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Author: lavender_aqua

[Borak] Rumah Gosip V36 - Sehangat Sinaran Suria

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Post time 6-3-2015 11:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 6-3-2015 09:25 AM
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yer lah topik tu lah nov yang mulakan

Nov tgh pns mmg sdp la perkataan nov guna pakai.."org tua" je x tau...

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Post time 7-3-2015 12:00 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 6-3-2015 09:25 AM
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tak ada rasanya

Apa yg x de eh?

Td best giler kingsman...

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Post time 7-3-2015 12:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lavender_aqua replied at 6-3-2015 09:26 AM
calling kawan2

@ciksurie @Tashu @amiraira @tari @SirihPinang @sunquick @rina79 @anna-zara @ain034 ...

Knapa.Mira x dpt tag nih

Saja je porem Ank tirikn Mira

Byk Kali sgt terjadi

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Post time 7-3-2015 12:02 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 6-3-2015 09:25 AM
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tak boleh sebab nov kata dah tahu jawapan

Nk tny jugak sbb +1

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Post time 7-3-2015 12:03 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 6-3-2015 09:25 AM
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tak tahu lah moy menhilang ke amna

Ada je tu mst bz...

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Post time 7-3-2015 12:05 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 6-3-2015 09:25 AM
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belum berakhir lagi... rumah tak dapat lagi ni

Insyaallah..mst dpt jgk nnt..

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Post time 7-3-2015 12:06 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 6-3-2015 09:25 AM
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yer lah bagus sifat2 terpuji gitew

Byk sgt sifat terpuji yg mana satu yg kita tgh bincangkan neh

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Post time 7-3-2015 12:08 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 6-3-2015 09:25 AM
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tak cuci rambut eh

Klu kat rmh tiap2 hari cuci tp klu kat kedai dah lama la x cuci..

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Post time 7-3-2015 12:10 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 6-3-2015 09:25 AM
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tak tahu lah tapi tahun ni dorang ada kenaikan 100

As bgtau eh? Ok la tu janji ada gak kenaikan ..dr nov..

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Post time 7-3-2015 12:51 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 6-3-2015 09:25 AM
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kadang tapau tapi sejak dua menjak ni selalu sangat makan kat luar

Makan luar lg best sbb makanan panas2..

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Post time 7-3-2015 12:52 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 6-3-2015 09:25 AM
Check in... first
sulam maksudnya?

Buat sesuatu secara berselang seli

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Post time 7-3-2015 12:54 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 6-3-2015 09:25 AM
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makan sorang ke?

Klu mkn luar mksdnya dgn kawan..bertuah nov mkn sorang...

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Post time 7-3-2015 12:56 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 6-3-2015 09:25 AM
Check in... first

terbabas reply lah tu

Ala sajer je usik nay..sampuk je...nov pun mcm tu klu rs nov nk mencelah topik apa2...

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Post time 7-3-2015 12:59 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 6-3-2015 09:25 AM
Check in... first
harus lah bertambah x kan makin turun pulak

Moyan constant itu yg mencanak naiknya..

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Post time 7-3-2015 01:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 6-3-2015 09:25 AM
Check in... first
masalah orang atasan ke masalah nov

Bkn mslh dept lain..

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Post time 7-3-2015 01:02 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sbb tu SV x kacau nov moyan sbb keje nov siap..

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Post time 7-3-2015 01:06 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 6-3-2015 09:25 AM
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tu lah... suh amik tahu

Ambik tau apa pulak ni..nov looking forward nxt movie...runallnight

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Post time 7-3-2015 01:08 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 6-3-2015 09:25 AM
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ha ah nov memang kejar oldtimer

Lejen pun x lps lg ada hati nk kejar oldtimer

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Post time 7-3-2015 01:15 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 6-3-2015 09:25 AM
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macam x caya jer 12 page notis nay

Sila lah percaya ni pun nov gigih mereply di pagi nan hening neh

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Post time 7-3-2015 01:16 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 6-3-2015 09:25 AM
Check in... first
lah ingatkan dah closing dah

Klu nk bg award ckp x serupa bikin leh bg kat company nov keje

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