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Sexless marriage, stay or just build new life?

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Post time 11-1-2021 12:11 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by green~tea at 11-1-2021 12:12 PM

I ada 4 KRTs yang diluahkan kepada i, bukan bertujuan utk tolong selesaikan problem diorang, tp more to luahan supaya their emotional burden can be eased or lifted off a bit...
1. kisah pertama, this one lady dah berkawin selama 10 tahun, tp lately kerap pulak dia kena follow up ke hospital, sbb dia ada inflammation to her body disebabkan depression... i tanya, why are you so depressed? your career is good, ada title Dr, climbing up the career ladder so fast.. ada good daughter yang dah bersekolah di international school, good surroundings.... then maybe dia dah tak tahan simpan sorang, dia vented to me that the last time she had sex with her husband was 10 years ago, masa 1st few months of marriage, lepas tested positive pregnancy, the husband terus stopped totally have sex with her, until now... but because what they have together currently is so beautiful, good house, cars, daughter yang cerdik, so my friend just decide to stay.... walaupun slowly decision dia tu memakan diri... i cuma mampu mendengar sahaja.... i cant force her to do anything, sbb any decision relies on her own strength and consideration..

2. kisah kedua, sex life is great, tp berkahwin dengan super biawak... my friend ni mmg decided to stay lah, walau anak 4 orang, and husband paling banyak pun kasi duit topup henpon je sebulan rm10, tu pun selepas pau duit mak dia sendiri... my friend ni la yang provide tanggungan sekolah anak2, sediakan rumah, sediakan kereta... husband? siang hari heols akan balik rumah parents dia utk tido sbb nak elak kena bebel dgn my friend ni.. malam baru balik utk main2 ngn anak2 kejap sblm tido... and that cycle berterusan for more than 10 years dah... i cuma jadi tempat kawan i meroyan lah, dengar je, dah boring kot nak nasihat apa2,, sbb keputusannya sama je, dia nak stay... just because sex is great ( i saspek laki dia mendadih... sbb penampilan mcm busuk je)

3. my friend lagi sorang plak dah kawen for more than 20 yrs... no kids.. no sex at all dah... husband bukan biawak.. tp they're just married for companionship. cuma dia meluahkan kat i she's envious tengok other couple mesra and look at each other dgn horny... hahahah.. regardless, she still live life to the fullest.. hepikan diri dengan shopping lavishly beli handbag minimum price RM20k each bag... beli intan berlian pelbagai set dan warna... well as long as it makes her happy.. but i do notice she stressed sometimes...

4. satu lagi kisah, she decides to end the marriage due to the sexless marriage and start a new life... tp banyaklah yang kena sacrifice, in order to end a marraige properly, kena make it right... and to start a new one pun bukan senang, sbb nak cari spouse yang berkualiti lengkap nafkah zahir batin tu bukan senang.. but memandangkan dia dah berpengalaman in a marriage, she knows what kind of quality to look at... so my friend yang ni less unnecessary stress lah the way i look at it... bukan takde masalah langsung, sbb setiap orang pun selagi hidup ni pasti akan melalui pahit getir dalam kehidupan....

apa pandangan korang?

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Post time 11-1-2021 12:36 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Hebat la u .

Duti banyak


Kerja hebat..

Suami hebat..

Kawan2 pon carik..


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Post time 11-1-2021 12:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by adelea at 11-1-2021 12:45 PM

paling kesian kat yg no sex no kids
20 years married

i kenal sorang laki ni
married for 20 years , no kids
dont know if he still having sex with his wife

they just bertahan sbb both have a good career and aset ..
mmg masa tua terjamin and can take care of other ..

just like that ..
though cara dia cerita wife dia macam x kisah pon dia xde  , klu bercerai pon x pa ..
ntahhh la kita ni dgr jer
nak nasihat pon depa dah tua
ppandai2 laaa

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 Author| Post time 11-1-2021 12:38 PM | Show all posts
Edited by green~tea at 11-1-2021 12:41 PM

dah tua, banyak le kawannya...
kerjaya hebat? i dah resign this month you.. i have nothing to be proud of anymore.. heheh
my husband did say dia mmg lagi suka i duduk rumah, jadi home maker, though it may sound like him being selfish and he is sorry for having that selfish feeling.. dia harap i dpt manage this home well...

oh maybe i can be proud of baking good cookies for my family and friends... tu je lah... huhuhu


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Post time 11-1-2021 12:42 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
1, 3, 4 tu lakinya gay atau asexual? kalau aku dapat laki asexual bersyukur haa sis, sbb aku kalau kawin pon sekadar nak halal bff bukan utk sex gay taknak nnt semburit kat blkg aku eeww

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 Author| Post time 11-1-2021 12:43 PM | Show all posts
adelea replied at 11-1-2021 12:37 PM
paling kesian kat yg no sex no kids
20 years married

itu lah.. some people choose to bertahan because they have good asset and other life (material).... so they're just there for companionship.. syahdu je dengar kan... cuma best laa tengok derang boleh gi overseas trip just for a drive kat US, canada, OZ, europe... or sometimes diorang gi overseas just for shopping.. contoh pi yangun utk borong jewelries ratus ribu.. i tengok dia belanja pun seram, credit limit CC 150k .. hahahha

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 Author| Post time 11-1-2021 12:44 PM | Show all posts
bakingsoda replied at 11-1-2021 12:42 PM
1, 3, 4 tu lakinya gay atau asexual? kalau aku dapat laki asexual bersyukur haa sis, sbb aku kalau k ...

i put it as general terms sajork... for husnuzon purposes, kita anggap je lah asexual khuensss....  

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Post time 11-1-2021 12:54 PM | Show all posts
yang point no. 2 tu, kawan iols pernah cerita, dia ada member ppuan yg sibuk bela laki mendadih.. rupanya sbb great sex.. dorang kata kalau tgh high, boleh pergi jauh

so, i rasa spekuan uols mcm betul je.. sanggup stay sbb nak sedap..

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Post time 11-1-2021 01:01 PM | Show all posts

for ladies yang masih virgin .... some of them, i think.... ok kot kalu takde sexs in her marriage.
ade je I dengar cerita yang ... wife ditinggal kan suami selepas beberapa hari berkahwin... n belum disentuh...but...the wife...decided not to do anything.... walaupun dah berbelas tahun....

however, if dilihat, ladies yang dah ada anak...i mean...dah taste sexs... lepas divorce ... not just because of sexs of course... tend to remarried.... because of..companionship...and.. probably the intimate touch of a man as secondary reason....

tp ade juga ladies yang stay jadi single mother .... tak remarried lepas divorce kan...


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Post time 11-1-2021 01:09 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 11-1-2021 12:43 PM
itu lah.. some people choose to bertahan because they have good asset and other life (material)... ...

yup bini kawan i ti selalu je p oversea
wpun laki dia x ikut ...  merayap satu europe
shoping henbeg memahal
and selalu check in hotel  5 star kat malaysia lmkst evey month just utk kepuasan

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Post time 11-1-2021 01:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
awanysss replied at 11-1-2021 12:54 PM
yang point no. 2 tu, kawan iols pernah cerita, dia ada member ppuan yg sibuk bela laki mendadih.. ru ...

kan hari ada thread pasal pompuan tu nak cerai ... sbb x bebas tapi tak leh nak cerai sbb dia ketagih sex ... and dia takut dia berzina

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Post time 11-1-2021 01:13 PM | Show all posts
sex is very important in life...masakan tuhan create nafsu utk setiap manusia...

life without sex is meaningless...that is why many andartu are depressed...they talk to cats


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 Author| Post time 11-1-2021 01:23 PM | Show all posts
ok i ada satu lagi cerita, kawan i share kat group... dia malas nak tepek story sini, dia suruh i taip je lah.. dasar gedik khuens... dia nak SR jea sini  

kawan to my BFF ni.. berkahwin semata sbb orang keliling (parents and families) dah bising umur nak masuk 30.... so dia sauk je sesapa elgible bachelor yang direkemen tu..

end up lepas kawen, dia sedar yang dia takleh nak mengangkang dekat husband dia tu sbb takde rasa cinta... emmmm.... then after 1 year, divorced, tp sbb family bising, dia cam cuba pujuk exhusband dia tu utk rujuk, kira nak give 2nd chance laa samada bleh sleep ke tidak.. tp that guy dah tanak rujuk, rela menyingle dari kawen dgn my BFF friend ni.. huhuh

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 Author| Post time 11-1-2021 01:25 PM | Show all posts
ifanonline replied at 11-1-2021 01:13 PM
sex is very important in life...masakan tuhan create nafsu utk setiap manusia...

life without sex ...

why get married kalo tak suka sex? tak ke menyiksa the other partner?
bg i, tujuan berkahwin tu sendiri utk menghalalkan sex... tp it should come with responsibilities (maka wujudlah tanggungjawab nafkah zahir dan batin, bukan takat cret, dpt anak pastu berambus or jadi bewakkk)

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Post time 11-1-2021 01:26 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Pandangan i kelam skit. Ekekeke
Apo kawin no sex.
Baik betapa kt gunung tahan.
Untung2 jd legenda bak walinong sari.
Dah bye.

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 Author| Post time 11-1-2021 01:29 PM | Show all posts
adelea replied at 11-1-2021 01:10 PM
kan hari ada thread pasal pompuan tu nak cerai ... sbb x bebas tapi tak leh nak cerai sbb dia keta ...

i have seen this with my very own eyes... kawan i tak terurus dah rupanya sbb kena urus semua sendiri sorang2... jaga anak 4.. baju kusam asal bertutup aurat nya... penat seharian buat baking etc (sheols meniaga food frozen home made)... tp laki mcm babi jeeeeeee tak kasi duit apa...

i ckp kat kawan i... u nak cerita luah kan apa2 dipersilakan, tp jangan marah kalo i memaki2 husband dia masa bercerita tu sbb i pun takleh tahan laaahhh... but i do understand that she needs sex... nak cari baru pun kawan i tak yakin ada lagi laki nak kat dia selain husband bewak dia ni..
i tatau cemane nak advise kawan i dah ni... just mampu doa urusan dia dipermudahkan urusan je

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 Author| Post time 11-1-2021 01:33 PM | Show all posts
mikey.zid replied at 11-1-2021 01:01 PM
for ladies yang masih virgin .... some of them, i think.... ok kot kalu takde sexs in her marriage ...

maybe yang stay single mother tu, dah traumatized... kita taktau ape yang dia dah lalui masa berkahwin kan...

for me, i remarry, sbb kebahagiaan satu perkahwinan tu bergantung pada both individuals yang usaha to reciprocate in that marriage.. bahagia bukan pada certification itu, tp bahagia terletak pada suami isteri yang sama2 usaha utk tu

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Post time 11-1-2021 02:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sexless marriage? Then buat apa kawin?

Kes pertama tu mcm kes Kat Ipoh yg aku kenal. Rasa ya hubby Tak love wife sebab kawin kena perangkap Kat kelantan. Hubby ada gf. Both are doctors.

Dulu hubby kerja Kat Arab. Now Kat vietnam pula. Heading a hospital. Rasa PJJ ni dah more than 10yrs. Daughter pun sek international

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Post time 11-1-2021 02:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ape yg tkut sgt nk build new life? Ramai je yg hidup single..tgk org sekeliling bercampur dgn org xde la sunyi hidup..drp hidup dgn partner w/o sex yg penting itew..nk tnye la kalo xde sex, masih ade kasih dan sayang ke?

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Post time 11-1-2021 02:35 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Teruskan. Bercinta semula, cari masa sesuai luahkan dari hati ke hati..
Cari happiness sesama..

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