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Author: sora13


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Post time 15-5-2024 08:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Bella hadid yang lantang bersuara tu pun top to toe designer brands, dior and all. Same goes to mark ruffalo, angeline jolie.

Local celebs, faz carrying hermes, ctdk also macam nampak pakai chanel. Probably old ones, but still, if you really cared, then dont use it, dont flaunt it.

My point is, tak payah terlalu look up to people who speaks out openly, because they also have their flaws. And tak payah nak look down to people yang takde nak post2 sangat.

I'm sure masing2 tau peranan masing2 dalam issue ni. For all we know, artis yang still ambik endorsement ni entah2 ada donate balik duit yang diorang dapat tu ke palestine. So dikira macam 'senjata makan tuan' juga la kan? At least i choose to see it that way.

Macam mana ada yang kata 'tak boleh nak boikot semua, kita boikot apa yang mampu', well same goes to them? And no, please don't come at me kata i ni geng retis or whatever.

Tbh this blockout ni is more effective towards international celebs, because their influence and their fans ni all over the world. Whatever they post in ig, everyone in the world can see. Whatever they endorse, it can influence hundreds millions of people.

Sebab tu i tak kisah sangat kalau ada artis kita yang tak post sangat. Our celebs pun 99% followers diorang pun orang kita jugak, yang masing2 memang dah tau pasal issue ni. Lain la kalau michelle yeoh tu I agree la because she dah taraf international, she got the power to speak out but she dont.

Tapi kalau takat level2 macam eina azman or siti awe tu, how much awareness lagi yang you guys expect from them to make you guys satisfied?

So kita ni buat je la peranan masing2 apa yang kita rasa nak buat. Sebab i tengok sekarang ni dah tahap melebih dah ni, yang tak post pun kena block.

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Post time 15-5-2024 08:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sora13 replied at 15-5-2024 08:21 PM
Thank you for sharing kaka.

No problem. Aku rasa video2 ni senang org paham kenapa kena join blockout ni.

Bukan kita suruh benci retis tu sampai maki2. Yg maki2 ni mesti geng2 extrimis yg bakar KK mart tu, tapi ntah solat ntah tidak. Kau block diam2 sudaaaa

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Post time 15-5-2024 09:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
iraizz replied at 15-5-2024 09:05 AM
Ada dalam list awal2... Dua2 laki bini keknis kel rul dah selamat diblock.. Keje tayang mewah je k ...

Oh ok nasib baik ade dalam list..iols pon xsuka & memang x nampak the Keks post anything pasal palestin

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Post time 15-5-2024 09:21 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Jangan lupa anzalna batak brand yahudi tu... Block je

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Post time 15-5-2024 09:40 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 15-5-2024 10:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mizzy replied at 15-5-2024 07:45 PM
I got what you mean babe. I pun rimas jugak dengan orang yang selalu guilt trip, semua nak samakan ...

Anak Nadir Nuri said something about bapa dia ada kat Msia ada access to food and should eat because he can. I lupa the exact words tapi anak kecil tu pun bijak. These people yg terpaling kalau nak guilt trip others pi lah attack people yg bermewahan berlebihan macam halizah lalat, bonda shukriak, dan yg sewaktu dengannya. And even people like topiknasik yg acah terpaling Palestin tp ada kereta mewah, ada bodyguard konon. Dan kalau benar berjuang sangat, pi hambat the kerabats kalau berani.

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Post time 15-5-2024 10:21 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mizzy replied at 15-5-2024 07:22 PM
Finally someone speaks up about this. Orang2 yang kerja retail management rasanya tau la pasal sia ...

Yeah. Macam Ayam Bismi. They supply at least half a million chickens to KFC. Just one example. Siapa owner ayam bismi? Kan?

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Post time 15-5-2024 10:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Incanto replied at 15-5-2024 09:40 AM
macam I ada kawan cancer survivor tp dah buat mastectomy sebelah

bra for post mastectomy yg dia p ...

Ye ke uols..
Kalau kat paradigm tu Ada tak?
Mak.iols Ni pung gitu juga..
Dia pakai bra biasa je sebab dia segan nak Cari yang MCM tu..
Now pakai yang beli kat hukm tu...

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Post time 15-5-2024 10:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Rogue98 replied at 15-5-2024 07:03 PM
Oh dia support ke. Tak sure mungkin aku tengok video lama2 kut. Bagus jugak mgt McDonald datang ex ...

Yg I tahu ni dia panggil dalam kes boikot lepas Oct 23 punya hal. I havent seen anything otherwise.

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Post time 15-5-2024 10:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by ninajaybee at 15-5-2024 11:08 PM
Rogue98 replied at 15-5-2024 06:37 PM
Some of them mungkin deserve it tapi ctdk tu I tak agree lah sbb I mmg follow IG dia and she's pro ...


But I like this post and a comment on there. ... 8koZZEFeVl/?app=fbl

Also as a public figure in Msia you are judged differently dari org biasa macam Hamizan tu.

Tapi patutnya yg lebih lagi kena bersuara dari public figures are kerabats maybe?

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Post time 15-5-2024 10:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cikmouse replied at 15-5-2024 07:40 PM
Tuuu rezki yg ditakdirkan Tuhan buat mereka... kataanyaaaaaa....

Macam la takde kerja lain dalam dunia ni..

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Post time 15-5-2024 10:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by spitsid at 16-5-2024 12:32 AM
sharlenetexas replied at 15-5-2024 03:49 PM
Duk kelek beg lv, bawak handbag dior (sebagai contoh) ke hulu ke hilir secara tak langsung berseko ...

Iols tengok farahlee tu pon dok bawak
Handbag lv sana sini. Padahal dok berkempen suruh donate sbb dia duta pertubuhan amal
Apa ntah dan dia sendiri ada buat pertubuhan amal untuk org derma2. Hujung2 ko pakai handbag LV. Cannot brain.

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Post time 15-5-2024 10:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
aku xde follow sgt retis kat ig fb or tso

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Post time 15-5-2024 10:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
berkesan kot block boikot ni

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Post time 15-5-2024 11:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
bygkan mcd kat alamanda pjaya yg selama ni belas thaun wujud dah close

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Post time 15-5-2024 11:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
___ replied at 15-5-2024 03:01 PM
ooh ada ehh nama si fattah amin nii dalam blockout list. baguslah.
mungkin Fazura tak tegur kot g ...

Bini pon pi beraya ke rumah Erma bawa Hermes Kelly. But she byk bag Hermes dari dulu bukan baru beli.

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Post time 15-5-2024 11:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mizzy replied at 15-5-2024 08:41 PM
Bella hadid yang lantang bersuara tu pun top to toe designer brands, dior and all. Same goes to mark ...

I sooooooo agree with all that you said. Macam yg sibuk ckp makan McD serupa beli peluru utk Serael. Boleh guna balik konsep ni retis ambil job produk Serael, dia donate duit tu ke Palestin. Contohnyalah.

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Post time 15-5-2024 11:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
camne nak block kat tik tok?

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Post time 15-5-2024 11:06 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Korang yg join block out ni sebenarnya utk apa?
Kalo boikot barang tu, iols paham la. It's to hurt their financial. Biar diorang takde duit nak beli senjata.

Kalo social media, iols block sebab bosan asik keluar muka yg sama je. Content pulak takde manfaat. Atau orang tu selalu buat video guna sound sedih mintak simpati. Tiap2 minggu mintak simpati. So memang terus block.

Tapi kalo orang tu pilih utk tak bercakap pasal Palestine, terpulang pada dia sebab tu social media dia. Ikut suka dia la. Kenapa sampai nak harass orang.


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Post time 15-5-2024 11:11 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
BoongaKertas replied at 13-5-2024 08:16 AM
mcm terapi sgguh lah iols dok memblock retis2 tersangkak hollywood & malaywood smlm

kat tt nak block camne?

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