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Author: YoonArang

[KBS] The Return of Superman / Superman is Back (3rd Nursery)

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 Author| Post time 2-1-2015 10:34 AM | Show all posts
makdik2301 replied at 2-1-2015 10:26 AM
betol ke ilkook veggie?
tu yg dia pi bwk triplets makan
udang,sotong,ikan sume tu?

ke dia x mkn daging eh? japgi aku nk gugel2 la jap psl tu..


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 Author| Post time 2-1-2015 10:41 AM | Show all posts

tgk ni aku jmpe cerita psl sik... kekeke.. jenis lawak2 jgk rupenye dia.. patut manse tu jd rupe tu

3/21/09 SIK show Part 2 Tales of SIK by buddy Yeo Ho Min

Note: This is not a literal translation, but my summary.

Before Yeo Ho Min comes on stage, SIK introduces him: YHM played an assasin sent to kill me in EOTS. He tried to kill me, I told him not to kill me, he didn't kill me, and we became friends. Because we are close friends and he knows me so well, I am worried about what he will say. image

YHM: SIK is known as a prankster and likes to play pratical jokes. Once on the set of Jumong, he let out a loud yell. Everyone on the set - directors, staff, etc. dropped everything and immediately ran over to him, worried that he was badly injured. He held up his finger showing a tiny cut.
Host David Lim: Are you sure he wasn't actually hurting? (meaning he's a wimp).
YHM: No I'm not sure. image
YHM: However, in another incident he was injured more seriously and SIK never complained. His horse slipped in the mud, fell on him, and SIK ended up with scrapes and bruises on one side of his body from leg to shoulder.

(SIK is looking down and smiling all this time)

YHM: We were at a ski resort and SIK really wanted to buy this barbecue. I told him why (on earth, my comment) do you want to buy this barbecue since you don't even eat meat. He kept on looking at it for ONE HOUR, before finally just buying it. (I think this is when SIK pushes the mic away from YHM and covers his face in embarrassment)
Hosts: The English translation for this characteristic is "sensitive." (Has something to do with SIK's blood type A. YHM has blood type O.)
YHM: Another time, SIK was hungrily eyeing some squid wrapped with pork belly. Once again, he wavered between eating it , not eating it. Just when I thought he was going to eat it, he decided not to.
(IMO: very typical of Libras, who cannot make up their !!!! minds.)

YHM: One night SIK called me to go drinking. He had just finished filming a commercial for rice wine and wanted to spend the night drinking rice wine. It took only 3 drinks before SIK passed out. So much for a night of drinking.
Hosts: SIK must be the ideal designated driver. (SIK smiles)

kirenye dia x mkn daging la ye.. tp mende2 seafood mkn... bukan la veggie.. huhuu

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Post time 2-1-2015 12:20 PM | Show all posts
YoonArang replied at 2-1-2015 10:41 AM

tgk ni aku jmpe cerita psl sik... kekeke.. jenis lawak2 jgk rupenye dia.. patut manse ...

hihi gigih ko yoon...
YHM tu spae lak??
pening jap aku baca...

haah dia bukan veggie r tu leh mkn seafood..
meat tu merujuk  pada  daging lembu kan yoon?
ke sekali daging babi gak??
tp,agak mustahil la org kuriya nie x makan daging babi..


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Post time 2-1-2015 09:53 PM | Show all posts
makdik2301 replied at 1-1-2015 08:45 PM
ko r tulun print kan utk aku..aku nak ko gak bagi hadiah kalendar triplets  nie..
x kesah r ko pr ...

tu aku dh bg soft copy..
ko save dlm pen drive ko.
p suh kdai cetak lawa2..
xdak makna aku nk print kt ko..
printer pn aku lupa bwk blik umah sewa.


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Post time 2-1-2015 09:57 PM | Show all posts
makdik2301 replied at 1-1-2015 08:47 PM
wonto cmna nak print nie tecit sgt r...
nak tengok date pon x nampak..

ko cri la yg besaq sndiri
triplets pn mkn sndiri x bersuap tau

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Post time 2-1-2015 10:00 PM | Show all posts
makdik2301 replied at 1-1-2015 08:48 PM
ooooo ilkook x makan ke?X pasan lak aku..
hishhh kejamnya apak bg anak2 makan
dia leh tengok jer ...

x nmpk dia mkn pn..
dia x mkn kot bnda2 mcm tu makdik.
ko kn lbh tau

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Post time 2-1-2015 10:05 PM | Show all posts

mahal kak ayu..
brp ar @makdik2301?


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Post time 2-1-2015 10:15 PM | Show all posts
YoonArang replied at 2-1-2015 09:26 AM
haha.. berebut2 nk stroberi... malu ilkook..
nasib la sarang baik sudi bg manse stroberi.. : ...

tp buah stoberi diorg besaq2 kn..
mst manis2 masam..sedapnya
kuat mkn minguk ni...klu dok sebulan umah sarang,mst pening apak sarang nk masak apa.

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Post time 3-1-2015 07:58 PM | Show all posts
semua pun comel gila! dah lah cheeky, geram gila tengok perangai sorang sorang

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Post time 3-1-2015 09:37 PM | Show all posts
YoonArang replied at 21-11-2014 01:01 PM
Budak2 cute dalam Superman is Back... current cast

starting with the oldest

btw, thank you bagi video youtube lagu background triplet tu

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Post time 4-1-2015 10:44 AM | Show all posts
EPISODE 59 150104 KBS2TV ---

What Is Song Il Gook’s Wish for the New Year?

Actor, father, and husband Song Il Gook will be sharing his wish for the new year on this week’s broadcast of KBS2TV’s “Superman Returns.”

Titled “In Between Anxiety and Excitement,” the episode airing on January 4 will show Song Il Gook and his lovely triplets’ staying at a traditional ryokan and taking a dip in a hot spring during their visit to Japan.

To prepare themselves for the hot spring experience, the triplets got into their birthday suits and stepped out of the dressing room, only to realize that the air feels freezing against their bare skin. The triplets started shouting “It’s cold~ It’s cold~” and twisted their bodies from side to side, making their father laugh at the desperate yet adorable sight. However, as soon as they reached the hot spring and touched the water with their toes, the three started yelling “It’s hot~ It’s hot~” and evoked laughter again with their dramatic reaction.

It didn’t take long for Dae Han, Min Gook, and Man Se to realize that the water is actually pleasantly warm, and Song Il Gook used the opportunity to share his wish for the new year with the happy and satisfied children. The father revealed he hopes the new year brings him less diapers and more requests to visit the toilet.

“Guys, please stop using diapers this year and help open up a new world for daddy,” Song Il Gook said to his three sons. Unfortunately, his wish fell on deaf ears, and the triplets continued to play with water like nothing happened. Seeing this, Song Il Gook asked the youngest, “Man Se~ Are you now ready to go diaper-free?” to which Man Se replied by shaking his head in denial while letting out a cute “Aing~” while making his father burst in laughter.

“Superman Returns” Twins Leave their Dad for Candy Machine

In the upcoming 59th episode of KBS2’s “Superman Returns,” Lee Hwi Jae’s twin sons, Seo Eon and Seo Joon, betray their father.

Lee Hwi Jae took his sons on a night out in Seoul, but rather than the spectacular night view, the twins found something more appealing – candy.

“Wow!” the twins screeched in delight as they each took hold of a candy vending machine. It was obvious Seo Eon and Seo Joon had no other thoughts than intensely gazing into the machine full of sugary treasure. Lee Hwi Jae tried to revert the twins’ attention back to himself, but he had no luck.

“Okay, let’s go watch the night view,” said the twins’ father. However, the twins stood rooted in place without even looking at their father. At this point, Lee Hwi Jae had to try harder to get his sons’ attention.

“Fine, daddy’s leaving! Bye bye!” again tried the father. To this, Seo Joon replied, “Okay, bye bye daddy!”
Episode 59 of “Superman Returns” will broadcast on January 4
“Superman Returns” Yano Shiho’s New Year Wish Is for Sarang to Have a Sibling

Model and mother of Chu Sarang, Yano Shiho, expressed her desire to have a second child. In the most recent broadcast of KBS 2TV’s “Superman Returns,” mixed martial artist Chu Sung Hoon and his family spent their New Year’s Eve on the beach. They reflected on the past year and made wishes for the new year as they waited for the first sunrise of 2015. As the sun started to rise, Chu Sarang said with a bright smile, “I want to buy the sun.” Her dad replied, “Where would you put it after buying it?” Yano Shiho’s shared her wish for a sibling for Sarang. She asked Chu Sung Hoon, “What do you think about adding a member to our family?” “Superman Returns” is airing on a modified schedule due to the ongoing national team exhibition games. You can catch the next episode of “Superman Returns” on January 4, 4:10 p.m KST.
time new year they have  special epi (old fotage + yg baru dlm epi nie (new clip)   new year wished all family  

new family uhm tae woon + uhm ji-on

Uhm Tae Woong and Uhm Ji On to Join “Superman Returns” Family This Week

Actor Uhm Tae Woong and his 18-month-old daughter Uhm Ji On will make their grand entrance to the KBS’ “Superman Returns” family on this week’s episode of the reality-variety show.

The new father-daughter couple is set to greet the viewers on December 4. The first episode will show the family moving int0 their new house, a cozy single-family home located right next to a mountain. Right upon arrival at the property, Uhm Tae Woong let his Jindo dog run free in the backyard and shouted, “This is my dream home!” with a bright smile on his face.

Despite the dreamy exterior of the house, the inside of the house turned out to be lacking. The heating system did not work properly, causing all floors to be as cold as ice, and on top of that, the bathroom had no tap installed to it. While Uhm Tae Woong’s wife Yoon Hae Jin appeared shocked and worried over the state of the house, the actor himself ensured to his wife with a carefree attitude that everything can be fixed.

Uhm Ji On has been nicknamed as her father’s private source of endorphin thanks to her bright smile and adorable toddling. Another character worth the wait is the family’s furry friend Sae Bom, who will be seen running up and down the mountains with Uhm Ji On trying to keep up with her best friend’s pace.

The December 4 broadcast of “Superman Returns” will air earlier than usual at 4:10 p.m. due to the national football team’s warm-up match.


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Post time 4-1-2015 01:06 PM | Show all posts
acik trex baru tengok ep57..
dok gelak terkekek2 sorang2 tengok keletah triplets dengan sarang noona..


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Post time 4-1-2015 01:10 PM | Show all posts
ctaisyah replied at 4-1-2015 11:44 AM
time new year they have  special epi (old fotage + yg baru dlm epi nie (new clip)   new year w ...

jion tu juling air ke.. tapi tetap comell...
UTW pon kuor drama baru khenn..
valid love..

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Post time 4-1-2015 01:17 PM | Show all posts
family superman dah ada anggota baru!

cc @doubleA

lama tak nampak dabelchannn...
lab desu?
MYS desu?

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Post time 4-1-2015 01:18 PM | Show all posts
tag tak lekat..

@doubleA  @doubleA @doubleA

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Post time 4-1-2015 09:11 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ada tak yang beli calendar triplet tu?
Nak beli juga tp x tau kat mana

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Post time 4-1-2015 09:34 PM | Show all posts
wonto replied at 2-1-2015 09:53 PM
tu aku dh bg soft copy..
ko save dlm pen drive ko.
p suh kdai cetak lawa2..
ko cri la yg besaq sndiri
triplets pn mkn sndiri x bersuap tau
alaaa sesekali nak bermanja dgn ko...

x nmpk dia mkn pn..
dia x mkn kot bnda2 mcm tu makdik.
ko kn lbh tau
x sempat la nak pokus kat ilkook time tu..

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Post time 4-1-2015 09:36 PM | Show all posts
hidden_fear replied at 4-1-2015 09:11 PM
Ada tak yang beli calendar triplet tu?
Nak beli juga tp x tau kat mana

haritu ada org share website yg jual kalendar nie..preorder...

aku dh terdelete..
mahal wehhh..110dolar mcm la regenya..
x termasuk shipping lagi tu..

bak ckp @wonto print sendiri jer la..
jimat kos..


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Post time 4-1-2015 10:10 PM | Show all posts
sedih tengok part ilkook risau pasal mata dia ngan anak2 dia tu... ... daehan agaknya tk namak sangat jdik dia mcm malas nak jawab...minkook paling pandai...pelik eh..umor diorg ni mcm bru nak masuk 4 thun kan...dh pandai kenal nombor

yg pasal bapa hwijae pon sedehhh.....penat tahan air mata time hwijae tgk ayah dia buat photoshoot tu....

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Post time 4-1-2015 11:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
makdik2301 replied at 4-1-2015 09:34 PM
alaaa sesekali nak bermanja dgn ko...

P mnja2 kt il kook tu
Mcm mn ko terlepas tgk..slalu ko fokus kt dia
Xbaik la lyn apam mcm ni..

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