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[Jenayah] MH17 / MH370 ditembak oleh pesawat pejuang, bukan BUK

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Post time 2-8-2014 01:33 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
July 31 2014
Buried evidence proves fighter escort shoot down of MH17/370

The Dutch web site Anderweltonline managed to get a great photo of the actual part of the plane attacked, and it proves the fighter jet escorts shot Mh17/370 down.
They released a very clear photo in PDF form, which I have ripped to Jpeg and linked HERE. This opens 4,000 pixels wide, make sure you view it full size for the details you need to see that indeed, the cockpit was shot at from both sides and then destroyed with a tank killing round.

Short explanation for now: If this was a missile shoot down:

1. The cockpit would not have fragmented and landed far from the crash, because missiles target the center mass which would be far enough away from the cockpit to not significantly damage it.
2. All shrapnel punctures would be inward.
3. The cockpit would have likely remained intact.

What happened here? There was crossfire targeting only the cockpit, the cockpit of the plane was shot at from both sides which caused punctures both inward and outward as proven by this piece of the aircraft. This 100 percent proves the fighter jets did it, and at least one explosive round was used which blew the cockpit apart. The large body panel sections were blown off the aircraft when the 550 plus MPH wind of flight rammed itself straight into the gaping hole where the cockpit was, which badly overpressured the aircraft. That is why there are so many big pieces scattered across a distance. The plane would coast down to the ground with no smoke trail if only the front of the plane was targeted and explode on impact. THIS IS THE SCENARIO THAT ANSWERS ALL QUESTIONS and it is proven true by just looking at this wreckage piece.

Click the picture below, though it appears large it is nothing compared to the original which will come in if you click for it, and it is important because it is so clear it provides absolute proof this cockpit was in fact shot at with regular guns.

I was going to spend the morning translating the article on Anderwelt to Dutch, but when I hit that web site this morning, they had an English translation there already. For extra perspective, read it there


"The facts speak clear and loud and are beyond the realm of speculation: The cockpit shows traces of shelling! You can see the entry and exit holes. The edge of a portion of the holes is bent inwards. These are the smaller holes, round and clean, showing the entry points most likeley that of a 30 millimeter caliber projectile. The edge of the other, the larger and slightly frayed exit holes showing shreds of metal pointing produced by the same caliber projectiles. Moreover, it is evident that at these exit holes of the outer layer of the double aluminum reinforced structure are shredded or bent – outwardly! Furthermore, minor cuts can be seen, all bent outward, which indicate that shrapnel had forcefully exited through the outer skin from the inside of the cockpit. The open rivets are are also bent outward.
In sifting through the available images one thing stands out: All wreckage of the sections behind the cockpit are largely intact, except for the fact that only fragments of the aircraft remained . Only the cockpit part shows these peculiar marks of destruction. This leaves the examiner with an important clue. This aircraft was not hit by a missile in the central portion."

And now my analysis:

IF you were going to load dead bodies and dead pilots or no pilots onto an aircraft and dead fly it, and then do a false flag with it, the best rational method would be to destroy the cockpit, and there is a very good reason for this, which is:
The cockpit is the strongest part of the aircraft, and often remains intact after a crash. If you were going to false flag a plane down, you would not want an intact and empty cockpit, or an intact cockpit with pilots that had been "dead for days and smelling of decay" would you? Targeting the cockpit would be key to keeping a lid on a remote controlled flight that had no pilot interaction at all.

The fact the cockpit only was targeted once again confirms flight 370, because even if it was a 777 with a body identical to MH17, 15 years of technology advancement would make the cockpit very different and THAT could not be permitted to show up in any wreckage photos. Better to blow it completely to smithereens. To ensure this, they used fighter jets to do the job rather than take a random chance of a missile leaving obvious evidence that could end up on Youtube.

And if they were not playing filthy with all of this, WHY BOTHER WITH A MISSILE STORY? Why say center mass was targeted, and produce cute graphics of a center hit? The public would have accepted targeting of the cockpit bringing the plane down, why would the perpetrators HAVE TO spawn a lie about a missile?

Summary of inconsistencies from the beginning of all this:

1. The bodies were rotting and dead for days on DAY ONE, no one living boarded the shot down plane.
2. The cockpit was targeted, had entry and exit holes proving guns took the plane down and a lie about a BUK missile was spawned, WHY?

3. In all original photos, the flag on the plane matched flight 370, yet the photos were all subsequently hacked to put all flags on all Malaysia airlines planes in exactly the same position. After this, subsequent photo hacks were done to show all kinds of different versions of the same wreckage pieces, issued directly from Mainstream news sources which allowed cross comparison to prove tampering and hard proof the mainstream media was muddying the waters, and I would like to ask WHY? Why not just show us the wreckage AS IT WAS?

4. Initially the mainstream media reported 108 aids researchers were on the plane "according to the boarding log" and then that same media was forced to redact that and reduce the number to six, which is another lie because IF A BOARDING LOG REALLY EXISTED, THE ORIGINAL 108 AIDS DOCTORS STORY WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN REDACTED. Fact? ZERO aids doctors boarded the shot down plane already dead for days and smelling of rot.

5. The shoot down corresponded with the ground assault on Gaza within a provable time frame of 10 minutes, and probably to the exact minute. This would be lottery style luck if Israel did not order the shoot down or have the Mossad set it all up to get double use out of the shoot down by having it distract the news from dirty business elsewhere.

6. The flight was 200 KM off course and over a war zone for the first time EVER. Modern avionics do not allow for such errors, even late 70's avionics would not. HOW DID THAT ERROR HAPPEN other than willful intent and WHY? Well, the frame up of Russia for all of this right when Russia was making a big push for the BRICS alliance that threatened the dollar's reserve status might give you a clue, a huge war on Russia would certainly cause problems for that.

7. Flight 370 had to be gotten rid of, and people disposed of, and it looks like the perpetrators of the shoot down wanted NO WITNESSES so they made sure EVERYONE was smelling of rot to make good and sure they were dead and would not survive any crash and then speak about what happened to flight 370.

8. Media glitches proved this was a psy op being prepared days in advance, which is why an RC showed up in the wheel well of the plane "to show people what it looked like if it crashed" when MH17 had an RD and flight 370 had an RO. And the D on MH17 had a perfectly flat back, the C is a dead giveaway, this was in the works for at least a week and probably longer, RC had not flown for a week and was still on the ground in Malaysia after this shoot down. How did a picture of it supposedly being boarded by a "crash victim" end up in the news?

9. Route MH17 stayed PERFECTLY ON SCHEDULE after this shoot down, yet route 370 was canceled for weeks. How could this be, if flight MH17 really lost an aircraft to an unexpected situation? This difference in behavior is fairly easy to explain: Malaysia airlines was ambushed by the theft of flight 370, but probably went along with the story about the shoot down of MH17 under threat of blackmail, and since all questions were already answered they had no reason to cancel the normal schedule for route MH17.

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Post time 2-8-2014 01:35 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tuntu mereka akan cakap Jet Pejuang russia yg tembak ... Hahahahaha

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 Author| Post time 2-8-2014 01:41 AM | Show all posts
revolusi_30 posted on 2-8-2014 01:35 AM
Tuntu mereka akan cakap Jet Pejuang russia yg tembak ... Hahahahaha

ukraine = US = zionist

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Post time 2-8-2014 01:46 AM | Show all posts
Jahat sangat.

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Post time 2-8-2014 01:51 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Btol lah ape yg rusia ckp dia kata ada 2 jet pejuang ukraine mrlintas mh17

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 Author| Post time 2-8-2014 02:01 AM | Show all posts
adakah MH17 tu sebenarnya MH370???

July 29 2014
Keep that story straight, World War 3 depends on it!

Mainstream media doing backflips over lies because this time it is laughably easy to nail them

"fake alternative news sites are picking up the slack with the thinking people out there, and trying to divert them to B.S. such as this is not even a 777 when all the large engine pieces are in the debris, NO, LOOK THE OTHER WAY THIS IS NOT A 777, YEP, YOU WERE SMART ENOUGH TO KNOW THIS WAS NOT MH17 BUT PLEASE GOD DO NOT PEG THIS AS FLIGHT 370."

We may well be on the verge of world war 3 over the disposal of flight 370 being pawned off as MH17 being fronted as a shoot down by Russia. The Russians are not stupid, and their intelligence is at least smart enough to keep an eye on this web site, and from here alone the lies surrounding "MH17" are busted, not that the Russians would need this site to get tips about the truth when it is this obvious, surely they did not.

Media releasing multiple smoking guns proving not only tampering, but that the flag alignment is the same as flight 370.

Here is another smoking gun, Here we have in image 1 the window plate perfectly intact but there is a hole below the flag.
Keep in mind that these images are still coming straight from the sources that published them, they are not at this time cached on this web site. That is the best way to prove media inconsistencies, use their own servers to nail them. I have the images saved of course, but for as long as they still work from their original sources, I will embed from them, so people can back trace and see that I am not making all of this up.

The photos say it all, this is WAY TOO MUCH,

Here we have, in photo 2, straight from another source, the window plate kicked or photoshopped out, a hole in the panel below the flag, and the Malaysian flag cropped out of the image, because it nails this as flight 370.

But in photo 3, Fox News says NOPE, that plate is there, and there was never a hole on this panel AT ALL after the crash.

photo 4 is another beautiful bright clear perspective shot, proving the flag lines up exactly the same as the flag on flight 370. You may be asking WHY am I pushing this so hard? The answer is easy. The fake alternative media is trying to front this as not being a 777, while the mainstream media is trying to say thesame thing AND frame Russia up for doing it.

Reality? This is NOT ONLY A 777, it is flight 370 (the large engine blades in the wreckage that are ripped off the engine prove it is a 777), and the many different camera angles on that flag proves that the way the flag is lining up is not an optical illusion, it really is flight 370. And this time the evidence is so overwhelming it cannot be denied, and coming complete with crime scene evidence tampering to boot, ANOTHER smoking gun. I am absolutely certain the mainstream media was not in on this to begin with, and screwed up releasing multiple photos proving tampering and proving flight 370.

But the majority of the people who watch the MSM will never catch on to these screw ups. So fake alternative news sites are picking up the slack with the thinking people out there, and trying to divert them to B.S. such as this is not even a 777 when all the large engine pieces are in the debris, NO, LOOK THE OTHER WAY THIS IS NOT A 777, YEP, YOU WERE SMART ENOUGH TO KNOW THIS WAS NOT MH17 BUT PLEASE GOD DO NOT PEG THIS AS FLIGHT 370.

And to that I have ONE THING TO SAY: Check your media sources, it is litmus test time. In case you are new to this site, here is a photo which shows the flag alignment for MH17 and flight 370.


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Post time 2-8-2014 02:17 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kesian putin yang pandai naik beruang di"frame'.
But if it was really mh370,di mana mh17?part tu aku confuse.ada sesapa yang boleh explain tak?

Use magic Report

Post time 2-8-2014 02:26 AM | Show all posts
cerita karut dari pro-russia, total bullshit conspiracy theory.

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 Author| Post time 2-8-2014 02:35 AM | Show all posts
azharariff posted on 2-8-2014 02:26 AM
cerita karut dari pro-russia, total bullshit conspiracy theory.

bullshit tang mana? kalau ko teror sgt, pi laa debunk dia punya teori drpd jadi bahalol msm

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Post time 2-8-2014 02:37 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Aku rasa cerita teori konspirasi ni lagi betul dari yang dalam paper tu macam drama.Tiba2 US puji?fishy fishy

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 Author| Post time 2-8-2014 02:39 AM | Show all posts
GhostWalking posted on 2-8-2014 02:17 AM
Kesian putin yang pandai naik beruang di"frame'.
But if it was really mh370,di mana mh17?part tu ak ...

part kedudukan bendera malaysia & tingkap badan pesawat

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Post time 2-8-2014 02:58 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Aku x paham thekry 370=17. Ape yg sama? Are link yg leh explain lg simple x? Dlm bm ar. Mls nk pening2 dlm english

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Post time 2-8-2014 07:10 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
seronok menuntun filem ni. JIKA teori ni benar, di mana pula bangkai mh17?

plot hampir klimak bila pula Russia akan naik berang dan mengebom jiran tetangga?

plot pembalasan u.s dan sekutunya menghancurkan blok Russia.

anti klimak kes serang parang pelajar tahfis di pandamaran rupanya palsu. hampa harapan melayu nak timbulkan ketegangan kaum.

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Post time 2-8-2014 07:13 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Bernama Radio24
Empat belas orang terkorban termasuk sekurang-
kurangnya 10 askar kerajaan ketika pertempuran
berdekatan lokasi nahas pesawat MH17.
Jurucakap tentera Ukraine berkata empat mayat
belum dapat dipastikan identiti dan berkemungkinan
mangsa merupakan askar Ukraine atau pengganas.
Katanya, kira-kira 10 askar Ukraine mati dalam
pertempuran di bandar Shakhtarsk kira-kira 25
kilometer dari lokasi nahas MH17.

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Post time 2-8-2014 07:19 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Teori teori bullshit

Use magic Report

Post time 2-8-2014 07:25 AM | Show all posts
Bendera macam budak darjah satu yang photoshopped je iteww.

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Post time 2-8-2014 07:32 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mungkinkah ebola tu juga konspirasi amarika utk create wwIII?  :lol

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Post time 2-8-2014 07:35 AM | Show all posts
Konspirasi mh370 mende nyer kalau DNA passengers (DVI) pon da  taily dgn passengers mh17
Tapi perbuatan tembak ke commersial flight cam mh17 ni mmg totally shit lah
Try ko shoot kat jet fighter mcm F4 Phantom tengokkkkkkk...
Pondan tol

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Post time 2-8-2014 07:56 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ejans posted on 2-8-2014 02:58 AM
Aku x paham thekry 370=17. Ape yg sama? Are link yg leh explain lg simple x? Dlm bm ar. Mls nk penin ...

Logo MAS sama....uniform steward...stewardess sama...

kompom hypothesis tu accurate...checkmate!!!

Use magic Report

Post time 2-8-2014 08:17 AM | Show all posts
ketahian di pagi syawal apakah ini....

motif iol gegeh baca cuba nak faham theory mcm complicated sgt last2 pasal gambar bendera ja...

and don't forget, kapal tu berlepas bawak mayat reput....


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