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Author: YoonArang

[KBS] The Return of Superman / Superman is Back (3rd Nursery)

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Post time 3-12-2014 03:15 PM | Show all posts
doubleA posted on 3-12-2014 01:18 PM
comey sangat rumah alligator

ilkook letak alligator tu bersebab kan dulu?

sebab tripelts tu la..
diaorg kan x taw tu kamera..
dia org panggil alligator..
so,nak biasakan budak2 tu sume dgn kamera
tu yg ilkook pi letak alligator...
biar diaorg lebih mesra dgn kamera dan xde lah nanti diaorg pi dekat kamera
tu main2 mcm yg diaorg selalu buat kat aircond tu..
rasanya lah...


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Post time 3-12-2014 03:18 PM | Show all posts
YoonArang posted on 3-12-2014 01:13 PM
Tu la.. xleh lama2 sgt sbb dorg just tayang life je.. bila kite da kenal.. da penah tgk aktivit do ...

nanti dh lama2 dan besar mcm haru mst netizen bosan gak tgok..
dah xde xtvt nak buat kan...mcm haru tu siyes aku cakap..
semenjak 2 menjak dh mcm bosan cket..sbb tgok tablo mcm dah xde mood
nak buat xtvt dgn haru...pasnie sarang lak...
triplets nie sbb diaorg 3,mcm2 perangai ada...
rasanya lambat cket kot nak bosan...(bias)


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Post time 3-12-2014 03:20 PM | Show all posts
makdik2301 posted on 3-12-2014 03:15 PM
sebab tripelts tu la..
diaorg kan x taw tu kamera..
dia org panggil alligator..

rasanya sebab taknak dorang main2 dengan kamera tula letak alligator kot ek.
sebab buaya kan gigit, jadi tak la budak2 tu tunggang terbalikkan kamera tu

logik2, macam uols kata

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Post time 3-12-2014 03:20 PM | Show all posts
doubleA posted on 3-12-2014 01:16 PM
ada isu ke mak dia keluar dalam superman sekali?
tapi memang dalam banyak2 mak, mak haru yg selal ...

haah ada news pasal mak haru  yg selalu kuar show nie..
netizen komplen la x puas hati sbb show nie kan utk anak2
abeskan masa 48jam dgn ayah jer..tiba2 ada mak...dh mcm show
ayah dan mak lak...yg teruk kena mak haru la..
episod diaorg sambut annivesary kat jeju tu la yg kena hentam teruk..

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Post time 3-12-2014 03:22 PM | Show all posts
makdik2301 posted on 3-12-2014 03:20 PM
haah ada news pasal mak haru  yg selalu kuar show nie..
netizen komplen la x puas hati sbb show n ...

pergh, dasat penangan k-netizen ni.

tapi memang mak haru paling banyak keluar dari mak2 yg lain.
mak twin tu ada la jugak sikit2.
mak triplets nampak bayang2 jela

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Post time 3-12-2014 03:23 PM | Show all posts
doubleA posted on 3-12-2014 03:20 PM
rasanya sebab taknak dorang main2 dengan kamera tula letak alligator kot ek.
sebab buaya kan gigi ...

haah sbbnya bila ilkook letak alligator tu kat kamera
dan tunjuk kat triplets tu diaorg lari2 takot
alligator tu gigit diaorg..


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Post time 3-12-2014 03:27 PM | Show all posts
makdik2301 posted on 3-12-2014 03:23 PM
haah sbbnya bila ilkook letak alligator tu kat kamera
dan tunjuk kat triplets tu diaorg lari2 tak ...

dorang memang comel sangat!!
dengan bapaknya pun comel


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Post time 3-12-2014 03:29 PM | Show all posts
trexxxxxi posted on 26-11-2014 04:07 PM
song.triplets Suh Un and Suh Joon and hyungs Dae Han, Min Guk, and Man Se will be spending some time ...

waiting for this episode!!

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Post time 3-12-2014 03:29 PM | Show all posts
doubleA posted on 3-12-2014 03:22 PM
pergh, dasat penangan k-netizen ni.

tapi memang mak haru paling banyak keluar dari mak2 yg lain ...

k-netizen nie mmg dasat kalo dh bersuara tu..
kdg2 artis pon surrender..
kan show nie pernah ada sorg pelakon tu join kejap..
pastu ada kes,netizen suh diaorg kuar dr show nie...

mak sarang dan mak twins kuar kejap2 gitu jer..
mak haru kan kalo kuar tu banyak lak airtime dia..
siap buat xtvt sama2 lagi dgn haru dan tablo..
netizen jeles kot tgok kemesraan tablo dgn wife dia..
kan diaorg x mcm hubs-wife yg lain..mcm kwn2 pon ada..

mak triplets mmg xleh kuar muka dia kat tv..


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Post time 3-12-2014 03:31 PM | Show all posts
doubleA posted on 3-12-2014 03:27 PM
dorang memang comel sangat!!
dengan bapaknya pun comel

sebab bapaknya lah anak2nya jadik secomel tu..
baka baik...hihi~


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Post time 3-12-2014 03:35 PM | Show all posts
makdik2301 posted on 3-12-2014 03:29 PM
k-netizen nie mmg dasat kalo dh bersuara tu..
kdg2 artis pon surrender..
kan show nie pernah ada ...

pelakon yg baru beranak tu ke?
yg anaknya nama apa ntah tu.

atau yakkung tu?

sebab show2 macam ni pentingkan rating sama kan, mesti nak yg menguntungkan.
tapi semangat k-netizen tu memang dasyat

pasal mak triplets tu sebab mak dorang majistret ke apa tu ek?
sebab tu takleh kuar tv?

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Post time 3-12-2014 03:36 PM | Show all posts
makdik2301 posted on 3-12-2014 03:31 PM
sebab bapaknya lah anak2nya jadik secomel tu..
baka baik...hihi~


baik pulak tu.

belanja sekeping gambar bapak triplets


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Post time 3-12-2014 03:56 PM | Show all posts
doubleA posted on 3-12-2014 03:35 PM
pelakon yg baru beranak tu ke?
yg anaknya nama apa ntah tu.

haa yakkung dgn bapaknya tu..
kesian diaorg..kejap jer dpt join show nie..

yg baby baru lahir tu diaorg join sbb nak isi
slot yakkung yg terpaksa kuar..

haah sbb faktor keje mak diaorg sbg majistret la
yg xleh sebarangan kuar tv..

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Post time 3-12-2014 03:58 PM | Show all posts
doubleA posted on 3-12-2014 03:36 PM

baik pulak tu.

triplets nie byk ikut muka bapaknya..
besar2 nanti mst hensem sume..
dan perangai pon haraplah mcm bapaknya gak..


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Post time 3-12-2014 04:01 PM | Show all posts
makdik2301 posted on 3-12-2014 03:56 PM
haa yakkung dgn bapaknya tu..
kesian diaorg..kejap jer dpt join show nie..

oh nasib baik baby baru lahir tu takda slot.
iols kurang gemar sangat dorang
lagipun kecik sangat lagi baby tu

yakkung tu tak best ke ek?
patut pun sekejap je si yakkung tu muncul.


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Post time 3-12-2014 04:02 PM | Show all posts
makdik2301 posted on 3-12-2014 03:58 PM
triplets nie byk ikut muka bapaknya..
besar2 nanti mst hensem sume..
dan perangai pon haraplah  ...

dari kecik dah jadi selebriti dorang tu
si minguk tu nampak dah ciri2 idol
kalau jadi artis, memang ikut bapaknya la.
kalau lain2 ikut emaknya voleh gitu

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Post time 3-12-2014 04:02 PM | Show all posts
entah pape la diaorg nie...nie pon nak bising ke...
biasa r budak2 gaduh sesama sendiri...
tapi bagus r diaorg siap wat kajian lagi nape daehan jadik mcm tu..

''Superman Is Back criticized for its editing and captions that portrayed Dae Han in a negative light during his fight with Man Se"
Viewers of KBS 2TV's 'Superman is Back' are voicing their opinions to producers once more, this time asking that the staff pay closer attention to their editing and captions that could potentially mislead viewers. The complaints especially stemmed from the fight scene between two of Song Il Kook's triplets, Dae Han and Man Se, aired on a previous episode.

On the November 23rd broadcast, Lee Hwi Jae and his twins Suh Un and Suh Joon visited Song Il Kook and his triplets Dae Han, Min Guk, and Man Se. Lee Hwi Jae had brought gifts with him and gave each triplet a different version of the toy of their favorite character 'Robocar Poli'. Later, the show seemed to indicate that Dae Han was not happy with his blue toy and had tried to take Man Se's red toy instead, resulting in a fight between the two and led to Song Il Kook scolding them.

When Song Il Kook was disciplining Dae Han and Man Se, Dae Han especially seemed to be resistant to kiss and hug to make up. This seemed a bit odd as Dae Han has been always portrayed as the more considerate triplet among the three who looks out for his brothers. Song Il Kook then told Man Se to play with the red toy first and then Dae Han later, so that each child would have time to play with it, and told Dae Han that he needed to be more understanding as the oldest. However, Dae Han sulked in sadness by going into their playroom by himself and putting himself to sleep with the covers pulled up over his head.

It seems there was a reason behind Dae Han acting a bit out of character as netizens discovered after watching the scene more closely, that Dae Han was the original owner of the red toy! It seems he and Man Se had tried switching toys sometime later and when Dae Han was simply asking for it back saying, "Give It Back", the show had written for its captions, "Dae Han who is suddenly showing interest in Man Se's toy... Dae Han who took Man Se's toy."

Viewers also pointed out Lee Hwi Jae also knew about the situation as he was heard saying to Man Se, "Where is Man Se's? Where is Man Se's? Man Se's is here," as he searched for the blue toy.

Realizing that the editing had been done in a bad waythat made out Dae Han to be the troublemaker that started the fight, viewers voiced out that the show needs to be more careful during the editing process and about how they write their captions.

Top comments on this topic read, "The 'Superman' kids are cute and lovable so I watch them all the time.. But the editing is somewhat of a mess and the captions are especially weird. The captions shown for the kids don't fit well"; "They made Dae Han look like a bad kid. I also thought that it was weird that Dae Han was acting differently from the way he normally is.. Song Il Kook must have not known so that's why he punished them like that. He must have also been sad upon seeing the broadcast later ㅠㅠ I don't know about anything else, but I'm uncomfortable with the portrayal of an innocent kid in a bad light. I ask for careful editing"; and "Upon watching Dae Han cry, I thought he must have felt that it was really unfair.. Dae Han was quietly playing with his toy when Man Se took it and Dae Han only tried to reclaim what was his afterwards, but they were both punished. Dae Han ah~ The hyungs and noonas who watched you on TV know the truth so don't be too upset.


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Post time 3-12-2014 04:05 PM | Show all posts
doubleA posted on 3-12-2014 04:01 PM
oh nasib baik baby baru lahir tu takda slot.
iols kurang gemar sangat dorang
lagipun kecik sa ...

samalah iols pon x berkenan dgn baby tu...
dgn mak ayah dia pon x suka..bosan la..
nasib baik kejap je diaorg ada...

yg yakkung tu best la..budak lagi sama mcm dgn triplets la..
tapi sbb ada kes tu yg kena kaur dari show nie...
kalo xde bersabit dg eks tu mst diaorg kekal lagi skg..
da mungkin kita xleh ank tgok triplets..sbb triplets nie
ganti yakkung yg kuar tu..

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Post time 3-12-2014 04:08 PM | Show all posts
doubleA posted on 3-12-2014 04:02 PM
dari kecik dah jadi selebriti dorang tu  
si minguk tu nampak dah ciri2 idol
kala ...

mmg yg paling nampak kearah dunia seni hiburan minguk la..
dia yg paling byk cakap..daehan tu jenis pendiam cket..manse lak
ikut abg2 dia..kejap bising,kejap diam kejap nakal..


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Post time 3-12-2014 04:20 PM | Show all posts
makdik2301 posted on 3-12-2014 04:05 PM
samalah iols pon x berkenan dgn baby tu...
dgn mak ayah dia pon x suka..bosan la..
nasib baik ke ...

mujur la yakkung kena keluar pun sebab triplets ni triplets best dari yakkung

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