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Author: maklukpenggoda

[Dunia] Rakyat Malaysia mangsa diskriminasi perkauman di Korea Selatan

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Post time 5-4-2024 12:40 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tak penah experience camtu sepanjang gi korea.. yang aku pernah experience kena kejar dgn korean sbb deme nak bergambar... siap gambar aiols masuk blog..

Pehtu ahjumma ada jugak cakap2 dalam bahasa korea and tegur aiols mcm terkejut wah wah gitu.... pastu anak dia tersipu2 ckp.. sorry mak dia jakun sikit.. "my mom says you're beautiful"

Sorry angkat bakul.. tp itu reality orang2 korea suka tengok aiols

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Post time 5-4-2024 12:43 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

Kena buli masa fansign
Inikan pula yang tak popular
Pendek kata
Deme ni nak dunia terima budaya deme
Tapi deme memang payah nak terima dunia luar
Macik ramai kawan KS
Tapi elok aje perangainye
Biasa lah
Memana negara pun ada rakyat iq ortodoks

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Post time 5-4-2024 01:23 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nasib lah tak pernah minat Kdrama or penyanyi.. hanya satu pelakon jer guwe retire kot dr pelakon namanya Wonbin senior yg lahir 1977.. Autumn in my heart and dram Friends 2002 ke.. Tp setakat ini alhamdulillah tak pernah lagi kena diskriminasi oleh foreigner

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Post time 5-4-2024 01:34 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
org korea pandang tinggi kt omputeh ler tu, bangsa2 south east asian ni depa anggap level bawahan dr depa.. sama la cam org malaysia pun, omputeh bimbo disanjung, indon bangla pinoy yg ada degree ada master pun tetap org malaysia pndg kuli jer.. padahal omputeh bkn pandai mana pun

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Post time 5-4-2024 01:35 AM | Show all posts
dua_chzy replied at 4-4-2024 11:04 PM
Kena sebab kita Malaysia ni negara miskin mundur lowly inferior - bagi meka.

Tak semua la. Orang  ...

nope! kalo malaysian yg ada rupa dan reti bergaya akan menerima layanan yg berbeza..

dulu kat dalam rancangan chit chat with beautiful ladies ada Sophia Ridza aka kakak Aiman Ridza siap ada mamat korean tergila2 lagi..sbb die ada rupa and fashionable la gak

yg kena discriminate ni mesti jenis2 minah yg selekeh yg x reti bergaya


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Post time 5-4-2024 02:23 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 5-4-2024 12:40 AM
Tak penah experience camtu sepanjang gi korea.. yang aku pernah experience kena kejar dgn korean sbb ...

Meh gambo atau auta semata

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Post time 5-4-2024 05:25 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Melayu pemuja kpop. Ini mkn dia. Org Korea layan korang mcm sampah tp korang layan org Korea mcm raja

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Post time 5-4-2024 05:27 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
aijinmisaki replied at 5-4-2024 02:23 AM
Meh gambo atau auta semata

Ko anggap je lah aku auta....

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Post time 5-4-2024 05:37 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dua_chzy replied at 4-4-2024 10:28 PM
Bukan sebab kau cantik la. Sebab kau kokesen jah! Tu deol sembah kau!

Aku teringat sorang pompuan m ...

Tak semestinya kokesen. Kalau kulit cerah dan tinggi, muka unik, walaupun pakai tudung, diorang jaki jugak. My wife pegi korea girls' trip, kawan2 dia mmg sebelah mata pun diorang x pandang. My wife smp ada yg nak bergambar. Dia kulit cerah pale, tinggi nak dekat 170 and lean. Tp takut jugak la, ada lelaki2 korea nak tumpangkan kereta, walaupun mungkin niat diorang baik.

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Post time 5-4-2024 05:39 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kahkahkahkah sewajarnya aku tak pernah teringin nak pergi South Korea . Baik aku pergi South Africa...lagi best. Padan muka acik acik gundu feeling pentaksub kpop...

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Post time 5-4-2024 05:40 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 4-4-2024 10:39 PM
ada tengok bideo kat IG, amoi singapore nih dimaki hamun dan tangan dihentak dgn penutup tong sampah ...

Tak silap aku sampah deyols kena bayar bila buang
Maybe pakcik tu marah coz kena bayar sampah minah singpore tuh agaknyer

Lama da aku g korea
Rules sekarang takpasti macamaner

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Post time 5-4-2024 06:00 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dua_chzy replied at 4-4-2024 11:04 PM
Kena sebab kita Malaysia ni negara miskin mundur lowly inferior - bagi meka.

Tak semua la. Orang  ...

Aku rs derang rs derang la terpandai kt dunia kalah jgk derang dgn kemajuan china...

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Post time 5-4-2024 06:14 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by nw111 at 5-4-2024 06:18 AM

That's why kena jadi orang lawa , kurus and wangi...ko pegi mana2 pun orang layan elok...
Bdk2 melayu skrg ramai je yg cantik bergaya...tapi yg kepam gundu pun ramai..jenis kuat makan tak kesah nk jaga badan...mmg akan dpt treatment double standard gini lah..

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Post time 5-4-2024 06:23 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tukar watak sikit yg jadi driver teksi tu melayu, yang tukang translate untuk minah kokesen tu rohingya. Ko rasa driver teksi tu akan sembang ka tak dengan rohingya tu?

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Post time 5-4-2024 06:45 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by syamzana at 5-4-2024 06:46 AM

mana2 negara pun sama je la...kalau kebetulan nasib chuols tak baik mmg mendapat larr.
entah la, iols sepanjang pergi mana2 even korea takde plak kene mcm tu even iols tak cantik tak putih sueh tp tak la gundu kepam
pernah jugak kene outstation ke KS cuma tak lama dlm 3bulan lebih camtu depa hormat jah ke sbb iols lagi pakar kot kat situ berani nak kutok2 (rsnya ada je kutokan maha berapi) superior korang!!!!!

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Post time 5-4-2024 06:52 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

kalau tgk drama SK depa ni suka herdik2 ngamuk2 marah rendah2kan org
so aku tak suka culture begitu
kalau drama joseon lak depa treat pempuan mcm takde nilai
so aku tak nampak ada nilai2 murni pun utk disanjung

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Post time 5-4-2024 06:55 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

Discriminatory notice: A sign barring Indian and Pakistani nationals from entering a club in Seomyeon, Busan. — YouTube/The Korea Herald/ANN


RAJ, an Indian resident of South Korea for nine years, was shocked during a visit to Busan when a club bouncer bluntly informed him and his friends, "You cannot enter because you are Indian."

Despite their objections, they were directed to a neighbouring club, only to encounter a notice explicitly barring entry to Indian and Pakistani men.

The incident gained widespread attention after Raj's video of the discriminatory notice went viral, courtesy of Indian YouTuber Nikita Thakur, whose re-upload of the footage sparked discussions among viewers about the prevalence of such discrimination in Korea.

Being denied entry into a club because of nationality or skin colour is not something new in South Korea. In 2017, an Indian student studying in Korea recounted a similar experience to local media, where he was refused entry to a club in Itaewon while his peers from other countries were allowed in. The club allegedly had a policy banning individuals from certain countries, including India and Pakistan.

The general perception among Koreans is that Korea is not a racist country, as incidences of physical violence toward foreigners are relatively rare. However, the aforementioned incidents suggest that racial discrimination persists in parts of Korean society.

According to a 2023 report by US News & World Report, South Korea ranks ninth out of 79 countries in the world in terms of racism.

A 2020 survey conducted by Segye Ilbo also showed that 69.1% of 207 foreign nationals residing in Korea had experienced discrimination or been subject to hate-based attacks. While direct physical assaults accounted for only 3.4% of all cases, instances of indirect discrimination, such as gestures or hostile eye contact, comprised 32.9%. Moreover, 16.4% reported being the recipient of personal insults, including verbal abuse, while 10.6% cited unfair treatment, such as wage discrimination.

Racial discrimination in Korea occurs depending on whether the foreign national's country of origin is a developed country, according to the National Human Rights Commission of Korea. In other words, discrimination occurs depending on the economic status of the country of origin. For example, Koreans are more likely to discriminate against Black people from developing countries than Black people from the US, an official from the NHRCK noted.

A 2019 report by the NHRCK showed that 56.8% of the 310 immigrant respondents answered that Koreans discriminate based on “country of origin.” Also, 36.9% said Koreans discriminate based on their “economic level.”

“The way Koreans treat foreigners varies dramatically depending on whether they come from a developed country or not. Koreans tend to perceive foreigners first by their skin colour, and then by their country of origin,” an official from the NHRCK explained.

Another NHRCK report showed that immigrants and foreigners feel discrimination even from public institutions.

In the same 2019 survey by the NHRCK, foreign nationals pointed to immigration offices and courts as locations where they experienced the highest levels of discriminatory treatment. Out of those surveyed, 41% reported encountering discrimination in courts, while 35.2% experienced similar treatment at immigration offices.

Some Koreans recognize this discrimination against immigrants as a problem, too. According to the NHRCK's 2022 Human Rights Awareness Survey of 16,148 Koreans, only 41% of Koreans said that the human rights of immigrants living in Korea are guaranteed equally to those of Koreans.
Racial discrimination in Korea occurs depending on whether the foreign national's country of origin is a developed country, according to the National Human Rights Commission of Korea. In other words, discrimination occurs depending on the economic status of the country of origin. For example, Koreans are more likely to discriminate against Black people from developing countries than Black people from the US, an official from the NHRCK noted.

A 2019 report by the NHRCK showed that 56.8% of the 310 immigrant respondents answered that Koreans discriminate based on “country of origin.” Also, 36.9% said Koreans discriminate based on their “economic level.”

“The way Koreans treat foreigners varies dramatically depending on whether they come from a developed country or not. Koreans tend to perceive foreigners first by their skin colour, and then by their country of origin,” an official from the NHRCK explained.

Another NHRCK report showed that immigrants and foreigners feel discrimination even from public institutions.

In the same 2019 survey by the NHRCK, foreign nationals pointed to immigration offices and courts as locations where they experienced the highest levels of discriminatory treatment. Out of those surveyed, 41% reported encountering discrimination in courts, while 35.2% experienced similar treatment at immigration offices.

Some Koreans recognize this discrimination against immigrants as a problem, too. According to the NHRCK's 2022 Human Rights Awareness Survey of 16,148 Koreans, only 41% of Koreans said that the human rights of immigrants living in Korea are guaranteed equally to those of Koreans.

Racial discrimination in Korea occurs depending on whether the foreign national's country of origin is a developed country, according to the National Human Rights Commission of Korea. In other words, discrimination occurs depending on the economic status of the country of origin. For example, Koreans are more likely to discriminate against Black people from developing countries than Black people from the US, an official from the NHRCK noted.

A 2019 report by the NHRCK showed that 56.8% of the 310 immigrant respondents answered that Koreans discriminate based on “country of origin.” Also, 36.9% said Koreans discriminate based on their “economic level.”

“The way Koreans treat foreigners varies dramatically depending on whether they come from a developed country or not. Koreans tend to perceive foreigners first by their skin colour, and then by their country of origin,” an official from the NHRCK explained.

Another NHRCK report showed that immigrants and foreigners feel discrimination even from public institutions.

In the same 2019 survey by the NHRCK, foreign nationals pointed to immigration offices and courts as locations where they experienced the highest levels of discriminatory treatment. Out of those surveyed, 41% reported encountering discrimination in courts, while 35.2% experienced similar treatment at immigration offices.

Some Koreans recognize this discrimination against immigrants as a problem, too. According to the NHRCK's 2022 Human Rights Awareness Survey of 16,148 Koreans, only 41% of Koreans said that the human rights of immigrants living in Korea are guaranteed equally to those of Koreans.

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Post time 5-4-2024 06:58 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dovahkiin replied at 4-4-2024 09:37 PM
Tak semestinya kokesen. Kalau kulit cerah dan tinggi, muka unik, walaupun pakai tudung, diorang ja ...

Eeeeee elok la wife uols tak layan yang nak tumpangkan keta tu! Jantan sana terkenal dengan perangai suka harassed (sexually) foreigner yach!

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Post time 5-4-2024 06:59 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ardent91 replied at 4-4-2024 05:35 PM
nope! kalo malaysian yg ada rupa dan reti bergaya akan menerima layanan yg berbeza..

So perlu ke pandang rendah sesama manusia hanya kerana penampilan luaran? Bukankah itu mentaliti yang sangat fake, plastik dan judgmental?

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Post time 5-4-2024 07:17 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Btw korang tengok ke tak video aku tepek tu? Huduh ke pun acik Uzbek yang kena discriminate tuh? Sampai anak dia yang half Korean pun kena tempias? Pehtu kenapa korang jadik enabler seolah setuju dengan perangai bangsat merendahkan orang lain yang outward appearance idok conform kepada hapa yang lawa di mata society?

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