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Author: xyla73

[tvN/Netflix] Bulgasal : Immortal Souls (Lee Jin Wook, Kwon Nara, Lee Joon, Gong Seung Yeon)

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Post time 5-1-2022 10:04 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
1.  Eul tae a bulgasal older than Hwal (yg hwal ni kita kira timeline dia jd bulgasal 600 thn dulu soul dia transfer)

2.  Sang woon originally a bulgasal (curi Hwal soul 600 years ago to become human and reincarnated max 8x) pun actually a bulgasal yg hidup lebih lama ( before joseon era where hwal was born into)

3. Dan Hwal , a boy born in the joseon era that already been cursed inside his mother womb? Who cursed him? Bulgasal. What is the cursed about? To become bulgasal again??  So cycle bulgasal ni kalau dia nak mati dia kena ada human soul.  So he actually reincarnated again thats why he was carrying the curse. Ini teori if cursed dia  mcm sang woon n her twin. Mati then reincarnated. 

Tapi during joseon era, hwal takde memori pulak ye tentang kehidupan lama as bulgasal. Sbb dia kan human until soul transfered tu . Ini kalau cursed dia dr sblm lahir tu sama dgn cursed the sangwoon n her twin la. Reincarnated with memories intact. Even all the other monsters pun memories derang intact kan sbb tu they hunting hwal soul sbb hwal bunuh derang. Tp hwal takde plak memories apa2 kan sblm jd bulgasal. So sumpahan berbeza ke mcm mana?

Eul tae ada dendam dgn sangwoon selepas soul transfer dgn hwal ke sebelum?? Did i miss anything kat sini?  Apa sebab dia berdendam dgn sangwoon sedangkan dulu sama2 hidup as bulgasal?

Ke dendam sama je mcm monster lain..iaitu dendam dgn hwal soul sbb hwal buru n bunuh mereka zaman dulu tu?  Mcm petty plak. I expect more than that to hold such a grudge for hundred of years.

With such strong grudges i expect yg 3 org ni  (eul tae, hwal, sangwoon) ada connection way before that joseon era. But hwal as bulgasal does not remember. Memori dia cuma setakat dr joseon era je not before that. But eul tak mcm tau more than that. Sbb beriya dia saiko hwal jgn percaya sangwoon, they are on the same side but sangwoon is their common enemies. Even sang woon twin pun tau pasal  scar kat tgn hwal since he was jauh memori twin tu.

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Post time 5-1-2022 10:07 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
akuchenta replied at 3-1-2022 10:11 PM
Best jgk drama ni..

Jgn2 sebelum lahir sbg Hwal, mereka berdua (Hwal & Bulgasal perempuan) bercinta ...

Ini possible jugak kan sbb it seems like eul tak, hwal and sangwoon ada connection. This is way before joseon era cycle la. But si ho fit kat mana dlm era ni?

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 Author| Post time 5-1-2022 11:33 AM | Show all posts
sitisbp replied at 5-1-2022 10:04 AM
1.  Eul tae a bulgasal older than Hwal (yg hwal ni kita kira timeline dia jd bulgasal 600 thn du ...

ke Eul Tae tu memang bulgasal drpd awal, bukan bulgasal disebabkan soul transfer?
so originally there were 2 bulgasals...Eul Tae & the lady bulgasal? tapi xtau siapa yg curse Hwal before he was born...

then something happen between the 2 bulgasals...macam yg Eul Tae cakaplah, sedangkan manusia dgn manusia pun berbunuh2an, bulgasal dgn bulgasal pun boleh jadi enemy...

the missing info here is the era sebelum Hwal dilahirkan as a cursed human being, apa yg jadi masa tu...ada grudges ke antara dua2 bulgasal tu and how Hwal come into the picture?


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 Author| Post time 5-1-2022 10:43 PM | Show all posts
meh kita berteka-teki pasal lukisan ni...the lady tu kita tau Min Sang Un/Yeon when she was a bulgasal...
tapi yg lelaki tu siapa? Eul Tae ke Hwal?
kenapa derang membelakangkan each other?
lukisan ni dilukis masa era bila?
lukisan portrait Min Sang Un/Yeon yg macam ratu tu masa bila pulak?

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Post time 6-1-2022 12:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 5-1-2022 11:33 AM
ke Eul Tae tu memang bulgasal drpd awal, bukan bulgasal disebabkan soul transfer?
so originally t ...

I pun assume Eul tae masih original bulgasal tak pernah soul transfer jd human. Tp yg lady tu..kan dia dah benci hwal masa 600yrs ago. Masa scene tikam pedang tu cara dia ckp hwal yg mulakan cycle tu, and menyebabkan lagi ramai dpt bad karma, i assume lady tu maksud kan anak, wife n fil hwal. Kiranya sapa ada connection dgn hwal akan terpalit dgn bad karma tu.
Backtrack scene tu sikit....gokok/soul tu human soul hwal kan yg transfer ke lady bulgasal. Hwal mcm mati sekejap masa tu..lepas human soul tu keluar baru dia sedar balik as bulgasal. So i assume, hwal asalnya mmg bulgasal. Dia yg curi human soul n nak hidup as human. Sbb apa? Mungkin jatuh cinta dgn manusia hahahah . Kena tunggu la kot ada nnt asal usul hwal yg sebenar.

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Post time 6-1-2022 12:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by sitisbp at 6-1-2022 01:04 PM
xyla73 replied at 5-1-2022 10:43 PM
meh kita berteka-teki pasal lukisan ni...the lady tu kita tau Min Sang Un/Yeon when she was a bulgas ...

Lukisan yg mcm ratu tu kan, reincarnated monster yg lukis. Tu yg monster gigi huduh tu. Dia bgtau bulgasal hwal yg dia bunuh pompuan tu. Dia juga yg bgtau hwal pasal lelaki ada dark hole pun cari pompuan ni. Zaman moden dia kaya n jd pembunuh anak2 yatim tu kan. Hmmm kiranya monster2 yg human hwal bunuh tu pun terpalit bad karma mcm yg lady bulgasal ckp. Sbb sepatutnya monster tak reincarnated as human, tp now they are.

Yg lukisan ni i tak dpt nak ss n zoom in. Kat scene yg nampak penuh drawing  ni, tepi kanan mcm ada satu lg bulgasal/ human baju merah. So total 3 la. Maybe Eul Tae, Hwal n lady bulgasal


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Post time 6-1-2022 07:24 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by akuchenta at 6-1-2022 07:28 PM
sitisbp replied at 5-1-2022 10:04 AM
1.  Eul tae a bulgasal older than Hwal (yg hwal ni kita kira timeline dia jd bulgasal 600 thn du ...

Myb hwal-sang woon-eul tak cinta 3 segi sebelum hwal lahir sbg manusia

Hwal-sang woon love each other & eul tak pulak suka sang woon tapi sangwoon suka hwal

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 Author| Post time 6-1-2022 08:35 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tertarik pulak kat satu komen kat soompi tu pasal pakaian adik-beradik Min ni…Si Ho pakaian dia agak trendy tapi Sang Woon mcm acik2 je…ada corak bunga2 besar…maybe this is intentional & ada kena-mengena dgn how writer define their characters…

Same goes to Eul Tae & Hwal…Eul Tae pandai berfesyen & live in luxury tapi Hwal is minimalist…kalau dia ada byk gold bar pun dia x tunjuk…

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 Author| Post time 7-1-2022 08:04 PM | Show all posts
akuchenta replied at 6-1-2022 07:24 PM
Myb hwal-sang woon-eul tak cinta 3 segi sebelum hwal lahir sbg manusia

Hwal-sang woon love each o ...

possible...ingat tak Eul Tae baring kat katil Sang Woon lepas dia belek2 buku nota Sang Yeon tu...mcm pervert je reaksi dia

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 Author| Post time 9-1-2022 12:00 AM | Show all posts
Edited by xyla73 at 9-1-2022 12:26 AM

epi 7 best giler...
the plot twist...patutlah rasa pelik je apsal Do Yoon tu tiba2 nak tumpang rumah Hwal...
tapi iols rasa Eul Tae just gunakan dia je...
and what's the connection between Sang Un & Eul Tae?
kalau dia kata dia nak end dia punya suffering, bukan ke kalau Sang Un mati he will feel the pain too?
ke dia cuma rasa the pain bila org lain yg buat apa2 kat Sang Un? tapi kalau dia sendiri yg buat takpe?
sebab Sang Un mati kat tangan dia during her previous life...

notice the color tone bertukar at the end of the episode masa Hwal piggy back Sang Un tu...
when the camera fokus kat bunga daisy tu & then it slowly change to the brighter color...


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 Author| Post time 9-1-2022 12:47 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Btw hampir semua watak dlm citer ni have sad backstory…even the shaman lady…and I believe Eul Tae pun x terkecuali cuma kita belum tau lagi the full story…

I’m curious sbnrnya Do Yoon ni siapa pada Eul Tae…senyuman dia memancar cerah bila tau Do Yoon datang…i don’t think it’s merely sebab Do Yoon akan bagi laporan apa yg berlaku kat Hwal…I understand he’s being 1000 years old he might be lonely at some point..tapi kalau nak buat kawan lepak2, kenapa Do Yoon?

I remember ada komen netizen yg meratib persoalkan kenapa Do Yoon senang2 je x takut menempel kat Hwal…so epi 7 explain the reason…that’s why jgn cepat terburu2 buat kesimpulan…

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Post time 9-1-2022 01:33 AM | Show all posts
ep 7

oh my god....i tengok yg tak ade subtitle dulu and i terkejut ...Do Yoon......Eul Tae?

and  something else is developing  here is it? hmm....rajin nyer pak cik Hwal  tu je carry  Sang Eun...

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Post time 9-1-2022 03:00 AM | Show all posts
okay dah tengok ep 7 with subtitles.

Eh seriously jahatnye Ok Eul Tae and Do Yoon - well now we know Do Yoon's brother tu sedang sakit and Eul tae ni yg biayai  kos rawatannya, no wonder...

Ok Eul Ate 's  weakness is Sang Yeun - okay we sort of figure that ...i mean dari ep 4 pun bila ok Eul tae berria ria nak kill Sang Yein tu kita tahulah this lady ade significant.

Is there something else going on masa babak akhir sekali ?

Anyway sedihnya trailer ep 8 .....

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Post time 9-1-2022 03:05 AM | Show all posts
cantik scenic view laut tu ...and motel tepi laut tu ingatkan i padaaaa Hometown chachacha hahaaa...seriously...and guess what  malam ni nampak dua pemandangan laut dalam 2 drama berbeza , satu lagi NWABU.

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Post time 9-1-2022 03:06 AM | Show all posts
i hope Hwal tak ape ape , and more bold move from Sang Yeun , selama ni dia berlakon damsel in distress...

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Post time 9-1-2022 12:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tgk past life dorg ni semua tragic.

Eul Tae nak bunuh Sang Woon sbb nk ending his pain. Tapi, kalau Sang Woon sakit, dia pun boleh rasa. Apa agaknya connection dorg 2 ni in past life? Dorg 2 kongsi soul ke?

Hwal nak bunuh sang woon sbb nk amik balik soul dia.

Eps 8 nmpk mcm sang woon ingat balik memories dia..

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Post time 9-1-2022 04:06 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
akuchenta replied at 9-1-2022 12:41 PM
Tgk past life dorg ni semua tragic.

Eul Tae nak bunuh Sang Woon sbb nk ending his pain. Tapi, kala ...

Pelik connection eul tae dgn sang un ni. Ikut pemahaman Gapsangoe, if dia bunuh sang un, eul tae pun akan terkesan la kan sbb yg 50 years ago dia nampak eul tae bunuh/ tikam hwa yeon and eul tae cedera at the same spot yg tikam. Mula2 ingatkan eul tae pun mati tp,  eul tae hanya cedera kesakitan je la...tak mati sekali. Tertipu kejap dgn kata2 Gapsangoe pasal dark hole fall apart tu. Cehh.. kalau tak senang keje hwal...bunuh sang un..eul tae pun mati sekali

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 Author| Post time 9-1-2022 05:47 PM | Show all posts
Edited by xyla73 at 9-1-2022 06:27 PM

[OST Part 2] Tunnel - Kim Yeji (with KARDI)

Lyrics : Janet Suhh

Lyrics Translation :
On cold fingertips
What I couldn't reach
Those memories that were just sent away

I didn't want to feel
in the many wounds
I'll follow the unknown road again

Someday I've been here
Darkness often flows
Where am I in the frozen time

To hurt my heart
Even if I hold on to you
Fate turns and turns
and swallows me up

In the dark tunnel
can't see anything

Sharp in one hand
Tired of fate
When will the end be seen

time passes again
fall deeper

On this dark road
what will light me up

My night is dyed black
I'm out of breath
I don't know anymore, here I am

In the dark tunnel
can't see anything

Sharp in one hand
tired of fate
When will the end be seen

time passes again
fall deeper

On this dark road
what will light me up

In the passing memory
lonely lonely
I cried like a child back then

in the dark tunnel
I can't see anything
nothing for me
Only sadness that didn't exist

sharp in one hand
tired of fate
When will the end be seen

time passes again
fall deeper

fall deeper


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Post time 9-1-2022 07:02 PM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 9-1-2022 07:08 PM

Hehehe babak i suke "

Dan Hwal ~to Sang Yeun - you are heavy ( selambak aje cakap , muka selambak je  hahahaa)  , then  habis kene leter  hahahah bukan i heavy tapi rangka i besaq hahahaha

Dan Hwal - my name is  Dan Hwal ..stop calling  me  'hey', it's distracting.


dia dokong Sang yeun tu best hahahah angkat macam angkat guni beras pada kali pertama tu, now secong time kene dokong dah pandai ...hahahahah

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Post time 9-1-2022 08:36 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 9-1-2022 07:02 PM
Hehehe babak i suke "

Dan Hwal ~to Sang Yeun - you are heavy ( selambak aje cakap , muka selambak j ...

I plak rasa a bit uneasy bila scene dukung n hwal bg nama dia. Sbb dah mcm ada Stockholm syndrome la pulak sang un bila dia pasrah/ trust n lean down ke bahu hwal. Hwal pun dah start nampak softie ke sang un. Ehhhh kang nnt ujung2 acaner nak kill each other

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