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Author: totokreturn

[Tempatan] karpal singh meninggal dalam kemalangan...

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Post time 17-4-2014 12:13 PM | Show all posts
kecimpret posted on 17-4-2014 12:09 PM
dia x baca nasihat saifuddin kot

forumners kat sini kebanyakkannya tunjuk alim je...alim taik kucing,berlaghak alim,padahal sekor2 main ekor,berzina,bersentohan dgn bukan muhrim,menghina,memfitnah dll tu pun diharam islam... mcm tahi perangai sekor2


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Post time 17-4-2014 12:13 PM | Show all posts
yang dah lepas biarlah lepas..bukak lembaran baru...

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Post time 17-4-2014 12:14 PM | Show all posts
kentel posted on 17-4-2014 12:13 PM
yang dah lepas biarlah lepas..bukak lembaran baru...

mcm ni ka?

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Post time 17-4-2014 12:14 PM | Show all posts
kesiannn... bila kapir mati oang islam mula tarbiah diri meke untuk jadi contoh oang baik dan ada etika..

macam masa kapir beng hock mati..siap gantung potret cina tu..siap pi umah dia hormati mendiang tunduk2 macam oang bongok

demi sesuap undi

tapi bila pemimpin sendiri di kecam mahafiraun, mahataikkkkkk, mahakutty, mahazalim malah di buat buku S&^T  pookeeyyy makkkk PM.. di mana suara2 ilmuan dok patut tarbiah oang islam yang cengitu..manaaaaa depa? kenapa seme sepi? kenapa tadak suara marah2 oang islam dok maki ketua sendiri?

coba kalok si kapir kapir kene hentam oleh oang islam , si kapir kene tegur oleh oang islam

laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajuuu jek konon konon orang islam ber etika seme tuh membela..konon nya lah

masa si kapir tu hidup menuduh islam bukan bukan..mana depa? mana sora2 yang suruh tunjuk pekerti islam yang indah?

lawakkkkkkkkk sungguh kan?  dia sendiri tak berusaha pi seru dengan hikmah meke2 kapir yang menentang islam terang terangan, bila kapir tu dah mati.. jiwa tikus tu mula pakai baju ego berlagak islam yang pekerti  !

saya cukup meluat manusia yang suka amik kesempatan , termasuk anak haram jadah beruk hitam KJ tuh

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Post time 17-4-2014 12:14 PM | Show all posts
tapibukanaku posted on 17-4-2014 11:08 AM
tak semua lah kot kj nak angguk2 je..ada masa geleng2 jugak...reputasi kena jaga.

jenuh aku duk pikir sapa zulkifli nordin nih.. owh.. mamat yg dorg import g shah alam time GE ari tuh
this guy pnye mulut/stetmen slalu keluar lg laju dr dia pnya otak tuh yg asek bg stetmen tah hape2 tuh

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Post time 17-4-2014 12:14 PM | Show all posts
rest well...

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Post time 17-4-2014 12:15 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dino posted on 17-4-2014 12:01 PM
dah jgn lupa MCA pun bg statement menentang hudud gak.... jgn ingat DAP je....

Baca la apa aku tulis bai
Aku tulis dap dah kehilagan pemimpin anti islam yang memerangi islam sepanjang hayatnya
Jadi dap kena cari pemimpin lain untu meneruskan pejuangan mereka memerangi islam

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Post time 17-4-2014 12:15 PM | Show all posts
dino posted on 17-4-2014 12:09 PM
dulu test kereta kancil gak bwk kan... berani bwk laju??

mana leh bwk laju, instructor sound kaw2. tapi aku kesian ngan pengkancil2 n maibi2 yg gigih mencucuk blkang keta cc besar, mcm nak terbarai enjin. kalo enjin boleh bercakap, mmg meraung mintak nyawa.

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Post time 17-4-2014 12:16 PM | Show all posts
takziah kepada keluarga kapal

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Post time 17-4-2014 12:16 PM | Show all posts
pelik aku...
gambar2 pemimpin umno yang masih hidup tu korang perlekehkan buleh pulakkan...
mcm2 korang kutuk/lukis/etc.. etc.. boleh pulakkan...

tp bila kena atas batang idung ko sendiri....
wah mcm2 ayat mulia korang keluarkan demi mempertahankan karpal tu...

commense sense lah, kalau kena tang diri sendiri mcm2 cara nak menghalalkan yang haram....


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Post time 17-4-2014 12:17 PM | Show all posts
dino posted on 17-4-2014 12:14 PM
mcm ni ka?

syilaker punya gambo. siapa tu?

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Post time 17-4-2014 12:17 PM | Show all posts
geenie posted on 17-4-2014 12:14 PM
jenuh aku duk pikir sapa zulkifli nordin nih.. owh.. mamat yg dorg import g shah alam time GE ari  ...

ok tahniah lah sbb berjaya memikir dan mengingat kembali.

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Post time 17-4-2014 12:18 PM | Show all posts
My last meeting with Mr Karpal Singh

I met Mr Karpal Singh at his office in Jalan Pudu, Kuala Lumpur, about 7pm last night and spent about 45 minutes with him.
He had called me earlier to collect a copy of a court judgment of an important case.
He told me to come as early as possible because he had to go to Penang later that night, as he was defending a client in a murder trial at the Penang court the next morning (today).
Mr Karpal normally made it a point to inform me of court cases. He was one of my closest contacts on legal matters. It is through him that I get my exclusive stories.
Mr Karpal's personal assistant, Micheal Cornelius, was there to welcome me at the entrance of the office.
It was through the late Michael that I communicated with Mr Karpal over the phone, after the Bukit Gelugor MP was left paralysed following a road accident in 2005.
As I walked into the office, he was busy giving instructions to his legal assistant Zaleha al-Hayat as he would be in Penang until next Tuesday.
Mr Karpal was in high spirits and even cracked a few jokes.
As usual, after collecting the judgment, we spoke about the judiciary and the political happenings in the country.
He remarked that he had seen and gone through the best in this beloved country of ours.
But he shuddered to think what the younger generation would go through.

He then received a call that his son, Gobind Singh Deo, was admitted at the Pantai Hospital. He said he would have to drop by the hospital before heading to Penang.
I also told him that I intended to do a story on the coroner's court and that I needed his comments as he had been a counsel in many death inquiries.
He told me to call him around noon today.
Both of us left his office together and planned to meet again next week.
At about 3.30am, my wife woke me up to break the news that Mr Karpal had died in a road accident.
For a moment I thought I was dreaming and was in a state of disbelieve as I had just met him a few hours earlier. I checked my mobile phone and there were several messages on the accident.
I had known Mr Karpal since 1986 when I was a reporter in Seremban.
Our relationship grew and he always made it a point to call me if there were cases of public interest, even after I was transferred to work in Ipoh.
As a seasoned politician and lawyer, he knew what made news and he always kept me informed of the latest happenings.
Over the last 10 years, especially since I returned to work in Kuala Lumpur, I had more frequent contact with Mr Karpal as I used to cover court cases in Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya.
I was among the few who had the chance to be close to Mr Karpal and he had at times divulged information to me that very few people knew.
Apart from him narrating his early days in Singapore as a student and the start of his legal career, our topics of discussion would focus on the judiciary and politics.
I always found Mr Karpal to be a straight-talker who did not mince his words. He also always cracked jokes in between our conversations.
On his conviction for sedition last month, Mr Karpal said that he did not regret what he had uttered because he believed in "free but responsible speech."
Goodbye, Mr Karpal. I will miss you and your company very much. May your soul rest in peace. – April 17, 2014.


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Post time 17-4-2014 12:18 PM | Show all posts
Knights posted on 17-4-2014 12:15 PM
Baca la apa aku tulis bai
Aku tulis dap dah kehilagan pemimpin anti islam yang memerangi islam se ...

ko takleh paham ke maksud aku.... bkn islam mmg menentang hudud... dr DAP ka...MCA ka..... no need nak tunggu penganti ke ape.... sama ade lantang atau tak.....


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Post time 17-4-2014 12:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sepanjanh hayatnya, dia begitu lantang memerangi undang undang islam

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Post time 17-4-2014 12:19 PM | Show all posts
tapibukanaku posted on 17-4-2014 12:04 PM
sebelum gua tempurung memang mendaki kan? selepas tu baru menurun? so kalau mendaki, memang lori t ...

yup memang area eksiden ni (km306.1) kawasan mendaki..lori tu pun slow dan kat lane kiri masa kejadian..
orang plus cakap kawasan tu memang sllu eksiden langgar belakang sbb lori daki slow kn..kete lak bawak laju so xsempat nak elak..
nak2 pula takde lampu tempat tu..

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Post time 17-4-2014 12:19 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 17-4-2014 12:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dino posted on 17-4-2014 12:18 PM
ko takleh paham ke maksud aku.... bkn islam mmg menentang hudud... dr DAP ka...MCA ka..... no need ...

Mca tak kehilangan sesiapa yang memerangi undang undang islam hari ni
So buat ap nak cari peggari?

Dap dah khangn pemimpin penting yang begitu lantang memerangi undangislam sampai suruh over the dead body lagi... So mereka la kena cari pegganti...

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Post time 17-4-2014 12:20 PM | Show all posts
puanlina posted on 17-4-2014 12:16 PM
pelik aku...
gambar2 pemimpin umno yang masih hidup tu korang perlekehkan buleh pulakkan...
mcm2 k ...

hehe...perangai serupa tahi... ada hati nak berlagak alim depa nih...tak payah nak melaungkan hudud kehulu kehiliaq la,sembahyang 5 waktu pun tah2 xpernah...

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Post time 17-4-2014 12:21 PM | Show all posts
ajinomotonosuga posted on 17-4-2014 12:14 PM
kesiannn... bila kapir mati oang islam mula tarbiah diri meke untuk jadi contoh oang baik dan ada et ...

Mod please flag this post as insightful (bkn troll aaa...)
Sbb too offensive....sampai kj pun kenam

Dasar kokedei....

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