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Post time 28-1-2015 03:18 PM | Show all posts
lkick2113 replied at 28-1-2015 02:54 PM
ok2.....bukan apa lily...wa handle projek ratus2 juta, the big scale one...makan tahun baru siap.. ...

Buat projek apa tu..?


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Post time 28-1-2015 03:21 PM | Show all posts

hehe....1 projek banyak ragam.....projek rehabilitation and beautification for river je.


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Post time 28-1-2015 03:25 PM | Show all posts
lkick2113 replied at 28-1-2015 03:21 PM
hehe....1 projek banyak ragam.....projek rehabilitation and beautification for river je.

Projek kecik pon byk kerenah.. Lg la yg ratus juta...

Da lunch?

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Post time 28-1-2015 03:28 PM | Show all posts
lily_kama replied at 28-1-2015 03:25 PM
Projek kecik pon byk kerenah.. Lg la yg ratus juta...

Da lunch?


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Post time 28-1-2015 04:33 PM | Show all posts

Lkick tu apa maksud ekk?

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Post time 28-1-2015 05:25 PM | Show all posts

stage name la lily....hehehehe.....wa ni peminat music hip hop yang ada group underground la satu masa dulu, namanya rap-pack syndrome wa punya stage name dulu Mr. Layman...tapi dalam lyric2 lagu wa bahasakan diri sebagai lkick dimana L-Kick adalah salah satu nama gerakan di dalam tarian breakdance......

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Post time 28-1-2015 08:13 PM | Show all posts
lkick2113 replied at 28-1-2015 05:25 PM
stage name la lily....hehehehe.....wa ni peminat music hip hop yang ada group underground la satu  ...

Cekap brekdance ?

Dlm lirik sebut nama sendiri? Ingat L-kick tu Layman-Kick...

Retis rupanya..

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Post time 28-1-2015 10:27 PM | Show all posts
lily_kama replied at 28-1-2015 12:58 PM
Byk sgt dah... Dgn wechat, line, chaton.. Ntah pape lg...  aktif wassap je pon.. Sbb simple n ...

Jom terjun kolam


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Post time 29-1-2015 08:49 AM | Show all posts
lily_kama replied at 28-1-2015 08:13 PM
Cekap brekdance ?

Dlm lirik sebut nama sendiri? Ingat L-kick tu Layman-Kick...

bukan retis suka2 underground je.....tapi dah tak aktif........

dulu banyak breakdance moves yg wa boleh buat...sekarang dah lama tak praktis jadi banyak yg dah 'susah' nak buat...
kenapa lily gelak cerita wa???


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Post time 29-1-2015 11:36 AM | Show all posts


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Post time 29-1-2015 11:38 AM | Show all posts
lkick2113 replied at 29-1-2015 08:49 AM
bukan retis suka2 underground je.....tapi dah tak aktif........

dulu banyak breakda ...

Sengih jerrrrr

Underground pon kira retis gak.. Ada follower / peminat...


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Post time 29-1-2015 11:50 AM | Show all posts
lily_kama replied at 29-1-2015 11:38 AM
Sengih jerrrrr

Underground pon kira retis gak.. Ada follower / peminat...

tak la terkenal pon so nak kata ada ke tak ada peminat tu agak susah nak cakap b'coz very subjective...lily tak pernah tanya wa banyak2 mcm ni pon tetiba je nak tanya kenapa???

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Post time 29-1-2015 12:11 PM | Show all posts
lkick2113 replied at 29-1-2015 11:50 AM
tak la terkenal pon so nak kata ada ke tak ada peminat tu agak susah nak cakap b'coz very subjecti ...

Selalu lkick mcm kurang mesra nak jawab
Sbb tu malas nak tanya pape... Yg nombor 2113 tu apa maksud lak..?

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Post time 29-1-2015 12:21 PM | Show all posts
lily_kama replied at 29-1-2015 12:11 PM
Selalu lkick mcm kurang mesra nak jawab
Sbb tu malas nak tanya pape... Yg nombor 2113 tu ap ...

banyak tafsirannya lily.....2113 tu melambangkan wa la......2 ada maksud, 11 ada maksud 3 pun ada maksud....selain tu ayat quran 21:13 dan 2:113...cuba lily cari ayat 2:113 ni wa punya pegangan dalam beragama

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Post time 29-1-2015 12:30 PM | Show all posts
lkick2113 replied at 29-1-2015 12:21 PM
banyak tafsirannya lily.....2113 tu melambangkan wa la......2 ada maksud, 11 ada maksud 3 pun ada  ...

The Jews say "The Christians have nothing [true] to stand on," and the Christians say, "The Jews have nothing to stand on," although they [both] recite the Scripture. Thus the polytheists speak the same as their words. But Allah will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection concerning that over which they used to differ.

Bukan semua org pon (islam) berpegang (faham) begini?

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Post time 29-1-2015 12:32 PM | Show all posts
lily_kama replied at 29-1-2015 12:30 PM
The Jews say "The Christians have nothing [true] to stand on," and the Christians say, "The Jews h ...

cuba lily pikir apa yg kita boleh amik iktibar?????

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Post time 29-1-2015 01:20 PM | Show all posts
lkick2113 replied at 29-1-2015 12:32 PM
cuba lily pikir apa yg kita boleh amik iktibar?????

Masing2 xyah nak tunjuk bagus ..

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Post time 29-1-2015 01:58 PM | Show all posts
lily_kama replied at 29-1-2015 01:20 PM
Masing2 xyah nak tunjuk bagus ..

senario di malaysia ni macam tu la.....dan ingat lagi pasal hadis yg kata kununnya 73 golongan dan 1 golongan dapat masuk syurga????

cuba bandingkan dgn quran.....contradict ke tidak???

anyway lily....makan apa lunch tadi??? wa tak makan....


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Post time 29-1-2015 04:45 PM | Show all posts

x nakkk

Selamat Berpuasa!


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Post time 29-1-2015 08:35 PM | Show all posts
lkick2113 replied at 29-1-2015 01:58 PM
senario di malaysia ni macam tu la.....dan ingat lagi pasal hadis yg kata kununnya 73 golongan dan ...

Yup.. Sgt contradicted....
Dlm life kita yg simple ni pon byk yg mcm tu..

Td mkn nasik+hati ayam masak sambal + bayam goreng....
Naper x mkn? Puasa ke....?

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