

My answer:
If I am shaken, I won't reveal any Quranic verses here. Because I am confident that my book is perfect. And then, I revealed my book to a Hindus like you..who just only read small part of scripture and say you know the whole scripture. So, up to you say my book got flaws or not because reading small part of it won't proof anything.I am feel so sorry, even many times explained, you still go to other sources first before going to Quran. That's why in your head Quran got flaws, but for Muslims who read the whole Quran many -many times, know the Book is perfect and you claimed are wrong.
All hadiths are fake. Quran does not ask Muslims to refer to hadith but its Muslims who have created hadith and say it is sunnah of their prophet. Mohammed's duty as  according to Quran and Allah was only to depart the message but later on with the strenght and power accorded to him by his followers he became a dictator and ordered punishment and all other things at his whimps and fancies. You cannot just defend by saying the hadith is the wisdom of Islam. If hadith is the wisdom then what is the Quran? And now, the Quran means nothing to Muslims but hadith is everything

My answer:

You see..this what I am trying to tell you above.Explained with the evidences from the scriptures, but still you understand not.Still going to hadith first, and then going to Quran. Hadith and sunnah is different but still have connection.In Islam, the Arabic word sunnah has come to denote the way Prophet Muhammad (saas), the Messenger of Allah, lived his life. The Sunnah is the second source of Islamic jurisprudence, the first being the Qur'an. Both sources are indispensable; one cannot practice Islam without consulting both of them. The Arabic word hadith (pl. ahadith) is very similar to Sunnah, but not identical. A hadith is a narration about the life of the Prophet (saas) or what he approved - as opposed to his life itself, which is the Sunnah as already mentioned.

Quran is the leader of the hadith. So, by that you can refer which hadith is true and fake.

I am not saying the hadith is the wisdom of Islam,I said Wisdom of Muhammad that Allah has given to him to reveal the Quran physically.Explained, but unfortunately, you always go another way around,
Well, you brain is small and cannot comprehend what it means to say so then it is ok. It is shamless that you do not know the spiritual value of soul because Islam is not a religion that teaches such. Islam had only thought its followers to fight for the cause of Allah and talk about how Muslims must convert the whole world and subject them to some idiology similar to communism. Convert to Islam for what? Just to wait for the judgement day to be transported to paradise? You in a hurry to see the 72 virgins?

My answer:
See..explained, and once again you act like a stupid Hindu, in order to say you are right, you repeat and repeat the same things.Well.. maybe your head to big like an alien, until keep thinking something that you cannot imagine. Virgins?.I have explained this and you keep repeating this, meaning that you are so desperate for the virgins which Muslims know that they are only a parable in the paradise.And...war...looks like you also desperate for that where Muslims know that Islam taught nothing about that.Seed of violence.
To you it is not but we can see it is. You are bound by oath to protect Islam although it has flaws. You cannot utter a word of blashpmey and if you did you'd be charged by the syariah court. Fear has blinded your intelligent to ask question the authenticity of the Quran. That is because you have been brainwashed like a programed robot to accept lies

My answer:
Huh...reading a small part,and the you can see the whole picture?.You must be kidding. About the charge of Syariah court, that one you made your own law. By the way, I feel, the more you talk, the more flaws about yourself you revealed.Just read a small part and then asking someone who has nothing to do about Quran, and then you accept it.Then who is a true liar here?.
Can I make a child learn an adult material? You behave like a child and it is useless and waste of time discussing such matters to children. Because children only like fairy tales

My answer:
Then, disperse la the rezeki, if you can.Changing the topic once you failed.Stupid old man.
Did the trumpets blew when 200,000 life perished in the Tsunami? Yours is a failry tale and so believe if you want. Did the trumpets blew when it rained forty days and forty nights when the family of Noah alone was saved and all the rest were wiped out? My dear fellow you are have been injected with lie syrum. Wake and face the fact.

My answer:
Hahaha...the tsunami not the end of the world and the rain which Noah suffered not the end of the world also.The trumpet will b blew when the world destroyed and we will be gathered at a place called Padang Masyhar.I said about the Judgement Day but you changed the topic to disasters.Read carefully before comment.Or better read the whole Quran first

[ Last edited by  eastrun at 29-3-2007 07:06 PM ]

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Post time 29-3-2007 07:03 PM | Show all posts

Reply #158 barney50's post

This what you call chiplak. Mohammed followed what Christians believe. Come Sunday make confession and all will be well. No wonder Muslims are sinning everyday of their life because they believe all sins would be forgiven because they repent and because they are Muslims. Dreamers dream.

My answer:
Hek eleh...Christian faith is totally different with Islam even though believe in the same God. The Christian make the confession to the priest, but Muslims make the confession direct to Allah. Of course la we have to ask forgiveness everyday because we are humans which are not flawless.Everytime we do wrongdoings and then we repent.That's not dreaming, that is reality

About you, when you do wrongdoings, you feel happy.That's why you call yourself God.Dreaming to be flawless

"Doth not man see that it is We Who created him from sperm? yet behold! he (stands forth) as an open adversary!.And he makes comparisons for Us, and forgets his own (origin and) Creation: He says, "Who can give life to (dry) bones and decomposed ones (at that)?"(Surah Yaasiin 36:77~78)
So, Islam is not the continuation of the OT? Can you swear by your Quran? As far as I know in the OT it says GOD rested on the 7th day and you deny that which means Mohammed created a new religion taking some of the contents in the OT to make it more realiztic. Is that what you are implying?

My answer:
It is continuation as well as RE-CORRECTING the previous scriptures.I have explained this. Still not able to understand ,old man?.Allah is true:

"As to those who reject Faith, it is the same to them whether thou warn them or do not warn them; they will not believe."(Surah Al-Baqarah 2:6). Subhanallah!!

Yeh! Yeh! The is a trick Mohammed created in order to win over othes. When question Muslims point to the hadith but when question the hadith they point to the Quran. Which ever way they want to win and that is like a slippery eel. Playing catch me if you can uh

My answer:
Eh!..out of topic...I asked you to compare the verses with different translations, in order to proof that they are talking the same things or not, but this is your answer?.Did I ask you to refer to Hadith before the Quran?.My goodness, your brain just cannot remember what we have talked about, within a day.No wonder la, worshipping the idols will always produce a fool..just like the idols.

"This is the Book; in it is guidance sure, without doubt, to those who fear Allah."
(Surah Al-Baqarah 2:1)

[ Last edited by  eastrun at 29-3-2007 07:05 PM ]

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