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Author: sora13


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Post time 17-5-2024 07:55 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ninajaybee replied at 16-5-2024 05:07 PM
Did you see yang ada porumer cakap jom buat sampai Awal tak lagi mampu hantar anaknya ke private s ...

This is too much
dah tahap busuk hati

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Post time 17-5-2024 07:57 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Incanto replied at 16-5-2024 05:28 PM
kita buat apa yg termampu

tapi kalau lepas block pun artis tu masih kaya raya, apa kita boleh buat ...

Ye block hak kita
tapi jgn block & sebarkan kebencian
itu dah tersasar dari tujuan asal

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Post time 17-5-2024 07:58 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Wenpa replied at 17-5-2024 07:44 AM
Yeahhh ladycarefree udah2 lerrr...siler larrr teruskan jilat bontot zionis

Seriously i tot the same too!

To be honest aku ada baca the whole lot of books on forensics linguistics
Aku bole tau mcm mana nak detect orng yng penulisan dia dictates siapa dia but then again i could be wrong kan
Trademark diaorang is obvious
Especially when hate speech is involved aku bole detect dgn senang klau dia tengah meroyan dlm forum ni

And dalam forum ni aku bole detect a whole lot lol

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Post time 17-5-2024 08:00 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Izaabelle replied at 17-5-2024 07:58 AM
Seriously i tot the same too!

Kikiki that's her...wahai Nina JB dont be so obvious

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Post time 17-5-2024 08:11 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sora13 replied at 16-5-2024 06:51 PM

apa punya statement la zus ni
takut sgt ke dgn zionist tu
dah elok org support produk tiba mcm ni pulak
minum kopi bask bear je la kekdahnya

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Post time 17-5-2024 09:35 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by ninajaybee at 17-5-2024 09:40 AM
Wenpa replied at 17-5-2024 08:00 AM
Kikiki that's her...wahai Nina JB dont be so obvious

LOL. Obviously memang ada a few instances early on I sendiri cakap I could not access PM and had to make a new account. I pun pernah cakap Nina is my real name. And people who know me knows I am from JB. Beberapa kali jugalah bila cakap pasal PM 'rosak' kat cari, I sendiri cakap pasal buka akaun baru. Hahaha jangan nak claim konon kau detektif terhandal pulak. Perasan much.

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Post time 17-5-2024 09:37 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
guesswho09 replied at 17-5-2024 07:55 AM
This is too much
dah tahap busuk hati

And when I said tak baik buat gitu, I was called babi. Bagus betul gang2 terpaling boikot kan?

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Post time 17-5-2024 09:46 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ninajaybee replied at 17-5-2024 09:35 AM
LOL. Obviously memang ada a few instances early on I sendiri cakap I could not access PM and had t ...

Okie Nina.....takderlaaa xderr saper ngaku conan sini...

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Post time 17-5-2024 09:58 AM | Show all posts
guesswho09 replied at 17-5-2024 07:57 AM
Ye block hak kita
tapi jgn block & sebarkan kebencian
itu dah tersasar dari tujuan asal

aku still love scha n her style, lara n lila tetap cute di mata aku
yg aku benci artistes punya lack of emphathy, dan kepura puraan

awal aku tak pernah suka tp taklah benci....baik aku benci DAP racist


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Post time 17-5-2024 10:02 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Wenpa replied at 17-5-2024 09:46 AM
Okie Nina.....takderlaaa xderr saper ngaku conan sini...

Ah. So nice of you to call me by my name dear Wenpa. Have a blessed Friday!

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Post time 17-5-2024 10:05 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Incanto replied at 17-5-2024 09:58 AM
aku still love scha n her style, lara n lila tetap cute di mata aku
yg aku benci artistes punya la ...

I pun macam you. Lagipun ada sikit soft spot kat Scha sebab dah beberapa kali jumpa dia kat event and she is so friendly and senyum manis je. Takde aura sombong langsung. Maybe aura sombong dah pi kat laki dia. Hehe

Also, si estronot terpaling parent tu tak masuk list blockout ke?

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 Author| Post time 17-5-2024 10:32 AM | Show all posts


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Post time 17-5-2024 11:00 AM | Show all posts
ninajaybee replied at 17-5-2024 10:05 AM
I pun macam you. Lagipun ada sikit soft spot kat Scha sebab dah beberapa kali jumpa dia kat event  ...

estronot tak pernah promot produk yahudi

dia promot diri , anak dan parenting skills je

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Post time 17-5-2024 12:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Incanto replied at 17-5-2024 11:00 AM
estronot tak pernah promot produk yahudi

dia promot diri , anak dan parenting skills je

Tapi antara tujuan Blockout ni kan nak paksa retis/inpluenzer post psl Palestin.

Estronot jual produk timbang kilo sampai kena sound dengan Dr Rafidah. I dah lama block dia. Nyampah posts dia lalu.

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Post time 17-5-2024 01:01 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Incanto at 17-5-2024 01:03 PM
ninajaybee replied at 17-5-2024 12:45 PM
Tapi antara tujuan Blockout ni kan nak paksa retis/inpluenzer post psl Palestin.

Estronot jual pr ...

you do you

aku tak folo estonot tp aku tak block

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Post time 17-5-2024 02:06 PM | Show all posts
noell replied at 16-5-2024 08:15 PM
no more 100% local billionair pinoy sudah beli 35% share dia

so byebye zus

lahh ye ke...awat teraju tak beli...teraju tahun ni nak start beli equity local SME, senin ni launch....lambert laaahh....#sajacurahminyak

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Post time 17-5-2024 02:34 PM | Show all posts
guesswho09 replied at 17-5-2024 07:57 AM
Ye block hak kita
tapi jgn block & sebarkan kebencian
itu dah tersasar dari tujuan asal

Sama seperti gelar org yg tak boikot mkn Kepci Mekdi as "Anjing"
Hak masing2 nak boikot atau tidak but you have no rights to simply calling names on people
Terpaling nak tunjuk solidariti tapi tidak bersolidariti dengan yg sebangsa dgn mu

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Post time 17-5-2024 02:42 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
IG neelofa dah hilang ke uol

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Post time 17-5-2024 03:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Incanto replied at 17-5-2024 01:01 PM
you do you

aku tak folo estonot tp aku tak block

Of course. I always do me. Kau nak follow pun aku takde hal. Aku cakap je aku block lamaaaaa dah sbb dia jual produk timbang kilo.

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 Author| Post time 17-5-2024 03:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Lavender_Violet replied at 17-5-2024 02:34 PM
Sama seperti gelar org yg tak boikot mkn Kepci Mekdi as "Anjing"
Hak masing2 nak boikot atau tidak ...

Tak tahu nak kata apa netizen yang memaki dan menggelar orang yang bukan2 ni from both sides. I’m so against people viralkan gambar orang makan fast food yang diboikot and calling them names but I’m also against people yang perli2 and perlekehkan orang yang boikot.

BlockOut movement ni is the simplest thing to do, macam serang hendap sepatutnya. You go in and block, that’s all you have to do. Tak payah nak leave your mark ke apa ke dengan bagi nasihat, makian or whatever on the said IG. Benda senang macam tu pun tak boleh nak buat.

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