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Author: NIXAR

[Tempatan] Tragedi MH17 V5 : 35 jenazah selamat dibawa pulang termasuk 2 jenazah pd 9/9

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Post time 15-8-2014 10:08 AM | Show all posts
good news la for the families... at least ada body and boleh buat last rites.. daripada hilang without a trace cam mh370 tu

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Post time 15-8-2014 10:52 AM | Show all posts
Terrorists and militants planned cynical terrorist attack at Aeroflot civil aircraft

During the investigation of Malaysia Airlines Boeing-777 downing the law enforcement and intelligence bodies established that terrorists and militants have cynically planned the terrorist attack at Aeroflot civil aircraft, AFL-2074 Moscow-Larnaca, which was flying over the territory of Ukraine at that moment. Hereof informed the Head of the Security Service of Ukraine Mr. Valentyn Nalyvaichenko during the briefing today.
He underlined – the crime was planned as a ground for bringing of Russian troops into Ukraine, that is – CASUS BELLI for the Russian military invasion.

According to the official Ukrainian data, June 17, 2014, at the mentioned time two regular international flights were operating over the territory of Ukraine following the filed requests for aircraft clearance – MAS17 plane of the Malaysia Airlines and AFL-2074 one of Aeroflot.

The routes of the mentioned international flights were approaching the sky over Donetsk. At 16:09 in the area of Novomykolaivka town the routes of the mentioned flights crossed. It is worth noting that the flight specifications of the aircrafts were almost identical – the Malaysian aircraft flew at a height of 10,100 m at a speed 909 km/h, while the Russian one - at a height of 10,600 m at a speed 768 km/h.

At 16:20 from the area of ‘Pervomaiske’ village, north-east from Donetsk, near the town of Torez, terrorists shot down the Malaysian jet, which then crashed near Grabove, Donetsk region.
According to the intercepted and published data about the ‘Buk” missile system, the terrorists had received an order to place the system near ‘Pervomaiskoe’ village, V. Nalyvaichenko mentioned. The namesake village is located about 20 km to the north-east from Donetsk.

The terrorists (most of them are not locals, but the Russian mercenaries) misrecognized the namesake villages and moved the other way, the SSU Head said. The odd route of the ‘Buk’ missile system on the territory of Ukraine proves that fact. The system crossed the Russia-Ukraine border in Luhansk region, then was deployed westward to Donetsk and moved back to the border between Donetsk and Luhansk regions afterwards.

By setting up the ‘Buk’ missile system in ‘Pervomaiske’ village located to the west from Donetsk and taking into consideration the military specifications of the weapon, the terrorists could have shot down the Russian civilian jetliner with its further crashing on the Ukrainian territory controlled by the ATO forces.

In that case Russia would receive an opportunity to accuse the Ukrainian authorities of downing the Russian plane, assaulting the Russian citizens and would use this irresistible proof for its invasion into Ukraine.
Russian side would need a compelling argument for such a step, for example accusation of the Ukrainian government in mass murder of the Russian citizens.

“A peculiar cynicism appears in the fact that the terrorist act was planned just against the peaceful, innocent Russian citizens, who were flying with their children on vacation”, - V. Nalyvaichenko, stressed.
Intelligence data proved that on July 18 the militants have already waited for the introduction of Russian Armed forces into the territory of Ukraine. The Russian side had been giving grounding for such developments for the several previous days. The Russian Mass Media had massively published information about the alleged shelling of the RF territory from the Ukrainian side.

Source: SSU Press-Center

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Post time 15-8-2014 10:58 AM | Show all posts
the counter arguments

Desperate MH17 “Intelligence” Spin by Ukraine Secret Service: Pro-Russian Rebels had Targeted a Russian Passenger Plane. “But Shot Down Flight MH17 by Mistake” at

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Post time 15-8-2014 11:05 AM | Show all posts
kita pakai pakaian hitam ka jumaat 22 tu..kang ada pulak yg sentap..pi cakap ikut kafirlaa yahudi laaa.. pastu boh lak dlm fb..caci maki pun bermula....

knpa malaysia jd mcm ni...

aku pasti pakai hitam hari tu..nak coti kene sekat...nyampahhh

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Post time 15-8-2014 11:06 AM | Show all posts
Bertuah keluarga-keluarga ni.

Sedih pada MH370 ...langsung tak tahu di mana


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Post time 15-8-2014 11:09 AM | Show all posts
cutieslilies posted on 15-8-2014 11:05 AM
kita pakai pakaian hitam ka jumaat 22 tu..kang ada pulak yg sentap..pi cakap ikut kafirlaa yahudi la ...

Pedulikan apa poyo-poyo tu kata.

Banyaaaaak isu-isu lain yang patut dikisahkan dan dihavockan...


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Post time 15-8-2014 11:10 AM | Show all posts
ctrl+F posted on 15-8-2014 10:58 AM
the counter arguments

Desperate MH17 “Intelligence” Spin by Ukraine Secret Service: Pro-Russia ...

desperate tui ukraine nak cover kantoi mereka

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Post time 15-8-2014 03:32 PM | Show all posts
MH17: Malaysia sudah terima laporan siasatan awal dua kotak hitam
Jumaat, 15 Ogos 2014 @ 3:00 PM

KAMPAR: Malaysia sudah menerima laporan hasil siasatan awal dua kotak hitam pesawat MH17, kata Menteri Pengangkutan, Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai.

Beliau berkata, Malaysia menyerahkan kepada pasukan penyiasat antarabangsa untuk mendedahkan maklumat itu kepada umum serta melakukan siasatan lebih lanjut terhadap kota hitam itu.

"Saya difahamkan pasukan penyiasat itu turut menghantar laporan berkenaan ke negara lain yang mempunyai kaitan dengan tragedi itu," katanya pada sidang media selepas menghadiri Konvokesyen Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman(UTAR) di sini tengah hari tadi.

Beliau juga berkata, Malaysia tidak menetapkan tempoh masa tertentu untuk membawa semua mayat kru dan penumpang rakyat negara ini kembali ke tanah air.

Sebaliknya, beliau berkata Malaysia menyerahkan kepada pasukan penyiasat forensik untuk melaksanakan tugasannya dalam mengecam mangsa pesawat berkenaan.

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Post time 15-8-2014 03:39 PM | Show all posts
punya la lama...mcm mana la keadaan mayat tu ye...
siksa je roh nya tgk

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Post time 15-8-2014 04:42 PM | Show all posts
dato najib dan dato hishamuddin stepgrandmother dlm naas mh17 jugak.Agak nye dh jumpa ke blum mayat stepgranma

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Post time 15-8-2014 05:03 PM | Show all posts
keluarga En. Tambi 6 beranak dari sarawak tu hanya sorang yg dah dikenal pasti.
Muhamad afif
diorang dok kat biz class. seat 4&5

nenek tiri najib/hisham dok dkt2 wing - seat 21 (so far rasanya belum dikenal pasti)

so far dari news yg aku baca, mereka2 ni antara mayat yg dah dikenal pasti

ali  - seat 36
elaine teoh - seat 35
ng qing zheng - seat 34
tapi kakak dia Ng Shi Ing & anak dia yg dok kat seat 11 belum dijumpai/dikenal pasti

Last edited by biggirlduncry on 17-8-2014 09:12 PM


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Post time 15-8-2014 05:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
biggirlduncry posted on 15-8-2014 05:03 PM
keluarga En. Tambi 6 beranak dari sarawak tu sorang pun belum jumpa/dikenal pasti, kan.
diorang dok ...

Mana awak tau ye..

Ketua pramugara dah jumpa ke ye..

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Post time 15-8-2014 05:07 PM | Show all posts
tensic~ posted on 15-8-2014 05:05 PM
Mana awak tau ye..

Ketua pramugara dah jumpa ke ye..

lor... cuba baca dari page 1.. ada news kan, siapa2 yg dah dikenal pasti.. ketua pramugara saya tak pasti..
yg ada dlm news... co-pilot ahmad firdaus & crew Mastura

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Post time 15-8-2014 05:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cutieslilies posted on 15-8-2014 11:05 AM
kita pakai pakaian hitam ka jumaat 22 tu..kang ada pulak yg sentap..pi cakap ikut kafirlaa yahudi la ...

I bc kat board masa mangkat sultan perak tu, zaman dulu bila mlwt jnzah org pakai baju putih.

as for mulut setazah n ustaz on9 yg fefeling dah dpt teket ke syurga tu, gasak pi diorangla..
i'll put on black, to show respect to d victims.

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Post time 15-8-2014 07:10 PM | Show all posts
ii nti tgk tv je give my respects..

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Post time 15-8-2014 08:14 PM | Show all posts
‪#‎tragediMH17‬ KREW penerbangan Malaysia (MAS) sebak mengenang rakan setugas mereka semasa mengunjungi sudut memperingati mangsa pesawat MH17 di Lapangan Terbang Shipol, Amsterdam. FOTO Danial Saad

Last edited by kakasotong on 15-8-2014 08:18 PM


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Post time 15-8-2014 11:20 PM | Show all posts
orang ramai boleh pegi klia ke 22hb ni nk tengok upacara ketibaan jenazah tu? kot2 hanya utk vip and waris mangsa jah...

aku standby depan tv je lah tengok.. aku type ni pun dah terasa sayu.. bila 22hb ni lagi la bertambah sayu


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Post time 15-8-2014 11:34 PM | Show all posts
fiza1 posted on 15-8-2014 11:20 PM
orang ramai boleh pegi klia ke 22hb ni nk tengok upacara ketibaan jenazah tu? kot2 hanya utk vip and ...

Rasanya tak boleh. Hanya keluarga waris, RTM dgn apa satu lagi, x ingat aa saja media yg dibenarkan. No reporter2 tonyoh mic tanya waris.
Mintak hormat perasaan n privacy mereka.

Ada dlm paper tulis pasal ni

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Post time 15-8-2014 11:37 PM | Show all posts
kakasotong posted on 15-8-2014 08:14 PM
‪#‎tragediMH17‬ KREW penerbangan Malaysia (MAS) sebak mengenang rakan setugas mere ...

Kakaso, kat area mana ek diorg buat sudut ni, kwn iols tanya katanya nak pi tgk, next month dia pi amsterdam.

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Post time 15-8-2014 11:49 PM | Show all posts
Credit to PerisikRimba
Friday, August 15, 2014

16 Jenazah MH17 Tiba KLIA 22 Ogos!!

Taklimat terperinci telah pun dibentangkan oleh Jawatankuasa Koordinasi Istiadat Penghormatan Jenazah Warganegara Malaysia Tragedi MH17 yang dipengerusikan oleh Menteri Pertahanan, Dato Seri Hishamuddin.

Istiadat penghormatan ini akan diadakan pada 22 Ogos bertempat di Kompleks Bunga Raya, KLIA. Pada hari tersebut turut diumumkan sebagai Hari Berkabung Negara. Antara yang hadir nanti adalah DYMM Agong, Menteri Kabinet, Menteri Besar, Ketua Menteri serta ahli keluarga mangsa tragedi MH17.

Setakat ini, searamai 24 jenazah warga negara telah dikenalpasti oleh pihak berkuasa Amsterdam. 24 jenazah ini terdiri daripada 14 penumpang dan 10 anak kapal. Daripada jumlah ini, 2 jenazah dikenal pasti pada 4 Ogos lalu, 14 jenazah dikenalpasti pada 8 Ogos, 6 jenazah dikenalpasti pada 12 Ogos, manakala 2 lagi jenazah dikenalpasti pada 13 Ogos.

Bagi majlis istiadat penghormatan jenazah ada 22 Ogos ini, sejumlah 15 jenazah warga Malaysia dan 1 jenazah warga Belanda  dijangka tiba di Kompleks Bunga Raya, Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa (KLIA) jam 10 pagi nanti.

Perisik difahamkan bahawa jenazah warga Belanda terbabit akan disemadikan di Malaysia atas permintaan ahli keluarga mangsa. Sebab terperinci mengapa ia dibawa ke sini tidak diperolehi.

Jumlah 16 jenazah ini melibatkan enam beragama Islam dan 10 bukan Islam. Baki lapan jenazah lagi belum melalui proses lengkap dan dijadual akan dibawa pulang secara berperingkat-peringkat.

Untuk makluman pihak JAKIM telah berada di Amsterdam bagi menguruskan jenazah beragama Islam. Manakala anggota Jabatan Perpaduan Negara dan Integrasi Nasional (JPNIN) termasuk pengamal-pengamal agama telah tiba di Amsterdam 13 Ogos lalu bagi menguruskan mayat bukan Islam.

P/s : ada setengah org mmg akan decide utk disemadikan di destinasi terakhir yg patut dia pergi so aku rasa waris sorang dutch tu pun decide gitu la kot. Last edited by biggirlduncry on 16-8-2014 11:01 AM


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