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Author: marl_eksyen

[JOBS AUSTRALIA] keje petik buah dan lain2 keje

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Post time 24-4-2013 10:42 AM | Show all posts
redsinner posted on 24-4-2013 09:51 AM
ok to me. alhamdulillah.

u keje sector ape?

I keje dgn Canon in Sales and service tp more into industrial. I service machine semiconductor (like repair, modify, overhaul) tp buat dr A to Z.

Means propose customer a project or customer come to me requesting a modification project. So I kena sort out the electrical, mechanical parts and software changes (plc, database, robot etc) dengan man hour needed. Lepas tu I issue quotation kpd customer.
Kalau customer keluar PO, I order parts dan modify software (yg simple) then I perform the modification jobs with my other colleuges. I grad mechanical je tp skrg dah macam2 I kena buat.

U keje sector apa?

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Post time 24-4-2013 07:26 PM | Show all posts
AHMADVW posted on 24-4-2013 08:12 AM
ada satu cara shj, msuk pkai tourist visa,sblum 3 bulan fly ker bali or NZ,  NTHEN  ,MSUK BLIK OZ, t ...

ahmadvw...u pun buat mcm tue ker?x de masalah ker?


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Post time 25-4-2013 06:22 AM | Show all posts
redsinner posted on 24-4-2013 09:51 AM
u kat australia ke skrg?

i still kt nz, tgh cari contact nk duk sini dulu, if xde anything nk jump to oz

curency besar mate,,

untung  redsinner dh ade pr oz,,
klu bujang lg hntaran mesti tinggi

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Post time 25-4-2013 06:23 AM | Show all posts
mohdnor1975 posted on 24-4-2013 07:26 PM
ahmadvw...u pun buat mcm tue ker?x de masalah ker?

this trick only kpd sesiapa yg brhati besar shj, biasanya imigresen oz dpt baca first time org jump ke oz

oz imigrant strict skit, kt nz i nh buat lh,,,

sama shj,,

sbnrnya hti mau cekal shj,,


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Post time 25-4-2013 06:33 AM | Show all posts
lgi satu biasanya polis xtahan/xkacau pendatang,mcm kt mlysia

imigresen akan tangkp u if ade mklumat..

ape apepun bnyk2 tgk video border security kt utube,,

if kne deport 5 thun kne ban. xlh msuk oz, if not mistaken nz pun diban sekali, sbb

oz n nz brothers country,,,

pikir mse depan yoeb,,

if u dh cukup contact dan smngat dh kuat just jump jer,,

currency tgh tggi nih, kerja 5 thun nthen buat duit kaw2 bru blik,

kne ban time itu mse pun xpe,, jnji duit ada

tnya sama hti dulu,,

ade brani or tidak?

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Post time 25-4-2013 08:03 AM | Show all posts
gud luck bro..kalau ati kering dapat stay setaun pon da kayo...


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Post time 25-4-2013 08:50 AM | Show all posts
redsinner posted on 20-4-2013 12:07 PM
aku jumpe ni kat internet:

thanks yeepi.
lama betul menapak kat forum nih. hihi


sama2 red..  Post time 29-4-2013 11:57 PM

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Post time 25-4-2013 08:55 AM | Show all posts
jamalnsx posted on 24-4-2013 10:42 AM
I keje dgn Canon in Sales and service tp more into industrial. I service machine semiconductor (li ...

manufacturing eh?

i am in construction. construction sector sini mcm *insert expletive here*. due to the double-prong economy of australia, it's better for you to explore the possibility of mining. other industries are going nowhere.


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Post time 25-4-2013 08:58 AM | Show all posts
AHMADVW posted on 25-4-2013 06:22 AM
i still kt nz, tgh cari contact nk duk sini dulu, if xde anything nk jump to oz

curency besar m ...

kat nz dah ada snow kan? hehe u buat ape kat sana?

sbb tu still bujang lagi. xde org mampu kot! hahah   

how's christchurch?


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Post time 25-4-2013 10:48 AM | Show all posts
redsinner posted on 25-4-2013 08:55 AM
manufacturing eh?

i am in construction. construction sector sini mcm *insert expletive here*.  ...

Yup manufacturing, my customer is WD Media. Buat hard disc platter. Company I jual mesin sputter (sejenis mesin semiconductor)
dan I buat sales and technical support. Tp industri hard disc ni dah nak down sebab org dah ramai pakai tablet instead of notebook atau pc. Consumer camera dan printer pon sama.

Yang bagus bekerje di Singapore ni dekat Malaysia, high currency, low tax dan low interest on loans.
Yang tak bagus ialah harga hartanah yg teramat mahal (tp oz pon sama ye tak?), harga kereta yg terlampau mahal (Honda Civic berharga S$120,000), makin sesak dgn manusia (goverment target nak sumbat 6.9 juta org di pulau kecik ni. skrg is 5.5 juta org pon dah rasa sesak nafas)

Apa buat you berhijrah ke sana? I ada gak my senior sekolah dulu pergi migrate sana. Ingat nak pergi melawat dia lepas raya ni.

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Post time 25-4-2013 09:08 PM | Show all posts
AHMADVW posted on 25-4-2013 06:33 AM
lgi satu biasanya polis xtahan/xkacau pendatang,mcm kt mlysia

terima kasih atas info tue....hati mau kental ye yeob.....teman pegi jelah pas pilhan raya jelah.....

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Post time 25-4-2013 09:10 PM | Show all posts
AHMADVW posted on 25-4-2013 06:23 AM
this trick only kpd sesiapa yg brhati besar shj, biasanya imigresen oz dpt baca first time org jum ...

skrg ada kat mana nie?malaysia ker?
klu kat msia...bleh sy hubungi sahabt ker?


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Post time 26-4-2013 09:56 AM | Show all posts
jamalnsx posted on 25-4-2013 10:48 AM
Yup manufacturing, my customer is WD Media. Buat hard disc platter. Company I jual mesin sputter ( ...

memula datang sini untuk sambung belajar. selepas abes belajar, dapat offer full time job so still stay kat sini.
mak ayah pun suruh duk diam2 kat sini. macam kene halau plak...
apply dan dapat PR awal 2012 setelah lama duk sini, hati sudah cekal nak stay sini instead of balik.

yang best dok sini
-balance between work and lifestyle. kalo in my line of work in s'pore or malaysia mau keje weekends juga.
-aussies are quite friendly and helpful. ada je sekor 2 yang x betul but that happens everywhere.
-hak kebebasan individu sgt2 penting, so not compelled to be one of the sheep. i was never the sheep baik di malaysia mahupun di sini.
-hanya 8 jam dan 1 flight je balik KL. xyah transit2 bagai.
-regulation straightforward. not much red tape like in malaysia. eg: nak apply visa - ikut je ape dia nak dlm list, sure dapatnye. kalo nak apply professional exam or courses, follow the instruction word by word. depa ni lurus in this way, siap boleh kasi time frame of visa processing. malaysia????

yang tak best:
-income tax bracket starts at 35% dan ke atas. so to get your tax back you have to spend a lot. kat malaysia income tax maximum pun baru 38%.
-living cost generally mahal
-nak jalan2 dlm aussie pun mahal
-employers definitely prefer PR or citizens working for them due to easier visa/employment rules. kesian juga for my friends.
-rindu mak ayah n adik2.   skype, viber, watsapp sume pakai dah. hahah

overall mmg i nak duk sini, bukan sebab ada org terchenta atau duit (notice that i didnt mention about salary and currency?).
kalo u nak dtg sini apa yang menarik minat u?



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Post time 27-4-2013 01:39 AM | Show all posts
Habis dah kena hijack thread ni. hehe.

Anyway bagusnye ur parents suruh stay kt Oz. I dulu lepas habis study kt Jepun, my late dad suruh balik Malaysia dan kawin.
Sampai skrg I tak kawin2 lagi.

I tgk ada pros and cons juga kalau keje dan tinggal di Oz.

- Work life balance macam u kata. Kt sini pergi keje kena tempuh jem kt border dan dlm Singapore dalam 1.5 to 2 hrs sebab dok kt JB. Singaporeans/PR dah ramai stay kt JB. 3-4 tahun lepas tak jem macam ni.
- Negara besar dan mungkin tak rasa sesak. Masa I stay kt Sg, dpt keluar pulau je rasa lega sangat....
- Kalau rasa boleh menetap dan dpt PR, I boleh keluarkan duit CPF dr Singapore. Boleh buat downpayment rumah etc
- Politik yg tak bercelaru cm kt Malaysia. Business mixed with politics. Penggunaan media utk membodoh2kan rakyat
- Maybe tak byk red tape dan telus u cakap dan nampak telus.

- High tax mcm u kata. Singaporenye tax maximum baru 20%. Tp byk benefits u dpt nnti kan?
- Oz tak byk industry. Cuma harapkan agriculture dan mining. I dgr2 mining boom dah over sebab kurang permintaan dr China.
- Harga property dah la terlampau mahal. Kalau kena recession, gedebuk jatuh. Dan unemployment mesti naik tinggi...

I plan nak pergi pon sebab nak merasa dok kt sana macamana. Mungkin keje 2-3 tahun untuk cari pengalaman dan balik keje kt Sg atau My. Tgk la macamana.
Kalau ada rezeki bagus, stay aje sana. I pon dah biasa lone ranger so takde miss sgt org2 kt kampong kot. Last edited by jamalnsx on 27-4-2013 09:26 AM



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Post time 27-4-2013 06:45 AM | Show all posts
redsinner posted on 25-4-2013 08:58 AM
kat nz dah ada snow kan? hehe u buat ape kat sana?

sbb tu still bujang lagi. xde org mampu kot! ...

kt nz blum ade salji lgi,

CHCH dh jd bandar mati

harga umah pun xbrp laku kt sini, hrga jatuh merudum,,'
ramai kiwi fly ke OZ, curency pretty strong now,

kalau still bujang leh berkenalan, i pun bujang lagi,,


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Post time 27-4-2013 06:51 AM | Show all posts
mohdnor1975 posted on 25-4-2013 09:10 PM
skrg ada kat mana nie?malaysia ker?
klu kat msia...bleh sy hubungi sahabt ker?

i di NZ skrg,

hati kene cekal bro duk dperantau org,
nk kene brani buka mulut mintak job,,

kalu u ade family or dh kawen, batalkan hasrat u tu,,

bukan nak patahkan semangat, dh ramai i jumpa

berjuang di tengah jalan,.,

jgn ikut org ,,,,ikut hati dan kemampuan diri sendiri,,

kt oversea, susah pun sendiri,,sakit pun sendiri

i duk kat NZ ni even kenal beberapa malay pun buat hal sendiri,,

ni baru asas shj yg sy bg, bnyak lgi kene tempuh duk kt negara org bro,,


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Post time 27-4-2013 06:57 AM | Show all posts
mohdnor1975 posted on 25-4-2013 09:08 PM
terima kasih atas info tue....hati mau kental ye yeob.....teman pegi jelah pas pilhan raya jelah.. ...

make sure ade return ticket.,

bwk pakaian seminima yg boleh,,

kalau mcm i biasanya 4kg dh cukup utk bagagege ,,

jgn bwk ape2 sijil dokument nak mintak kerja

imingresen officer pandai baca org yoeb, jgn mngelabah, buat biasa shj
ramai mlysian kerja illegal disana

ingat,, senang, susah pun sendiri,,

kalau kat NZ ni u boleh tahan org tepi jalan, kat South Island lah,
kita panggil hitchiking, sbb org dia peramah dan friedly sgt. musim summer sng org bg tumpang,

kat North island org x frendly,,


kalau cerita pngalaman I backpacking kt NZ kat u, mesti boleh nangis punya,

kdg2 krg dana, kene puasa,,

tido bawah pokok, tepi jlan semua dah biasa,

ini pngalaman hidup yoeb



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Post time 29-4-2013 08:34 PM | Show all posts
AHMADVW posted on 27-4-2013 06:57 AM
make sure ade return ticket.,

bwk pakaian seminima yg boleh,,

alhamdulillah yeob...teman memang merantau tpt org tau....biar kita tahu susah senang kat sana...Tq yeob atas nasihat tu pd teman....teman hargai semua nyer...teman doakan supya teman dirahmati Allah di sna ye

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Post time 29-4-2013 11:59 PM | Show all posts
mohdnor1975 posted on 29-4-2013 08:34 PM
alhamdulillah yeob...teman memang merantau tpt org tau....biar kita tahu susah senang kat sana...T ...

org perak ke?
he he

so, cmne en.mohdnor..
jadi ke pegi?
hati dah kental ke..

yeep doakan yg terbaik tuk en.mohdnor...

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Post time 30-4-2013 09:15 PM | Show all posts
jamalnsx posted on 27-4-2013 01:39 AM
Habis dah kena hijack thread ni. hehe.

Anyway bagusnye ur parents suruh stay kt Oz. I dulu lepas  ...

takpe...awex2 akan datang kepada anda bile poket anda penuh. hehehe

I heard that Singapore dah mula ketatkan immigration dan utamakan peluang kerja kepada locals, rather than expats. Betul ke?

about cons being in Aussie plak.. i think for the past few years, OZ ada this condition called the double pronged economy. Mining boom so brings up the AU dollar but at the same time since the dollar was very very high, all other industries collapsed. Unless you are in mining, generally we are not benefiting anything from this economy.
OZ plak kan pulau/benua so a lot of the resources are very much contained in its region. Makanan pun jarang export. Kalo items lain kene import, sure jadi mahal di OZ. contoh mcm electronics: OZ dollar naik pun barang still mahal. apee kahhh?? memang red beli electronics everytime balik mesia jer.

since I am here for experience and adventures, not currency so I am hoping the situation will get better and my work conditions pun get better. Dah la red keje in construction, the worst hit industry everytime the economy collapse. rasa mcm nak tukar career jadi professional chef.


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