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Author: NIXAR

[Jenayah] Tragedi MH17 V4 : Kemungkinan MH17 ditembak jet pejuang Sukhoi?

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Post time 5-8-2014 10:57 AM | Show all posts
avatar_aang posted on 29-7-2014 06:42 AM
sensitip nyer jiwa youu,
i xmau play video tu takut nangis jugaak.
hibanya raseeeee

Al-Fatihah kepada mangsa..

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Post time 5-8-2014 11:15 AM | Show all posts
biggirlduncry posted on 5-8-2014 10:54 AM
aku rasa pilot tu pun tak lena tido la sepanjang 3minggu ni..
asyik mimpi ngeri..

kan?? sbb it can happen to the SIA pilots also. dah dia pun x jauh dr MH17 ni. SIA plak mcm haremsssss saja perangai...dan2 kata tak guna laluan sama, dorg je pentingkan keselamatan penumpang. da kena kantoi... lamaaaaaa betul nak buat pengakuan rasmi. mmg jiran tak boleh harap.

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Post time 5-8-2014 11:23 AM | Show all posts
aku tak tau napa aku x leh dengar lagu bintang hatiku.. penyanyi indon rasanya... trus teringat MH370 nk2 klau aku ikut IG isteri pramugara tu rainhasnan tu..tgk2 baby dia... Ya Allah...sebiji muka bapanya... trus mata aku begenang..walaupun xde hubungan kekeluargaan dgn mereka tapi hati ttp sebak

macam MH17 sedih mmg sedih tapi x sama perasaan sedih tu dgn MH370... skurang2nya family MH17 tahu ahli keluarga mereka dh meninggal dah siasatan dilakukan siapa dalang disebalik smua ni...
berbeza dgn MH 370 keluarga mereka masih tertanya2 adakah mereka masih hidup atau mati.. klau mati mana mayatnya... nk siasat punca nahas pun x leh sbb tiada apa2 pertunjuk....


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Post time 5-8-2014 05:15 PM | Show all posts
MH17: Singapura tingkat langkah keselamatan penerbangan

SINGAPURA: Berikutan Ekoran nahas pesawat Malaysia Airlines (MAS) Penerbangan MH17, Lembaga Penerbangan Awam Singapura (CAAS) kini menimbang langkah meningkatkan perkongsian maklumat keselamatan dan sekuriti di kalangan pihak berkuasa dan syarikat penerbangan kebangsaan. Menteri Pengangkutan, Lui Tuck Yew berkata syarikat penerbangan itu kemudian boleh merancang laluan penerbangan dan menilai risiko yang terbabit dengan lebih aktif. Dalam jawapan lisan kepada persoalan di parlimen mengenai perancangan penerbangan, Lui berkata: “Penerbangan awam antarabangsa memerlukan sebuah pesawat yang boleh merentasi pelbagai negara, tetapi tidak ada satu pihak berkuasa pun yang dapat menyediakan semua maklumat mengenai keadaan di luar bidang kuasanya.”

Beliau berkata, negara perlu bergantung antara satu sama lain dan perlu bekerjasama demi menentukan keselamatan penerbangan awam yang berkekalan.
Sejak nahas MH17, banyak pihak mengambil berat terhadap keselamatan penerbangan yang melalui ruang angkasa kawasan konflik.

Lui berkata masyarakat antarabangsa, dipimpin Pertubuhan Penerbangan Awam Antarabangsa (ICAO), sedang mengkaji semula isu-isu dan respons berpotensi yang perlu diikuti berhubung pesawat awam yang beroperasi di ruang udara kawasan konflik.
“Kita akan mengambil bahagian secara aktif dalam usaha ini untuk menentukan perjalanan udara lebih selamat dan terjamin,” kata beliau.

Katanya, CAAS sebagai badan kawal selia memerlukan syarikat penerbangan Singapura melaksanakan proses perancangan penerbangan yang cergas demi menjamin operasi penerbangan yang selamat.
Berikutan insiden MH17, CAAS telah meminta syarikat penerbangan Singapura mengkaji semula penilaian operasi penerbangan di ruang udara kawasan konflik.

Lui mengambil perhatian bahawa insiden Penerbangan MH17 adalah tragedi dahsyat. “Ini tidak wajar berulang. Sebagai sebuah negara, kami berdiri teguh di samping jiran kita dan menzahirkan simpati mendalam terhadap keluarga mangsa,” katanya. - BERNAMA

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Post time 5-8-2014 05:22 PM | Show all posts
biggirlduncry posted on 5-8-2014 12:15 AM
MH17: Singapura tingkat langkah keselamatan penerbangan

SINGAPURA: Berikutan Ekoran nahas pesawa ...

jiran lah sangat..

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Post time 5-8-2014 05:38 PM | Show all posts
TimahMulia posted on 5-8-2014 05:22 PM
jiran lah sangat..

tetiba dalam radar nampak ada jirannn

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Post time 5-8-2014 05:42 PM | Show all posts
applemy posted on 5-8-2014 10:02 AM
Makasih u..  meleleh..

Gambo makcik bertudung menangis kat airport ai tak leh tgk lagi ...

kan... yg ai quote memula tuh yg betol2 menusuk hati ai

kita yg sekadar strangers ni pon terkesan sgt dgn kejadian nih. Tuhan jah yg tahu betapa sedih dan menderitanya keluarga2 mangsa MH17.

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Post time 5-8-2014 05:58 PM | Show all posts
PUTRAJAYA, Aug 4 — Only the National News Agency (Bernama) and Radio Televisyen Malaysia (RTM) are allowed in the Bunga Raya Complex area, KL International Airport (KLIA) in Sepang to cover the ceremony to pay last respects to the victims of the Malaysia Airlines (MAS) flight MH17 tragedy.

Deputy Communication and Multimedia Minister Datuk Jailani Johari said the decision was made to ensure the ceremony is conducted smoothly and to respect the feelings of the victims’ next-of-kin.

The entry of the media to the complex area also had to be controlled due to space constraints during the ceremony, which would be attended by Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Abdul Halim Mu’adzam Shah and other dignitaries, he said.

“Nevertheless, the ministry will also provide a media centre outside the complex to enable the media to get direct feedback on the event,” he told a media conference after chairing a meeting of the Communication, Coordination and Media Committee on the ceremony to accord last respects to MH17 tragedy victims here today.

Also present during the meeting were representatives of the media, Information Department, MAS, armed forces (ATM) and Department of Civil Aviation.

“We also don’t want foreign communities viewing the event to remark on how chaotic the event might be, so we have to tackle the situation on the day of the ceremony,” he said.

Jailani said the ceremony at the complex would be supervised by ATM before the remains were taken to the KLIA Mosque, and for non-Muslims, Nirvana Memorial Park.

A special tent would be provided for the victims’ next-of-kin and family members in the complex area but the details would be announced later, he said.

Jailani also urged the media to minimise interviews with the next-of-kin.

“For the MH17 tragedy too, we are seeking to provide the same platform to furnish the latest information on the tragedy,” he said.

Flight MH17, from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur crashed in Donetsk, Ukraine near the Russian border on July 17.

The Boeing 777-200 aircraft carried 298 people — 283 passengers and 15 crew — was believed to have been shot down, but to date no party had claimed responsibility. — Bernama


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Post time 5-8-2014 06:03 PM | Show all posts

BETING MARO (Sarawak), Aug 4 — Defence Minister Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Tun Hussein will chair the main committee meeting to receive the remains of the Malaysia Airlines (MAS) flight MH17 crash victims this Thursday (Aug 7).

Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datuk Seri Rohani Abdul Karim said the meeting would determine all the process of handling the remains.

“The meeting will detail out all the claims received from the families of the victims, processes that will be carried out when the remains are brought back and the funeral that will take place,” she said.

Rohani, who is also Batang Lupar Member of Parliament, disclosed this to reporters at her Aidilfitri gathering at Kampung Batang Maro (Rpt Batang Maro), here today.

Also present were her deputy, Datin Paduka Chiew Mei Fun and the ministry’s secretary-general Datuk Sabariah Hassan.

The ceremony to receive the remains of the Malaysian crash vicitms will be held at the Bunga Raya Complex, KL International Airport.

On the compensation to be handed over to the victims’ next-of-kin, Rohani said it would be made in stages starting from Aug 8.

In an interview with Radio Televisyen Malaysia (RTM) early today, she said the next-of-kin were expected to receive payments of AS$50,000 or RM160,000 at the soonest possible date. — Bernama


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Post time 5-8-2014 06:09 PM | Show all posts
Malaysian experts finally at MH17 crash site, Dutch officials say

August 4, 2014

KIEV, August 4 — Malaysian experts were to visit the site of the downed flight MH17 in eastern Ukraine for the first time today, joining Dutch and Australian police as they continued combing the area for remains.

“This is the first day that the Malaysians are joining the team,” the Dutch security and justice ministry said in a statement, without giving any details about how many experts would be on the ground.

The Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), which has been monitoring the situation in Ukraine, tweeted however that the mission again had trouble accessing the site.

“International experts... have arrived in region of MH17 crash site but are remaining stationary pending further security assessments,” it said.

The OSCE had said earlier its monitors were to visit the site “with 100+ experts and detector dogs”.

Long day ahead intensive work focused on recovery victim remains,” it added.

Experts have been combing the rebel-controlled site in their effort to recover the remains and belongings of the 298 passengers and crew killed when the Malaysia Airlines jet — flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur — was blown out of the sky on July 17.

But the probe has been repeatedly delayed because of continued fighting in the region between government forces and pro-Moscow separatist fighters.

The United States says insurgents shot down the plane with a surface-to-air missile likely supplied by Russia but Moscow and the rebels blame the Ukrainian military.

Another plane carrying remains found over the past few days was set to fly from the government-held city of Kharkiv to the Netherlands today afternoon.

“We expect that there will be more flights to the Netherlands in the near future,” Pieter-Jaap Aalbersberg, head of the Dutch police mission, said yesterday. — AFP

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Post time 5-8-2014 08:53 PM | Show all posts
Waiting game for Malaysian officials at MH17 crash site

August 5, 2014

Malaysian home minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi (left) speaks with Ukraine's economical development and trade minister in Kiev August 5, 2014.

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 5 — Twelve Malaysian police officers gained entry into the crash site of Flight MH17 today but have been left waiting the whole day to carry out investigations pending the green light from Ukrainian separatists controlling the area.

“This morning, 12 of our officials have entered and are still waiting for permission from the separatists to carry out their work,” Home Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi told Malaysian reporters in Kiev, after meeting with Pavlo Sheremeta, Ukraine’s minister of economical development and trade.

Malaysian experts first gained entry to the crash site yesterday but ongoing armed conflict between Ukrainian forces and pro-Russia separatists have hampered the international investigation efforts.

The Malaysian team is tasked with securing and gathering physical evidence from the crash site, Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar told reporters here before flying out to Kiev July 30.

Ahmad Zahid is scheduled to meet with his Ukrainian counterpart later this evening.

The minister had accompanied a team of 68 policemen to Ukraine last Wednesday where international investigators have been combing two fields in the combat-stricken area for clues into the downing of the Malaysia Airlines plane on July 17, which killed 298 people on board.

It is widely believed that the plane, en-route to Kuala Lumpur from Amsterdam, was shot down with a missile.

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Post time 5-8-2014 08:58 PM | Show all posts
Pesawat Bawa Cebisan Mayat MH17 Tiba di Belanda

Tuesday, 05 August 2014

KIEV 5 Ogos - Sebuah pesawat yang membawa cebisan mayat mangsa daripada penerbangan MH17 yang terhempas, tiba di Belanda semalam ketika pakar dari Malaysia menyertai penyiasatan antarabangsa di tempat kejadian di timur Ukraine.

Pesawat pengangkut tentera Belanda itu membawa sebuah keranda yang diisi dengan cebisan mayat yang dijumpai sejak beberapa hari lalu, selain DNA dan barangan yang disampan di bandaraya Donetsk.

Sebelum penerbangan semalam, 227 keranda sudahpun dibawa ke Belanda, yang mempunyai mangsa paling ramai dalam kejadian 17 Julai itu, bagi proses pengecaman.

Sejumlah 298 penumpang dan anggota kru terbunuh apabila jet Penerbangan Malaysia yang sedang berada di udara dari Amsterdam ke Kuala Lumpur ditembak jatuh kira-kira tiga minggu lalu.

Amerika Syarikat mendakwa pesawat terbabit ditembak jatuh oleh peluru berpandu bumi-ke-udara yang dibekalkan oleh Russia, namun sebaliknya Moscow dan pemberontak pula menuduh tentera Ukraine sebagai bertanggungjawab.

Semalam, pakar dari Malaysia menyertai pasukan polis Belanda dan Australia buat pertama kali bagi mencari kesan cebisan mayat mangsa.

Penyiasatan mengenai kejadian itu - pesawat kedua yang menghadapi bencana membabitkan Penerbangan Malaysia tahun ini - terpaksa ditangguhkan beberapa kali berikutan pertempuran antara pasukan keselamatan kerajaan dan pemisah pro-Moscow.

Bunyi tembakan masih dapat didengar ketika pasukan berkenaan tiba dan pasukan pakar itu dihalang daripada memasuki kawasan yang dikuasai pemberontak terbabit, walaupun akhirnya mereka dibenarkan masuk.

Lebih 100 penyiasat dari Belanda, Australia dan Malaysia menjalankan usaha pencarian itu dengan menggunakan anjing pengesan di sekitar kawasan perkampungan Petropavlivka semalam, dan berjaya menjumpai barangan peribadi termasuk album gambar dan passport.

Pasukan pakar dari Malaysia mengadakan doa selamat di tempat kejadian bagi lebih 40 mangsa rakyat Malaysia termasuk anggota kru, kata ketua misi polis Belanda di Ukraine, Pieter-Jaap Aalbersberg.

Dalam kenyataannya yang dipos dalam Facebook, Menteri Pengangkutan, Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai berjanji bahawa mayat mangsa akan dibawa balik sebagai sahaja selesai proses pengecaman dan tugas forensik.

Sementara itu, tambahnya, usaha untuk mencari dan mengenal pasti mangsa tragedi MH17 itu akan diteruskan. Foto - AFP

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Post time 6-8-2014 07:56 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 6-8-2014 03:31 PM | Show all posts
Tentera AS tiba di Ukraine bantu siasatan nahas MH17

WASHINGTON: Satu pasukan kecil tentera Amerika Syarikat (AS) tiba di Kiev hari ini untuk membantu siasatan nahas pesawat Penerbangan Malaysia (MAS) MH17.

Pasukan itu mengandungi 10 anggota termasuk dari bahagian operasi khas, logistik, komunikasi dan pegawai udara.
Mereka akan mengendalikan siasatan dari ibu negara Kiev dan tidak akan melawat tapak nahas yang masih menjadi zon konflik antara tentera Ukraine dengan kumpulan pemisah.

Minggu lalu, Pentagon mengumumkan akan memaklumkan Kongres mengenai pelan peruntukan AS$19 juta bagi melatih beberapa unit dalam Pengawal Kebangsaan Ukraine mengenai 'pertahanan dalam negeri'.

Bagaimanapun, usul berkenaan belum diluluskan ahli Kongres. - REUTERS

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Post time 6-8-2014 03:42 PM | Show all posts
bila dijangka mayat rakyat Malaysia tiba ke tanah air?

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Post time 6-8-2014 04:03 PM | Show all posts
kelana36 posted on 31-7-2014 09:07 AM
nampak macam shrapnel dari missile yang datang dari arah depan kena sebelah kiri cockpit.

Kapten. Main pilot duduk di belah kiri kokpit ke

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Post time 6-8-2014 04:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Lamanya siasatan black box tu..

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Post time 6-8-2014 04:11 PM | Show all posts
cenkudu posted on 6-8-2014 03:42 PM
bila dijangka mayat rakyat Malaysia tiba ke tanah air?

aku rasa la... koman2 pun dekat2 hari merdeka sok...
pasal semalam ke kelmarin depa baru hantar 1 keranda cebisan mayat kan..

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Post time 6-8-2014 04:13 PM | Show all posts
pumpkingirl posted on 6-8-2014 04:07 PM
Lamanya siasatan black box tu..

lama la kot...mcm2 sudut nak di check, suara saper.. camner nada bicara nyer.. nak asing2 kan bunyi itu ini lagi..
tapi khabarnya pok jib dah tahu kan isi rakamannya?

hat taiwan ngan air algeria dah settle ke siasatan black box depa?

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Post time 6-8-2014 04:14 PM | Show all posts
FanTasyCreaTioN posted on 5-8-2014 04:50 AM
kita tolong letak yer ..

menyampahnyer tengok.... eeeeeeeee

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