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Author: sora13


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Post time 14-5-2024 11:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
markonahlah replied at 12-5-2024 09:27 PM
Buang masa nak blockout..lebih baik jgn guna social media langsung.pegi uninstall facebook instagram ...

Kita perlu platforms ni to raise awareness. Not to make useless celebrities become even richer.

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Post time 14-5-2024 11:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
iraizz replied at 14-5-2024 10:35 PM
Kfc aku boikot sebab ayam dia makin kecik, pastu kadang sos tak refill, pastu kadang ice cube pun  ...

Hehe... mcm2 masalah ye ..kalau boleh buat sendiri tu bagus lah lagi healthy. Tadi pun aku bakar ayam kat airfryer...makan dgn sos nandos hot peri 2...sedappp.
Sekali sekala mkn KFC gak sbb so far aku takde masalah situ.

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 Author| Post time 14-5-2024 11:53 PM | Show all posts
Rogue98 replied at 14-5-2024 11:29 PM
Kenapa u nak fikir sampai jauh camtu.
U yg nak boikot McDonald's Malaysia pastu belit2 sampai ke B ...

kenapa you tak boleh terima jawapan I about McD punya shareholders. That's where the money goes, period.
And regarding questions about not boycotting other technology that BlackRock have its tentacles on, those are the questions that i received from zionists regularly, the whataboutism. And you still didnt answer me about the decision to maintain the franchise in Tel Aviv.

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Post time 14-5-2024 11:56 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Rogue98 replied at 14-5-2024 11:44 PM
Hehe... mcm2 masalah ye ..kalau boleh buat sendiri tu bagus lah lagi healthy. Tadi pun aku bakar a ...

Tu belum tengok muka pengurus cawangan kot yg pakai baju belang2 tu macam mintak tapak kaki je, staff dia elok layan kita baik2 cakap baik2 pasal takde ice cube semua dia sebok suruh staff dia kira apa benda ntah dengan nada yg keras dan sombong padahal tengah layan customer kot iaitu aku. Tensen la aku.. Belum lagi kisah take away drive true kalau tak check awal2 terus drive balik rumah baru ngap ada je bende tak cukup tapi bayar lebih... Malas aku nak pi mengulang tanya barang beli tak cukup tapi bayar lebih... Wei amende la, macam mana aku tak boikot...

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Post time 14-5-2024 11:56 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
McD as a brand which heavily related to US mmg dpt impak negatif yg besar la....the certain % franchise fee tuh mmg suspicious enuf utk sumer orang,and McD malaysia sendiri xdpt nk sahkan kemana franchise tu pergi...sbb tu orang sakan boikot sebab press conference dorang pn impak yg terkena kt McD seluruh dunia a very big signal...that people around the world will reject anything that related to Isreal...benda nie mmg beri kesan pada semua companies yg nk bekerjasama dgn israel...which slowly semua akan mengelak utk ada apa2 usahasama with Israel...the intention is to pressure US/Israel....McD malaysia dh tahu beban yg dibawa bila connected dgn brand US mcmnier...patut cepat2 lah,premis sumer dh ada...tunggu apa lagi

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Post time 14-5-2024 11:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ooo cam silent treatment la tu , ignore block anggap tak ujud

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Post time 15-5-2024 12:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Incanto replied at 14-5-2024 08:52 PM
aku pun tanya soalan sama semalam

TT sora bagi jawapan... boleh block wpun tak follow. Lepas tu k ...

Ok will do so. Tq sis

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Post time 15-5-2024 12:02 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nozot replied at 14-5-2024 08:53 PM
Perlu, sebab kalau tak block akan lalu kat fyp tu pun akan dikira engagement juga. So block la..

Oh mcm tu. Ok faham. Tq sis

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 Author| Post time 15-5-2024 12:04 AM | Show all posts
Manusiabesa replied at 14-5-2024 11:32 PM
Tp ada menda aku xmmpu tolak beb. Ubat gg contohnya. Gusi aku selesa dgn colgate je. Tukor mukmin  ...

Nobody is going to judge you sebab bila kita start boikot baru kita sedar yang semua benda yang kita consume mostly are owned by zionists or pro-zionists dan hidup kita ni dikawal sebenarnya kerana bergantung pada barang2 tu. Pencuci pinggan mangkuk I dah tukar pada Lonkey tapi syarikat from China lah. Ubat gigi Mukmin memang I pakai. I tak minum Nescafe and Milo. Sikit2 lah kita cari alternatif tapi kalau macam you nak tukar brand lain tapi memudaratkan you, stick pada yang lama tapi pada masa yang sama cari lagi yang mungkin akan sesuai dengan you.

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Post time 15-5-2024 12:11 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sora13 replied at 14-5-2024 09:42 PM
Genocide kat Gaza kali ni sebenarnya Tuhan nak bongkar semuanya. Now, tuhan dah tunjuk siapa musuh s ...


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Post time 15-5-2024 12:16 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
gam_gajah replied at 14-5-2024 10:24 PM
Iols dari dulu tak paham org kata yatie ni humble. Apa yg humblenya tah. Manjang je menayang reta  ...

humble brag

Sejak2 lps pkp tu makin galak pulak menayang.
Mungkin netz label sheols humble sbb nampak beza dgn her brother tokalip yg kaki drama tu haha

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Post time 15-5-2024 12:31 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sora13 replied at 14-5-2024 11:53 PM
kenapa you tak boleh terima jawapan I about McD punya shareholders. That's where the money goes, p ...

Aku cakap pasal McDonald's Malaysia yg 100% Muslim owned...kau ni tak habis2 cakap pasal kat tel Aviv....bila suruh boycot investment Blackrock yg lain taknak pulak..boleh ek pilih2..

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 Author| Post time 15-5-2024 12:54 AM | Show all posts
Rogue98 replied at 15-5-2024 12:31 AM
Aku cakap pasal McDonald's Malaysia yg 100% Muslim owned...kau ni tak habis2 cakap pasal kat tel A ...

Yelah, the arguement is orang boikot sebab McD Malaysia through Reza Group yang owned dia tu has to:
Pay Royalty fees which are ongoing payments made by franchisees to the franchisor (in this case, McDonald's) for the right to use the brand name, trademarks, operating systems, and ongoing support provided by the franchisor. This fee is typically calculated as a percentage of the franchisee's gross sales.
Additionally, franchisees often pay rent to the franchisor for the use of the physical location, which further contributes to the franchisor's profit.
These revenue streams, along with any initial franchise fees and supply chain arrangements, contribute to the franchisor's profitability. And the profit goes to shareholders.
So, I dah tunjuk pun where the money goes.
Takkanlah a bright person like you can't see or read between the lines why McD chose to maintain it's franchise kat Tel Aviv but not Russia. Why the double standard?
Why do you stick to whataboutism regarding me using their technology to beat them at their own games.


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Post time 15-5-2024 01:18 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
heythere123 replied at 14-5-2024 10:36 PM
haritu ada la orang buat kira2 pasal franchising fee lagi2 mcd malaysia, ciput gila dapat dekat hq ...

I setuju dengan comment u & rouge. Yang terkesannya pekerja yang mencari rezeki halal. Kalau kilang company local pun belum tentu nak ambil pekerja local. Selalunya ambil bangla /nepal. Company bumi belum tentu mampu nak bayar gaji epf segala tu. Siap ada yg culas lagi. Masing2 ada pendapat masing2 lah ya. Jangan gaduh-gaduh????

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Post time 15-5-2024 01:21 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
iraizz replied at 14-5-2024 10:58 PM
Kecam la, aku cakap benda yg benar pasal mcd malaysia ni... Beza dgn mcd kat oversea tu, pastu ada ...

Louderrrr sissss!!!!

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Post time 15-5-2024 02:03 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Shayang at 15-5-2024 02:05 AM

Hat mana penah post pasal palestine takyah la block atleast sejak oct tu dorang dh cakna pasal ni Takkan la dorang nk penuhkan feed dorang dgn gambar2 org kena bom tu cukuplah dorang ada post kat igs sbb igs lagi byk view sebenarnya.
Hat mana mmg tak penah post dan masih amik job company yg pro tu ok la nak block sbb nampak sgt tak amik tahu apa jd kat dunia.


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Post time 15-5-2024 03:49 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Whitney72 replied at 13-5-2024 01:02 PM
Kan..cuma mereka ni mgkin Allah belum hidayah atau mereka blm gali apa itu kualiti human ...

Dekat tik tok ramai giler omputeh dok berckp yg positif pasal islam & showing strong support dekat Palestine . Ada 1 Minah Saleh ni bertindik dgn tattoo penuh dekat muka dgn badan tapi tgh baca al quran.. sheols bagi reaction terkejut pasal 1 ayat Al quran sebut tentang peperangan yahudi & org islam..

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Post time 15-5-2024 03:59 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sarah96 replied at 14-5-2024 11:31 PM
Oi, kalau boycott tak berkesan , kenapa Starbucks dan McD rugi berjuta- juta lemons? Cakap biar ce ...

Mana aku ckp boikot x berkesan  bangang oiiii.maksud aku  budaya  celebrity worship ni  skrg makin teruk.sejauh mana boleh bertahan ?? obviously benda ni  agak berbeza dgn boikot  barangan.

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Post time 15-5-2024 04:06 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Apa lahanat punya nerakazen..khairul aming masuk list sekali..korang patut block chrystan tan ke

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Post time 15-5-2024 04:50 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Azfarheri hilang 100k followers woiiii haha

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